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Everything posted by Sabrina

  1. [FONT="Tahoma"]I think a picture response fits what I think of the parents: [CENTER][IMG]http://img387.imageshack.us/img387/350/128734179249180440di5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=Indi][COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Arial"][I]*looks at you like that*[/I] =P Anyway, there's your post. Ha! And yes, I'm not done. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]I may still be tired from being sick, but not enough to stop me from doing this. [B]O_O[/B] That post with Karl was mean. =_= Anyway, once Beth has posted and I've taken my finals, (which will be next Monday) I'll get a post in. In the mean time. I'm still too tired from getting sick to care about doing anything. [/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Tahoma"][I]*pulls out a pillow and starts beating [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR] up*[/I] I posted you hooligan so now you can post again. [B]._.[/B] Even though part of me doesn't want to read the next part. >_> [SIZE="1"]And... stop looking at me like that! GAHHHHHH! >_
  4. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]One of the Hunted[/B][/CENTER] So Lucia wanted to go and check out another location, something she had learned about from the facility they had visited. It seemed reasonable enough but the trap they had encountered at the last place had her feeling a little leery of the idea. What if they encountered one that she couldn?t detect until it was too late? She knew she was worrying too much but it didn't stop her from changing into the new clothing she had gotten. She was so use to always wearing ankle length skirts that until she came to Earth, she had never worn anything else, ever. They were comfortable, but she still preferred the feel of skirts and always changed back after training or doing research, though if she really was worried about ending up in a fight... [I]I should get rid of my skirts. [/I] She doubted a vampire would politely wait for her to change before attacking. Lucia was supposed to be free later that evening since the message had asked them to come by after ten o?clock. She was asking for their assistance again since Lucia wanted to check out another point in the line of communication. Given that their schedules agreed, Phaidra, after talking to Sarvel, had sent her a message agreeing to the trip. ?[B]Are you still worrying about that?[/B]? Sarvel asked her as they headed to meet Lucia. She frowned slightly, ?[B]Of course I?m concerned. Setting up a trap like we saw before takes a lot of work. Whoever did it will know that it failed.[/B]? ?[B]Is that why you?re wearing the new pants you bought? In case we end up in a fight?[/B]? ?[B]Of course. That is why I bought them after all.[/B]? Phaidra shrugged. ?[B]It?s not like I expect anything to happen, but they?re good for training and research too so?[/B]? She stared at Sarvel when she snickered in her direction. ?[B]It?s not funny.[/B]? ?[B]Of course it is you?re worrying too much. It?s just a shipping warehouse and avoiding any tainted humans or vampires will be easy.[/B]? Sarvel sounded sure of herself. ?[B]It?s not like that other place that Lucia hacked into.[/B]? She nodded reluctantly since that was probably true, the security for the last place, even though it was by the humans, had been pretty tight. [I]I need to stop worrying so much. [/I] Phaidra came into land just outside the door to Lucia?s place. Even though she had told her it was fine to just come in, she couldn?t bring herself to do so. She knocked and waited for Lucia to open the door, letting her and Sarvel in. Like always, Lucia got straight to the point. ?[B]Did you have any questions before we head out?[/B]? Lucia asked her. ?[B]Not really, your message explained what you have in mind.[/B]? Phaidra looked down to Sarvel who merely shrugged. ?[B]Is it in the same city that Internet place was?[/B]? Lucia nodded. ?[B]If we leave now, we?ll get there shortly after midnight. The humans tend to work in shifts and the night crew is usually a lot smaller.[/B]? ?[B]We figured that would mean less vampires or tainted humans,[/B]? Ruby explained further. ?[B]If there are too many then like before, we?ll just get what we can and leave.[/B]? ?[B]Alright,[/B]? Phaidra clapped her hands together. ?[B]Shall we get going then? The sooner we get there, the sooner we?ll be done.[/B]? "[B]I need to take care of something real quick, it won't take long.[/B]" Lucia said. Phaidra nodded and then waited patiently while Lucia pulled out the crystal she used for communication and other stuff. She didn?t know what she was doing, but a moment later she finished and then stuffed it back into her pocket. Then with a brief nod she and Ruby took off, ghosting through the walls. She paused only long enough to make sure that her and Sarvel were following before taking off into the night sky. [/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Tahoma"]Okay, I finished what Aaryanna started. >_> And yes Viktor thinks Arthur is probably the son of the terrorist that NARSIA arrested. Like any citizen he's followed the news on that. Along with all that's happened and what he's observed, it's not that hard to figure out. I hope that's okay with you Shy. ^^ If not I can alter my post. Oh and before I forget:[quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']I'll let Indi think up the devious ways in which Samantha might end up triggering this. :P[/font][/quote]This ought to be interesting. =P [/FONT]
  6. [CENTER][IMG]http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/9613/sabavixi1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/5076/aryaviif9.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2357/kathykf5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h167/Desbreko_Fanclub/VBO/indiavi.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The light pouring in from the hole in the side of the ship made looking for what Jeff had described much easier. If such materials did exist, there was no reason why Arthur couldn?t have helped the two remove the cuffs or at the very least break the sturdy wire. Viktor knew why he hadn?t though; it didn?t take much to put it together. It was Arthur who knew too much about the conspiracies among other things, and unless he was mistaken, his actions could only mean one thing. That he was a member of the group known as Terra Prime. Viktor remembered reading about the arrest of Edward Kendi, the founder and leader of Terra Prime, a group whose actions made them nothing more than terrorists. The in-depth report surround the arrest of Edward had mentioned a son named Arthur whose location was unknown. Considering the knowledge that Arthur ?Clarke? had, Viktor knew he wouldn?t be surprised to learn that he actually [I]was[/I] Arthur Kendi. NARSIA was looking for Arthur Kendi since it was believed that he was involved with Terra Prime just like his father was. If he was him, getting on board would have been essential and using an alias would have been the only way to do so. Arthur may have left Jeff and Natalia unharmed since they had been locked up by Samantha, but that didn?t mean he wouldn?t kill any of them if they got in the way.[I] I really hope I?m wrong about him, if only for Katelyn?s sake.[/I] He had checked the public files on her once he got the chance after returning from the abandoned outpost. He had been curious to understand some of the remarks he had heard about her since they had indicated that her parents were gone. Though he had never expected to learn that they had been murdered. If he was right about Arthur, then it was entirely possible that he was personally responsible for the death of her parents. He shook his head and tried to put it out of mind, focusing on helping Natalia and Jeff needed to come first. Viktor followed the light from the hole and then veered off to the right to what looked like a series of built in lockers along the wall. Most of the doors were either open or warped slightly from the crash. He started looking through the ones that had been gotten into, most likely by Arthur when he had been getting stuff to use for making a bomb. It only took him a moment to find what Jeff had described. There was more than one canister with the markings on the side. He picked one up and tucked it under his right arm before turning to head back. Viktor smiled as he watched Katelyn cleaning up and putting things back into the little backpack. But then he winced when he overheard her asking the pair why Arthur had left them there. The others looked up upon hearing him approach and he scowled at Jeff when he heard him tell her they?d explain once he returned. ?[B]Don?t you think it would be better to wait until you have some sort of proof,[/B]? He said more sharply than he intended. He finished closing the gap between him and the group, ignoring Katelyn when she turned and welcomed him back. He set the canister down next to Natalia. ?[B]It doesn?t take much to figure it out Mr. Ivanov.[/B]? Jeff replied coolly. ?[B]Obviously you have or you wouldn?t be objecting like this.[/B]? He looked briefly to the confused Katelyn and then back. ?[B]Suspecting someone and knowing isn?t the same thing and you know it.[/B]? Viktor shot back. ?[B]What if you?re wrong? What then?[/B]? ?[B]What are you talking about?[/B]? Katelyn interrupted but Viktor ignored her, refusing to look in her direction. ?[B]Would you have me risk the lives of every single survivor just to avoid upsetting a few people?[/B]? Jeff frowned. ?[B]Your concern is well meant, but ignorant and misplaced.[/B]? ?[B]Would you two save that for [I]after[/I] you?ve gotten the cuffs off?[/B]? Natalia said irritably. ?[B]You?re right, sorry about that.[/B]? Viktor apologized as he knelt down and then followed Jeff?s instructions by first attaching the dispenser, and then carefully applying some of the substance on the wire between the cuffs. Then once that had broken, he first applied a tiny bit of the corrosive stuff to the actual lock before carefully pulling it apart. He grinned at Natalia as she rubbed her wrist with her other hand one once it was free. Then he did the same for Jeff, avoiding contact with his skin. He set the canister down, tossed the cuffs aside and then helped both of them to their feet. ?[B]Thank you.[/B]? Jeff said simply. ?[B]So what were you going to explain?[/B]? Katelyn asked. Viktor looked at her and then the others, he caught Jeff?s look and sighed. ?[B]If you don?t, I will.[/B]? Jeff warned Viktor. ?[B]We can?t afford to keep her in the dark.[/B]? Natalia snorted. ?[B]Honestly, you two are absurd.[/B]? She reached over and took Katelyn?s hands in her own. ?[B]We think that Arthur is a member of Terra Prime,[/B]? She tightened her grip when Katelyn gave off a little gasp of surprise and tried to pull away. She pulled her close, hugging her tightly. Natalia glared at the two who had fallen silent. ?[B]Now if you?re both done squabbling over that, we need to decide what to do next. I don?t fancy heading outside since that?s the direction he took, but going the other way is even more dangerous.[/B]? ?[B]Getting down here wasn?t a problem.[/B]? Viktor objected. "[B]I'm more concerned about Samantha returning,[/B]" Natalia let go of Katelyn who was still standing there with a glazed look on her face. "[B]If she sees that we're free, there's no telling what she'll do.[/B]" "[B]The crash tore a hole in the hull where the shuttles are. If we go outside, we could probably get back into the ship that way.[/B]" Jeff suggested, he looked over at Natalia, "[B]Could you get my headset?[/B]" She reached into her pocket, pulled it out and handed it over. "[B]I already got it.[/B]" "[B]Right, lets get going then. The sooner we can get to security, the better.[/B]" Viktor watched briefly as Jeff started towards the hole and then Natalia who had her arm across Katelyn's shoulders as she whispered reassuringly to her. He looked around briefly to make sure they weren't forgetting anything before following them out.
  7. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Kei][color=darkblue][size=1]The action will probably be shifting to Syaoran vs. "Syaoran" here shortly, though, so, yay, Fuuka Shourai and whatnot. [/color'][/size][/quote]And so it did. That whole chapter was pretty much the two of them fighting. They've already pulled the card of he's stronger from using the magic more than Fai did. I wasn't expecting that to happen so quickly. Now, it will be interesting to see how and if he manages to beat him. o_O At least the monologuing was kept to a minimum this time.[/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Tahoma"]I really think this is pretty clear cut. If this person is right back into dealing drugs, the police need to be informed so they can deal with it immediately. The way I see it, even if she won't let you see the kids again, at least you'll know they're safer with him out of the picture. Ask yourself which is worse, never seeing them again, or leaving them in the position of being exposed to the dangers that come from him doing drugs and dealing? I think the kids safety and well being comes first.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Tahoma"]I can understand that they are limited in space for Junior dictionaries, but at the same time it seems a little odd that they would make those choices for removing words. o_O I just recall that some of my first books that I read when I was the age the dictionaries are aimed for, had those words that they've removed. Though my parents just had a regular dictionary and not a junior one so missing words like that was never an issue. I was always able to find what I needed. [/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Tahoma"]Congratulations again [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR] and Nathan. [I]*tosses more confetti into the air* [/I] :catgirl:[/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Tahoma"]My family has already been cutting back since my parents retired just over a year and a half ago. It's something that as we've all gotten older, just happened naturally. I don't like asking my parents for anything when I don't need it. ^^ I don't do as much for friends either since I'm a college student now. I always knew it would be expensive, but sometimes I still get surprised by just how much it really is. In general the recession hasn't affected me or my family too bad. It has some, but not enough to be a serious problem. So yes we're spending less this year, but it's more than just the current economic issues. It's a combination of things. [/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Tahoma"]What stands out the most to me about this article is this bit here:[quote] It is about the death of an intelligent and curious, readership, interested in significant things and able to think critically.[/quote]It really feels that way with how hard it is to find a decent film to watch. The reviews for movies often paint it as if it's the most incredible thing ever when so many times... it's not. One of my friends wanted me to go with her to see Twilight, so I did. It was mind numbingly dull. She kept whispering to me in the movie to explain points that were in the book, making it clear that it was a movie to cater to fans. I don't think I'll bother to see it again. It did not live up to the hype that I've seen surrounding it. At all. I think the news is the same too. It's all about what's going to grab people's attention instead of what's going on in the world. I have to hunt around online and check more than one source to get a good picture of what's going on and even then... it's still lacking. [/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Tahoma"]I tend to drink more water than anything. I'm not a big soda drinker but when I do have it, I usually have Sprite, Root Beer or Fresca. So long as it doesn't have caffeine I'm good. Right now my favorite is Black Cherry Fresca. So tasty. [/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Tahoma"][I]*mumbles incoherently* [/I] [B]WHY DID I HAVE TO BE RIGHT?!?[/B] >_< And I have school.... And [I]you[/I] left us on a freakin' cliff hanger[COLOR="Indigo"] Indi[/COLOR]! [SIZE="1"][I]*dies*[/I][/SIZE] [/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='SunfallE][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][I]*is totally confuzzled* [/I] [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]I is not so confuzzled. [B]._.[/B] I have my suspicions and theories from Sir Allamorph's post. If any of them are right... they will lead to [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR] being beaten repeatedly with a pillow. [SIZE="1"][I]*hopes she is wrong*[/I] >_
  16. [FONT="Tahoma"]Okay, I posted. I did leave everyone together though so if you want have Jamie take off to look for Alex Darren, it should be easy to indicate in a post. Also, I didn't say if Zahir mentioned that he was with Arthur or not when he overheard the conversation between Samantha, Natalia and Jeff. It's even possible that he didn't tell the group what Samantha said about Arthur. I left that a little vague on purpose so I don't mess anyone up. [/FONT]
  17. [CENTER][IMG]http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/9613/sabavixi1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/5076/aryaviif9.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/9978/vboavatarey3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/8279/jamiekingse9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Viktor resisted the urge to throw up on the spot when he emerged from the emergency stairs and took a few steps into the lobby area where the passengers had been ordered to gather. The sight that met his eyes was horrifying. Not only were there dead passengers all over the place, but bits and pieces of those who had been torn apart when the ship crashed as well. He managed to get it under control as he made his way through the carnage towards members of the crew and passengers that he could see moving about. They appeared to be moving the injured into the buildings that were the least damaged. Viktor nearly lost it again when he came across Ilona, lying on the deck. He shook his head and moved on since there was nothing he could do for her. The entrance to the casino was busy and Viktor headed for it, intent on seeing if any of the others who had been at the outpost had survived. If they had, he imagined that they would have headed to this place. He was about to head in when movement to the left caught his attention and he turned to look. He couldn?t help but smile when he caught sight of a familiar school uniform and blonde hair. He couldn?t see her face but Katelyn was the only passenger he had seen wearing that uniform. She was talking to the photographer Jamie and the other passenger Zahir. His smile deepened as he turned to go and join them. He was almost there when Zahir saw him approaching and uttered his name. Katelyn?s head whipped about as she turned to look, her eyes widened upon seeing him. ?[B]Viktor![/B]? She quickly covered the distance between them and then threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly as tears ran down her face. Viktor hugged her in return, doing nothing to stop the tears that ran down his own face. He waited patiently until she finally relaxed her grasp and pulled free. ?[B]I was afraid you were dead.[/B]? She finally explained. He started to speak but she looked past him and frowned. ?[B]Where?s Misha?[/B]? ?[B]He didn?t make it.[/B]? Viktor whispered as he suppressed the urge to weep. He didn?t have time for that now. They had to figure out what to do next. Katelyn looked down, ?[B]I?m so sorry, Viktor.[/B]? Viktor grabbed her shoulders, causing her to look up at him. ?[B]Thank you.[/B]? He said kindly before letting go. He looked over to the other two. ?[B]Do either of you know what?s going on? Well besides the obvious bit that we?ve crashed.[/B]? Both of them shook their heads. ?[B]We?re trying to figure out where the others are.[/B]? Jamie explained. ?[B]Unfortunately, the system that tracks the passenger tags isn?t working properly.[/B]? ?[B]I see,[/B]? Viktor said. ?[B]Did you actually find anyone?[/B]? ?[B]Just you and Natalia and someone named Jefferson.[/B]? Zahir offered, nodding towards the terminal at the reception desk. He had an odd look in his eyes and Viktor wondered what it meant. Viktor looked to the terminal just as more information came up. Confused he walked around Katelyn and went over to check. ?[B]Did you start the search again?[/B]? Puzzled the others moved over to take a look. ?[B]What the...? How did it do that?[/B]? Katelyn asked. ?[B]I only sent in a query twice.[/B]? ?[B]It?s probably malfunctioning.[/B]? Viktor frowned. ?[B]How else could it indicate that Natalia is with Miss Wells? personal security in the sealed deck? And why would Arthur enter the area and leave?[/B]? ?[B]I don?t know.[/B]? Katelyn was confused. ?[B]And I don?t care. The crew is busy helping the passengers so I?m going to go and see if they?re hurt. They may need our help.[/B]? ?[B]No[/B].? Viktor objected, startling her. ?[B]What?[/B]? Katelyn was astonished. ?[B]Why not? You?re not making any sense Viktor.[/B]? ?[B]Katelyn,[/B]? Jamie started explaining with a knowing glance at Viktor, ?[B]How do you think we ended up stranded at the outpost?[/B]? He waited for a moment to let it sink in. ?[B]Only someone with high level security clearance could have done that.[/B]? Katelyn stepped back. ?[B]What are you talking about? I know it was mentioned before, but you have no proof.[/B]? She looked at each one of them in turn and then shook her head. ?[B]Even if that?s true, Natalia was left behind too. She needs our help.[/B]? ?[B]It?s too dangerous,[/B]? Viktor disagreed. "[B]If Miss Wells' security is in on it, it would be foolish to go anywhere near him.[/B]? He spread his arms out to the side, palms up. ?[B]None of us are armed.[/B]? ?[B]But?[/B]? protested Katelyn. ?[B]He?s not the problem[/B].? Zahir said softly. ?[B]What?[/B]? All three of them said at once. Zahir looked at each of them as if deciding and then sighed before explaining. ?[B]It wasn?t him; it was Miss Wells who did it.[/B]? ?[B]Wait? what? How can you be sure?[/B]? Viktor pressed. It was obvious that whatever he knew or had found out was making him nervous. He watched as Zahir seemed to struggle with it before he finally looked down, sighed and then looked back up at the trio. ?[B]I overheard a conversation between Miss Wells, Natalia and Jeff right before the ship crashed.[/B]? Zahir said. Viktor had so many questions that he wanted to ask but he held them in as Zahir hastily explained what he had overheard. It seemed by the way he would wring his hands and look away from time to time that he was leaving something out. Viktor couldn?t be sure. All he knew was the more he heard, the clearer it was that the crash was the least of their worries.
  18. [FONT="Tahoma"]I know my cat would love turkey. XD [CENTER][IMG]http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/11/22/128718507418489261.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']I was going to end this thing with the ship's survivors reaching the alien homeworld, but... I am also wondering if we should end this with a cliffhanger of sorts (where the aliens discover and abduct the survivors from the surface of Artenas).[/font][/quote]O_O I should have known that you and [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi [/COLOR]were up to something sneaky like that. XD Though if what Kathy hinted at in her post about the sealed deck carrying a weapon is true... I can't imagine that the aliens would be all that pleased to see them. Especially upon discovering something like that. ^^ Anyway, I look forward to seeing what you plan on posting. [/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Tahoma"]I heard about this a few weeks ago, it was probably your update on your world where I first saw the news TimeChaser. ^^ I'm still not sure on who they plan on replacing Tennant with. I keep hearing different things actually. Including the statement that so far there hasn't been an official announcement of who the next actor to play the doctor will be. It will be odd to see him go though since he's done such an excellent job. He really fits the role well so whoever is next will have a lot to live up to.[/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Fireproof[/B][/CENTER] Phaidra took a moment to twirl in place, studying her reflection in the trio of mirrors. The pleats in the dark green material that ran about five inches down from her waist were almost invisible. And if she stood with both feet no more than a foot apart, the wide flared material looked nearly identical to the ankle-length skirt she normally wore. It was only when she was moving that one could tell that what she had on was actually pants and not a skirt. It was something she had been meaning to take care of for quite some time, ever since she had realized how limited her movements were. She had been working on something with Sarvel and when she took a step back to brace herself for a test shot, the material of her skirt had brought her up short, causing her to stumble. The slight hesitation to right herself had resulted in the test shot hitting her before she could finish casting the appropriate barrier. It hadn?t hurt her seriously, but getting knocked head over heels had been very unpleasant. Poor Sarvel had been so apologetic but Phaidra was pleased to have discovered that problem now instead of during a real fight. She took a moment to change back into her skirt and then purchased all six of the wide-legged dress pants that the store carried in her size. Four in the dark green she was fond of and then one that was a gold color that was similar to the tassel that fell from her left collar button. The last one was white. Once she got back to her place, since she had needed to come to the city proper to find what she wanted; she would see to treating them so they would be resistant to magic, like the rest of her clothing was. Nothing serious of course, just enough to keep things from being affected by the day to day research that she did. [CENTER]----------------------------------[/CENTER] ?[B]That didn?t take you long.[/B]? ?[B]I didn?t have to search, the first place I checked had what I wanted.[/B]? She set the package with the clothing down on the table in the kitchen before taking the rest over to the counter by the fridge. She started putting everything away. ?[B]That?s good. Did you want me to help you treat them?[/B]? She hopped up onto the table to take a look at what was in the bag. [B]?Uhmm,[/B]? Phaidra finished putting the milk away and then closed the door. ?[B]Maybe later, I?m going to wash them first.[/B]? She wrinkled her nose in distaste, ?[B]They smell like chemicals.[/B]? Sarvel paused in the act of putting her paw into the bag to nose around. ?[B]That?s disgusting[/B].? She sat down, pointedly ignoring the bag that was sitting before her. ?[B]That?s why I want to wash them first; I don?t want anything like that to be locked in by the treatment.[/B]? She started pulling out the necessary utensils for making some pie. Then she opened up the fridge and retrieved four of the peaches she had bought earlier. There was nothing like making pie with fresh ingredients and peaches were in season right now. In no time she was humming softly to herself as she worked. "[B]What are you making?[/B]" Sarvel finally asked her. Phaidra smiled, "[B]Peach cobbler.[/B]"[/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Tahoma"]Okay, sorry for the delay. ^^ School got really busy for a while there so I kept running out of time for a post. o_O Anyone else is free to run into Viktor since he's still on the ship and wondering what the heck just happened. Or rather how in the world they ended up crashing. [/FONT]
  23. [CENTER][IMG]http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/9613/sabavixi1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It took Viktor a moment to remember where he was. The back of his head was throbbing and he reached up, pulling his right hand free of a tangle of arms that weren?t his own? [I]What the heck?[/I] He was wedged into the corner of the closet, covered in all the clothing and personal effects that had come lose when the ship? that?s right, he vaguely recalled being tossed about when the ship had hit something and then? nothing. Other than the growing headache, he seemed to be fine, though he could feel twinges that told him he had either pulled muscles or had bruises. Misha was sprawled on the floor next to him, clothing covering all of him except for his lower legs and his arms which by their position indicated he was resting on his left side. ?[B]Misha,[/B]? he shifted to the right carefully since the ship was at a slight angle. ?[B]Misha,[/B]? He repeated a bit more forcefully as he grasped the older man?s hands in his. Something felt wrong and a chill ran down his spine. He reached for the coat that was covering him and pulled it back. ?[B]I?m sorry Misha,[/B]? He pulled one of the jackets free and then carefully laid it over him, offering a prayer as he did so. It wasn?t too hard to guess what had to have happened. The impact had resulted in him being tossed into the wall behind him where Misha, who had been sitting across from him, must have also been tossed head first. The impact that had knocked him out must have been what broke Misha's neck, killing him. He reached up and wiped away the tears that had formed in his eyes and then stood up. The door to the closet was warped from the crash but he managed to force it open enough to finally slip out. Their quarters were a disaster, with furniture and stuff all over the place. Viktor could hear the sounds of what had to be the crew searching for survivors. He scrambled over the mess, pausing at the sight of one of the bags they had stuffed emergency care kits into. It was scrunched up next to the door. He grabbed it and then worked on getting the door open. There was clearly no power to speak of and in the end, only gravity seemed to help as he got it to open enough to let him out. The sight that met his eyes was hard to believe. The holograms that had portrayed a fake sky and mountains was gone, a catacomb of metal beams in its place. There was debris scattered all over the place and many of the homes that had served as quarters had been crushed by what looked like parts of the ships hull. The hole in the dome was enormous. He figured that it must have broken up into smaller parts before falling down. They were still big enough to wreak havoc. He could see a few people struggling to help others, but his attention kept wandering back to the open hole in the very dome of the ship itself. For him to be able to breathe, meant that they had to have landed on a planet with an atmosphere. But for the ship to be that damaged?[I] That can?t be good.[/I] [I]Now what do I do?[/I] He could see personnel in uniform working though the damaged homes, but there were so few of them. Other than some basics, he didn?t know much about first aid. There was nothing they could do for Misha, helping those who had survived would come first. ?[B]Sir.[/B]? He turned to see who it was. Though wearing the uniform of a member of the crew, she couldn't have been much older than eighteen. Her expression was strained as she kept herself calm. ?[B]If you?re not hurt, they?re having everyone gather in the casino area.[/B]? ?[B]Is there nothing I can do here?[/B]? She shook her head. ?[B]Alright,[/B]? He went around her and headed for the emergency stairs. If there was nothing he could do here, perhaps there would be something he could help with elsewhere. For now he was feeling oddly calm and he wondered how long that would last.
  24. [FONT="Tahoma"]*is reminded that she hasn't gotten around to beating [B]Tales of the Abyss[/B] yet* >_> I think I'll pull that back out since [B]Animal Crossing: Wild World[/B] finally lost it's hold on me. I only played that some every single day for nearly four months. o_O And even though I haven't touched it in a week, I'm tempted to turn it on so I can at least pull up the weeds that must be sprouting up left and right. XD I've just been having too much fun trying to finish up the last dungeon before Ganon's tower in [B]Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past[/B]. That boss is such a pain to beat. ;_; And looking at Dessy's walk through videos of the tower..... O_O[/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Tahoma"]It's probably because it was the first presidential election I was old enough to vote for, but I didn't experience any of the "I'm sick of it" or "I'm depressed over it" stages that article talked about. It was just fun to finally get to be a part of it, even if it was a bit crazy and time consuming to follow. o_O Or it could be the fact that most of my attention went to school so once I read up on any polls or news, I immediately went back to school work. Which left me no time to get annoyed or worry over stuff. Well other than grades, papers, etc. XD [/FONT]
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