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About XKaoriChanX

  • Birthday 06/22/1988

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  1. [quote name='Kaiboy'][FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"][B] Setsuna and Sara from Angel Sancuary. I am probably going to get flamed for this because they're brother and sister but I feel they're really cute together and as long as they're not reproducing I think it's okay since they love each other.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]I totally agree with the bit about Setsuna and Sara lol. I know theyre brother and sister but he went to Hell and back for her litteraly lol! I even did a drawing of these two lol ^^ [SIZE="1"][INDENT][COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Just as you can bold part of a quote you're responding too [B]XKaori ChanX[/B], you can also trim out what you aren't responding to. ^_~ It's a good idea to do that, especially when the entire quote is quite a bit larger than your own post. ~Aaryanna[/FONT][/COLOR][/INDENT][/SIZE]
  2. Sooo I was watching InuYasha the Movie the otherday and realize just how well InuYasha and Kagome work together as a pairing, theyre funny, cute and I love watching them :D It got me thinking about other character relationships and how well some work (any type such as friends, dating, enemies). Il give a few of my favourites as examples: [U]InuYasha & Kagome - InuYasha[/U] Explained above [U]Jaken & Rin - InuYasha[/U] Umm so these two make me laugh mainly cause of how Jaken pretends he dosnt care about Rin when really he does and how Rin ignores Jaken alot of the time lol :) [U]Ichigo & Kishu - Tokyo Mew Mew[/U] A total love-hate reltionship lol. Kishu is so cheeky to Ichigo but he really does like her and I think Ichigo kinda likes him too. I wish she would of chose Kishu to date instead of Aoyama-Kun. [U]Lina & Gourry - Slayers[/U] These two are so funny cause Linas permanantly hyper and so hostile while Gourry is really laid back and calm. I love it when they argue, you can tell they like each other ;p [U]Ren & Miu - DearS[/U] At first Miu pretends she dosnt like Ren but she does really. Ren is totally clueless about most things and Miu is quite up-tight so its funny when Ren does somthing silly and Miu acts so shocked lol. :catgirl:
  3. Currently reading Angel Sanctuary - This is a MASTERPIECE. I dont think Ive ever read something so well constructed, which keeps you wanting more and more. It has some strange themes throughout but these make it all the more brilliant. If you have never read this then I advise you do. Currently watching Naruto - YES I am only just watching Naruto lol, why Ive never watched it before, I duno. Im sure most people have seen this series so I wont say anymore lol...though I do have a question - WHY does Naruto have whiskers? :animestun
  4. Watching nothing at the moment, though Ive been watching Hell Girl/Jogoku Shoujo on and off for a month or so and Im reading Vampire Knight (which there is two new chapters of on onemanga.com if anyones reading this.) but I need to wait for new chapters again now :animecry:
  5. The game is free to play but you have an option to buy something call Dragon Balls which you can use to sell for money or trade for items in the game. Its themed on an ancient mythological China and has some pretty nice background art. There are four classes of character, Trojan, Warrior, Archer, Taoist (which can be either Fire or Water); the look of your char can be customized by using different hairstyles, armour colours, garments and other things. The basic aim of the game is to level your char by killing the monsters which are found in certain places in the game. There is also a PK system where players can fight each other for fun or as enemies. Theres quite a few different quests you can do and theres usually special themed quests for the different holidays. Ive been playing for about 2 years now and though the games not as good as it used to be, its still fun and pretty cool :animesmil If anyones interested in playing: [url]http://co.91.com/index[/url]
  6. Anyone know when the latest chapters guna be out... the suspense is killing me. I NEED to know whats guna happen next :animedepr Any info you guys have will be much appreciated :animesmil @ JapanGirl - this manga rocks more than anything. Buy it and read it youll love it (its also on onemanga.com if you want to read a few chapters before buying it). And @ everyone who loves this manga - there are two new chapters on onemanga.com and more info has been realeased about the making of a Vampire Knight anime. There are some character designs and a preview video on the offical VK Japanese website - [url]http://www.vampire-knight.jp/index.html[/url]. Enjoy :catgirl:
  7. Hmm in my Nintendo DS Ive got Final Fantasy VII which Ive not gotten too far on yet (Im upto The Tower of Owen part which I keep dying on the Boss Medusa :animesigh). In my PS2 Ive got Kindom Hearts which Ive not had chance to play cause my lil bro stole it and In my PS One (yes I own a PS One and still use it :animeblus) Ive got DDR. On my PC I play Conquer Online which takes up most of my spare time (yes, sad I know) sooo I dont play the others much lol :animesmil
  8. Soooo does anyone play this game? If so what server and stuffs? :animesmil
  9. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]Rurouni Kenshin / Samurai X - [/B]Action packed, comical at times but also has a deep storyline to it which I really love. I also like the relationships between the characters and how they develop. Each main character has their own story which you learn over the series which I really like. The Samurai X OVAs are so tragic and beautiful, overall these two make up my favourite anime series. [B]InuYasha -[/B] I love the relationship between InuYasha and Kagome. Some cute characters all with thier own story. Some funny parts, epecially with Miroku and when Kagome tells InuYasha "Sit". One of the few series where I actually like the Dubbed version. I just generally love this series. Some other of my favourites are: * DearS * Tokyo Mew Mew * Slayers[/COLOR]
  10. I LOVE Slayers, Im currently watching Slayers Next (Series 2 of Slayers). I just love Lina, especially when shes fighting with Gourry. One of my best episodes is in Series 1 when Lina and Amelia make Gourry dress as a girl lol. Hilarious :D
  11. [quote name='8bit'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]I can think of a few actually... First would be [b]Dragon Ball Z[/b]. When I was a kid and watched Frieza completely [spoiler]obliterate Krillen when they were on Namek[/spoiler] I was crushed. It was so sad. :( Second would be in [b]Pokemon[/b]. The part where [spoiler]Butterfree leaves Ash to be with the other Butterfrees was heart-wrenching as a Pokemon-obsessed 7 year old. The episode was even called "Bye, Bye, Butterfree!"[/spoiler] Okay, so he didn't actually [i]die[/i] but it was still sad! Lastly would be in an Anime I've only recently started watching a couple weeks ago. It's called [b]Death Note[/b]. I don't think I even have to mention which death I'm talking about because I'm sure any Death Note fan knows exactly which one was the saddest but just in case... [spoiler]I'm talking about "Ryuga Hideki's" death, of course. And while it was very depressing (the whole episode was) I think in the end he deserved it.[/spoiler][/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] OMG I remember that episode of Pokemon and it was very sad lol. ------------ In Samurai X when [spoiler]Kenshin dies in Karou's arms. [/spoiler]It was the saddest thing ever. I cried. Lots T.T :animecry: [SIZE="1"][COLOR="SlateGray"]~ Please don't double post
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