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Writing The Otaku Prose Contest Final Round (Vicky VS. Anomaly)
Sabrina replied to Mykul's topic in Creative Works
[FONT="Tahoma"]Though I like the descriptions and outright weird feel to Vicky's entry, I found myself connecting to the emotions of the events in Anomaly's entry more. Since they are both nicely done, I will be using that as the deciding factor. My vote goes to [B]Anomaly[/B]. [/FONT] -
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Tahoma"]We have a storm front coming in and for whatever reason, it has set my allergies off. o_O I have an absoutely rotten headache right now. Ugh. [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]I know the feeling. The storm got me earlier today too. I was kind of surprised since that doesn't happen very often. Now I'm just going to hope that the probable cases of that flu in my area, turn out to be something else. The last thing we need is people getting worked up over that around here. Oh and I'm still frying my brains preparing for finals... =_=[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]o_O Well that's different. I can see why the store would be reluctant to give them their money back. It would be hard to tell if it really came like that or not. I am glad they got it back though, paying that much money for rocks is a bit crazy. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I've heard about it, but I'm not worried about it. The way I see it is that it will either spread or it won't. All the worrying in the world won't change that. I'll still be careful with washing hands and such, but I do that anyway. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='John]What's the reason it's illegal? Why does the government think it's wrong? I mean, I know why you do, and I know why I do, but do you think the government should be using the same religious basis?[/QUOTE]I honestly don't know what basis the government is using for it. I would imagine some of it comes down to whether or not the person really is suffering. Attempting to regulate something like that would be quite the headache I imagine. [QUOTE=John']Also, legality and morality aren't the same thing. Obeying the law doesn't necessarily make you a good person, and breaking it doesn't necessarily make you a bad person. This group thinks this particular law is wrong, and they're putting their own freedom at risk by choosing to go against it. I don't think they're wrong about that part, at least.[/quote]I didn't say one way or the other in terms of legality or morality. Even if it were legal, I would still consider it immoral. But that is going back to my personal religious beliefs. Also, I have no issues with someone insisting that if they were to die, that they not be brought back. I don't see that as the same thing as actually doing something to make death come quicker. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='John][B]Sabrina:[/B'] Thanks for clearing that up. When you said you agreed with Raiha, I thought you were saying that you agreed with her hatred of that group (an opinion which she made very clear in her second post, in case there was any confusion). Also, the thing about the mentally ill woman was not only one incident, but the article gave us almost no info about it. At the very least, it isn't conclusive evidence of ineptness on the part of Final Exit.[/quote]I meant the sentiment that it's not positive to help someone to kill themselves and that I see it as morally bankrupt on some level. I should have just been clear from the beginning. o_O Also, even though the article isn't clear enough, I still view assisted suicide as something that's illegal for a reason. These people know this and yet they're doing it anyway. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='John]What is it about suicide that you guys think is inherently immoral? What, exactly, do you see as morally corrupt about wanting to take yourself out of this world? And when one man sees another struggling with the means to kill himself and end his suffering, what is immoral about that first man feeling compassion for the second and wishing to help him carry out the decision he's made?[/QUOTE]I should have been more clear. If assisted suicide is going to happen, it needs more care than just feeling sorry for someone. The only thing I would see as immoral is someone acting on those feelings when they are not in a position to understand if the person is really suffering, like the woman in the article who had a mental condition and just needed treatment. The group didn't seem to realize that. So it would be morally irresponsible to attempt to determine or make that decision when you have no real basis for it. At least that's what I think.[QUOTE=John]In other words, what's your moral basis--what do "right" and "wrong" mean to you when you say suicide is "wrong"? Now don't get me wrong, I think suicide is wrong, too. But I know why I think that--I'm a Christian, and I think a person's life isn't their own to make such a decision with. I believe no suffering a person can endure is able to outweigh God's love for that person. I don't blame somebody for trying to assist someone who wants to kill themself, but I think they're terribly mistaken.[/QUOTE]That's how I see it actually. I think they are mistaken and that is based on my religious upbringing that tells me taking a life, even your own is wrong.[QUOTE=John']So do you really have a reason for hating this group and calling them murderers, or are you conforming to the idea of alive = good, dead = bad because it's what feels comfortable?[/quote]Why would I hate them? I think they are wrong and unless the article is leaving details out, they are far from qualified to determine if someone really has a deliberating terminal illness. Feeling comfortable has nothing to do with it. Feeling bad that someone is in pain, is not a legitimate reason to help them kill themselves. I do not agree with assisted suicide, however if such a thing is going to happen, then it needs to be overseen by someone who is actually qualified. And by qualified I mean a doctor who can verify that they do indeed have some terrible illness, etc. And to be clear, I have nothing against people who wish to kill themselves, if anything, they need our help and support.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I never noticed that we had a character limit. o_O But then I tend to say a little something whenever I post an image or a video. [I]*makes a note to use &nyaaaaaa should the occasion ever arise*[/I][/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I'm in agreement with Raiha. o_O It's one thing if they have a terminal illness and don't want to be brought back, but the other is something those people shouldn't be doing. They already made the mistake of helping a woman who had mental issues and not a terminal illness, so clearly they don't know what they are doing.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Black Rose[/B][/CENTER] In no time Phaidra had gotten all that she could for her trip back. She did not bother to say anything to the gate personnel about how the identification ward felt off. It didn?t feel like a true malfunction and she could always discuss it with one of her instructors at the school should it happen again when she returned. She was more interested in getting back and comparing some of her notes once her next assignment was taken care of. Phaidra paused back at her place only long enough to tuck her book away in the drawer in her small desk. She took a brief moment to make sure the seals were still in place and then pulled out her cell to look at her schedule again. ?[B]We just have one assignment right?[/B]? Sarvel asked her. Phaidra nodded. ?[B]Yes. We?ll need to leave in a few minutes.[/B]? ?[B]When is the next one again?[/B]? ?[B]We don?t have another one until after we return from going back to the other side again.[/B]? She put her cell back in her pocket and looked to where Sarvel was sitting on the sofa. ?[B]That means we?ll have some extra time then.[/B]? Sarvel started to lie down and thought the better of it. She could take a nap when they were finished. Phaidra smiled. ?[B]Yeah. I might even start on a third cookbook. I?ve got some ideas for new recipes that I want to try out.[/B]? She flushed slightly when Sarvel just gave her an odd look and then shrugged. ?[B]Anyway, let?s get going.[/B]? She had the information telling her exactly where Mrs. Cox would be, but she didn?t need it. Phaidra had been to her home many times in the past seven years. For the first time, she simply ghosted her way through the walls, heading for where she could feel her presence in the home. It was almost time. Phaidra halted in the living room and called her scythe forth. She waited patiently as the older woman entered the room struggling to carry a small basket of laundry. Mrs. Cox didn?t get far before she halted with a jerk, grimacing in pain. The basket clattered to the floor as she collapsed on the floor. One step forward and Phaidra brought the scythe down and through the woman?s body, severing the connection between her spirit and her body. And then she stepped back and waited patiently. Within moments a confused dark haired woman was standing there, looking down at the body. ?[B]What just happened?[/B]? She looked up and then froze when she saw Phaidra standing there. She glanced down at Sarvel, her eyes widening as she took a step backwards. ?[B]I?m dead?[/B]? She whispered. ?[B]Correct.[/B]? Sarvel answered her. ?[B]But I felt fine.[/B]? She protested. ?[B]How?[/B]? ?[B]You had a heart attack.[/B]? Phaidra explained. ?[B]Wait, why are you here, how can you see??[/B]? She stopped and looked down. ?[B]You?re here to make sure I die.[/B]? ?[B]Ehhh... Yes and no.[/B]? Mrs. Cox looked back up, puzzled. ?[B]You would have died whether I was here or not.[/B]? Phaidra answered. ?[B]All I do is make sure you can go to the next phase like you should.[/B]? ?[B]I see.[/B]? She looked at her and sighed. ?[B]Do I have to go now?[/B]? ?[B]Yes, you do.[/B]? Phaidra watched as she slowly faded and then vanished. Sometimes she had to help push them on their way, but not this time. It was easier when the person didn?t resist it. Well easier on them, it didn?t make her job any harder since giving them the necessary nudge to send them on their way wasn?t difficult. She glanced at the body again and then turned and ghosted out of the home. It hadn?t been as hard as she thought it would. Moving to the next phase in life was for the best. Once Mrs. Cox got there, she would understand. She was almost back to her place when her cell chimed, indicating that she had a message. Once she was inside she opened it and read what it said. Her right eyebrow shot up in surprise. ?[B]What does it say?[/B]? ?[B]Adrian and Alex want to know if we?ll help with more vampire stuff.[/B]? ?[B]What do you want to do?[/B]? Phaidra stared at her. ?[B]Go with them of course. We don?t have any assignments for a few days anyway.[/B]? She sent them a message to let them know she was on her way.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Sara][size=1']I just expected to see more unfamiliar faces, you know?[/size][/quote]I didn't know what to say since I've only been here a little over a year. ^^ So since I'm pretty new here (at least compared to those who have been here for five plus years) I didn't bother to comment. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]My family has their own business so my first job was working for my parents. It wasn't too bad since part of it is a series of plant nurseries . It's fun helping plant the seeds and then take care of them until they're ready to be sold. I'll be working there again this summer as one of the cashiers. School was so draining this semester that I decided to take a break for the summer. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Nerdsy][color=deeppink']I'm always amused by horoscopes. I like to check them every now and then, whenever I'm feeling down or bored.[/color][/quote]I do that too. They just make you laugh since they're always so silly. I certainly don't take them serious or actually do what they tell you to do. They're just fun for a laugh every now and then. As for the other kind of stuff, I never bother with it. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I wonder what's not being told. And if not... I question how something like that could even happen. The story just doesn't justify her being able to sue and win. I also wonder if what Sir Darren is saying about the ex getting revenge is true as well. =_= I've seen some pretty crazy behavior between divorced couples. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]With the way they always invade people's privacy, ... they may as well be zombies. So I'll accept that explanation. lol[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I am next, I'm just totally busy with school work. This semester has been really hard. XP I should be able to get something up either later today or tomorrow though. And then it will be [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR]'s turn. [B]Edit: [/B]Sorry for the delay. I blame [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR] since she got me started on playing Portal. I also blame school for eating up all of my spare time! >_< [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I agree with Sir Allamorph, it's probably a combination of stress levels increasing with the economic troubles. People are struggling with job losses and all sorts of problems. Though if that's the case then hopefully things improving will result in a decrease in domestic violence cases.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I'm not familiar with it and I'm not going to join the protest. I need to know more about taxes before I agree with the sentiment that we are being overtaxed. I'll find out soon enough since I have to take some classes on this kind of thing. =_= I hate Math. [/FONT]
Ways To See If Your Boyfriend Is Not Straight
Sabrina replied to Raiha's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Tahoma"]I agree with James. I would actually talk to him instead of assuming that reading something like that means they are gay. That just seems so silly to even think that. Unless there are other things you're not telling us that have you wondering? Anyway, if it really bothers you, talk to him. Open honesty is the best way to go. :catgirl: EDIT: [I]*whacks Sir Allamorph with a pillow*[/I] [/FONT] -
[FONT="Tahoma"]Just for clarification, Phaidra and Sarvel are only back on the other side for a day. They'll be vanishing twice a week in order to do some research. Only for a few weeks in the story though. It might be longer, but if so, only a few months. ^^[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Autumn Interlude[/B][/CENTER] Seven years wasn?t more than a moment in time to a Shinigami. Still, as Phaidra exited the massive gate, along with Sarvel, it felt as if she had been gone much longer. The still tranquil calmness that could only be found at home washed over her and she found herself relaxing as she came in to land on the ground at the base of the trans-dimensional gate. She had taken no more than a single step when magic washed over her, hot and scorching. Startled she stumbled slightly, her hands coming up to cast a ward. Before she could do more than think about doing so, the feeling vanished. [I]What? just happened? [/I] It had felt like the ward designed to track and recognize personnel who passed through the gate, but the intensity had been startling. The last time she had come to the gate, it had felt calm and soothing, like warm sunlight. This time it had felt like it was going to burn her. Phaidra straightened up as one of the gate personal approached. ?[B]Phaidra and Sarvel correct?[/B]? The young woman asked her. She nodded in response. ?[B]Right this way.[/B]? She turned around and headed back into the building without bothering to wait to see if they were following along. Once they were inside she looked at the pair again. ?[B]Welcome home. Will you be here long?[/B]? ?[B]No.[/B]? Phaidra hesitated, ?[B]Is the recognition system malfunctioning?[/B]? The woman gave her an odd look. ?[B]Beg pardon?[/B]? ?[B]Just now, the system identified us, but the intensity was too strong.[/B]? She explained. "[B]For a moment, I thought it was going to burn us.[/B]" The woman gave her a blank stare. Phaidra shook her head. ?[B]Never mind.[/B]? She reached up and pushed her glasses back a bit with her forefinger. ?[B]Thank you.[/B]? She said politely before taking her leave. ?[B]Sarvel,[/B]? She started once they were outside and on their way to the library. ?[B]I know I felt it too.[/B]? Sarvel answered her unspoken question. ?[B]I?m not sure if it was messing up or not. It did feel odd though.[/B]? ?[B]Yeah, I wish I could have checked the wards to see why it felt like that.[/B]? She took a deep breath and let it out. ?[B]No matter. It didn?t hurt anything? it was just [I]startling[/I].[/B]? She had never heard of the gate or the wards malfunctioning in that matter though. Phaidra was pretty sure she hadn?t imagined it. She put it out of mind as they made their way through the city to the library; and then to the section she was interested in. The small terminals reminded her a bit of the computers the humans used, though the resemblance was superficial. She took a seat and activated the small terminal. Then once the query to find the symbols she was interested in was started, she pulled out the notebook she had brought with her. Like the other one back on Earth, it too was sealed. Once she found what she was looking for she would undo the seal so she could take the necessary notes for creating the set spell. But first there was something else she wanted to look up. She had seen something during the fight with the vampire, but the symbols were pretty basic and part of the foundation for many possible spells. Something, her search confirmed as it pulled up things she hadn?t thought of. ?[B]Well that didn?t help anything.[/B]? Sarvel commented. ?[B]Now your list of things it could be is even longer.[/B]? She took a seat on the counter next to the screen. "[B]I still think it's none of our business.[/B]" Phaidra just started at her for a moment. [B]?I?m not so sure that the list has changed any,[/B]? she disagreed. ?[B]Unless she?s hiding the ability, those are pretty high level spells.[/B]? ?[B]So what? Someone else could have done it for her.[/B]? Sarvel countered. Phaidra couldn?t argue that point and she opened up her book and took notes instead of answering. She found it highly unlikely, but short of actually asking her, there was no way to know for sure. Then, she moved to the information she had come for, tuning everything out while she gathered what she would need.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]=_= Stupid kids is my first thought whenever I read about this kind of stuff. Being common for them to do it doesn't make it okay either. If you're dumb enough to do it, then I think it's only fair that you have to face the consequences of that decision. However, I do think putting them on the sex offender list is going a bit too far. That should be something that's evaluated on a case to case basis instead of being the standard for that kind of deal. Some of them really are just being stupid and only need a good smack to wake up and be a little more responsible. Still, sending photos like that when you're a teen (or at all) is just... ugh. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='2009DigitalBoy']I'd say that people who 'don't like' or 'discourage' swear words piss me off more than almost any other kind of people. [/quote]No wonder we fought when we first met. XD I'm the exact opposite and one of those people that annoy you. :p It's how I was raised and how I see things on a personal and religious level. Anyway, I would have to say that my habits have not changed. I don't swear. It's pretty rare for me to use anything other than damn or hell. I even have a hard time using something for fictional characters in writing. o_O The habit of not swearing is just something I'm too used too. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Shy][size=1']Please don't post stupid cat photos in this thread. There is a separate thread in this forum for that crap.[/size][/quote]So does this mean you're a dog person? XD I personally love cats, but mainly because my cat George is back at home with my parents. :catgirl: I'd have him with me but the apartment I'm in doesn't allow pets. Plus, my roommate is allergic to them so even if I could, I wouldn't bring him. I still miss him a lot though. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I always understood that the problem with these kinds of relationships was from a very genuine health concern standpoint. I personally find the idea repulsive but I have other things I find disturbing and don't do anything about since it's really none of my business. In the end, I guess I just don't understand it. [/FONT]