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Everything posted by Sabrina

  1. [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=Petie][COLOR=Blue]Should be working for everyone again. Let me know if you see anything else that is broken (i.e. missing information from profile pages). [/COLOR][/QUOTE]Thank you. It is indeed working again. :catgirl: I haven't noticed anything else but if I do I'll be sure to mention it here. [/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Tahoma"]Yes, I mean the link that is part of the post under your name. Here's a screenshot. I'm not sure why it's missing. I'm positive it was there before. [/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Tahoma"]I was wondering why the link to one's theOtaku profile is no longer showing. I thought perhaps I had removed the information somehow from my profile but it is still there. Is this just down temporarily? It's not a big deal but it is nice to have when you're curious about visiting someone over at the other site. I checked and the link is still there if you actually visit someone's profile. However it would be nice to see the original link in one's post restored. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Rachmaninoff][FONT="Trebuchet MS"']Personally I think it's a bad idea and does nothing but open things up for even more special interests to be shoved through the system.[/FONT][/quote]This. I feel the same about it. Also, am I the only one who thinks the reason why it happened is pretty stupid as well? Since when did the Courts decide a movie looked like a campaign ad? And if so how does that justify what they did? If it was one then the producers are the stupid ones. If it's not, I honestly haven't seen it so I can't say, then the Courts are the stupid ones. It just feels like they jumped on that movie and used it as an excuse to open things up for special interests that we don't need in politics. [/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Tahoma"]I could see being required to write an essay or do some community work. That kind of punishment would have been more realistic and geared towards teaching how important it is to not deface other people's property. I realize that markers can be removed fairly easily, but getting into the habit of writing on others property isn't a good habit to form. In this case, it is the arrest that I believe was a complete and total over reaction. It simply doesn't fit what happened. [/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Tahoma"]I do the same thing at times. Find a bruise later on that I've no idea how I got. [/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Tahoma"]Since people have the right of publicity in regards to images of themselves having value, using someone's image without consent for commercial gain makes them liable and open to be sued. Simply stating in say an article that she doesn't wear fur is fine since it's stating relevant facts where putting her image on posters and using them in ads is not. I also saw on the news that a company put up a huge billboard of Obama since he was wearing one of their coats at the time. Like the ones about the fur, that too will need to come down since they did not get his permission to do that. I think it's pretty obvious that PETA wasn't all that concerned about it and used it as a publicity stunt. As for the other group, I would find it hard to believe that they didn't know they were crossing the line by using the President's image. [/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']I'll see your parent and raise you a Godfather/uncle and two first cousins with a third in training.[/SIZE][/quote]I raise you freshly baked cookies and brownies! :catgirl: I honestly don't completely understand the reputation system, mainly because I've never used one, but the idea of specific themes sounds like it could be a lot of fun. So I voted yes, with the option that everyone is involved.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Tahoma"]I miss the warm weather and my cat. ._.[/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Tahoma"]We need more of Karl being smug! [SIZE="1"][I]*shot*[/I][/SIZE] Sorry if my post is a bit short but I didn't have much else to add at the moment. [/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Following A Line Of Investigation[/B][/CENTER] It didn?t take Phaidra very long to set up the set spell in Lucia?s place. If anything she had seemed eager for the chance to do something else for a bit. It was similar to what the vampire they had faced had used, but at the same time quite different. Phaidra and Sarvel were using a type of stone that was akin to the crystal material that made up Lucia?s communicator. Not because it was necessary but because for such a specific spell it made it easier to make it so it would only react if a vampire actually entered her place. Anyone with a decent understanding of magic could potentially detect it and disarm the spell, so she made sure that both Lucia and Ruby knew not to depend on it. Unlike the ward that kept humans out unless she let them in, this would merely serve as a potential distraction should she need it. Though any vampire caught unawares by it, especially if they had little magic knowledge, would be incinerated on the spot. That had been the other tricky part, making sure it didn?t set Lucia?s place on fire in the process. She thought she had it but without the ability to test it, she couldn?t be sure. ?[B]I would make sure to back up any information you have in case that should happen.[/B]? Phaidra told Lucia once she was done. ?[B]I keep a copy on my other communicator,[/B]? Lucia motioned to the one sitting on the work table. ?[B]A fire would not affect it. Since I make a copy of any new information and transfer it over every week, very little information would be lost.[/B]? Lucia turned so she was facing the pair directly. ?[B]Thank you.[/B]? ?[B]No problem.[/B]? Phaidra smiled in response. ?[B]If there is anything else you?d like, just let me know.[/B]? ?[B]I will.[/B]? Lucia glanced in the direction of the deck. ?[B]I need to get going so, see you later.[/B]? Phaidra nodded and with Sarvel in tow, headed back to her own place. She needed to finish writing up the notes for one of her current projects so she could send the info back to the other side. The school preferred regular updates even if she didn?t have much to give them. This time she had plenty since stage one of making a ward that would create a neutral zone free of impurities was finished. Phaidra had originally thought it would take a lot longer to tweak the circle and ward design to create a more balanced atmosphere for her place, but since she was not the first person to do that kind of research, it had gone much quicker than she expected. The only drawback was it required a lot more spiritual energy to maintain it than she would have liked. The one she set up for Lucia?s place could theoretically go a fifty years, if not more, without needing anything for it to keep functioning. This ward, by her calculations, would last all of perhaps five years provided no one tampered with it. Given time, she was sure she could improve it.[/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Tahoma"]It would depend on how she set it up. For more than one use, it would most likely need to be recharged since there won't be an outside magical power source for it. So in this case, it would only work once. Also, it's far from infallible. A more powerful vampire, especially if they know any magic, could potentially detect it and simply get around it. Though unless they were very skilled, traces of it being tampered with would be detectable.[/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='SunfallE][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Looks like Phaidra and Sarvel are going to find an empty apartment. I didn't expect Karl to haul Lucia and Ruby off so quickly to look for a suitable location for the training. o_O[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote]That's fine. I found it amusing that Karl dragged her off for training immediately. XD At least she'll return to find a surprise waiting for her. Same goes for Nathan as well, since Phaidra tells me that he was still gone when she stopped by. [/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Sounds Like?[/B][/CENTER] It wasn’t the first time that Phaidra had dropped by only to find someone gone. She had done, like she always did, and merely put the containers in their fridge and left them a message so they’d know it was there. She supposed she could have called first to make sure they would be there, but that took the fun out of surprising them. She got the feeling that Nathan and Lucia didn’t mind. Now all Phaidra had to do was wait for the others to reply to her inquiry as to what day would be best to get together. She was in no hurry, not after what happened the other day. She and Sarvel were more than content to go back to their regular duties. She still needed to prepare the set spells that Lucia wanted for her apartment. It shouldn’t be too hard to set up. Once she finished gathering information from the library on their side, she could return and go about implementing it. She could have set up something similar to what she had collapsed that one time, but that could have unexpected side effects that would physically damage Lucia’s lab. So instead she was going to create a set spell that was vaguely similar to what the Vampire had. She would set up one at each corner of Lucia’s abode. Now that she had been around vampires more, she knew what was needed to set a trap that would trigger upon detecting their presence. The trick would be to make it so it wouldn’t react unless a vampire actually entered her place. It wouldn’t do to have humans seeing a vampire destroyed by magic in plain daylight. “[B]You finished yet?[/B]” Phaidra looked up to answer Sarvel, “[B]Almost. How about you[/B]?” Sarvel hopped up and took a seat on the monitor next to the one Phaidra was using. “[B]I was right; the records clearly state that the Jian clan was wiped out.[/B]” “[B]So it’s an imposter.[/B]” Sarvel nodded. “[B]They probably used the name to gain influence.[/B]” “[B]What about that odd phrase Lucia wanted us to check out?[/B]” “[B]To be honest,[/B]” she tilted her head to the side, “[B]I have no idea where to begin. I tried doing a search based on what it sounds like, but that didn’t bring anything up.[/B]” “[B]I was afraid of that.[/B]” Phaidra replied. “[B]I wish I could remember why it seems like I should know it, then I would know where to start looking.[/B]” Sarvel just flattened her ears. “[B]Anyway, as soon as I’m done here, we can head back.[/B]” [/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Tahoma"]Both of those stores are pretty wacky. When it comes to sheer absurdity, the one about the dumpster wins. I mean... what the heck were they even thinking to choose [I]that[/I] kind of location? o_O[/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Tahoma"]Like Miss A said, you know it's bad when the President actually says you're a jackass. Considering how rude he was, I'd say that was putting it mildly. o_O[/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Tahoma"]I don't have a lot of problems wanting to sleep, but I do find my attention wandering. When that happens, I try to go over what was discussed and make sure I got everything down in notes. It doesn't always work, but it does help me to stay focused on what the teacher is talking about. [/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Tahoma"]It's barely after 2pm and I feel like taking a nap. I could see feeling tired if I didn't get enough sleep or something, but I did. I have a headache too, I hope I'm not getting sick. o_O[/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Deviled Eggs [/B][/CENTER] Phaidra tucked her cell phone in her pocket and stood up before taking the dishes over to the sink. It was oddly comforting to lose herself in the simple task of cleaning up from the tea and putting everything away. She started to turn to head back to the main room and stopped, when another thought occurred to her. “[B]What are you doing?[/B]” Sarvel asked her curiously. Phaidra just smiled to herself as she started pulling out the stuff for making appetizers. It wouldn’t take her too long and it wasn’t like she had to worry about the others going to bed. It helped that she had been around them long enough that she already knew what kinds of foods they liked. “[B]Oh, so you’re going to take everyone snacks again. Are you going to stop by Adrian and Astera’s place too?[/B]” “[B]Of course, I don’t know what they like yet, so I’ll just take a little of everything.[/B]” Phaidra answered. “[B]I meant to ask them earlier, but I forgot.[/B]” “[B]I don’t suppose you have any shrimp in there.[/B]” Sarvel said wistfully. A small chuckle escaped Phaidra’s lips. “[B]Of course I do.[/B]” Once she was finally done, it didn’t take her long to divide everything up into separate containers for each person. When it came to figuring out what people liked, Lucia had been the hardest. Even now, she was still a little standoffish. The biggest thing that kept her returning was the feeling that in spite of Lucia’s withdrawn nature, she actually did enjoy the company. “[B]So who are you going to visit first?[/B]” Sarvel inquired as Phaidra finished tucking the containers in a silver catering carry case. “[B]How about Adrian and Astera?[/B]” “[B]I figured you’d visit Lucia and Ruby first.[/B]” “[B]Normally I would, but Lucia was saying she had some questions about magic, so we’ll visit her last.[/B]” “[B]Ah, I see.[/B]” Sarvel hopped out of the chair she had been sitting in. “[B]You know,[/B]” Sarvel said as they started to head out. “[B]It probably wouldn’t hurt to check everyone’s schedule so we can set up a time to go over what everyone has learned. Now that they’re seriously trying to stop us, we need to be more cautious.[/B]” “[B]I know. I was actually thinking about that.[/B]” Phaidra took to the air once they were clear of the building. “[B]This makes the third time we’ve run into a trap. We need to rethink how we respond to the information Lucia obtains. This time, we were lucky that Nathan and the others could help us, but we can’t afford to rely on that.[/B]” “[B]Did you have something in mind?[/B]” “[B]I’m not sure. That’s why I think we need to discuss it with everyone.[/B]” Phaidra replied. “[B]Should we always stick together? Would it be better to hold off on investigating locations for a while? I just don’t know.[/B]” She shrugged slightly and dropped the subject when the building where Adrian and Astera’s lived came in view. “[B]Anyway, I hope they don’t mind unexpected visitors.[/B]”[/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Tahoma"]I'm not sure if I find that amusing or not. I am curious to know if it actually did have the intended effect, to get more people to attend. [/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Tahoma"]And mine says Otaku. o_O That's definitely new since it used to say Member.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Tahoma"]And here I trimmed out half of mine since I couldn't get it to work. ^^ So it's a little on the short side and several days late since I meant to post it much sooner. [/FONT]
  23. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]What Now?[/B][/CENTER] Phaidra was glad she didn’t have to go far to get home. She was tempted to make use of the bed and actually take a nap, but her mind was racing and she knew that unless she forced it, she would not fall asleep. She had already rested enough when she had accidentally tranced at Lucia’s place, which had taken the edge off of her weariness. So she raided the kitchen and made some Lavender Tea instead. As if sensing her inner turmoil, Sarvel simply stretched out on one of the chairs and patiently waited for her to finish. It wasn’t until Phaidra finished up the second cup of tea before she finally pushed it away and turned to Sarvel. “[B]You know what concerns me most, right?[/B]” Sarvel raised her head and nodded, “[B]We are not supposed to use magic in a manner that attracts the attention of humans. A spell, like the one that took care of the vampires, will have shown up on the monitors. The humans already noticed it.[/B]” “[B]Exactly. I’ve been careful to avoid magic like that, but what if it happens again? What if we have no choice?[/B]” She sighed. “[B]The only time I’ve ever used magic in that manner was back at the school, under carefully prepared wards to keep it from affecting anything.[/B]” Sarvel waited for her to continue but Phaidra sighed again and changed the topic. “[B]And I thought the vampire Lucia and I ran into was bad.[/B]” She hesitated briefly. “[B]Would it bother you if we head back tomorrow? Instead of working on recipes until our next assignment, I’d like to check the records at the school for anything related to the magic used during the war.[/B]” “[B]What about what Lucia wanted us to check?[/B]” “[B]We can still check that after returning and taking care of our assignment.[/B]” Sarvel shrugged. “[B]Fine by me if they approve it.[/B]” “[B]Right.[/B]” Phaidra pulled out her cellphone and sent off the request. [/FONT]
  24. [FONT="Tahoma"]To be honest, I'm disappointed that there is so much opposition to improving our health care system. I have what's known as a bicuspid aortic valve and though regular treatment keeps it from being an issue, getting insurance on my own, is difficult since no one wants to cover my yearly visits to a heart specialist or the medications that I have to take. If not for my parents keeping me insured since I'm a student, I would have none. The college does offer insurance for students, but it does not cover any pre-existing conditions, at all. It's only good for unexpected illnesses. So that kind of deal wouldn't cover the regular care that I need. When I finish school, I plan on working, but if I can't find something I would be out of luck buying insurance on my own. Again, for the pre-existing condition issue since companies you purchase it from can and do turn people down. However, unlike others, I am at least fortunate enough that my parents would employ me in the family business if I couldn't find something, if only to make sure I'm still insured in case something comes up.[/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Tahoma"]I don't really use a lot of soy sauce. I do know that so far, I've liked the stuff I've had that uses it. Anyway, I am planning on trying out more dishes that use it though. I'm always looking for new things to try out since I love to cook. [/FONT]
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