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Everything posted by Sabrina
[FONT="Tahoma"]I'd really like to know more about this before I comment or determine anything. o_O There are just so many unanswered questions that the article doesn't even begin to address. Plus, you know the media is going to spin it in the worst possible light so it gets the most attention. Still, being that overweight... it's a shame really. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I rarely mess up anything when I cook. However, I like to cook so I'm always trying out new stuff. Homemade pizza is always super tasty and I seriously doubt some vending machine will ever be better. But! The same is true of sandwiches, cookies and other stuff you can get. So as long as it's fairly decent and not too expensive I don't see a problem with it. If anything, it will give you more to choose from. :catgirl:[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I don't have any plans yet, but I did get my roommate really good last year. XD I get the feeling she'd murder me if I tried that this time around. :catgirl: If I end up doing something or getting pranked tomorrow, I'll come back and post about it. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]o_O And I just noticed this thread. Hurray for school making me scatter brained. [I][SIZE="1"]*dies*[/SIZE][/I] The whole thing looks every so nifty though. Thank you very for the nomination for one of my threads and myself it seems. :catgirl: I also see that someone decided to turn the nomination I did for Sir Allamorph into some sort of weird Internet speech though. XD [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I've never gotten in trouble for something at work before. And not just because when I do work, it's for my families business. >_> However, I do agree that letting someone go for stealing is acceptable. My understanding is that most places do not allow for employees to take food/merchandise, even if it's just going to be thrown away. From a business point of view, it's a habit that can and often does spiral out of control. It's a shame that they have to let food go to waste, but unfortunately, there are people who would exploit something like that. So it's best to not allow it period. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]Hmmm if I had three wishes I'd first wish for better health. Then for my kitteh to live as long as I do (yes I shamelessly borrowed the idea >_>) and then I'd just save the last one for an emergency. :catgirl:[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I don't do anything on this day. ^^ I had thought about it, but my friends have to work so it didn't work out anyway. At least I'm on Spring Break and can just take it easy. :catgirl:[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Indi][FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Indigo"][I][SIZE="1"]*pokes Sabrina for no reason whatsoever*[/SIZE][/I] :D[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote][SIZE="1"][I]*fetches her bag of marshmallows* [/I][/SIZE] >_> Anyway, I have finally posted. School has been downright insane lately with all the projects and work I've been required to do. Spring break can't get here soon enough. At least for now things have gotten less busy. I'll try to do a better job of not allowing so much time to go between posts. ^^[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Where Do We Go From Here[/B][/CENTER] It hadn’t been easy to get back to the town and check for magical traces, not while she was filling in for Lucia. With her own work, Lucia's and the random assignments they sent her, it made finding time to slip away next to impossible. [I]Why in the world are they giving her random assignments?[/I] Phaidra had checked for magical traces in the city when they initially left, but either she had been too exhausted or there just wasn’t anything to be found. Her brief jaunt back with Sarvel had proven equally as useless. If there was anything there, it would have been shielded since she got no response to the search. Without knowing where to go, there was nothing to be done there anymore. “[B]You still thinking of going back to the other side?[/B]” Phaidra looked up from the set stone she had been studying. “[B]Yes.[/B]” “[B]Why? They didn’t answer your message. I doubt going in person will matter.[/B]” “[B]I’m not going for that.[/B]” Sarvel stretched a bit, getting more comfortable on the small couch. “[B]Oh? What for?[/B]” Phaidra set the stone down on the table. “[B]I want to make stronger wards and I have a few questions I’d like answered. So I’m going to check the magical studies library.[/B]” “[B]Don’t you think she’d tell us if she wanted us to know?[/B]” “[B]I want to be sure.[/B]” Phaidra sighed. “[B]Anyway, I’m more interested in why they were giving Lucia random assignments.[/B]” Her brow furrowed. “[B]How in the world do you get random assignments? They’re given to us two weeks in advance so that makes no sense at all.[/B]” There was no reason for anyone’s assignments to be random. It just shouldn’t happen. A reaper [I]knew[/I] in advance if someone’s time was coming up. It took her time to get used to it, but now, if she was close enough, she could tell if someone’s time was approaching. Once it was within a month, she even knew the day and approximate time. One of the women she worked with for the catering business had that odd aura about her, and had been included in her last schedule update. It was going to feel odd to send someone she actually knew on their way. Not that it would stop her. She just wondered if the woman knew somehow since the last time she had seen her, she had give Phaidra a very particular look. “[B]I still think it’s none of our business.[/B]” Sarvel said. “[B]Perhaps.[/B]” She shrugged. “[B]I still need to go back for the wards. If I want to put one in a set stone like that spell the vampire used, I need some very specific details for the spell. I already put the request in for us to go back to get the information.[/B]” “[B]How long would that take?[/B]” She thought about it briefly before answering. “[B]It shouldn’t take more than a few days. If it does, I'll start it and then just keep going back over when I have time between assignments.[/B]” Sarvel settled back down, saying nothing to that. There wasn’t much to be said. The fight had made it obvious that they had a lot to learn. If Lucia and Ruby hadn’t been there, they would not have survived. Since they returned she had gotten rid of her skirts, other than a few for special occasions. The long flowing skirt pants were better suited for research and unexpected trouble. [I]I wonder if I should learn more about fighting.[/I] It probably wouldn’t hurt. She could ask Nathan at their next magic session. “[B]Anyway, forgetting that, we still need to tighten up the casting time for those shield circles and I’d like to increase the wards for my clothing.[/B]” Her eyes narrowed slightly. “[B]Ideally, I’d like them to be as strong as a full ward, but if the set spell I have in mind works, it won’t matter.[/B]” “[B]Sure it will.[/B]” Sarvel countered. “[B]If we increase the protection for your clothes, you can keep the set spell as a backup.[/B]” Phaidra stood up. She reached up with both arms and stretched. “[B]I think I’m going to go for a walk.[/B]” She lowered her arms. “[B]You’re welcome to come along if you like.[/B]” Sarvel looked at her for a moment as if considering and then settled down on the couch. “[B]You go ahead, I’m going to take a nap.[/B]”[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]Underneath huh? [LIST][*]Books and papers from previous semesters [*]blankets and sheets [*]clothing and shoes [*]odds and ends[/LIST] It's all in boxes of course. ^^ I'd have to look but I'm sure there are dust bunnies too.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I know of it, but I never do anything for it. So my plans will be classes and homework like always. ^^[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]My first thought upon seeing this is... they are way too young to be having kids. o_O My second thought is that I find it sad. There are so many places where the lines of communication could have broken down. Their parents, school, friends, etc. In the end, I agree with the sentiment that they can't possibly be ready for this. At this stage, one can only hope they get enough support from family that it doesn't totally mess up their lives. And having said that... I'm shaking my head and going... jeez. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I've had someone attempt to tell me I need a new air filter for my car. o_O I really hate that since every place I've gone to for an oil change always says I need one. I even tried putting a brand new one in right before I took my car in... and they [I]still [/I]tried to claim I needed one. So I started looking for other places to take my car. It took me a while to find a place that doesn't do that kind of thing, the only drawback, they get a lot of business so I have to make an appointment well in advance. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='chibi-master']This thread was inspired by Vicky's post in The Valentine's Thread! Okay, I've got no experience in this because I'm underaged (though I don't ever plan on drinking), but what are some or all of weirdest things you've done drunk? How much have you had to drink in one sitting? What are your favorite drinks? Least favorite? Anything to do with alcohol, put it here![/quote]That's okay, I'm old enough and I have no experience either. XD I grew up in a family that doesn't drink (for religious reasons) and I've been advised, for heath reasons, to avoid alcohol. So I don't have any funny stories. o_O I'm always the designated driver the few times it comes up. It's not a lot though since most of my friends don't drink either.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I've always thought displays of affection were fine so long as they weren't more than say a kiss or a hug. It's only when it's more than that do I think it should be in private. Otherwise, if someone is objecting, whether the couple in question is bragging or not, you're just showcasing your jealousy if you are single, in my opinion. I honestly don't notice if anyone is watching when I kiss my boyfriend on the cheek. o_O I wouldn't even know if someone was single or not. The only ones you can really tell, if their partner isn't around, is those who are married and therefore have a ring, or those who are engaged since they too are often wearing a ring. Be that as it may, I simply do not think to look at people's hands and see if they have a ring or not before I kiss or hug my boyfriend, and seriously, why should I? That kind of makes it pointless if you ask me. I'm not doing that to upset anyone, I do it because I care. And if you're wondering, I was not bothered by it during those times when I've been single. The only time it found it disturbing was when they were doing more than a simple hug or kiss. At that point, get a room. kthx. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I have decided that you are evil [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR]. You know I'm going to look. =_= You're such a hooligan, seriously. And since no one had posted yet, I didn't bother to make it a flashback. I put in the other info about the vampire. Obviously the age is incorrect since Beth and I decided that she's a vampire who was turned just under [spoiler]300 years[/spoiler] ago. Obviously she had some fighting skill and limited magic abilities, but nothing like a war vet or other more powerful vampires. Better than the Count but no where near what Shou is capable of I'm sure. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Enter Sandman[/B][/CENTER] The point of the grayish black scythe staff dug into the floor as Phaidra leaned into it. Careful to avoid stepping in the blood spreading across the floor, she studied the remains of the vampire. A tiny bit of what looked like a wallet of some kind was sticking up from underneath the belt to her skirt. Phaidra let go as her scythe vanished and she crouched over to tug the item free. The thin black wallet was empty save for a few hundred dollar bills and a driver?s license and insurance card. Grace Ann Wickham, age 26. The rest of the details were some address that Phaidra figured was in the area. She tucked the ID and the insurance card into her pocket before setting the wallet on the floor next to the woman. ?[B]Phaidra look.[/B]? Sarvel indicated the gauntlet on her right hand. On the inside, further up along the edge was a small circular flat stone. It was faint, but she could sense residual magic radiating from it. [I]The set spell?[/I] She undid the fastenings and removed it, tucking it into her pocket. She could study that later. Phaidra stood back up, her scythe flashing back into existence. ?[B]I?ll gather Lucia?s things.[/B]? Phaidra stated. Sarvel was already looking for the weak point for the barrier and merely nodded. It took Phaidra little time to gather Lucia?s cloak, hat and gloves. There was still something about the fight that was nagging at her memory, but for the moment it eluded her. [I]I?m sure I?ll remember later. [/I] Lucia was still sitting down when Phaidra returned and set the clothing on the floor next to the other dirk.[I] I hope Ruby?s not too tired to change back and carry her. She looks like she?s going to fall asleep.[/I] She turned her attention to Sarvel who was in the process of building an arcane circle around the fallen vampire. Phaidra?s eyebrow shot up. [I]What?[/I] ?[B]I figured it would be easier to take care of both at the same time.[/B]? Sarvel explained. ?[B]Right.[/B]? She took up the other side of the circle and then poured her energy into the spell, letting Sarvel direct it. She would incinerate the remains once they were done. Phaidra waited until she felt the snap of the barrier coming down before she altered the flow of energy to destroy the vampire. A wave of weariness washed over her as she kept at it until nothing was left but ashes. It didn?t take long to gather up their things and leave. She was sure that Ruby was also tired, but she seemed to manage carrying them just fine, insisting that Phaidra ride as well, to keep Lucia from falling off. For once Lucia simply accepted her aid without muttering any complaints. The cool night air was oddly refreshing as they flew back to their own town. Phaidra was expecting Lucia to bombard her with questions regarding magic, but as soon as Lucia finished sending a message to Nathan she fell asleep instead. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][FONT=curlz mt][COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="7"]B[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][color=#9933ff']ut he said he's going to appeal. I for one cannot wait for that show. [/color][/quote]He certainly doesn't know when to quit. o_O It's like he's digging his own grave and yet can't stop doing so. It is both entertaining and yet sad to watch. More sad than anything though.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I'd love to get the newest Star Ocean game, but I don't have an xbox 360. Most of the games that interest me are coming out on systems that I don't have. They're just more money than I want to spend right now. o_O Oh the joys of being a college student and needing to pay for school. I'll have to be content with picking up stuff for ps2 that I haven't played yet.^^[/FONT]
Manga Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle [Warning: Spoilers]
Sabrina replied to Aya_Fujimiya_42's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT="Tahoma"]I was hoping Fai would get his magic back. The vampire aspect was interesting, but I really wanted him to eventually get it back. I'm also guessing that unlike before, he won't be so hesitant to use it. [quote name='Kei][color=darkblue][size=1]But we can only wonder what's going to happen next since everyone's about to wander into Fei Wong's playground.[/color'][/size][/quote]That has me cringing more than anything. He's been causing so much havoc from the shadows so you just [I]know[/I] his home base is going to be full of all sorts of nasty surprises. o_O Gosh, he just needs to [I]die[/I] already. [B]._.[/B][/FONT] -
[FONT="Tahoma"]Well I do think the post count and titles are fun, but the reputation system seems unnecessary to me. I think it's a bit arbitrary to attempt to put a label of quality on someone's post. As presented, that seems more like a popularity thing than a true indicator of quality. So I'm going to vote against adding that feature. [/FONT]
Writing The Otaku Prose Contest Round 1.2 (Sabrina VS. Lrb)
Sabrina replied to Mykul's topic in Creative Works
[FONT="Tahoma"]A tiny smile, they were thrilled. An invaders flag, my heart sank. Blood flows. Why am I cold?[/FONT] -
[OFFICIAL] The OtakuBoards Nifty Fifty of 2008 - Nominations
Sabrina replied to Shy's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Tahoma"][B]Who is it?[/B] Sir Allamorph ([SIZE="1"]No crossing out the title plskthxbai ¬_¬[/SIZE]) [B]Why are they nifty? [/B] Sir Allamorph was one of the first members I met when I joined OtakuBoards and also one of the most friendly, helpful and kindest. ^_^ He also has a great sense of humor and is fun to talk to. So that definitely makes him very nifty indeed. [B]What is it?[/B] The Caramelldansen Skin [B]Why is it nifty?[/B] It?s nifty because it?s just freakin? adorable. ^_^ Plus it was inspired by an April Fool?s Day prank that Desbreko did when he changed the site into one huge Caramelldansen video. With dancing avatars, funky titles and the video for this in everyone?s signature. Oh was that fun and very nifty. XD [B]What is it?[/B] Rach & SunfallE?s Love Shack [B]Why is it nifty?[/B] I didn?t get to see it on the day it happened, but the screenshot showing that "The Lounge" had been changed to ?Rach & SunfallE?s Love Shack: If this forum?s a rockin? don?t come a nockin?? was one of the funniest Valentine?s Day pranks I had ever seen. [B]Who is it?[/B] Desbreko [B]Why are they nifty?[/B] For epic pranks like the Love Shack and Caramelldansen April Fool?s day. For creating the adorable Caramelldansen skin for OtakuBoards. For their hilarious thread theDailyOtaku. For having a fanclub... the list just goes on! Plus he?s fun to talk to. [B]Who is it?[/B] Korey [B]Why are they nifty?[/B] Cause he?s a silly goofball with his pranking new members in the chat at theOtaku. And he?s just a fun friendly member. [B]What is it?[/B] The register link. [B]Why is it nifty?[/B] Because without it, how else could you join the fun? XD Clicking on that was one the best things I did last year. [B]What is it?[/B] The members [B]Why is it nifty?[/B] Members are what make OtakuBoards so nifty in the first place. ^_^ They are the ones who start threads, get involved in discussions and continually make the place fun to visit. So you?re all nifty, every single one of you. [/FONT] -
[FONT="Tahoma"]I don't see myself giving up fish if the name is changed to sea kittens. o_O It's not like I eat a lot of it anyway. This whole approach just seems rather pointless and silly if you ask me. [/FONT]