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Everything posted by Sabrina

  1. [FONT="Tahoma"]Thank you very much everyone for your poems and participation on all sides. With Treble receiving 8 votes and 8bit 6 votes... [B]Treble[/B] wins this round. Congratulations! You advance to the second round. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Tahoma"]Thank you very much everyone for your poems and participation on all sides. With Gavin receiving 4 votes and Allamorph 8 votes... [B]Allamorph[/B] wins this round. Congratulations! You advance to the second round. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Tahoma"]Thank you very much everyone for your poems and participation on all sides. With indifference receiving 7 votes and SunfallE 4 votes... [B]indifference[/B] wins this round. Congratulations! You advance to the second round. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Tahoma"]Thank you very much everyone for your poems and participation on all sides. With Aaryanna receiving 11 votes and Aberinkula 2 votes...[B] Aaryanna[/B] wins this round. Congratulations! You advance to the second round. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Tahoma"]Right now I'm listening to more of this: [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbGF3D-oL30"][U]Kamelot - Solitaire[/U][/URL] I enjoy the music and I like the main singer for the group. The music video is kind of meh though. XP[/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Tahoma"]I tend to go to bed by midnight and get up pretty early. >_> Sometimes I stay up later, but not very often. It's kind of habit so I'm use to doing that. At least when I'm attending classes and such. When I'm either on vacation or between semesters, my schedule will change, but I always end up going back to what I'm use to once school starts up again.[/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]a third of the moderators are in Utah?at least, it feels like a third.....[/FONT][/QUOTE]Hehe. I imagine the presence of us Utahan's who aren't moderators make it feel like it's more than it really is. By my understanding... there are two of us. Aaryanna_Mom and myself. :catgirl: After all James or someone was referring to me being one of the Utah crew. Hehe.[/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Tahoma"]That post of yours was fun Crystia; I really enjoyed how you portrayed Karl. For someone who didn?t want to be involved, he sure is smug! And in a totally unrelated tangent? >_> [spoiler]As cute as Victor is, Karl is much cuter.[/spoiler]
  9. [FONT="Tahoma"]I haven't really belonged to any online place long enough to even consider it a family. I mean >_> I haven't even hit the one month mark here yet. I do love it, but then that's because I have good friends from my real life who are here. So it's fun hanging around with them online as well. I knew about it, I just didn't bother to really check it out until last month. And yes I've already met others here who I'm pretty sure they'd be just as much fun to hang out with in real life as they are here. :catgirl: Everyone meets somehow so I see no reason why it can't be online first. I'm quite sure Beth and Darren would agree. :D[/FONT]
  10. Sabrina


    [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Tallgeese-'] Good show though huh? Definitely worth watching.[/QUOTE]Oh most definitely. Hehe, even if Legato creeped me out. XP I know I'll check into the movie I've been hearing about when it's finally relased because I just love Vash's character. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Tahoma"]Thank you very much for your input Shy. :catgirl: It's greatly appreciated. Also... Great work everyone on the voting so far and taking the time to explain your choices. [/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Tahoma"]Right now I'm listening to this: [URL="http://www.lunarmusic.net/"][U][B]Lunar: Wall of Sound[/B][/U][/URL] I blame [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR] since she recommended it over at her theOtaku World page... though since Sir Allamorph recommended it to her, does that mean he gets the blame? o_O Anyway as the site says it's an eclectic blend of electronica, rock, dance, ambient, drum 'n' bass and classical in an instrumental format. I'm finding that I like it a lot. What makes it best is it's a free download if you wish to have it. :catgirl: Right now my favorite track is - ironically - [B]Wall of Sound[/B] - But what's fun is how the track before it [B]Synthonic[/B] and the one after it [B]Chaos Light[/B] really fit well with it, so it's almost more like the three are one track with three movements. Hehe.[/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Tahoma"]Gotta love the homework aspect of one's brain being killed. XD I swear I seem to do that all the time with school work. So when I'm mentally tired I really enjoy getting out for a walk or a short break away from where I'm living. My favorite thing to do - that is the most relaxing - is to take a short drive up one of the canyons nearby, especially during warm weather since I love going to a waterfall and sitting there and just listening to the sound of the water. If I can't do that, then I like soft relaxing music while lying down and just appreciating it. I have to be careful with that one though, since I've fallen asleep doing that. Hehe.[/FONT]
  14. [CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"]Grand Bold; daring sound Taking shape gently It unfolds it's splendor Virtuoso Cellist[/CENTER] And yes this is because I got to hear a performance recently. :catgirl: [spoiler]Looks at a certain person.[/spoiler][/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Tahoma"]I really don't know what to say because I've never lost someone suddenly, ever. Everyone I've known who was close to me that died... it was something expected. Like one of my grandmothers who was quite ill, she had been so for a long time so we knew she was going to eventually pass on. I do agree with the sentiment of waiting since jumping to conclusions does nothing but create chaos. And though it sounds a bit odd... it's a lot harder to jump back than it is to do so in the first place. Because you waste a lot of time and energy getting upset over potential shadows if that makes sense. So it's best to hold back instead. Anyway... I certainly hope they find the cause and I am sorry to hear that your friend is gone. [/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Sandy']Who [I]doesn't[/I]? [/QUOTE]*raises hand* It's true. Because those ancestors of mine who were in the military often were in fields of medicine or other aspects of support. As a result, it takes going back well over 300 years to find anyone who might have died during service; and even that is something we can't confirm with any certainty. So naturally I respect and admire those who do risk their lives for others because my family has been fortunate to survive so well because of their sacrifice. [/FONT]
  17. Sabrina


    [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Tallgeese-']I see where you are going but. I wouldn't see him as [spoiler]creepy/mean[/spoiler]. Maybe in our point of view it looks like that, but he has a sort of [spoiler]"twisted justice"[/spoiler] of a sort. I don't know, I like him. ^_^[/QUOTE]I think the only thing we are going to agree on is the [spoiler]twisted[/spoiler] bit. XP I just finished this show and my opinion is even more firmly in place for Legato. He was a [spoiler]sick and demented character, killing others for the sole purpose of hurting Vash.[/spoiler] Anyway, I was a bit surprised to learn that Vash [spoiler]wasn't human[/spoiler] o_O I don't know why, the hints were there all along. I suppose it was just because he was so cheerful and attached to life in general. Overall, I enjoyed it. :catgirl: I'll have to be sure to keep an eye out for when the movie comes out. Hehe. [/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Ben']Terribly sorry, everyone! I've had work and school back to back every day this week and didn't have a moment to get online. >_< How embarrassing....to be disqualified even before writing a poem. -.-[/QUOTE]I'm sorry to hear you were so busy. School and work can certainly do that to you. XP I may not work, but school certainly takes up a lot of my time. I still greatly appreciate your interest, even if the timing turned out to be poor. ^_~[/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Earth-side Assignment[/B][/CENTER] Phaidra had always liked the capitol. Or was it the market that she liked best? Half a millennia ago, for her studies, she had tested the theory that food could possibly boost one?s magical reserves. It had proven to be something that made no difference, but she had developed a liking to making desserts as a result. She and Sarvel were on the path overlooking the Capitol from the west side, pausing to take in the view. The capitol was similar to the rest of the Shinigami?s world with one major exception. The massive gate leading to the human world. It along with what were the buildings that housed their form of government, was seated along the north edge of the city, overlooking the rest like some massive sentinel. The city itself was plain, the buildings no more than a story or two high, the streets pathways of green. Trees, flowers, grass and artistically placed bodies of water, all of it giving the capitol an air of serenity that Sarvel had once commented on as being soothing. The rolling hills carefully cultivated so that the sound of gentle waterfalls could be heard from almost any location. The mass of winding paths one could take gave the illusion of privacy when going about one?s business. Like so many abodes in their world, it was designed to flow with nature instead of obstructing it. Wasting no time, the pair continued on their way, angling for the closest entrance that would lead to the gate to the human world. It was easy to find their way, the gate was impossible to miss. Most buildings in the Shinigami world were no more than three stories tall, the Council buildings being one of the few that was. The massive gate was another story, it was easily eight to ten stories tall, towering over everything in the surrounding area. The portal at the top visible from far beyond the city limits. The closer Phaidra and Sarvel got, the more they could feel it?s presence. It was like a beacon of spiritual energy, that of those who used it; surrounded by what had to be seals of magic meant to detect and monitor passage back and forth between the two worlds. It was possible that others did not feel it, but to her and Sarvel, it was as plain as day. She put it out of mind as they entered the building at the base and in front of the structure. There were only a handful of Shinigami present, wearing plain clothing of blue with tiny little symbols etched into front of their tunics; clearly stating they were gate personnel. The flow of traffic was far lighter than Phaidra was expecting as well, no more than a dozen Shinigami waiting to get clearance to pass through. ?[B]Your name please?[/B]? The blond woman quick and to the point with no hint of a smile. ?[B]Phaidra and Sarvel.[/B]? She waited for her to check the records for her arrival. ?[B]New assignment.?[/B] The woman indicated another one of the Shinigami standing over and to the side, behind what looked like a type of desk. ?[B]Jeff will get you outfitted.[/B]? [I]Outfitted?[/I] Puzzled the pair took themselves over to the one indicated. Smiling hesitantly she approached him; Sarvel hopping up on the counter to take a look for herself. ?[B]What does she mean by outfitted?[/B]? Sarvel asked immediately. Jeff smiled. ?[B]You must be Phaidra and Sarvel.[/B]? He pulled out a small bag that was sitting under the counter, handing it over to the two once Phaidra had nodded indicating that they were. ?[B]Correct. What did she mean though?[/B]? Phaidra ignored the bag, leaving it to Sarvel who was already getting into it. ?[B]Your cell phone of course. The one you have now isn't allowed on the other side.[/B]? "[B]Oh, right.[/B]" Phaidra pulled hers out handing it over, now that he mentioned it, she remembered being told that she would be given something different to use. She took the new one being pushed her way by Sarvel, opening it up to take a look. "[B]Your contact is listed there. Once you're on the other side they'll get you settled in and answer any questions that might come up.[/B]" Phaidra pulled up the messages and short contact list of those who were assigned to the city she would be working in. One was tagged as being her contact; someone by the name Lucia. She looked back up when Jeff spoke again. "[B]Lucia has already been informed of your arrival. Now unless you have more questions, this way please.[/B]" He got up and lead the way to one of the doors leading to the back of the building and front of the gate structure. Once outside, Phaidra and Sarvel hesitated at the feel of the system designed to monitor those who came to enter the gate. It was like feeling sunlight on her skin, probing and searching. The sensation was brief, but there was no mistaking it. It had identified both her and Sarvel. Her guide stopped and pointed up. "[B]Just head through the gate, it's already set to send you to the proper location.[/B]" He waited patiently for the pair to head up and then through the gate before turning and heading back inside the building. It was an odd sensation; interdimensional travel. For both Phaidra and Sarvel, it was their first time and the feeling of being immersed in liquid glass so cold as to take one's breath away was startling. It was sudden and quick, making her stumble a tiny bit upon arriving in the human world. The sensation was quickly gone and she opened up her cell phone to look up the information telling her how to locate Lucia's abode. [/FONT]
  20. Sabrina


    [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Tallgeese-']Yea that black cat is probably the best character in the show next to Legato. =][/QUOTE]I agree that the cat is fun but Legato? >_> Uh no. That guy is [spoiler]creepier and meaner than hell.[/spoiler] But then that's expected of a character like that right? XP Anyway, I'm still enjoying it even with the more serious slant it has now taken. Which I suppose is to be expected since such silliness can only go on for so long before one feels the need for some sort of direction or plot. [quote name='Solo Tremaine'][COLOR=#503F86]Does anyone have any more news about Trigun X, the new movie due to be out next year?[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Until you posted, I hadn't even noticed the notes at other sites like Anime News Network that it had been mentioned. Considering how fun the show is... I know I'll want to see that when it's released. Anyway, only two more DVD's left! :catgirl:[/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Book Antiqua"] Because if you stop and think about it, the military spends far more time not being at war than they ever do engaging in war. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]This is especially true of the United States Coast Guard. I'll borrow from wiki since it's simpler that way, but as it says... [INDENT]When not in war, the Coast Guard has duties that include maritime law enforcement, maintaining aids to navigation, marine safety, and both military and civilian search and rescue--all in addition to its typical homeland security and military duties, such as port security. The service's decentralized organization and readiness for missions that can occur at any time on any day, is often lauded for making it highly effective, extremely agile and very adaptable in a broad range of emergencies.[/INDENT] This branch is never just training for war, they're deployed [I]every single day[/I] in non-war activities as listed. Far more than just a service for wartime use. It's really easy to look at the military and not bother to look beyond the simple meaning or actual use it's put to on a day to day basis.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Tahoma"]Quick note before I begin here... to anyone curious as to why I am posting in this thread, I was invited to join this rpg by the current players. ^_~ Anyway, as discussed in our last AIM session guys, here is my sign up with my characters and such. Hopefully I'll have a post for the main thread ready soon. >_> The sign up and other stuff took a whole lot longer than I expected. [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] How long had it been since she filled out the form? The one requesting to work as a Shinigami on Earth? Phaidra ran the calculation through her mind, comparing it how the humans measured time. It was a concept that was both amusing and whimsical for it was also very different from how they perceived time. What was it again? A year? Her mind drifted back to the memory of the page as she filled it out, that too a concept that made no sense, the information requested; frivolous? [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] [I]They want me to fill this out? What kind of joke is this? She held the piece of paper loosely before starting to fill it out.[/I] [B]Name:[/B] Phaidra [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Apparent Age: [/B]26 [I]What in the world is that for? My information is already available as a registered researcher and student of the different magic?s we use. Is it too difficult for someone to simply pull my file, in a format that actually makes sense? And why would my apparent age matter? I won?t be working for humans, I?ll be sending them on their way! Whose bright idea was it to have us fill this out?[/I] [B]Personality: [/B] [INDENT]Phaidra is driven and very focused. However, she is also quite social and enjoys contact with others... [/INDENT] She set the pen, an odd contraption, down. [I]And we?re done with that? how in the world would I really know my personality anyway? That?s subjective and not something I would really know. It would be better if someone else filled this part out.[/I] [B]Eccentricities:[/B] [INDENT]I like human food.[/INDENT] [I]There, as if they need more.[/I] A sigh escaped her lips as she moved to the next part of the silly form. [B]Familiar:[/B] [URL="http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/2002/sarvel002nq0.jpg"][U]Sarvel[/U][/URL] [B]| [/B][URL="http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/2451/sarvel001li1.jpg"][U]Sarvel[/U][/URL] - human form [INDENT]Sarvel is an Earth elemental, generally keeping to a fox like form. She has on occasion taken a human one as well though she prefers the other. She too is very focused but unlike Phaidra she is very calm. Sarvel is a bit mischievous at times though; she enjoys the fun to be had with simple pranks.[/INDENT] [I]Did I write that? What am I thinking? They know all about her as well, that?s part of my file at the school. This is a waste of my time.[/I] [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL="http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9985/phaidra001zb9.jpg"][U]Phaidra[/U][/URL] [B]| [/B][URL="http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/4625/phaidra002no3.jpg"][U]Phaidra[/U][/URL] - second picture[B] | [/B][URL="http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/9295/phaidrascythestaff001vp9.jpg"][U]Phaidra's[/U][/URL] scythe [I]Oh fine, I suppose requesting something to show our physical appearance is reasonable.[/I] With a snap of her fingers, she called forth what looked like electrical sparks that danced at the end of her fingers before tracing a pattern on the paper with her forefinger, next to where the request was. Yellow gold energy flared slightly, racing along the glyph before fading, leaving the symbol etched into the paper. [I]There, that should do it.[/I] [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] She shook her head at the memory, it had been a year, though by their pace, it was but a brief moment. Phaidra gathered her things, sparing a quick glance at the tiny room that had been hers during that time. A tiny smile and then she went to meet Sarvel who was waiting at the entrance to their mentor?s abode. They set out for the capitol and incidentally the gate to the human world. Her training was done, it was time to put it to use. [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] And there you have it. Let me know if I got anything off. I plan on handling the actual description of the capitol in my first post. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  23. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Sandy;809905]I'm sorry, Crystia, but who said I was referring to the US when I talked about a "country in war"? I meant the countries that really are [I]in[/I] war, and the last time I checked, there were no battles in the United States. I can imagine it's really very difficult to remain a pacifist when you see your neighborhood and loved ones being blasted away. [I]That[/I]'s the luxury I was talking about.[/QUOTE]Though not addressing me directly, that still holds true. That luxury does hold true for places like the US. Though seeing that you did not clarify, I'm sure you can see why it was brought up.[quote name='Sandy'']Who are these "we" you're talking about, anyway? I can only speak for my own self, and I can tell you there are plenty of patriots, nationalists and warmongers in Finland as well. My views of resenting the army are usually scorned upon in here, so this discussion isn't about "the people in my country think this vs. the people in your country think that". Reading back my previous posts, I realize I made some sweeping generalizations, and I apologize for them, but I'm really not trying to make this about the differences of nations, just about the differences of individual people living in different places and situations.[/quote]:p Seems like I addressed your generalizations, because like you just said, [U]you did do that[/U]. My opinion still holds though, I believe in pacifist ideals in the sense that I prefer to not go to war. But I don't hold them enough to simply stand by and do nothing if war should happen to break out. So therefore, I support the military. What I would like to see change is the governments that would use them to oppress others, because in my opinion, that's the real problem, not the miltary system, but those leading it. [/FONT]
  24. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Sandy;809848]I guess I'll be the one to break the nauseating consensus of this thread. Seriously guys, can't we get a good debate about [I]anything[/I] anymore? XP[/QUOTE]I know you are only kidding, but you do have to kind of laugh at the irony of that statement, because having a consensus or rather agreement of opinions is one of the very foundations of peaceful co-existence in the first place. ^_~ Not that debating isn?t fun, but it?s also nice to know others have similar values and thoughts. Anyway? on to the serious stuff! The rest of the post! :p [quote name='Sandy'']Jokes aside, I'm a pacifist, period. I do not believe waging war is an answer to anything, and to me the military is a place where people are brain-washed to do the bidding of the warmongers. I've met people who have gone to the army and come back with a part of their personality stripped away - their values and attitudes have changed towards those they were taught at the military service. Some people boast about their time in the service in public, but when I've spoken to them in private, they admit that it was the worst time of their lives - and they only train in Finnish forests, not in a real battlefield.[/quote]I think perhaps you are confusing how the military is done in your country, something I will address in a moment. But you see, in other countries, like the US, it is a place where one chooses to go and they are not required to stay. In fact plenty of people try it, realize they don?t fit and leave. No one makes them stay and honestly, brainwashing? That?s subjective and only true if one holds the same pacifist views that you have. Also, you can?t make the mistake of taking the opinions of a few who say their time spent serving was the worst in their lives; and expect it to hold any substance in a system that is completely different. It's not the same here, so our opinions have a different meaning which you can't just apply across the board without taking that into consideration. So that analogy cannot really hold any substance at all other than in Finland or countries that are similar. Because it suffers from two flaws. [B]One:[/B] different countries. (as I just mentioned) [B]Two:[/B] you need more than just the statements of your friends to declare it was the worst time of their lives. I want to see the opinions of those in your country who do not agree with your view since I am sure they exist. Finally, for this part, I fail to see the relevancy of where their training was located in this argument, I thought the idea was to get training, [I]outside of a [/I]battle field. It would be kind of silly to train them in a real one when there are no battles going on. [quote name='Sandy']See, unlike in the US, going to the army is almost obligatory here in Finland to all young men. There's the option of going to a civilian work service (which I chose, and haven't regretted a day) which lasts thirteen months, as opposed to the six or eleven months spent in the army. You can also get exempted, or downright refuse (in which case you're in for six months in prison). There's no real monetary benefits for going to the army, no paid schooling (since it's free here anyway) or secured jobs.[/QUOTE]Now this is where you view gets skewered, because your opinion is based on how it?s done in your country. It sounds like you should be arguing with the people who have a voice in making change where you live, because no matter what any of us say, the government of Finland isn?t going to be affected. Also, why would we change our opinions when not only is the very system different, but we like having that choice? Military service here means that being poor doesn?t stop you from having a place to not only get training but get paid educated, etc. Because unlike Finland, schooling here is NOT free. It?s expensive and a lot of Americans can?t afford it or end up getting student loans to cover that expense. Though even if we had free schooling, I?d still support having a military. [quote name='Sandy;809848]Despite my high ideals, I'm also a realist, and I know war is still the way things are handled in many countries, and that will probably never change. People still have to defend their countries, that's why a small and recluse country like mine still has a public army. But I also know that if our neighbor Russia would decide to attack us, we wouldn't stand a chance. The technology has developed far beyond the days of the Winter War, when the puny Finnish soldiers kept Finland independent by fending off the mighty Russian army. And oh the amount of glory that has been attached to those events![/QUOTE]And why shouldn?t they attach glory to it? Those people who kept Finland independent did so at the very risk of what many people hold dear, their own lives. You yourself owe your current liberty to that. It?s one thing to want to push for a time when war isn?t needed, but it?s kind of disrespectful to mock those who helped to make it possible for us to be free to have those opinions and ideals in the first place.[QUOTE=Sandy']It's the same kind of glory I see being attached to the soldiers in iraq and Afghanistan. Many people say that if you're against the war, you are against the soldiers. Which is totally paradoxal, since I don't want people to die, nor kill others. So despite what the realities are, I will hold on to my own pacifism. If we go to war during my lifetime, I refuse to die holding a gun. I will die so that no other person has had to die by my hands.[/QUOTE]I don?t think so, I think you?re unfairly dismissing those who served based on past war examples. And if someone says you are against the soldiers if you are against the war is confused. There?s nothing wrong with desiring peace, or disagreeing with a war. I see that more of disagreeing with the government or higher ups who made that decision. That's out of the soldiers control.[quote name='Sandy']So despite what the realities are, I will hold on to my own pacifism. If we go to war during my lifetime, I refuse to die holding a gun. I will die so that no other person has had to die by my hands.[/QUOTE]It's a pretty sentiment and if more people refused to kill the world would be a better place. However, it's no different than refusing to let others take advantage of you only in a more extreme example. I can tell you right now that though it I would loathe to do so, I would not watch someone die if I could stop it. I love life too much to let someone take it away. Which is worse, killing one, or doing nothing and allowing your entire family and yourself to die? Anyway, I'm not going to address your other replies since they were between you and other members and their responses cover some of what I would have said. [/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='sbsp13668'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="darkorange"] I miss the jukebox, if anyone can remember that thing! XD I don't care that much that it's gone, but it was a fun little thing, wasn't it? I won't lie, other than having a friend already on TheOtaku, it was the jukebox that made me join! :animeswea[/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE]I wasn't around for the jukebox, but the Caramelldansen style has one. :catgirl: It only plays that song, but I'm addicted to the thing when I'm browsing, the song is just so silly and fun! XD[/FONT]
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