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Everything posted by Sabrina

  1. [FONT="Tahoma"]I think I knew from the moment I saw the bit with the [spoiler]execution[/spoiler] that this anime was going to be rather interesting. o_O It's got a very psychological feel and twist to how everything builds only to totally break apart later on. The Count is so [spoiler]manipulative with how he slowly tears them apart.[/spoiler] I do like the visuals though at first they took getting use to and the music is fun as well. I really do like the ending song to this show. It just fits it so nicely. ^_^ Anyway, I really enjoyed how it wrapped up, it was fascinating to me how it ended since I was not expecting that. >_> I'm assuming that what undid [spoiler]the Count was the phrase about holding out hope, his own words of advice.[/spoiler] Anyway, that was a fun show to watch, even if I did cry over what happened in episode eighteen. [/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Tahoma"]Oh my! *laughs wildly* We've been locked in! XD Anyway, I was just wondering the same thing that Aaryanna just asked. So I'll wait for an answer before I work on another post. Hehe. :catgirl: I wonder if that happened when the when the temporary power Samantha restored ended. The doors locking automatically like that. o_O I guess they should not have dawdled and poked their noses into things! =P [B]EDIT:[/B] Nevermind, James just answered the question. Hehe.[/FONT]
  3. [CENTER][IMG]http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/9613/sabavixi1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG] http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2357/kathykf5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG] http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/9978/vboavatarey3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG] http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/5076/aryaviif9.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Viktor found himself resisting the urge to giggle like a small school boy. If only Misha and his father could see him now! Just imagining their stern looks of disapproval was enough to nearly get him started again. Even if it was just a short crawl through an air vent the sheer absurdity of their actions only served to remind him of all the things he had missed as a child. The few times he had gotten to spend time with other children his age, he had always been so envious of all the tales of adventures that they had. They could have been merely bragging but that had not mattered at the time. His own brief and interrupted attempts to explore the grounds of the manor as well as sneak into the massive attic above had seemed so pale in comparison to their tales. “[B]The cargo port isn’t all that secure if one can simply get around it by going through the air vents.[/B]” Katelyn’s voice filtered back to Zahir and Viktor who were following the path Natalia was choosing for them. “[B]That’s why I think it’s a malfunction,[/B]” Natalia stopped and used her torch to highlight a section of the vent. “[B]It looks like there is some sort of grate that can be triggered to isolate part of the station but as you can see, it’s open.[/B]” Natalia waited for the others to look at what she was illuminating with her torch. It looked like the edge of some sort of thin metal plate running along the air vent's side, there was a corresponding groove in the top, bottom and the other side. Once everyone had looked she turned back and picked another branch in the air vent heading towards the right. "[B]How did you know about the grate?[/B]" Zahir asked. "[B]We have something similar in all of the casinos.[/B]" Natalia sounded amused. "[B]Metal mesh grates every so often to keep people from using the air vents to get into things they shouldn't. They can be opened if needed for repairs, but the rest of the time they are always in place.[/B]" "[B]I guess we should be glad this isn't a casino or else it would have been a waste of time to enter the air vent.[/B]" Katelyn observed. "[B]Well I can't imagine a need to really close off where the escape pods are located. I'm betting that those grates are the kind meant to close off the section in case of an actual breach and not to keep people out.[/B]" Natalia said. The group paused briefly as the sounds of whoever had been approaching when they entered the air vent could be heard echoing through the air vent. The voices were a bit too faint for them to make out what was being said but it was still enough that they all instinctively tried to make less noise as they moved. “[B]Can you see an exit yet?[/B]” Viktor called up to Natalia who was picking yet another direction to take as the air vent branched off again. He kept his voice low since he didn’t want his voice to carry back to whoever was back at the doors leading into the cargo bay. "[B]Yes, were almost there[/B]." She called back in a soft voice as well.
  4. [FONT="Tahoma"]I like making waffles when I have time. When I don't, I have something quick like cereal or cottage cheese. Sometimes I make toast and eggs or sausage and eggs. But most of the time it's waffles since I never seem to get tired of them. [/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Tahoma"]I just learned how to make avatars.^^ Plus I noticed you have none for Pretear so with that in mind, here are some for a new category for [B]Pretear[/B]. [IMG]http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn132/SabrinaMomose/Pretear/Go.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Pretear [B]Name:[/B] Go [IMG]http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn132/SabrinaMomose/Pretear/Hayate.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Pretear [B]Name: [/B]Hayate [IMG]http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn132/SabrinaMomose/Pretear/Hayate01.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Pretear [B]Name:[/B] Hayate [IMG]http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn132/SabrinaMomose/Pretear/Himeno.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Pretear [B]Name: [/B]Himeno [IMG]http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn132/SabrinaMomose/Pretear/Himeno01.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Pretear [B]Name:[/B] Himeno [IMG]http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn132/SabrinaMomose/Pretear/Himeno02.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Pretear [B]Name:[/B] Himeno [IMG]http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn132/SabrinaMomose/Pretear/Kei.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Pretear [B]Name:[/B] Kei [IMG]http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn132/SabrinaMomose/Pretear/Mayune.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Pretear [B]Name:[/B] Mayune [IMG]http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn132/SabrinaMomose/Pretear/Sasame.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Pretear [B]Name:[/B] Sasame [IMG]http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn132/SabrinaMomose/Pretear/Shin.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category: [/B]Pretear [B]Name:[/B] Shin[/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Gavin][SIZE="1"']Because apparently he's like crack to older women.[/SIZE][/quote]Because women prefer men over boys. =P [IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/8293/hayatelv9.jpg[/IMG][/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Tahoma"]Ooh! I saw the trailer to that just the other day. I remember watching the one they made back in 1959 as a kid. I just loved the idea of exploring the inside of the Earth! Naturally I grew up and learned more but that older movie is something I remember fondly. I really hope they did a good job with the re-make. I know I'm going to see it when it comes out. [/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Tahoma"]I use youtube to check out bands when I'm looking for new music to add to my collection. I follow links that members put up here as well, but other than that, I don't really go there very often. Maybe once or twice a week if that. [/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]And it continued to remain ever so friendly long after you two joined! [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=54015"][U]Click![/U][/URL][/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]O_O I suppose that's a good reason to say you're glad you haven't been around long enough to miss it. The less drama the better right?^^ Anyway, I've been here three months as of today! o_O Why does it feel like an eternity? Still, it's clear that there is nothing for me to really miss, I haven't been here long enough to get to that point. =P[/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Tahoma"]With him around, the girls won't even know you exist! =P [CENTER][IMG]http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/9562/dnangelbetterye2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=Aaryanna][COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]All of these replies and not one person told them the truth. [I]*shakes head* [/I] It's simple! You have to be a member of the Desbreko Fanclub! :D Every single moderator, whether its in their signature or not is a member! Some like to pretend they are not, but we know better. =P [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]o_O Is that what happened? No one told me that being a Dessy fan would result in that! :o I'd better get it into my signature and quick! :D[quote name='Aceburner][FONT="Comic Sans MS"']Great, thanks. Now I feel left out.:rolleyes:[/FONT][/quote]=P Work harder! [I]*shot*[/I] [spoiler]is convinced that there is other secret criteria that people must meet that isn't in the rules[/spoiler] >_> [/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Tahoma"]I'm sure it's possible, but I don't really think ghosts exist. I am religious DeathKnight, but at the same time, the existence of the afterlife doesn't necessarily mean that people's spirits are still around in this world. I believe in that but when it comes to ghosts... It's more that there is nothing I have seen or felt that was convincing or real enough to make me think they are around.[/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Tahoma"]I've gotten into the habit of watching the news via the Internet or onDemand since I love being able to skip the commercials and watch it whenever I want. I also check out the online site of the newspaper in our area. I don't always read it every day though. [/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial]Dang it, Raiha, you went and got my hopes up, and now that I've read the thread I've completely deflated. Shoot. Where am I to discuss the various methods of inflicting pain with a parsnip now? Although, I prefer a nice scalpel..... [I]*ahem*[/I][/FONT][/QUOTE]o_O Anyway, I was never subjected to siblings practicing different instruments and so forth. We're a pretty non-musical family. We did get subjected to the horrible smells of failed attempts to make new dishes though. All of us tend to enjoy doing a lot of cooking, though now we've all gotten pretty good at it, myself included, so it's no longer torture. I have gotten to listen to people practice who have been doing it long enough that it's fun to listen to since they are good at what they do. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Tahoma"]I finished it earlier today and I agree, the ending stumbled a bit with the stuff about the others, but like you both said the ending was good. It really did suit the series. ^_^ I'm kind of sorry I'm done watching it since I enjoyed it a lot. :catgirl: I can tell that it's the type of show that down the road, I'll enjoy watching it again. [/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Tahoma"]I decided to do a quick post. Blame Sarvel, she insisted I indicate what she would do after a storm so it's the next morning after that storm Darren described in his last post. Also, it's a good thing she's going to learn about vampires soon. >_> Those dead spots are really irritating her [I]a lot[/I]. I was expecting her to hold off more but they are different in a way that completely annoys her. XP Or so she tells me. o_O She's also of the opinion that it's something that as an elemental, she would be able to cleanse or get rid of. I'm not sure how that works or why she's thinking that. I also don't know if it's true or not. It's something I'll have to explore and any input or thoughts would be welcome. I'm getting the impression that in the past, on some level elementals did care for the environment in the immediate area where they lived. Sarvel was picking up information just from the flow of the water, among other things. [/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]The Human Taint[/B][/CENTER] ?[B]You really like this place don?t you?[/B]? Sarvel just nodded instead of answering Phaidra directly. There were very few places close to the city that were as untouched as the waterfall they were visiting. Sitting as close to the base as possible on some moss covered rocks, they had been enjoying the sound of the water flowing over the layers of rock that were tiered much like a set of uneven steps in the human cities. Bright green moss grew on the rocks where the water flowed down in cascading sheets. The air was laden with a cool mist that settled on their faces. Phaidra ignored how it was slowly soaking her clothing while Sarvel merely shook slightly from time to time, sending the accumulating water back into the air. ?[B]If I had the time, I would seek out other places such as this for the information to be had. That is not why I am here though.[/B]? ?[B]Does it bother you that the humans are so destructive?[/B]? Sarvel shook her head, ?[B]No, they too young, too immature to truly understand what they do.[/B]? She finally stood up, shaking again to rid herself of the water as she took to the air with Phaidra following closely behind her. ?[B]Their lives are so short that even if I were to spend every moment they had trying to teach them, it would be nothing more than a glimpse into why their behavior is wrong.[/B]? The two moved higher until they were above the trees before heading back towards the outer town where they were staying. Sarvel followed the pace that Phaidra set in order to allow the rush of air time to help dry out her clothing and hair. They would have been an odd sight if the humans had been able to see them, an ornate fox and a woman with long black hair flying through the air just above the treetops. ?[B]True,[/B]? Phaidra glanced sideways at Sarvel. ?[B]It would be the same if I were to attempt to teach one of them how to use magic. We have spent over millennia learning to master it before we moved to doing serious research. I?m not sure if it?s possible for one to learn anything of use in the tiny amount of time they have on Earth.[/B]? Sarvel grunted slightly in response, her attention was on the massive city off in the distance. It gleamed brightly, the air free of the usual haze that surrounded the place. It had been temporarily cleansed by the storm that had moved through the area during the night. It wouldn?t last long though, the never-ending flow of human traffic would see to that. It was why she had insisted on a short trip to the waterfall though. There was information to be gained from the influence of a storm and change in the flow of the water. It was more of a habit than a necessity though. She did not need to follow up on the threads she felt running through the water and the Earth. Sarvel had mainly been interested in the calm tranquility it offered. The additional information from the storm was a bonus. A familiar jarring feeling brought her up short as they got to the edge of the outer town where they were staying. Her fur rose a bit, standing on end and she fought back the urge to growl at the abysmal disturbance. She would have streaked off to confront it if not for the fact that it was moving away from the small town at a high speed towards the larger city in the distance. ?[B]I am getting tired of those irritating dead spots.[/B]? Sarvel growled when Phaidra stopped to see what had gotten her attention. ?[B]Are they in the town?[/B]? ?[B]No, they must be in one of those contraptions the human?s use, a vehicle, since the two spots are heading towards the main city far faster than any human can move.[/B]? Sarvel explained, her tails twitching in agitation. ?[B]So they were here but left.[/B]? Sarvel nodded. ?[B]I can?t say where exactly without taking the time to hunt for traces, but the presence was clearly within the town boundaries when I first detected it.[/B]? She streaked off towards their place instead of giving into the urge to give chase. ?[B]If we didn?t have other duties that require our attention I?d find out just what the hell those things are.[/B]? ?[B]We can always do that the next time we have a long break between assignments if you wish.[/B]? Phaidra offered. ?[B]You said that they give off an aura that is harmful to life, it might be best if you don?t go looking on your own.[/B]? Sarvel just gave off a tiny grunt as they came to the building they were staying in. If the dead spots really were harmful, she?d take care of that. She wasn?t entirely sure why they annoyed her so much. Other taints and imbalances didn?t grate on her nerves like they did and a part of her wondered why the odd dead spots were different in that respect. [/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Tahoma"]I like making my own pizza actually. Sometimes I'll cheat and get those ready made crusts where you just toss on what you want, but the rest of the time I just make it from scratch.^^ It's really good and I love experimenting with different combinations. My favorite though is a three cheese pizza, yummy stuff! I also like getting pita bread and putting in cheese, sauce, mushrooms, pineapple, ham, bacon and black olives. You just toss it into the microwave (though I use a cooking toaster when I can) to heat it up until the cheese melts. Very, very tasty![/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Tahoma"]I?ve been watching this show and I just adore it. ^_^ Risa and Otani are so cute and fun to watch. The show has had so many fun moments that just make me laugh out loud. Like the one where Otani later learns that the girl Seiko who [spoiler]kissed him is really a boy o_O[/spoiler] and the time when Haruka shows up out of nowhere. Startling both Otani and Risa when he hugs her immediately since they are [spoiler]childhood friends.[/spoiler] Every time I think the show can?t get any funnier it does. I really love the music to this show too. There are times when they use organ music that sounds like a funky variation of Bach?s organ fugues that just totally crack me up. XD I?ve watched the first 18 episodes already, it?s hard to believe there?s only six more to go![/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Tahoma"]I just started playing [B]Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King[/B] So far I'm loving the cell shading and the characters. I'm not that far along but it looks like it's going to be a very interesting and fun game to play. I like have the choice to develop the characters in different skill sets instead of being stuck with just one. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Tahoma"]I walk. It's not that hard to do since the campus I attend is pretty big. I also avoid using my car unless I need to. When it's warm out I also get more exercise by hiking and doing yard work. I don't have a specific workout per se. I get more than enough walking each week to qualify for it and I have no interest in adding even more on top of that.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='ChocolatePocky']This sounds fun, sign meh up![/quote]Thank you for the interest, however this contest has already come to a close. Don't let that stop you from joining the fun here though! There are several fun threads where everyone is welcome to participate. You don't have to sign up either. :catgirl: [thread=58857][U]The Cinquain Poem Game[/U][/thread] [thread=58987][U]The Limerick Thread[/U][/thread] [thread=59125][U]6 Fiction- AKA The Short Short Story[/U][/thread] [thread=58988][U]55 Fiction ? The Sequel[/U][/thread] [thread=59147][U]The Anthology Shuffle Game[/U][/thread][/FONT]
  23. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Boo][size=1]But... What's this free will idea you speak of? [spoiler]Didn't you all just wake up with ball and chains in a creepy dungeon with only a computer?..[/spoiler'][/size][/quote]I think you've hit it spot on.[FONT="Arial"]^^[/FONT] I know that's how it happened for me. The ball and chain was there when I signed in! o_O Not here of course, but still. It was rather startling until I checked my e-mail and found out why it was there. XP[/FONT]
  24. [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=Aberinkula][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]While I will take the challenge, I can't finish it tonight. But I'm must say Sabrina, this is just wow. You've showed us that you can make an amazing event, sorry but I think you should be the new event master lol. But seriously, you are an excellant host, you are happy, upbeat and fun, everything that makes a great host. Look forword to doing this more often.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]Thank you. I'm glad you like the idea, however, unlike the graphic worm you can't claim a challenge, unless you are literally working on it and will be posting within say an hour. In that case you can claim it and then come back and edit the post. However, if someone does that and two hours pass with no edit then the challenge is open to anyone again. So no claiming challenges if you don't have the time to write it up at that moment. No worries though Prem, if someone beats you to this challenge, you can always accept the one that they post! :catgirl:[/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Tahoma"]Welcome to the Anthology Shuffle Game! As you all know the Anthology is home to all sorts of literature from poems, songs, stories, fan fiction, and so much more. The Anthology Shuffle is a game where you challenge someone to write a short piece in one of the literature formats that grace this corner of the boards. For example you might challenge someone to write a poem about love or a short story about the beach. The idea is to be specific; you can even request what type of poem format you?d like to see it in. Here are a few examples: Challenge: Write a poem about love using rhymes. Challenge: Write a short story about the beach in 500 words or less. Challenge: Write an advertisement for Flunder, tell us what this marvel is! Sell it to the population! Now here is how it works: after answering the challenge by writing what they requested, you are to issue a challenge for the next person. Just make sure you keep it reasonable okay? One more thing, if a challenge goes unanswered for two days then someone can post and break the challenge by posting whatever they like, a short story, a poem, some lyrics, etc. Just indicate that you are posting a new challenge and don?t forget to give the next person a new one at the end of your post! And there you have it, the basic premises to the Anthology Shuffle. So to get this started, here is the first challenge! :catgirl: [B]Challenge:[/B] Write a short story, 200 words or less, about rain. [/FONT]
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