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Everything posted by Sabrina

  1. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aberinkula'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Anyways, I do think that they should at least have a warning that there is smoking in a movie, they warn us about alcohol use in video games and movies, so they should warn us about smoking too. But if one measly cigarette ups a movie's rating to 'R,' than that is sort of stupid.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]Warnings would be a good compromise in my opinion. I may think harder ratings is in order, but hey, I'm also all for meeting halfway. Especially if it's a movie where out of that two hours you see it only once. A full out R rating would be kind of overkill for that type of situation.[/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Tahoma"]I put the Nightwish album Once on my computer and added it to my random play list so right now I'm listening to [B]The Siren[/B]... This one is fun with the guitar solos and the rather haunting sound the main singer conveys. Creepy in a delightful way that almost sends shivers down one's spine. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082][b]Edit:[/b] Whoo, I finally got ahold of Adam and sorted out the FTP problem. As I thought, the permissions on the customprofilepics folder wasn't set correctly so I fixed that. And I'm working on getting attachments back right now.[/color][/QUOTE]Thank you! ^_^ I thought I was doing something wrong somehow. Hehe. But now? It worked! >_> Even if what I loaded up looks almost egoistical somehow. XP [/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aberinkula'][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]On the bus ride to school, there's always this ad pn the radio for an ant-smoking group in St. Lawerence County, NY. Some people want cigarettes and all forms of smoking to only be in R rated movies, because it might influence people to smoke. For example: kids. Honeslty I don't think this should be supported. WTF is doing this going to change? Kids still see it in their everyday life. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]Well I think it should be supported. Why? One has to be a similar age to even purchase cigarettes. But that's not all, Hollywood, like the tobacco industry, likes to denounce criticism as ?censorship? and to shield its business with the ?free speech? protections of the First Amendment. Certainly, no one wants the government regulating what?s in movies. But R-rating tobacco promotion on screen has nothing to do with the First Amendment. The reason is simple. The First Amendment limits the government?s power to interfere with content. It has nothing to do with Hollywood?s voluntarily rating its own products. And, let?s face it, there is more than a little hypocrisy in studios claiming to be guardians of artistic freedom: * Studios do a billion-dollar business in product placement whether the screenwriter or director likes it or not. * Studios order screenplays re-written. Studios, not directors, control the final cut of motion pictures. * Producers have even given tobacco companies script approval. R-rating tobacco protects film makers against commercial pressure, a far more immediate, pervasive and persistent threat to creative independence than anything the First Amendment addresses. And yes I borrowed that from a site supporting the change, but since it's how I feel, I used it. Hehe.[quote name='Aberinkula'][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]And hoenslty it's like saying no one smokes period. Plus, if it's isolated to movies, the same should be done to TV. This also causes a problem, imo. If you've ever watched [B]That's 70's Show[/B], you'll know that they smoke pot. But really, saying that if a movie has smoking it sould be rated R? I think it's a stupid thing and it's hardly going to make a difference in the long run.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]No it's not, it's saying that like certain levels of violence/sex/other material. There are some things that are regulated to being required to be an adult in order to view them.[/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Tahoma"]I hope this is the right place for the problem I've encountered. It seems I can't upload attachments for a post or a profile picture either. >_> I'm pretty sure I'm following the directions correctly, but I get an [I]upload failure[/I] message for attachments and a [I]cannot save image[/I] for the profile picture. So... um... halp? Other than that everything else seems to work just fine. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Rachmaninoff;806764] I tend to look more for traits such as honesty, a good sense of humor and at least some similar tastes as mine and yet differences too.[/QUOTE]That's always a good place to start. ^_^ [quote name='Starwind;806766']I think first and foremost I look for intelligence because stupid people get on my nerves pretty quickly. [/quote]Oh so true. XD Being able to have decent conversations is such a must in my opinion. Especially since I like the idea of an equal relationship and that doesn't work very well if only one is smart and making the decisions. [QUOTE=MaskedRider']Obviously finding a woman attractive helps, and I know that this may seem wrong, but I expect a physical part of the relationship as well. I understand a girl wanting to wait, but I'm 20 years old and in this day and age it's pretty much expected in an adult relationship. Wow... I sound kind of like an ***.[/QUOTE]Uh... yeah. Attraction is good and all, but I can't enter a relationship where the other person is expecting sex. I have to like someone long before that even crosses my mind. XP It just doesn't work, that's an unbelievably huge turn off to me. Now I'm not referring to you of course, but guys in general... I hate guys who's first thought is nothing more than how quick can I get into her pants. Uh... no. Though I imagine if it's like what Retribution said where it's clear from the begining, that's not quite the same... though in my case I'd be, no thanks. [quote name='MaskedRider;807044] I'm actually a nice guy, but girls don't generally tend to go for nice guys. Yes, that's what they want, but they usually end up going for the self confident jerk who treats them like ****. But whatever, it's their mess not mine.[/QUOTE]We don't? Since when? :p Though I suppose that depends on your definition of nice. Because I'm thinking your view and mine differs on account of what you've said so far. [quote name='indifference;807063][COLOR="Indigo"']I look for someone who can handle being in a partnership. I live in a state where a huge percentage of the population has some deal that it's a woman's place to stay in the home, blah, blah, blah and so forth. So I'm pretty choosy, starting with refusing to date anyone from said religion here that follows that. But seriously, so long as one can accept someone who wants a more equal deal. You and I will get along just fine... Whether it's to date or as a friend.[/COLOR][/quote]Oh don't remind me. Hehe. But yes, we are not going to just stay home and tend to the babies! [QUOTE=SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Or we find those nice guys and keep them. >_> Sorry Rach, but you [I]are[/I] nice. :p[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]XD *laughs* She has you there Darren! Hehe. Anyway, I think that covers what I look for... honest, funny, attractive, smart, not some sexual deviant. Also, likes a woman who has interests out side of being a stay home mother. :p[/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='James;799984][font=franklin gothic medium]I'm fundamentally opposed to censorship (I prefer ratings than outright censorship), but as per usual there are many shades of grey.[/font][/QUOTE]I'm rather fond of ratings myself. >_> But then I'm squeamish and horror flicks tend to make my skin crawl. But seriously, outright taking things out is something I don't agree with.[QUOTE=James'][font=franklin gothic medium]With OB, my feeling is that we can censor swearing while still allowing people to say whatever they want. After all, you can still express any idea without using swearing. So although specific words are censored, ideas themselves are not. I think that's the main point.[/font][/QUOTE]My English teacher has always been rather fond of telling us that if you're relying on swearing to express things... your paper needs serious work. XP And yes, I know it's a form of expression in itself, I think he was just trying to get us to think harder and be more creative. :catgirl:[quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]In terms of films and religion, I'm just tired of the whole debate honestly. Religious groups really need to get a better hobby than frequently going after films.[/font][/QUOTE]Oh so very true. XD I'm religious myself, but honestly, I never did get that drive some have to attempt to censor others based on their own vision of what's acceptable or not. So silly really. [/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]ANN has a rather [url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=7222&page=22][u]long list[/u][/url] of the references made throughout the series if you're interested. [/color][/QUOTE]Thank you! I know I'm going to watch this show again when I get done. XD Printing out a copy of that to have on hand to understand the references will be fun. :catgirl: Anyway, I finished episode twelve. XD Oh was that fun with Konata dragging Kagami and Tsukasa to her version of a festival. Hehe. Those poor girls, especially when Kagami stumbled upon that [spoiler]more revealing manga.[/spoiler] Poor girl, turning so red from embarrassment. Oh did I laugh at that! XD [/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Rachmaninoff;808046]Oh! So it [I]is [/I]you! Oh this is too fun! And in case you're wondering... this is Darren. [/QUOTE]I see your love for Rachmaninoff has not changed. XD Crystia told me you and Beth were both here. And yes tis I! >_> Okay, that sounds rather pretentious. Hehe.[quote name='Aceburner;808047'] Anyway, welcome to the jungle. We've got fun and games. Have a good time and Prepare to want to bite off Prem's head repeatedly.[/quote]Thank you very much. And I saw your reference to a neck hug for Prem. *laughs* [QUOTE=James'][font=franklin gothic medium]Welcome to OB, Zed and Sabrina! Hope you enjoy your stay here. Does this mean we have yet another member of the Utah Crew in our midst? :catgirl:[/font][/QUOTE]Thanks! I'm thinking I will. :catgirl: Hmmm... Utah Crew? I guess that would be accurate since I do live in Salt Lake City, Utah. XD I promise... >_> We're not as weird as the rest of the states would have you believe. Hehe. So that's what you guys call them? Crystia, Darren and Beth? The Utah Crew? Hehe. Oh wait... I know there's another one though I've never met her. I have such a rotten memory, I only remember that she has a dog. Anyway... Utah's fantastic! :catgirl:[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]*Lowers rifle* Anyway, as Aceburner said before his tragic demise, welcome to OB Sabrina, it can seem to be a bit of a jungle sometimes, although Crys tells me you're finding your way just fine. Have fun, and look forward to seeing you around the boards.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]o_O You shot him! Poor guy! O_o Hehe. And yes I am finding my way around thank you... all those little stickies in each area are rather useful, as is that list of the vB Code in the FAQ. Now that's a page I find ever so convenient. Anyway, thanks again for the welcome everyone. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]*poke* Hopefully it's to your liking. If not I can always get a different shot if you have something in mind. Just let me know. [IMG]http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/4149/konatabanjp2.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Thanks! XD That's adorable and my favorite part from the opening. >_> Well the one with the bizarre music where everything is sped up and zanier than all get out. Hehe. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Tahoma"]Uh... how about this? "[B]Somewhere, some town is missing it's village idiot.[/B]" Oh would I just laugh like crazy if I ever saw that on a grave marker. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aberinkula'][COLOR="Navy"]God Allamorph. PULL IT OUT! Get it? lol, that isn't hard to understand. Duuh :p[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Whoa there! I'm a woman silly! Don't go getting meaning that isn't there. O_O And for the love of... keep that sort of thing to yourself thank you very much. I so[I] did not[/I] need to hear that kind of immature humor. [spoiler]And I am now clear on one thing, Prem is a guy, a teenager to be exact [/spoiler] Anyway... back on track... I think... I just realized that I've played Tales of Symphonia for over a hundred hours on account of doing the different difficulty settings. Another fun game. Could have used more cut scenes though since that cel-shaded chibi look kind of gets old if you ask me, even if most of the skits were fun. Anyway, next on the list? Tales of the Abyss![/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aberinkula;808003][COLOR="Navy"]Wow Sabrina, that's you're first post and it looks, well, whoa! Lol, good first post I must say. Welcome to the Otakubaords, I'm Aberinkula (or call me Prem I don't mind) hope you have a great stay![/COLOR][/QUOTE]Thanks! One can never tell with getting started how it's going to go. Hehe.[QUOTE=Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]Welcome to OtakuBoards. I guess you can blame me as well since I got Crystia hooked on Lucky Star and introduced her to that Caramelldansen video. I admit, I laughed when she told me her roommate saw it and got it stuck in her head too. :catgirl:[/color][/QUOTE]Ha! So you must be Dessy! Nice to meet you and thanks! :catgirl: This place looks like fun. Now if I can just get that video out of my head. Somehow, I think I'm out of luck, after all I went to bed last night and that thing was running through my head when I woke up! O_O [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Hurrah for Terry Brooks! (Even if he does feel a little [I]"get-on-with-it"[/I] sometimes.) So Des is responsible for Lucky Star, and I'm responsible for Nightwish. I like this game.[/FONT][/QUOTE]Hmmm and here I would have said, overly descriptive and almost repetitive in his themes with the Shannara series, there's a lot of similarities that keep popping up after all. At least it was laced with common every-day language making it easier to follow. And yes, it seems you are responsible for Nightwish. *laughs* Not that I mind, it's good stuff. Oh and hello to you too. ^_^[/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial][I]No.[/I] ò_ó As in, my pet name for her. As in, [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]indi[/B]fference[/COLOR]. =P[/FONT][/QUOTE]O_O Uh... oops? :animeswea Never occurred to me that it was a pet name. Wait... you have a pet name Crystia? *laughs uncontrollably* [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]I might check out Lucky Star sometime. Might make my younger siblings wonder why I yell at them for watching Spongebob and Hannah Montana, though.[/FONT][/QUOTE]Oh my, no, no, no! Lucky Star is vastly superior to Spongebob... *shudder* There's just no comparison. Hehe. I'm sure Indi would tell you to watch it so... you... [I]watch![/I] It's well worth your time I assure you. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aceburner']The thought never entered my mind, considering you didn't even mention Windwaker. Speaking of which, I've probably clocked close to 200 hours on that one. I can't help it, I actually prefer it to OoT (Not by much, but WW is still my favorite.) The art style is fantastic, the bosses are amazing, the storyline is super special awesome and the only thing bringing it down at all is a sidequest that doesn't even take more than about 15 minutes to complete if you're good.[/QUOTE]Oh yeah... *cough* I do like the Windwaker, but I haven't put in over a hundred hours playing it. I did beat it though and the more cartoonish Link did have the funnest expressions. I suppose if I were to pull it out and play it again I might hit that hundred hour mark... it's just more fun playing with Twilight Princess. XD[/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='indifference;808009][COLOR="Indigo"]Or you could use Indi if you want since I've picked up that nickname since I became a member here. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]Indy? As in Indiana Jones? Haha! I suppose I could call you that, though you are too short. :p Okay...[I] way[/I] too short. Hehe.[quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"] the Lucky Channel evolves and goes utterly [spoiler]insane near the end[/spoiler'][/COLOR][/quote]O_O It gets even more interesting? Holy Hell! Akira's already pretty out there! I mean in one episode she was literally reaching into her tunic and [spoiler]scratching herself![/spoiler] XD[/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Tahoma"]Hi! I'd like to request a banner from Lucky Star to go along with the avatar I'm using. Which by the way, is great, it was hard to choose from the avatars for Lucky Star that are available here. Anyway, I'd really prefer something similar with Konata in it. I don't have a picture to offer up though and my banner making skills... I'd rather not make any poor cats laugh. Anyway, if someone could help? I'd be forever grateful. Oh and before I forget, so long as the size fits the guidelines for this place, I have no preferences, can be smaller, that's fine by me. [/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Tahoma"]Oh joy! Introductions... I wonder if they're as much fun online as they are in person... Probably easier since you don't have the same sense of being stared at that one gets in class. God I hate that... And here we go... Hey,[I] no staring![/I] Anyway, my name is Sabrina... hurray for getting my real name for a user name... I figured it would be taken. Hehe. But yeah that's me. Basically I'm a college student at the University of Utah and Crystia's roommate... so it's her fault I'm here since she got me started on Lucky Star the other day. And that video... that I can't get out of my head. >_< Good grief. Uh... I'm really more of a fantasy fan though, Terry Brooks, David Eddings, oh and sci-fi too like Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. Not that anime isn't fun, I just love that kind of stuff the best. Anyway, nice to meet all of you. Should be fun yes? :catgirl:[/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='indifference;807698][COLOR="Indigo"] Something I blame completely on Allamorph.[/COLOR][/QUOTE][quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial']I take full responsibility for that.[/FONT][/quote]So you're the one responsible for that. And here I was going to blame Darren since he got one of their albums last year. That was a shocker. Anyway... it seems I'm listening to this band as well... Nightwish that is. How can I not? Crystia's been blaring her new album Once that she got the other day. Though at this rate I'm going to end up liking it too. So far out of what I've heard, I like Dark Chest of Wonders the best. The female singer has a beautiful voice. :animesmil Oh and while I'm here... headphones Crystia... use them. lol (I'm kidding by the way) Hehe.[/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Tahoma"]Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask & Twilight Princess. I've played those games so much it's almost criminal. I never get tired of playing Link. I just love the Zelda series. And no it's not just because Link's adorable so shove that thought out of your mind! XD Anyway... I've easily put in over a hundred hours for each of these games, especially Ocarina of Time on account of the Master Quest... I wonder if they were on drugs when they redid the dungeons to make them more challenging. That was a pain! Hehe.[/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='BKstyles'][FONT=Tahoma]My god...help me. I can't stop watching the damn opening to this show. [/FONT][/QUOTE]You and me both, though I'm stuck on this instead since I saw it first. [YOUTUBE="Lucky Star"]Dic_TIFv6mg[/YOUTUBE] Oh gods... I can't get it out of my mind. I am so going to kill you Crystia (or should I call you indifference?) for getting me started on that. XD Though I've moved to watching the show and now to joining this place. Uh.... Anyway, I got started on this the other day... I don't even know where to begin, though I don't catch most if not all of the references that I assume are to other anime shows, but still. Good grief! This show is fantastic! Konata the ultra Otaku who forgoes sports and even gets a job to support her habits. Kagami who though a bit egotistical is fun to watch sparring verbally with Konata. Tsukasa so cute and clueless, like the time when she was looking for the number for her cell phone. XD And the ever polite Miyuki. As soon as I finish up episode twelve I'll be moving on to the next. This show is great fun. :catgirl:[/FONT]
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