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Everything posted by Sabrina

  1. [FONT="Tahoma"]Well school started again for me today. It feels weird to be in my third year of college, but I am excited to be back in class again. I enjoyed having the summer off, but I'm ready to be learning again... I think. ._.[/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Tahoma"]I start school again on Monday. Though I'm excited for my classes, I'm going to miss my part time job and the free time I've had during the summer. It's been nice to not be rushed all the time for a change. ^^[/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Tahoma"]I'm guilty of answering a call while driving, though I try to avoid doing it, but I never text while I'm behind the wheel. I have if someone else is driving, but not if I am. o_O I'd have to look, but I'm pretty sure texting and driving is prohibited here. Even if it's unlikely that you'd be caught, I rather not risk that kind of distraction while I'm driving. [/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Tahoma"]Part of me wants to laugh at this since the idea of tossing a taco at someone seems so absurd and silly. But the other part of me finds it sad that the family's relations are so broken. My parents had rules I didn't care for, but it never entered my head to toss food at them. o_O Though they never made silly threats about having us arrested, they just made it clear that we were expected to abide by the house rules. [/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Tahoma"]The only time I manage to stay up more than 24 hours is when I'm sick and can't sleep or by some weird chance, I stay awake for school or goofing off with friends. Otherwise, I'm too used to going to bed every night and getting eight hours of sleep. ^^ I'm also able to sleep just about anywhere, once I start getting tired, I can't seem to help it. I'll fall asleep on the sofa in the middle of a movie. o_O[/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Tahoma"]Normally I would completely disagree (yes I hate swearing), but I don't see any harm in this. The message is actually important and It's not meant to hurt anyone, so I don't see a problem. [/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Tahoma"]Unless mine is currently doing something, like running a scan, I always turn it off when I'm done using it. If I forget and leave it on when I go to bed, when I wake up, it bugs me that it's running until I get up and switch it off. ^^ [/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Tahoma"]Every time I make cookies, they get snatched. In real life, and online. o_O It's like people know, even if they're not in the house, that I've just made cookies. [/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Tahoma"]I heard about that. I didn't bother to read up on it since I no longer consider PETA worth following in any sense. They go over the top too much. Though sometimes it is kind of funny to see how absurd they're being. ^^[/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Tahoma"]What I read indicates that both sides made mistakes and overreacted to the situation at hand. Gates yelling at the cop and them arresting him instead of just walking away. However I'm sure there is a point where they treat an upset individual differently if they don't calm down. As for Obama... I'm not sure I follow the reasoning that Obama is abusing his power by feeling that the police acted stupidly. I couldn't find anything that indicated he actually did anything or even used his position as President to influence the outcome. It seems like it's the public, who because of Obama's position, are the ones refusing to stop nitpicking something that is done and over with. [/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Tahoma"]I'm not even sure what to say to that article. I've never heard of a kid drinking it before. Considering the damage it has done to him... that's just really sad to hear about. [/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Tahoma"]I find the idea of allowing young teenagers to go hunting by themselves a bit surprising. We already require them to be older for driving a car and other things, so it just doesn't make any sense to let them go hunting on their own. I am not into hunting myself, but if I had kids, I wouldn't be comfortable with that. I'd prefer it if they had an adult with them. [/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='waywardwarrior']Actually, if this makes it any better (doubtful), the BMW was a 1992 model, I believe. So it's not like it was brand new or anything, quite the contrary. But still, if it works, drive it! Right?[/quote]No, it does not make it any better so your doubt is well placed. The car may have been older, but it was still reckless behavior to torch it. The car may have had no resale value, but he still could have turned it over to a junkyard or donated it to a charity if he hated it that much. [/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Raiha][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I don't think the Gideon Bible people have the same arrangement as the Mormon Bible people. Although that's a question for the Utah people. Do hotels in Utah have the book of Mormon instead of the Holy Bible?[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]I don't stay in hotels here, but I'm pretty sure they have both. At the very least, I know the one our company does wood and marble work for does. The others I can't be sure of. I have never taken stuff from hotels. I bring my own shampoo and amenities. I did accidentally end up with a towel once. I don't even know how it got mixed in with some of my clothing. I have lots of nice towels at home and have never considered it worth my time to take one from a hotel. [/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Raiha][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Banning bottled water however as part of an unnecessary taxpayer burden at government meetings is an entirely different enchilada.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]This. I think banning it for people who choose to buy it is stupid, but for government meetings, it's an expense we don't need to be paying.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Tahoma"]The first thing that comes to mind when I read that is: What a spoiled brat. Torching an expensive car just because you don't like it? I would have simply traded it in on something else. Or just been glad to actually have a car. I didn't get my own car until I started going to college. [/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Raiha][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]IQ test before having children? Yes.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Oh gosh, I can kind of agree with that. XD As much as I hate to sound mean, sometimes I wonder about people who have kids. Though having a good IQ doesn't mean they'll have common sense. o_O [/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Tahoma"]Because like the children's book: Curious George, my cat is forever getting into trouble since he has to poke his nose in everything. XD He's like 10 curious cats all in one. So I named him George after that book since it fits him so well.[/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial']I think I'll opt for why in the world does it matter.[/FONT][/quote]That works too. I suppose it's too late for the "If I had to choose..." disclaimer. [B]._.[/B][/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Tahoma"]o_O I can understand them being concerned, but it sounds like they're being way to strict for something like that. It would help if they would explain the other reasons that lead to her being arrested. As it is now, it doesn't really add up. In general though, I can't imagine that breast feeding your kids when you're drunk, is a good idea. Probably fine for small amounts of alcohol, but otherwise I would definitely say, bad idea.[/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Tahoma"]I have a tabby cat named George. So named because he gets into absoutely everything. Since I'm away at school, he's with my parents. I miss mah kitteh. ._.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Tahoma"]I think I'll opt for the Dessy FanClub instead of being a minion of some evil CEO of Wal-Mart. ^^[/FONT]
  23. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Scattered Reminiscence[/B][/CENTER] After telling Lucia what she knew and answering the few questions that were interjected by either Chris or Nathan, Phaidra had commandeered one of the plush chairs and sank wearily into it. A moment later, Sarvel settled down in her lap, equally as tired. It was much worse than when she had fought that vampire with Lucia and Ruby. Maintaining the shields to keep the other vampires out, in spite of the constant assaults, had required a lot of energy. It was an unavoidable drawback since they didn?t have the time for a more complex spell. Phaidra was listening to the others when she caught herself starting to trance without meaning too; she started when Alex mentioned that he felt like the vampires had been toying with them. [I]Toying with us? That was toying? Is he serious? [/I] Sarvel lifted her head and gave Phaidra a curious look. She smiled reassuringly before looking back to Alex who had finished. Her heart sank when she heard Adrian echo the same sentiments that Alex had. It didn?t make any sense to her, why would the vampires bother to toy with them? It felt like the answer should be obvious, but she was too tired to put it together. Phaidra didn?t recognize the phrase from the recording either, though like Alex said, it did seem as if she should know it and she wondered why. She caught herself starting to drift again when she realized that Nathan and the other Reaper was leaving. A moment later, Chris and Isen followed suit. To her surprise the other werecat, Karl, after giving Adrian an odd look, helped himself to the sofa. [I]I wonder why he?s staying instead of going with the others.[/I] Phaidra thought about asking, but decided against it. She hadn?t been close enough to hear what Gavrie had said to him and it was none of her business anyway. Phaidra turned her attention back to the conversation, startled by what she heard. ?[B]Wait did you just say that the person behind this is called Shou Jian?[/B]? ?[B]I did,[/B]? Lucia answered her. ?[B]Why? Do you recognize it?[/B]? Sarvel snorted. ?[B]Someone thinks a bit too highly of themselves.[/B]? ?[B]Explain.[/B]? Lucia demanded. ?[B]Shou Jian was one of the powerful vampire lords from the war. One of the leaders of the Jian clan.[/B]? Alex frowned. ?[B]Oh, right. I thought they were wiped out though.[/B]? ?[B]They were,[/B]? Sarvel confirmed. ?[B]So it?s rather pretentious of them to assume that name[/B].? ?[B]Hunh.[/B]? Alex sighed. ?[B]Anyway, I wish I knew why that transmission sounded so familiar.[/B]? ?[B]I?ll be returning to the capital in a few days, I can look it up in the library while I?m there.[/B]? Phaidra offered. ?[B]I can also check the records for the war.[/B]? ?[B]If you don?t mine, please do.[/B]? Lucia said. ?[B]Now, unless there was something else, I think we?re done.[/B]? She looked to the group and then continued when they shook their heads. ?[B]If I get anything else, I?ll let you know.[/B]? ?[B]You know,[/B]? Adrian said as the others got up to leave, ?[B]Since we?re done here, there?s no reason why you can?t go join the others Karl.[/B]? Karl grinned and stood up. ?[B]Oh no, I still need to go over your [I]lovely[/I] little performance back there with you.[/B]? He smirked when Adrian stiffened. ?[B]Fine.[/B]? Adrian snapped back before whirling and taking off, with Karl close behind. Phaidra stared at the spot where they had ghosted through the walls, wondering what that was about. With a mental shrug she put it out of mind and left. [/FONT]
  24. [FONT="Tahoma"]There is this tarantula in the ACWW game that you have to catch. Only if your net is out, it chases you and jumps on your character, knocking you out. =_= I got clobbered so many times before I finally caught it, but when I miss, my roommate [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR] laughs at me since it startles me. So I gave the game over to her earlier tonight and said I'd like to see [I]you[/I] do a better job... So she loaded it up and caught it first try with no fuss. =_= So unfair. [/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Tahoma"]Well, it is possible. o_O I won't be the one deciding if that is indeed the case. So you'll have to just wait until [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR] posts since I've left it up to her. ^^ I do agree though, it would be very amusing and also very startling for the vampires. Hehe.[/FONT]
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