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Everything posted by Sabrina

  1. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial']I'm probably gone for a week or so. I know people will be elated.[/FONT][/quote]Only if it means you're going on a nice vacation or something like that. In which case, I'll tell you to have a good time and we'll see you when you get back. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Tahoma"]I think it's too soon to say the bailout failed. Things like what you linked to Darren, don't really paint the entire picture. They do show that mistakes were made, but it's far too soon to see if this will really stabilize the economy or not. Much like expecting the President to be able to change stuff for gays so quickly, expecting real economic turn around in such a short time is kind of unrealistic. It's not a quick process. It took us more than half a year to create the mess in the first place. Recessions aren't reversed so easily and just because the efforts don't produce immediate visible results, doesn't mean that things aren't improving. I think we'll get a much better picture say eight to ten years down the road. This kind of behavior is only highlighting more of what needs to be changed in order for things to really improve. The more stunts corporations pull like that, the more they prove that stricter legislation really is necessary.[/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Tahoma"]Oh gosh, after seeing what you linked to Sangome, I checked the other weird news articles and came across this: [url]http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31424512/ns/us_news-weird_news/[/url] o_o [/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=Sangome][SIZE="1"][URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31422688/ns/us_news-weird_news/"]http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31422688/ns/us_news-weird_news/[/URL] what[/SIZE][/QUOTE]What's the term I've seen used for something like this... oh right. lolwut? [/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Tahoma"]From a business standpoint, it's a smart move to see if you can lure in more customers with features that would appeal to them. It doesn't cheapen the game or experience when you can decide for yourself if you'll use it or not.[COLOR="Indigo"] Indi[/COLOR] already pointed out how there is a target group that such a feature would appeal to.[quote name='Indi][FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Indigo"]Bottom line, I could care less if they include it. Won't affect my game playing at all.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote]This. I can use it, or I can simply ignore it. How I play a game is up to me and that's how it really should be. If I don't want excessively difficult parts, that's ultimately my choice, not other gamers who think it should only be the other way. That's about as narrow minded as thinking there should only be action or only rpg styled games. The more choices the better in my opinion. [/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Tahoma"]Okay, I finally got my post up. =_= I tried really hard to at least get some action in, but I have such a hard time writing it. I hope what I did on the magic side is okay. I thought that would make their inability to get away, a bit more realistic. [/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]We Are Not Separate[/B][/CENTER] Phaidra barely had time to tuck her phone away before another vampire managed to slip into the underground storage area. Without the time to set up a proper ward, the barriers Sarvel and she were casting, didn’t last more than five minutes. Even with them trying to switch off, there was still a short lapse between each one. At this rate, they really would be overrun before Nathan could arrive. It didn’t help that the vampires were taking advantage of their numbers and speed to keep them from retreating. All they would need was a minute to slip away, but it was taking everything they had just to stay alive, if they turned to run, they would be cut down before they could take more than a few steps. “[B]Phaidra![/B]” Sarvel called out in warning. “[B]I know! I know![/B]” She shot back, too busy to properly reply. Sarvel didn’t need to explain, she could [I]feel it[/I]. The aura was unmistakable. Someone outside was casting a spell. Phaidra resisted the urge to swear as she felt it settle. If she wasn’t so busy casting shields and sending sheets of both fire and purifying flames at the vampires attacking her, she could have easily shattered what had been cast. But she didn’t have time to prepare the required spell. It was nothing more than a low level containment spell, similar to what had trapped Lucia and her before. Only this was far cruder and literally depended on the presence of the walls and floors. The only thing it was good for was to keep them from being able to simply ghost through the walls. They could still merely walk through say the lift or any open window or door. “[B]Sixteen you said?[/B]” She called out as she dodged to the right, avoiding a rushing vampire. The fireball she launched at his back missed completely as he danced out of reach. Phaidra clenched her teeth in frustration. “[B]Yes.[/B]” Sarvel replied. So that meant there were ten more outside. If Nathan didn’t arrive before they managed to get in… For a split second she was distracted by movement to the left as one of the vampires managed to slip past Alex and rush her. A startled gasp escaped her lips as she twisted desperately to meet it. The others were too far away and Sarvel was halfway into recasting the barrier to keep the other vampires out. There was no way Sarvel could pull free of the spell in time and… [I]I can’t dodge![/I] A wave of fear ran through her, and she outright shrieked in fear when something slammed into the vampire from the right. To her surprise it was Adrian, and he had run the vampire through. Blue flames engulfed the vampire in a flash, burning him to ashes before she could do more than take a few steps back. [I]What? How did he manage to do that?[/I] She could have sworn he was on the other side of the room just a second ago. The other vampires hesitated slightly, a look of surprise on their faces. Phaidra tried to shove the fear aside, she had to warn the others that they couldn’t ghost through the walls anymore, and she had to let them know that they had no choice but to exit via the lift or the stairs. “[B]Adrian, the walls have…[/B]” she started to explain. “[B]I know.[/B]” Adrian cut her off. He grimaced slightly before turning back to launch himself at the closet set of vampires. They had already recovered from the brief shock of seeing him seem to kill the other vampire so easily. It was slightly reassuring to see that both Alex and Adrian were much more experienced at fighting than she was. Especially Adrian, at times, it was like he was nothing more than a blur, even to her eyes. Phaidra tried to put it out of mind, to focus on keeping the others out long enough to let Nathan get there. She hoped it was soon. She lost track of the time as she focused on using her shields to help hamper the movements of the vampires for Adrian and Alex. And though she never seemed to hit anyone, she still kept trying to hit someone with the purifying flames or the fire of her magic. But it was draining and she knew she couldn’t keep it up for much longer. Phaidra was wondering if they were going to make it when she was startled by a large crashing noise. She whirled in time to see the door to the stairs fly into the room. The force of its flight was enough to level the unfortunate vampire in its path. Standing where the door used to be, was Isen. [/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Tahoma"]Considering the opposition some people have against [I]any[/I] form of rights for gays, I think the last part of the article really says it all.[quote][FONT="Arial"]"[B]This is a first step,[/B]" said Berry, who acknowledged that some of the benefits being put into place by the presidential memorandum already exist at some agencies. "[B]Not a [U]final[/U] step.[/B]"[/FONT][/quote]Some moves require Congress, like the article states so to expect a single man to be able to change that all by himself, president or not, is unrealistic. His term is far from over so if he does nothing else, then I'd say they have a right to feel like he didn't follow through, but it sounds like they're griping because the start wasn't as big of a change as they would have liked to see.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=Raiha][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I believe the sentiment was that the cars currently being produced by GM are of a quality and strain that does not quite match up to the foreign models that function better for cheaper with less issues. If your friend's cars were bought a few years ago or more, they probably don't have the same issues they have now. A friend bought one of their SUVs and had to practically give it back. Lemon.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Ah, okay. As for my friends, that would be true, most of them were bought within the past five years, only one was within the last year. He hasn't had any issues yet, but that could change. ^^[/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='chibi-master']Not even if I pledge eternal loyalty and servitude to the Gavin Corporation?:confused:[/quote]I recall seeing a post somewhere where Gavin said he was in league with Basement Cat. So pledging that is the same as offering up your soul. o_O So you're still in trouble. All joking aside, I'm not entirely sure how the thread got off on the tangent of [I]I'd never buy a GM[/I]. I have plenty of friends who own vehicles by them and have nothing more than normal upkeep issues. [/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='chibi-master']I beg that you didn't discover that by actually watching that s***fest movie...[/quote]That is how I discovered it. One of my friends wanted to see it so I went with her to the movie. It wasn't the most horrible movie, but it wasn't all that great either. [/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Miss Anonymous']Ohhh yeah, definitely. Heck, in order to get certain items in the game, you have to save basically 1 billion bells in the bank. Mhm. [/quote]That's the one thing that makes me think I'll never get everything. It is easy enough to get money in the game but reaching the final goal, will take forever. o_O[/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Tahoma"]Well they didn't indicate that it was the final chapter, so obviously they have something in mind. I really did like how they had the others find one another again. It was very emotional and moving, I thought it was nicely played. :catgirl: I still can't help but wonder what will become of Fai and company though. I know you have your theories Sir Allamorph but I wonder if Clamp has other ideas. Though who knows? We might simply be told, that's all folks! o_O[/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Tahoma"]Other than classical or something very soft and soothing with no lyrics, I can't stand any music when I'm studying. It's just too easy to end up listening to the music instead of doing what I should be doing, studying. ^^ I even have to be careful about what classical I choose since I'll catch myself paying attention to what's playing instead of my school work. XD[/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Tahoma"]And I've now easily put in over a hundred hours for [B] Animal Crossing: Wild World[/B]. You'd think one would get tired of the same type of simple tasks like weeding, fishing, picking and selling fruit and mailing letters and running errands for your neighbors... but I never do. o_O I've had the game for almost a year now and I'm approaching around 200 hours of playing it. Mainly because I'll spend anywhere from around half an hour to an hour playing it each day. I'm pretty sure I've hit 200 hours. ^^ What's even more insane is I still haven't done everything one can do in the game so I can easily see myself continuing to play it every day.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Gavin][size=1']The fact that this man has already proven a successful CEO of AT&T only bodes well for his future running of GM.[/size][/quote]I completely agree with this sentiment. I'm glad to see them put someone in the position who actually has extensive experience in management. [/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Tahoma"]Regardless of their excuse; yes I see it as an excuse since I don't believe there is any genuine reason for such hatred. I find anyone being racist or hating someone based on something as trivial as skin color or ethnicity, sad. It kind of feels like a setback to see the numbers of such people increasing instead of decreasing. [/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Tahoma"]o_O Well I can understand wanting to be responsible if you're a gun owner, but the idea of bringing them to church just seems beyond odd to me. Probably because I don't own one and I've never used a gun. Other than that, I don't really see a problem with it.[/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Tahoma"]I think it's good advice actually, you certainly don't need to be that wealthy to contribute to the community though. My family owns their own business and my parents have always done charity work with some of the profits. If I was that rich, I'd probably just do a whole lot more. [/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial']I lost the game.[/FONT][/quote]I had to look that up to see what you were talking about. So having done that... [I][SIZE="1"]*whacks Sir Allamorph with a pillow repeatedly!*[/SIZE][/I] I know what you mean chibi-master, we have scattered showers and wind here and my net literally just died for a few minutes while I was reading this thread. [/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Marlynna Saige']I do hope I'm posting this in the right section--it's a suggestion for the category arrangements on theOtaku. The Sgt Frog and Keroro Gunsou fandoms should be merged into a single Keroro Gunsou/Sgt Frog section as they're really the same thing. ;P Sorry if this is the wrong place ^^;[/quote]I actually take care of categories over at theOtaku and I plan on putting those two categories together. Thanks for the information though. :catgirl: If you have other questions about the categories, you can pm me at any time over at theOtaku: [URL="http://www.theotaku.com/portfolio/sabrinam"][U]SabrinaM[/U][/URL] [/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Tahoma"]I can't recall if I've ever tried that Gavin. Last time I had fish, it was Salmon. I had it baked with lemon pepper seasoning on it. It was really good. [/FONT]
  23. [FONT="Tahoma"]Well usually, I like to make home made ice cream, but since I'm away at college, I don't have the ice cream maker with me. So I just have to get some of my favorites from the store. I also like getting Popsicles. The rest of the time, I just use lots of ice in all my drinks during the summer. I love making iced lemonade. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  24. [FONT="Tahoma"]I find it frustrating when I wake up too early and can't fall back asleep. o_O Makes me glad I'm on summer vacation. It's definitely much easier to find time for a short nap when you don't have lots of homework to be done. [/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial]Guess what, guys? We've got ourselves some Pro-Life terrorists here in the States. Ain't that swell? Makes me sick.[/FONT][/QUOTE]You're not the only one who finds it sickening. =_= I do not agree with abortion, but at the same time, I cannot agree with committing murder to stop someone who is acting within the law. Actions like this don't help things at all, they just make the side that doesn't agree with abortion, look like fools. I feel bad for the family. To lose a loved one over something like that is terrible.[/FONT]
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