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Everything posted by Sabrina

  1. [FONT="Tahoma"]Curse upcoming finals keeping me from getting to this sooner. XP Anyway! On to the poems. I'm going to bold/change the font size to highlight the areas I have thoughts on. The explanation will come after I've done that. [QUOTE][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DimGray"][B][U]A Turnable Profit in the Shape of Shame[/U][/B] Truly outdated and overrated. So, sum up the circles we turn around. But so far, I only count [SIZE="3"][B]3[/B][/SIZE], when there's so many more. I know for a fact we're playing with fire. And I know the devil's gunna get burned. So stop mending the squares. It's time to drown. The water's getting warmer, and the blood is circulating. It's like a triangle, I swear. I try, I turn, I trade. It never seems to end So far I feel jaded, never persuaded. Oh no, my check has gone unfound. So break the rectangular table and count with me. I see hundreds of things I abhor. I'll quit spinning the circle, if I find someone to hire. I've tried so hard to obtain what I've earned. So I'll just use the change I found under the chairs. And spend my shame in the town. [CENTER][B][U]From Now on I Sleep in My Shorts[/U][/B] Oh, we slide into vivid dreams, like we slide into our pants. So swiftly, yet we get caught [SIZE="3"][B]in the zipper[/B][/SIZE]. So stuck on our nightmares; some day they'll get us. Dammit I say as I slip into the sleeper. Mechanical mindsets, look at the forms. I just want to awake, where I sleep in these dorms We forgot to set our alarm. But that's okay, these beasts do a lot more harm. Oh, we fade into our dreams. We become what we pretend to be. [SIZE="3"][B]Its[/B][/SIZE] the mortal folly, one we know so dear. But let's just hope the machines can hear. Adorable creatures, look at their smiles. But don't' turn around on them. The suffering could last a while. As it is, we could be here forever. So next time we should set our alarms. [/CENTER] [RIGHT] [B][U][SIZE="3"][B]3[/B][/SIZE] Dots Don't Look Like a Lifeguard[/U][/B] Souls... drowning in what looks to be cherry kool aid. Halt... drinking this could be fatal. Filter... [SIZE="3"][B]out[/B][/SIZE] the pain like it was never there. Fade... These waters aren't safe, but they never really were. Ah who cares, I'll go in for a dip anyways. Splash... can you hear that sound? Temptation... It will get us [SIZE="3"][B]no where[/B][/SIZE] in this lake. Scout... the land seems too calm. Fade... These waters bear our ends, but we never really cared. Huh, why dare? It's my reflective pool. Dead souls swim, unprotected. Splash into temptation, oh how I envy the dead.[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]Alright, the first point, I?d change 3 to three. It?s usually better to actually spell out the number since on its own it kind of sticks out. Second point, the phrase ?in the zipper? just seems to flow awkwardly, I have no suggestion on what you could do different though. Third point, just a grammar one since that should be It?s instead of Its. And the next 3? Try spelling it out as Three to see how it looks. Now as for the word out? It just seems redundant since the word never says the same thing. Filter? the pain like it was never there. See? And last is a grammar one again since no where should be nowhere. ^_~ Anyway, the three poems were interesting to read and I hope you don?t mind the input.[/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Tahoma"]Alright! Since both Aaryanna_Mom and Raiha have indicated they are fine with it, variations are allowed. Just keep in mind that the topic has to be the same and the number of letters/lines has to be close to the original. Now, get creative! :catgirl: [/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Tahoma"]It?s that time of year when winter starts to finally disappear and the days get longer and the weather steadily warmer. ^_^ Well? for some of us since I imagine for members in Australia like James? >_> It?s moving into fall instead of spring. XP Anyway, the point of this thread is that every year when this time comes around I find myself gripped by a phenomena that I?ve come to call spring madness! The urge to do something, anything to feel less hemmed in. Winter always sees me staying inside since I positively hate being cold, but once it warms up I always feel an urge to change. That change most often is the desire to spend as much time outside as possible or to do spring cleaning around the house/apartment. XP So this year, like always, I?m tearing my room apart and rearranging things. I don?t know why I always get this urge each spring, I just do. So? what type of things do you find yourself doing each year? Cleaning? Gardening? Hiking? :catgirl:[/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='8bit'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]So, what about you guys? What's your OtakuBoards Routine?[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]Other than to visit and post... I don't think I have one yet. o_O Other than looking to see if there are new posts in the threads I'm subscribed to. Other than that, it just depends on what catches my eye, or if a section has new posts in it at all. I usually find something since there's a lot of stuff to check out, especially since people will refer to something in their post and I have no idea what it means. So I end up asking [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi [/COLOR]what it means and then checking out the thread in question. XP [/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Tahoma"]This poem is a total [I]*headdesk* [/I]moment! >_> And no, I'm not going to explain that. I already did somewhere else! That and there's [I]no way[/I] I'm typing it again. XP [CENTER]Temptation Attraction; lure Listen to it's powerful melody Charisma - Oh you do me wrong! Utterly enchanted [/CENTER][/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Well, not to sound NEEDY or anything, but I'd feel very sad if I'd just finished reading a poem that didn't refer to me in all my glory once. Especially since I just finished [sort of] tossing off my opponent with such glee and glowing praise in my own entry.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]The topic would have to be the same/similar, for example a variant would look like this: [B]Vote for neuvoxraiha [/B] I used your older user name since length wise it's close to the previous one. So I hope that clears up what type of variant it would have to be. :catgirl: It still has to have the same theme of why the other person should win.[/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]I also have ways to check whether or not the accounts were created by the same person. If someone seriously tries to get another person's account merged I'll run them down on my motorcycle, so watch it. :demon:[/color][/QUOTE]Dessy has a motorcycle? o_O Oh my... XD That does it! Valentines Day, April Fools, the Caramelldansen skin... and now this? Where the heck do I sign up for the Dessy fan club!!! XD[/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Tahoma"]Normally I'd consider a variant acceptable so long as the number of lines were close to the original and the message was the same. However, with two entires already in, I feel allowing that at this point wouldn't be fair. But, if both Raiha and Aaryanna_Mom are fine with allowing a variant, at that point I'd open it up for everyone. So the question is, what are your thoughts on it? Raiha, Aaryanna_Mom? Yes or no? Keep in mind, if you say yes, that means both of you are free to edit your posts and change it if you wish. [/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aceburner']That's an actual true incident, though.[/QUOTE]The point though is that Photosensitive epilepsy is a well documented medical condition that has nothing to do with watching Pokemon. The same can happen from strobe lights, video games, etc. The author of the article was dramatizing it as if what happened to those children was caused solely by the anime or rather the content of said anime. They were conveniently glossing over the fact that what affected the children was a medical condition and not what was portrayed in the show. And yes like you said he took it out of context since anyone who suffers from that would have the same reaction to watching. Or rather there is a high probability of such a reaction occurring. [/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER]Glimpse Hint; discern Such a tiny view What more can be seen? Perceive[/CENTER][/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Grawwr. I'm almost done. But now Isen's got me reeling over fashion crap, [I]of all things[/I], and I can't get any farther tonight. I have to sleep sometime. Please, even if you aren't being held up by me, consider it as such anyway. I'd really like to get mine in next, just..... ....that darned werecat won't cooperate. I swear, women and their damned specific fashions and crap. Merf.[/FONT][/QUOTE]Hehe. *laughs wildly as she imagines how it must have gone down* [INDENT]Allamorph - attempts to put Isen in some typical outfit, like plain pants and shirt. Isen - glares at him and says no. Allamorph - what about this? Or how about that? Isen - turns her back on Allamorph.[/INDENT] *laughs uncontrollably* XD That's right! No just tossing something on! It's gotta look good, be comfortable and fashionable all in one! *grand declaration* [I]*strangle'd*[/I] Wait... that entire post was spam right? >_> Uh... [I]*shot*[/I] Oh yeah... We were talking about villains the other night and so far it seems like we mainly have guys... so, we need a female villain! Something like this maybe: [URL="http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs17/f/2007/170/f/2/Sorceress_by_Corbie.jpg"][U]Clicky![/U][/URL] or this: [URL="http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs9/i/2006/022/a/a/Sorceress_Girl_WIP_by_Nyrak.jpg"][U]Clicky![/U][/URL] Oh and for whatever reason... you'll have to ask her... She [I]has[/I] to be dressed like an idiot. >_> Don't know why, that's just what I see for a female villain. I'm sure we could go with something else. Those pictures I found are just a general idea after all. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Tahoma"]Oh my... XD That was so stupid that it was actually funny! I kept waiting for something in there to back their claims but the moment they attributed Photosensitive epilepsy (I think that's what it's called) to watching Pokemon... *laughs wildly* That was so dumb that it was almost painful. This has to be a troll looking for attention or a college student who hasn't figured out how to do research so they don't sound like a complete idiot. The comments on the article were kind of funny, well some of them that is. XP[/FONT]
  13. I[FONT="Tahoma"]'ll admit that I find the idea of a retro future Earth fascinating. I also find the idea of a space voyage fun too. I mean... who wouldn't? That and I'm curious about it since [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR] is involved. >_> It is good to get a teaser or rather hint about it though because since I just starting rpging.. something that before joining this place I had never done... So I'll be glad this starts a little later when I have a better idea of just how demanding being a part of one can be. There would be no point in signing up for another one if a person didn't have the time to devote to more than just one. o_O Anyway, I look forward to seeing more about this. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Whoa, Mann'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]I thought I'd give it a try, though I see alot of you throwing out poems much beter than my two. But, hey, I tried. :][/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]Not at all. Both of the poems you did fit nicely. :catgirl: [CENTER]Acceptance Fitting in; assent Dreaming of being inside A favorable reception, is it true? Silence - acquiescence [/CENTER][/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]But then something went dreadfully wrong downstairs when my room mate got up unreasonably early just to write me a little note that accused me of inviting over friends that steal his things. Apparently things only disappear when I have friends over. And he got up out of bed to tell me so at 7:30 in the morning. As luck would have it, [b]he's missing $500 dollars worth of things and I am the assumed culprit.[/b] I think it's due mostly to his own incompetence and incapability of locking the doors at night or making sure the garage door is shut.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Well I have a few problems with what apparently happened based on what you've just said. For starters, how does he know when things went missing? Is your roommate gone all day at work or school? Or is he only gone when your friends are over? Otherwise, saying the stuff only vanishes when your friends is over is a generalization that isn't really provable. Unless the missing stuff is something he uses every day (you mention later on that it's game related) then it's possible it was missing for days and until he went to use it, he didn't notice. Also, if they have a problem with locking their door and leaving the garage door open... well that is foolish, but I would think a real thief would take the whole system and not just a controller and a handful of games. Which begs the question, did he lend them to someone and forget who. I've had friends do that one, loan a game and then later forget that they loaned it. One was rather interesting since he was convinced it had been stolen only for one of his other friends correct him when he showed up. Because he had loaned it to him a while ago and forgot.[quote name='Raiha;810781][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]However he does not cater to this view and thinks that I aid and abet thieves. Now think about this logically. What was missing was a PS3 controller, Need for Speed, Rainbow Six, and other mindless FPS games that didn't belong to him apparently. So I went to my friend's today to look through his things while he wasn't there and found nothing that didn't belong to him besides the books I lent him when he was over recently. So I told my room mate today that he was completely wrong to accuse my friends and me falsely but my room mate hit the roof and then [b]told me I couldn't have anyone over anymore.[/b] At that point I was entertaining a very complicated fantasy that involved his death and the death of his annoying whining girlfriend.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]If your friend doesn't have it, then I'm definitely more inclined to believe he misplaced it or one of his own friends walked off with it. What I don't understand is why they are assuming it has to be you, what makes them think this? Or that they have a right to dictate who you can invite over? You're roommates, and unless he owns the place, he has no right to do that either. That's just silly, especially when the accusation has no proof or legitimacy behind it.[quote name='Raiha;810781][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]So when I move out in the middle of June, do I shut off all the utilities without telling them and cancel broadband and the cable service? And take the fridge that I bought with my OWN money before moving in...? I call this the [b]Screw you jerkoff[/b] solution.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]If there are other roommates who would be affected, I'd tell them so they can switch them over. And even then, I'd avoid dropping to their level of being petty. As for the fridge, unless your landlady has an interest in buying it from you, there's no reason for you to leave it if it's yours.[QUOTE=Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Do I be an adult and kindly tell him that he has no business dictating who I have over in the part of the apartment I pay rent for? I call this the [b]**** right off[/b] solution. I haven't really decided yet what to do outside of involving my land lady, who should lend an air of adulthood and actual maturity to the situation. Of course she might be able to do nothing, but I figure she'll be with me on the refrigerator situation. After all, it's not theirs but I let them use it out of the goodness of my heart. Oh temptations...[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]They really do have no business dictating who you can have over, seriously. Unless there are conditions in one's contract, like no guests at certain times, etc. Now as for involving the landlady, I imagine that would depend on their reaction to you reminding them that they have no right or say in demanding that you have no one over. If they have an issue over it, then obviously at that point you'll probably need her to remind them that it's not their call to make.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Japan_86']From reading this little rant, you can see where I stand on this issue. What are your opinions? You think that employers should forbid relationships between co-workers? Why or why not?[/QUOTE]No, it's wrong to forbid people from having a relationship. But, it is fair to forbid them to do relationship related stuff at work. They're there to do a job and get paid for that job, not to take advantage of their position to do whatever they want. In this situation, as harsh as it sounds, they deserve to be fired. I've seen it happen, friends lose a job because they couldn't leave their personal lives behind. But for those that do, work in the same place while being in a relationship, if they are keeping that seperate then we have no right to dictate who they see when they are off the clock and not getting paid.[/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]Poetry Contest - Round Two [/B][/SIZE] [hr=Blue]100[/hr] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Allamorph [/B]vs. [B]Raiha[/B][/SIZE] Topic: [B]Why My Opponent Should Win[/B][/CENTER] [hr=Blue]100[/hr] [B]Acrostic Poetry[/B][/CENTER] For this round you are challenged to write an Acrostic Poem. Now for a basic Acrostic poem simply put the letters of the words given down the side of your post and then go back to each letter and think of a word, phrase or sentence that starts with the letter and describes your subject. For example: [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][B]Topic: Hockey[/B] [B]H[/B]ockey is my favorite sport [B]O[/B]n the ice or street [B]C[/B]ool and fun [B]K[/B]eep on playing [B]E[/B]xercise and stronger [B]Y[/B]ou should try [/COLOR][/CENTER] As you can see, each line starts with a letter in the word hockey in order. No rhyming is required and each line can have from one to fifteen words. Each contestant has till [COLOR="Blue"][U][B]Saturday the 26th[/B][/U] [/COLOR]to get their poems in. At which time the voting will begin, sooner if both members submit their poems before the deadline. Now all members are welcome to vote include those involved. If it is the thread you are in though, only comments and critiquing is allowed since obviously you can?t vote for yourself. But definitely take the time to vote on the other entries! Keep in mind that for this round [COLOR="Blue"]cohesive voting[/COLOR] is required. How does that work? It?s simple; for the next challenge there will be three challenges, in order for your vote to count you have to vote in each one. Any single posting and voting will automatically be disqualified if by the end of the challenge you have not also voted for the other two threads. The only exception is of course the contestants since they can?t vote on their own challenge, however, they too are required to vote on the other two. So even their voting will be cohesive. Now if there are any questions, be sure to direct them to this thread here: [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58871"][U]Poetry Contest[/U][/URL] And now let?s have some fun![/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]Poetry Contest - Round Two [/B][/SIZE] [hr=Blue]100[/hr] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Aaryanna [/B]vs. [B]Indi[/B][/SIZE] Topic: [B]Why My Opponent Should Win[/B][/CENTER] [hr=Blue]100[/hr] [B]Acrostic Poetry[/B][/CENTER] For this round you are challenged to write an Acrostic Poem. Now for a basic Acrostic poem simply put the letters of the words given down the side of your post and then go back to each letter and think of a word, phrase or sentence that starts with the letter and describes your subject. For example: [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][B]Topic: Hockey[/B] [B]H[/B]ockey is my favorite sport [B]O[/B]n the ice or street [B]C[/B]ool and fun [B]K[/B]eep on playing [B]E[/B]xercise and stronger [B]Y[/B]ou should try [/COLOR][/CENTER] As you can see, each line starts with a letter in the word hockey in order. No rhyming is required and each line can have from one to fifteen words. Each contestant has till [COLOR="Blue"][U][B]Saturday the 26th[/B][/U] [/COLOR]to get their poems in. At which time the voting will begin, sooner if both members submit their poems before the deadline. Now all members are welcome to vote include those involved. If it is the thread you are in though, only comments and critiquing is allowed since obviously you can’t vote for yourself. But definitely take the time to vote on the other entries! Keep in mind that for this round [COLOR="Blue"]cohesive voting[/COLOR] is required. How does that work? It’s simple; for the next challenge there will be three challenges, in order for your vote to count you have to vote in each one. Any single posting and voting will automatically be disqualified if by the end of the challenge you have not also voted for the other two threads. The only exception is of course the contestants since they can’t vote on their own challenge, however, they too are required to vote on the other two. So even their voting will be cohesive. Now if there are any questions, be sure to direct them to this thread here: [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58871"][U]Poetry Contest[/U][/URL] And now let’s have some fun![/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]Poetry Contest - Round Two [/B][/SIZE] [hr=Blue]100[/hr] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Aaryanna_Mom [/B]vs. [B]Treble[/B][/SIZE] Topic: [B]Why My Opponent Should Win[/B][/CENTER] [hr=Blue]100[/hr] [B]Acrostic Poetry[/B][/CENTER] For this round you are challenged to write an Acrostic Poem. Now for a basic Acrostic poem simply put the letters of the words given down the side of your post and then go back to each letter and think of a word, phrase or sentence that starts with the letter and describes your subject. For example: [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][B]Topic: Hockey[/B] [B]H[/B]ockey is my favorite sport [B]O[/B]n the ice or street [B]C[/B]ool and fun [B]K[/B]eep on playing [B]E[/B]xercise and stronger [B]Y[/B]ou should try [/COLOR][/CENTER] As you can see, each line starts with a letter in the word hockey in order. No rhyming is required and each line can have from one to fifteen words. Each contestant has till [COLOR="Blue"][U][B]Saturday the 26th[/B][/U] [/COLOR]to get their poems in. At which time the voting will begin, sooner if both members submit their poems before the deadline. Now all members are welcome to vote include those involved. If it is the thread you are in though, only comments and critiquing is allowed since obviously you can?t vote for yourself. But definitely take the time to vote on the other entries! Keep in mind that for this round [COLOR="Blue"]cohesive voting[/COLOR] is required. How does that work? It?s simple; for the next challenge there will be three challenges, in order for your vote to count you have to vote in each one. Any single posting and voting will automatically be disqualified if by the end of the challenge you have not also voted for the other two threads. The only exception is of course the contestants since they can?t vote on their own challenge, however, they too are required to vote on the other two. So even their voting will be cohesive. Now if there are any questions, be sure to direct them to this thread here: [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58871"][U]Poetry Contest[/U][/URL] And now let?s have some fun![/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"] And posted oh impatient bossy one. :p[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Hehe. And thank you. :catgirl: I've posted as well, I hope you like the theory behind why Shinigami would even be needed in the first place. It's something I ran by both [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR] and Sir Allamorph before posting, just to be sure I didn't accidentally contradict things. XP Anyway, Phaidra has taken over Lucia's kitchen! I can just imagine her look of confusion when she returns and realizes what happened. Hehe! [/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Tea Anyone?[/B][/CENTER] Phaidra along with Lucia was sitting on the edge of the lowest building on the street where her abode was located, watching the humans as they went about their business. Lucia had insisted, taking them to the spot after briefly taking them to see the inside of where she lived. She was to the point about everything, enough that Phaidra wasn?t sure if she was irritated with her presence or not. It was too soon to tell. [I]Maybe she takes time to warm up to people? [/I]She had given her permission to make herself at home, other than what had appeared to be a type of lab set up against the far wall. That she had been instructed to leave alone. But the rest of the place, as mismatched and dusty as it was, appeared to be fair game and though it looked unused, she did have a nice small business kitchen. [I]I wonder if I would have time to go and get what I would need to?[/I] Phaidra pulled her attention back to listening to what Lucia was saying. ?[B]Now, you see it correct?[/B]? She was telling her, having instructed her to do what she had been taught in theory but had yet to actually try since there were no humans back home. ?[B]Yes, I can.[/B]? It was just as her mentor had explained, by focusing on looking beyond the surface; one could sense and see the spiritual energy of all living things. One could also see the connection their souls had to their physical bodies. It was fascinating to realize that on some level she could tell how close to death they were, the bonds between their bodies continually changing, slowly fading as their bodies wore out. She could also sense if that bond was going to be broken abruptly instead of simply fading beyond the physical body's ability to sustain it. It was an odd sensation to be frank and kind of puzzling, if the bonds were fading, why they were needed to? [I]Ah! I see![/I] It was faint, but that final tie required energy to break lose, energy that by then was lacking. [I]But if that?s the case then why sudden death?doesn?t? Oh![/I] The answer for that was clear too, they didn?t know how to manipulate their own spiritual energy, most of them completely unaware of the connection in the first place, between their souls and their bodies. [I]So we have to make that cut for them so they can continue onto the next plane of existence. [/I] ?[B]Good, when the time comes, all you have to do is use your scythe to severe that connection.[/B]? Lucia stated as she stood up. ?[B]Just as you were given directions that enabled you to find where I am located, each time you receive an assignment you?ll be given the same thing. In time, you?ll find yourself able to simply locate them by sensing that it?s time for that connection to be dissolved.[/B]? Phaidra got up as well, wondering what they were going to do next since she had no assignments just yet. She looked to Sarvel who had nothing to say. [I]Do I ask her about finding my own place yet?[/I] It was if Lucia read her thoughts when she spoke again. ?[B]Finding you a place will take some time so in the meantime, feel free to look around, we?ll discuss what you?d like a little later since I have something I need to take care of first.[/B]? Lucia turned to leave but halted and turned back when Phaidra called for her to wait. ?[B]Uh, where?s the nearest market?[/B]? If she had nothing to do? that kitchen of hers could be put in order. But to do that she would need supplies. Lucia just pointed in the direction of a large building several streets over. ?[B]There?s one there that if I remember correctly carries a good variety, though if you just want something to eat, there are several restaurants down the street that will do as well.[/B]? Phaidra nodded, ?[B]Thank you.[/B]? As soon as Lucia and Ruby were gone she left with Sarvel to get what she wanted after briefly checking the kitchen again. It didn?t take them long since the place was clearly never used, but there was at least the necessary stuff for cooking. [I]I wonder if this came with the place since I doubt any of it has even been used.[/I] Phaidra set some of the stuff she found back down on the counter and left with Sarvel in tow. ?[B]Are you sure about this? She did say make yourself at home, but she might object to you cleaning up and making stuff.[/B]? ?[B]Well there?s only one way to find out.[/B]? Phaidra said as they returned to the apartment, the supplies held in her hands. ?[B]She was clear about not bothering her computer equipment so I?m sure it?s okay. And if it?s not, we?ll just wait until I have my own place.[/B]? With a smile to herself Phaidra got started, first with the cleaning since the place was horribly dusty and totally unsuitable for cooking in that one did not want dust or other dirt to get into the actual food, it ruined the flavor and taste. In no time she had the kitchen cleaned from top to bottom, it wasn?t that hard really, and she?d been doing it for a very long time. Before long the little strawberry, raspberry and chocolate cakes were done and the tea ready.[I] I wonder if Lucia and Ruby even like tea and cakes.[/I] She put it out of mind as she went to set things up on the balcony overlooking the lake outside. [/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]I swear Aberinkula and Aceburner, you two are probably just jealous that some of us ladies would send Allamorph cookies in a heartbeat. Hahahaha!:catgirl:[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]>_> Uh...
  23. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='8bit'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]Just a quick question, and you may have already mentioned this somewhere in the thread but when does voting end?[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]Actually... It seems I have not. :animeswea Sorry about that, it was clear in my mind that like getting one's poem in, the time would be a week. So for the voting, that will be the same. It will close on[U] Friday the 18th[/U]. It will not be a specific time but rather I will post indicating as such when I get up the following morning on Saturday the 19th. So all votes up until I post and officially close it will count. [B]EDIT:[/B] And the voting has ended, the results are posted in each thread. ^_^ Those who will be moving to the next round are: Aaryanna Aaryanna_Mom indifference Raiha Allamorph Treble I will have the threads up with the new challenge and challengers either later this evening or tomorrow. ^_^ For now though there is something you?ll want to keep in mind, and that is a new voting system, namely [B]cohesive voting[/B]. How does that work? It?s simple; for the next challenge there will be three challenges, in order for your vote to count you have to vote in each one. Any single posting and voting will automatically be disqualified if by the end of the challenge you have not also voted for the other two threads. The only exception is of course the contestants since they can?t vote on their own challenge, however, they too are required to vote on the other two. So even their voting will be cohesive. ^_~ If there are any questions be sure to direct them here. [B]EDIT:[/B] And the second round is up! Your respective threads can be found here. [thread=58961][U]Aaryanna_Mom vs. Treble[/U][/thread] [thread=58962][U]Aaryanna vs. indifference[/U][/thread] [thread=58963][U]Allamorph vs. Raiha[/U][/thread][/FONT]
  24. [FONT="Tahoma"]Thank you very much everyone for your poems and participation on all sides. With Raiha receiving 9 votes and Rachmaninoff 6 votes...[B] Raiha[/B] wins this round. Congratulations! You advance to the second round. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Tahoma"]Thank you very much everyone for your poems and participation on all sides. With Aaryanna_Mom receiving 8 votes and Darren 6 votes... [B]Aaryanna_Mom[/B] wins this round. Congratulations! You advance to the second round. :catgirl:[/FONT]
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