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Everything posted by Sabrina

  1. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Panache']So expecting anyone to presume that it has nothing nothing to do with sex at all is extremely unreasonable in my opinion.[/QUOTE]I agree. Because what Crystia said is true. It never crossed my mind that it meant anything else or that the style of clothing wasn't meant for that purpose. Because of the association I have to the meaning of the word Lolita on account of the book Crystia mentioned, as well as movies made on it. I mean realistically, what do people expect? It has a very strong meaning and until someone literally said no, it's more than that, I never gave it another thought. Also, Wiki is far from being a reliable source. I say this as a college student mind you, since most of my instructors make it clear that students caught using that as their main reference for papers will be flunked, period. So I always take what's posted there with a grain of salt instead of taking it as actual fact.[/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Tahoma"]Well I just started watching this show and so far it?s wonderfully funny. I wasn?t sure what I would think of an anime version of Snow White but I love the different take on it with the seven Leafe Knights. I get the biggest kick out of how Hayate and Himeno constantly [spoiler]argue even though it?s clear they get along.[/spoiler] I wasn?t sure what to think of the transformation sequences and all since I've never seen that kind of thing before. XP But it was hilarious how Himeno kept getting so embarrassed over the idea of someone [spoiler]being inside of her, even though it was in more of a spiritual sense than physical.[/spoiler] That whole aspect just made me laugh. XD And I love how spunky Himeno is just as I get the biggest kick out of her stepsister Mayune and all the pranks she pulls. Along with how she literally drags away any [spoiler]cute guy that crosses her path.[/spoiler] Anyway, definitely a fun show. :catgirl: [/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Tahoma"]Hehe! All the sparring going on in here is fun! I expect that the contest will be similar. [CENTER]Test Struggle to win Laying down one's best Perseverance is but one part Dominion[/CENTER][/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Tahoma"]I finished it up earlier today... I loved how the Lucky Channel went absolutely insane in the end there... I mean... o_O Oh did I laugh over that. And Hiyori... XD The things that run through that woman's mind. Tee Hee! >_> But now, even though I loved how it ended... I'm sad. I want more! I can see that I so need to watch it again. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Tahoma"]I've become addicted to Lucky Star, even though I finished watching it earlier today I still wanted a background from the show. I was hunting around the web and found this beautiful one over at a site called AnimePaper. ^_^ Konata for the win! [URL="http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/4466/animepaperwallpaperslucms1.jpg"][U]Konata[/U][/URL][/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Tahoma"]Excellent! I?m glad to see so many sign ups. ^_^[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="darkorchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I vote for free verse, creative stream of consciousness, and then iambic pentameter. Haiku are overdone.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]I'm sorry, but voting on the actual type of competitions or requests for one are strictly prohibited. ;) As stated in the first paragraph one does [I]not[/I] need to be a poet or even understand poetry to join the fun. As such the actual challenges will reflect that. Just to be clear to everyone who has signed up thus far, this will not be about learning the exact and precise rules of poetry. This will be similar to [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58857"][U]The Cinquain Poem Game[/U][/URL] in that though you will be following the general guidelines, you will only be following it loosely. After all the idea is for this to be an exercise in creativity and inclusiveness. So, the real question or rather vote as it were is do you wish to be one of the participants? After all, it's just as challenging to force one's mind to leave the rules of poetry behind in order to have some silly fun yes? [/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aceburner']8-1 in favor of Justice. I suppose that fits. I care about people, but I'm a firm believer in atonement. I can't stand to see people hurting each other in any way without just cause, even if my friends are the culprits.[/QUOTE]Wow. We're exactly opposite. Hehe. [quote name='Aceburner;808882]In short, my style of justice only follows the rules if the rules benefit humanity. I'd have been shot down for mutiny in World War II if Hitler ever told me to kill a Jew for being a Jew.[/QUOTE]I so agree. :catgirl: I'd be the same, or at least I think I would. It's hard to know until you're actually faced with it. But I know that I can't imagine actually killing someone over something like that. [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]What I liked best about this quiz as it were, was the lack of annoying popus and advertising and [I]take this stupid survey [/I']just to get your results nonsense. I have no patience for that kind of thing online. Heh.[/COLOR][/quote]No danger there. >_> Sites that start demanding surveys and questionnaires to be filled out all over something simple like that quiz... I never finish, I back out the moment I hit anything like that. It's just not worth my time to do something like that since often the silly nonsense they want take four or five times longer than the silly quiz does. Death to popups![/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][IMG]http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/1593/poetrybanex6.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"]~Many thanks to [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?u=20994"]Indi[/URL] for the banner~[/SIZE][/CENTER] Hi and welcome to a friendly and fun poetry contest! Everyone is welcome to join and you most certainly do [I]not[/I] need to be a poet or even understand poetry to join the fun! All you have to do is post indicating that you?d like to give it a try. Once you?ve done that I?ll pair people up for a round where I give you a challenge and both people respond with their entry. I assure you, it won?t be hard but rather something simple and fun to play with. For example one round might go like this: [U]Acrostic Poetry:[/U] Simply put the letters of the word given down the side of your post and then go back to each letter and think of a word, phrase or sentence that starts with the letter and describes your subject. [U]Subject:[/U] Hockey [B]H[/B]ockey is my favorite sport [B]O[/B]n the ice or street [B]C[/B]ool and fun [B]K[/B]eep on playing [B]E[/B]xercise and stronger [B]Y[/B]ou should try As you can see that?s pretty easy and fun to do. Once both people have posted their entry then it?s up to the members to comment and vote on the poem they liked the best. Each round will depend on how many people sign up. If say eight do, then there will be four challenges at the same time. Similar poetry but of course a different key word for the assignment. Those who win will advance to the next round and will be given a new challenge in the form of another type of poetry. If there is a tie in terms of votes, then I will act as judge and break that tie by picking a winner. So if there any questions post them here, as well as signing up. ^_^ My intent is to start the challenges in about a week, so that people will have enough time to sign up for the contest. [/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Tahoma"]I find it rather ironic that the two of you are sparring a bit. You'll see shortly, though [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR] already knows. But as a preview I'll write a poem to allude to what I have in mind. [CENTER]Challenge Words and lines Building a verse Only one will pass Fight![/CENTER] And if that made no sense, rest assured, my new thread will. Hehe. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Tahoma"]Every time I think I can't laugh more, this show proves me wrong. :catgirl: I'll break it down by episode, because that's less confusing to me. Hehe. [U]Episode 19[/U] Oh that Hiyori and her [spoiler]delusion[/spoiler] about Yutaka and Minami! I just utterly died laughing at that. And her reaction to Yutaka asking what [spoiler]yaoi[/spoiler] was? [I]Priceless[/I]. And The Lucky Channel was just as wacky as ever with the way Akira [spoiler] literally sent Shirashi off on a wilderness trip to obtain some water from a stream[/spoiler] there for her. She's such a brat! XD And these new endings are fun. I mean ?[I]please feel free to turn the volume off[/I]? Hehe. And what was with all the bubble blowing and weird sound effects? :p [U]Episode 20[/U] I can?t help but laugh at how the subject of being [spoiler]flat-chested[/spoiler] keeps coming up for Minami. The way she just pats herself is too hilarious. And I love how Konata [I]always [/I]has an excuse or rationalization for [spoiler]not doing anything, [I]especially[/I] homework.[/spoiler] And as for the Lucky Channel? Oh my? Akira?s [spoiler]new assistant? [/spoiler] *laughs wildly* I think I'm getting sad that I only have four more episodes left to watch. XP[/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER]Computer Keyboard and Mouse Typing and sending my words Connecting to treasured friends Internet[/CENTER] And now I think I'll listen to a certain piece of music. Hehe. [/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Tahoma"]I found this quiz online about two Ethical styles as it were, I?m sure it?s not really accurate but it still seems like a fun quiz to take and then share your results. Followed by whether or not you think it actually fits you. [URL="http://www.lmu.edu/Page23849.aspx"][U]Quiz[/U][/URL] I just finished and got this score: Care Score: 8 Justice Score: 1 o_O Now if you believe this at all, that means I favor or lean more toward the style of Ethic of Care, which is described after your results on the next page. Basically mine is suppose to mean this: [INDENT]An "ethic of care or responsibility" is founded on a sense of responsibility to reduce actual harm or suffering. For these people, moral dilemmas generally involve a conflict of duties or responsibilities. People with this orientation believe that the focal point of every ethical dilemma is the specific individuals involved and the particular circumstances of the case. [/INDENT] >_> I think that fits since I do tend to look at things on a case by case basis, but it seems off because I also believe in justice too. Though imagine the impersonal abstract nature of that style is probably what puts me the furthest away from it. Anyway, go and take it! It?s fun. And then tell us what you got and what you think, even if you think it?s just silly. And yes I think it is too. It was still fun to take though, just for laughs. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Tahoma"]That's really kind of hard to answer since the pros and cons for publicity in relation to marketing is highly dependent upon the actual situation or circumstance to which it is applied. Did your teacher give you a case example? Something to look at and say oh, in this case... and so forth? So perhaps you could clear that up as well? I haven't much to say other than a short spiel on how I see it. Which is a mixture of good and bad. Good in that it's a necessary tool to help promote one's goods, but bad in that if not done correctly, its taken as an invasive measure that can put a client off from ever wanting to buy your product. [/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Tahoma"]I agree, that approach of it just being another day at work was quite interesting and made it fun to read. And since you already got input, I'll just leave it at that. I do hope you post more though.[/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"] Plus around here, once you're out of high school it's like expected that you get married quickly so before long people noticed that you don't have one. As if it's a crime to not be married. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Oh so true! It's like once you're there it's a a witch hunt to find those of us who aren't hitched yet. XD Though I imagine it's more pronounced for you in Happy Valley as it were. :p It's a little less obvious in SLC, well except when you're at church or social functions set up for young adults. >_> Then it's back to that, who are you dating, are you engaged yet... XP Nosy brats who call themselves adults! As for myself, I only notice since I prefer to not get too close to a guy who's married. It just feels awkward when someone is really friendly when they've got that band on their finger. Not so bad if the spouse is around, but at a gathering of friends and alone? Yeah, that's something I tend to be careful about. I hate getting hit on by someone who's married because it's so not happening. [/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aceburner']Don't mind DB too much. Making you feel uncomfortable in at least 17 different ways is just his way of saying "hello."[/QUOTE]Hehe. No worries. Prem and I worked it out via pm and DB as you call him IM'd me on AIM so that's all sorted out. :catgirl: Right now I'm waking up since I have a test in a little bit. >_> There should be a law against early exams, seriously! So, to wake up I'm listening to this: [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGhzrTayu3I"][U]Peter Cetera big mistake[/U][/URL] Just ignore the weird little bit in the beginning since it's not part of the song. Oh do I love his voice! I wish he would tour again... I would [I]so[/I] go to one of his concerts. [/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Tahoma"]I don't have much to say as far as critique goes or rather what I'm going to say will only be based on my impression instead of any actual knowledge for this type of poetry. You see, it reads more like a story poem and sadly, I'm not that familiar with that format. The main thing that seems off to me is the lack of capitalization for the beginning of the lines, it tends to fool the mind in attempting to read it like sentences instead of individual lines of a poem. It kind of forced me to reread parts to avoid getting confused. And with your inclusion of a period every know and then, I wonder if you yourself are seeing them as sentences too. But like I said, I'm not familiar with this format so for all I know, it's suppose to be like that. Hehe. Anyway, it was an interesting read, even if Sin seemed rather creepy with how everyone he met ended up dying at his hands. o_O[/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aberinkula'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"]I'm sorry if this seems rude Sabrina, but I feel a bit offended. I'm sorry if I should feel guilty instead. :animedepr[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Fair enough, keep in mind, I was [I]offended[/I] by the vulgar choice of words your friend used. I'm not saying you shouldn't have those fun moments between you and your friends, only that you shouldn't expect others to even get the joke or laugh at it. Understand? Besides, how the hell was I even suppose to know the two of you were joking? And why the hell should I have to put up with that when you can keep that to AIM like Crystia mentioned? I'm not going to sit back and say, oh so it was a joke and pretend it's okay... I still don't want to hear it. And since I'm in here again... I'm now listening to [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0jFSQp-Kw8"][U]Chicago - You're the inspiration[/U][/URL] I love Peter Cetera's voice. I really enjoy hearing him sing. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aberinkula'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"]Crystia, he's just kidding around you know? It was just brotherly love. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Ye Gods! Keep that kind of brotherly love to yourself then! *shudder* That was an image in my mind from that member's post that I did not need thank you very much. :animesigh Anyway, right now I'm listening to this! Sir Allamorph linked to it in his response to [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58857"][U]the Cinquain poem[/U][/URL] game thread: [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRpZb3XPrXw"][U]Candy Dulfer - Pick Up the Pieces[/U][/URL] It's a fun and lively piece. And yes, I shamelessly promoted the thread I started on poems. >_> So go and post in it too! Hehe. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Tahoma"]I love all the different things you guys choose to make poems about. From wishes coming true and loved ones returning home. :catgirl: [CENTER] Poem Verse and line Flowing from a pen My heart unfolds Sonnet[/CENTER][/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Tahoma"]Oh! Another poem! :catgirl: Once again I'll bold the relevant parts and then follow afterwards with an explanation. [quote name='Ben']The curl of your lips With your hands on your hips. I can't understand Just why you can't see [B]It's perfect.[/B] It lights up your face. Features fall into place. To display all the best Featured above your chest [B]It's perfect.[/B] When you smile it's a sign That things are just fine It's what I like to see It's what I want you to be No others compare When I see it I [B]stare[/B] I don't even realize Until I see your eyes [B]staring [/B]back at me. You look and say "What?" I say "Nothing" but What I mean is "Wow" 'Cause when you smile [B]you[/B] [B]look perfect.[/B][/QUOTE]Now for a very rough draft poem, it’s really off to a great start and some of the oddness seems to come from formatting that you put into it but the system didn’t recognize when you posted it. When I hit reply, it’s clear you had the last line for the first, second, fourth and fifth verse indented but it didn’t show up. I think you have to use the indent tag to get that to work. Though doing that resulted in it adding an extra line when I tried it. XP So instead I tried a little in the way of formatting. Now as for the actual poem… since I’m on formatting, there are some instances where I think some would give it more emphasis. I’m going to simply repost it with the formatting to show you what I mean. The curl of your lips With your hands on your hips I can't understand Just why you can't see - It's perfect It lights up your face Features fall into place To display all the best Featured above your chest - It's perfect When you smile it's a sign That things are just fine It's what I like to see It's what I want you to be No others compare When I see it I stare I don't even realize Until I see your eyes - Gazing back at me You look and say [I]What?[/I] I say [I]Nothing...[/I] but What I mean is [I]Wow[/I] 'Cause when you smile - It's perfect Since the indent for the last line wasn't working I just added a dash [B]- [/B] since that seems to help with the emphasis or rather pause that line needs to bring it out. I also did a word replacement in the fourth verse. I replaced the last line of staring with gazing since you had the word stare in there twice, on the second and then the final line. I also got rid of the quotation marks and tried italics since that seems to make it flow instead of being distracted by the punctuation. Which I also removed, the random periods at the end of some of the sentences. And finally... I kind of tried changing the last verse since getting rid of the you on the fourth line and following up with the It's perfect line seemed to tie really well into the starting verse. But that could just be me. Anyway, I hope you don't mind the suggestions. It's a fun poem. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Tahoma"]Oh my... I just finished episodes seventeen and eighteen. XD I just laughed and laughed at how Konata was happy to be a [spoiler]legal adult and able to play adult games legally.[/spoiler] That was just too fun since she's been playing them all along. Hehe. And episode eighteen? Oh that Hiyori! I just giggled when Patricia found her sketchbook, greatly embarrassing her, especially when she got to the recent sketches of [spoiler]Minami and Yutaka together in a yuri pairing. [/spoiler] Oh has this show been fun. XD Though I had to go and look up what [spoiler]yuri meant. [/spoiler] [/FONT]
  23. [FONT="Tahoma"]I'd say I'm a decent cook. My mom always made a point of making us take a turn once a week fixing dinner for the family once we got older. So I grew up learning how to make different dishes. Though now that I'm finally out on my own that has turned out to be rather handy. At the time when I was a teenager I hated it, but now I like being able to plan and make my own meals. It just so beats heating up frozen stuff. :catgirl: [/FONT]
  24. [FONT="Tahoma"]Great poems everyone. :catgirl: My next one kind of reflects a little of what I'm currently reading since the book is at a point where a battle is being fought. [CENTER]War Terrible, Pain Destruction, Death, Despair More than life is lost Soldier[/CENTER][/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Ben']I'm [I]not[/I] as comfortable getting rid of "on," though, in the second part. I agree that it seems superfluous, but I don't think it would read as well rhythmically. "The river may grow smaller It may float up from the ground. But rest assured, with some time, It will rain back down." It just seems like it's too short at the end. The other three lines have 7 syllables, and with "on" the last is 6, but without it's only 5. I'm not huge on counting syllables and meter and stuff, but the 6 just sounds better than the 5 to me. Maybe I could use another word there instead, or rephrase it a bit...[/QUOTE]Understandable. ^_^ After all, you?re right in that it makes the last line seem too short. Perhaps rephrasing it would work? Like you suggested. I?m not sure what to use but this might work: It will always rain back down. That?s just a suggestion though since getting rid of the ?or around? in the first paragraph really helped to cut down on the awkward feel to it. So now that line no longer seems as awkward anymore.[quote name='Ben']I also agree that "toe" was VERY awkward there. I [I]wanted[/I] "toes," but as you noticed, it makes the last line awkward. And I'd like to change the last line to sync up better with "toes," but I'm not sure your suggestion is the way to do it..."just" seems too sharp a sound to put in there. What do you think of "It seems your lover glows?" in place of that line? As for the last suggestion you made, I think "for you" fits just fine. In the fourth and final verses, there are references to multiple fires, and I think the "for you" makes it clearer what fire exactly the speaker is talking about. Hmmm...actually, I think a few other adjustments would make dropping the "for you" work without sacrificing understanding. I could just get rid of the references to multiple fires. :p I'ma go edit the post with the revisions. Thanks a LOT for the input! :D[/QUOTE]I like that suggestion. The ?It seems your lover glows? That goes really well with the other change from ?toe? to ?toes? All the changes make everything read so much smoother where before it was making you hesitate as you read through the verses. ^_^ Anyway, I?m glad you liked the input just as I enjoyed reading the poems. [/FONT]
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