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Everything posted by Arichan16

  1. She should have figured that they couldn't have waited twenty minutes. She had searched all over the place looking for the fight and only found some vampire corpses with their faces mashed in. She had been aching for a fight, too. Gwen sighed in her disappointment as she lifted the false bottom from the trunk in her car. Amongst the varying weapons she also had a few different license plates. Every so often she liked to switch them. She wasn't sure why she had picked up the habit, but she felt better doing it. She heaved her weapons into the false bottom and replaced it. It was getting dark out now. The nest was probably taken care of already. The vampires had obviously been taken care of. She wondered if there was anything else she could go fight. She slammed her trunk shut, turning so that she could lean back on the hood while she thought. Should she drive her car to her house? Or leave it in the garage? It probably wouldn't do much harm to drive it to the house. No one would think it was that unusual. She owned the house, after all. She should probably go shopping. If she was going to move into the house, she should probably equip it with food. She'd drive up to her apartment on the weekend to get her stuff and truly move. Shopping always felt odd to her. It was such a... tame... activity. She rarely gave herself time to live a normal life. It was her own fault. There were times where she wasn't out on a hunt where she could be doing normal things. She had time to take up a hobby or two. She just never did. She cleaned her weapons. She trained in using them. Sometimes she'd keep reloading threads on the Hunter-Net waiting for an update on the information. She tried her best to keep away from normal things. Because when she did something normal, like shopping, she noticed how tired she was. And that was when a part of her would nag, telling her that this wasn't healthy. It would tell her that if a freak didn't kill her, her obsession would. It just wasn't healthy, the way she avoided people. She was always looking over her shoulder, just waiting for the next freak to jump in and try to scare her. The only people she felt she could trust were other hunters. However, she was rather new to the Hunter-Net. A lot of the others had been around much longer. They knew each other, talked with each other. Some of them had been fighting freaks before she knew they existed. Sometimes she just felt like a kid in comparison. Maybe she should swing by the coffee shop tomorrow. If there wasn't a hunt, at least. She stocked her cabinets as quickly as she could, with no order or organization to speak of. She took one of the empty bags and shoved all of the others into it. She hung the bags on the cabinet beneath the sink. She doubted she'd need them, but it was good to keep them around anyway. Entering the dining room was almost painful. The blood had been cleaned up by the police a long time ago, but that didn't erase her memories. Out of the bottom pocket on her cargo pants she pulled a roll of leather. When it was unrolled it was obvious that it was really a pair of leather gloves. She slipped off her fingerless ones, rolling them up and shoving them into the pocket instead. She then donned the full fingered leather gloves and started filtering through the splintered wreckage. By the time she had sorted the pile, it was past midnight. She wanted to stay up and work some more, but her body told her otherwise. She wasn't sure she wanted to sleep in her old room, so she just crashed on the couch instead. While she was dozing off she started to make lists in her head of things to do. The water and electricity needed to be turned back on. She needed internet, too. The list went on and on in a rather drowsy sort of rambling up to the point where she actually fell asleep. Gwen didn't dream that night. Which was good. She never seemed to dream anything happy anymore.
  2. The house was quiet. Some part of her hadn’t expected it to be. Somehow she felt as though it should have been infested with freaks. She checked, too. Locking all the locks there were on her door, a whopping two, she had removed the gun that was strapped to her leg. She closed all the blinds as she passed the windows, gun pointing off into the shadows. She didn’t like guns, but she would use them if she had to. She entered each room with caution, checking every corner and behind the door before entering. Then she’d go to the window, close the blinds, and check every other hiding spot. The house was dimly lit by the sunlight that tried its hardest to seep through the blinds. [I]Note to self.[/I] She thought lightly to herself as she flopped back onto her old couch. [I] Get curtains. Nice dark black curtains. [/I] She reached into her back pocket, removing the Blackberry that she had almost squashed when she had sat back. Okay, so the Blackberry had been a bit of an excessive splurge when she had purchased it. It was one handy little thing, though. She didn’t have to carry around a bulky laptop to be able to access the Hunter-Net. Quickly she was browsing the forums on the area. So there was a nest downtown… It seemed as though someone else was on it already. And rumors of… Vampires, huh? Gwen smiled. And by smile I mean that odd little half grin one seems to get when they are thinking of things that aren’t considered very nice. She made a quick post. [b]Seer305: [/b] Count me in. I can be there in 20 minutes, easy. Gwen had parked her car in a garage by the café. It was halfway between where she was now and where she needed to be. It also had some extra stuff, tucked away in a special compartment in her trunk. She had the basics on her already, but it wouldn’t hurt to make a quick pit stop and grab some extra stuff. The sound of the trunk slamming echoed off the empty walls of the parking lot. It caused her to glance around, checking to make sure no one had heard. She was probably just being paranoid, but you couldn't be too careful when you had a katana and a row of wooden stakes hanging from your belt. She took the back roads to the intersection to avoid the cops. She hated cops.
  3. [B]?Gwendolyn? Gwen, is that you??[/B] Gwen flinched at the familiar voice. She couldn?t help but think a curse. It was an old friend, one from the days where she still attended school. What was his name? She couldn?t remember it anymore. She had replaced useless knowledge like that a long time ago. She had replaced the names of her old friends with the names of different species of freaks. It was useless, knowledge like people?s names. She had long since rejected her older memories, the pointless ones, and had replaced them with more useful information. Like, which freaks she could kill with what. Or the usernames of people on the Hunter-Net. A long time ago Gwen used to go down to this little coffee shop a few blocks away from her school. Usually it was when she knew she?d be up all night studying for the next exam. Now, on the other hand, Gwen stood in the coffee shop for a different reason. She had been up all night the night before, but not studying. There had been some rumored activity around the area. She hadn?t much liked the idea of coming back to her ?hometown?, but she knew the area the best. It made her sick to her stomache imagining the kind of filth that was roaming around this place. The filth that she had been blind to for so many years? Gwen didn?t smile as she turned to the person who used to be her friend. What made it worse was that, over his shoulder, she could clearly make out an entire table of the class she had left behind. They were waving happily, which made Gwen oddly uneasy. [B] ?Hi.? [/B]She said simply to the guy. She then waved over his shoulder at the table so they would stop trying to get her attention. Why did she ever hang out with these people? She couldn?t remember. [B]?Wow, Gwen! It?s been so long! You dropped out so abruptly? We were worried, you know? I mean? after??[/B] He trailed off, avoiding the subject. She knew what he had intended to say, though. ?After your family was murdered?. [B] ?Oh, hey, nice tattoo!? [/B] He changed the subject as quickly as he could, his eye catching the black symbols that ran up the length of Gwen?s arms. [B]?Is that Aramaic??[/B] [B]?Uh? Yes, actually, it is.? [/B] She wasn?t used to people knowing the language. A select few thought that it was Hebrew. Which was close. Of course he would know what it was, she should have known. She had forgotten about the people from her classes and how they were just as interested in languages as she was. Some were into it for different reasons. But, he had been in the class for the same reason as her. He wanted to study the ancient artifacts, to decipher the codes. Just like she once had wished to do. Not anymore. How quickly her life had changed? [B]?Here, let?s see if I can get it right.? [/B] He was going to try to read her tattoo? Part of her wanted to laugh at him like she used to. Part of her wanted to poke fun at him like she always had before. Because she knew that he would only laugh at it and give an equally joking retort. His eyebrows scrunched in thought as his eyes scanned up and down her arms. Obediently she extended her arms and turned them around so he could see it all. [B]?I can?t read it all yet.? [/B] He muttered. [B]?But I can tell from the beginning. I know this verse. Book of Revelation, right??[/B] Gwen took her cup from the counter, bringing the hot liquid to her lips and sipping before responding. [B] ?Yeah.? [/B]She said simply. [B] ?I should?ve known, coming from you. You were always into the biblical stuff. But isn?t the verse you chose a little odd??[/B] Gwen took a long sip of her drink. [B]?I don?t know what you are talking about.?[/B] [B] ? 'I know what you have been doing. You are known for being alive, but you are dead'? You don?t think that?s an odd verse to choose??[/B] [B]?Isn?t it odd to have any biblical verse tattooed to my arms in Aramaic??[/B] He gave a nervous laugh. [B]?Well, yeah, I suppose you?re right.?[/B] There was an awkward pause between them as Gwen tested how fast she could drink her coffee without burning her tongue. [B] ?So uh? Why don?t you come join us? We?ve missed you, you know. I?m sure everyone would love to catch up. And you know a few of them are going to want to try and translate your tattoo, too.? [/B] And there it was. She knew it had been coming, she had just hoped that it wouldn?t. [B]?Look, I have other plans tonight. I just came in for some coffee. It?s going to be a late night for me. Even later if I hang around. I?d rather not be up until the break of dawn.? [/B] She could feel the disappointment radiated off of him in waves. She almost felt bad about it. They had been friends once, hadn?t they? Even though she still couldn?t remember his name? [B]?Maybe some other time.? [/B] She finished off her coffee in one more large sip, waving as she went to throw it away in the nearest trash can. It was cold for the time of day it was. She shoved her gloved hands into pockets of her cargo pants. Almost instantly she had forgotten to feel bad about leaving her old friends behind in the café. It didn?t matter anymore. Rumor had it that there was a hive downtown. Last she checked, they were going to ask Optical88 to do some recon. She wondered vaguely if they had heard word back yet. She could go back there. To her house, that was. She still hadn?t sold it, even though she had started renting a small apartment outside of town. Maybe she should just move back in and save up the money she had been spending on rent. She?d have to clean it up first. The splintered table was still the focal point of the dining room. Maybe she?d file down some salvageable pieces into stakes. That actually sounded like a good idea. Why hadn?t she thought about it before? The streets were relatively quiet as she adjusted her course to her left. Her feet knew the way back to her house without her even having to think about where to go. She titled her head back, staring up into the daytime sky as she put herself into auto pilot.
  4. [align=center][img]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2357/kathykf5.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/gaelavatar.jpg[/IMG][/align] Gael hung back as the group began to head to the escape pods. She stared up at the painted face of the alien with sad eyes. It was barbaric. This whole thing was barbaric. They had just walked in and either killed this alien, or took her dead body from a burial ground. Either way, she had deserved more than to be kept in a tube like this. Her hand lingered over the glass of the tube, not touching it. She wasn?t sure what security measures were around each tube and she rather didn?t feel like setting off an alarm. She caught up with the rest of the group in time to hear the argument between the reporter and the photographer. She listened quietly the whole time, trying desperately to keep her mind off of the image of the alien woman?s face. [color=purple]?She?s right, you know.?[/color] Gael said simply, once the conversation drew to a close. [color=purple]?No one is going to believe us, not any of us. And even if they do believe us, they?ll pretend that they don?t. We won?t be able to talk to whoever knows what?s going on here, it would simply be impossible. Something like this? They?ll just do their best to cover this up.? [/color] It seemed as though Gael was merely thinking out loud at this point, her voice becoming softer. [color=purple]?I wonder if they?d go so far as to leave the witnesses stranded in space.?[/color] [b]?Don?t say things like that!? [/b] Natalia scolded. This wasn?t the first time that it was suggested that they were left behind on purpose. [color=purple]?If someone on the Von Braun knows about this? and suspects that we do, too? do you think that they?d bother to pick up an escape pod full of witnesses??[/color] [b]?If someone on the Von Braun knew, do you think that they would have brought us here in the first place??[/b] [color=purple]?Maybe. To show that everything was ?normal?. But everything wasn?t ?normal?. Remember? No one was here. Not a single worker in this entire place. Why would anyone on the Von Braun bring us to an abandoned space station? Unless they didn?t know it was devoid of people. If the workers had been here, they could have led us around all the ?normal? places and then send us home. Then we?d go home with a feeling that nothing was wrong. It?s best to hide something in plain sight, after all. But for some reason, everyone here is gone. And then they left us here, too. The way I see it, there?s only a few reasons why they?d leave us here in the first place. One, it was an honest mistake. Maybe some people just weren?t wearing their markers and the like and they really think they took back the same number of people that they arrived with. Two, someone realized that we could possibly be witness to something obviously top secret. So, to avoid a messy clean up, they left us. If that is the case, then they won?t pick up the escape pod. Three?? [/color] Gael trailed off. After a long pause, it was obvious that Gael wasn?t going to finish her thought. [b]?What?s three??[/b] Gael didn?t turn to see who the voice came from. She debated whether or not she should share her third theory. [color=purple]?Don?t worry about it. I mean, these are all only theories after all. I am only over thinking things. After all, it was a rather big shock finding a dead alien woman in a tank. Let?s just get to the escape pods. Leaving us here was probably just a mistake. I?m sure they?ll pick us up. I just don?t think we should talk too loudly about any of this for a while. It?ll only cause people to think we went crazy out here in space. We need more decisive evidence then just a few pictures.?[/color] She didn?t think it was an accident. At this point, she was hoping that it was only her second theory. Because when Arthur was talking about the aliens and the virus, a terrible possibility came to her mind. What if they were trying to quarantine them? What if? all those biohazard boxes? what if this place was contaminated? Did they sense a viral outbreak? No, it was ridiculous. After all, they took some of the passengers back to the Von Braun, right? Why only quarantine a select few? Then again? maybe it was an accident, them being left behind. Surely someone who went back noticed that the shuttle was emptier. Surely they would have told some one on the Von Braun. Surely they would have sent a shuttle back to get them? unless one of the ones who went back had the virus. Maybe they were quarantined on the ship, too. What if they didn?t come back because of a viral outbreak? Gael had to scold herself. Now she was just being ridiculous! She was most certainly over thinking things! It was all accident. The Von Braun would pick up their escape pods. Everything would be fine.
  5. [b]Name:[/b] Gwendolyn May [b]Hunter-Net Name:[/b] Seer305 [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Hair:[/b] Gwen’s golden toned hair holds more of a wave than a curl. Unlike her younger sister’s hair, hers isn’t perfectly smooth unless she works on it. Slightly frizzy and a bit lack luster, Gwen has really stopped taking care of her hair as of late. [b]Eyes:[/b] Mostly blue, but with a ring of a greenish sort of gray towards the middle. [b]Height:[/b] 5’4” [b]Weight:[/b] 120 [b]Creed:[/b] Martyr [b]Weapons: [/b] Gwen has a fondness for the classics. Wooden stakes, vials of holy water, the basics. She also enjoys martial arts when she can get away with it. She’s been trying really hard to learn how to use a real sword. She’s better with daggers, to be honest. She only uses guns if she has to. [b]Edges: [/b] [u]Respire:[/u][I] When it only involves smaller acts of healing (or healing damage), then all she has to do is touch the injury (or freak). A blue light extends from her fingertips and fades when she removes her fingers. After that the injury heals with time, as the ability states. For healing much larger injuries, such as re-growing limbs, Gwen came up with a ‘focus word’ as she calls it. ‘Rememdium’ is latin for ‘cure’ and that is the word she uses to help focus on the larger task. While she is healing, the symbols on her arms turn to a soft blue. They sometimes will even glow is she’s focusing really hard on her healing.[/I] [u] Hide: [/u] [I] Gwen activates her hide ability by pressing a finger to her lips in a ‘shush’ gesture.[/I] [u]Delve:[/u] [I] When Gwen delves, she prefers to touch the person or place that she is reading. When ‘navigating’ through the time she tends to mutter words that you’d find on a remote control. These words include ‘rewind’, ‘play’, and ‘pause. [/I] [u]Augur:[/u] [I] Much like Delve, she likes to be touching what she is reading. Also like delve, she uses the same command words. ‘Fast forward’, ‘play’, and ‘pause’. [/I] [u]Burn:[/u] [I] Burn tends to activate itself as a defense mechanism. If she is grabbed or grappled, the burn tends to activate on its own in her panic. It’s a good reason not to sneak up on her. Grab her shoulder when she’s not expecting it and you’ll get burned.[/I] [u]Ravage:[/u] [I] Since this is one of Gwen’s most draining power, it has the longest activation. “Sed et si ambulavero in valle mortis non timebo malum.” (Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil.) [/i] [u]Ward:[/u] [i]Gwen thrusts both of her arms out in front of her, palms flat facing forward. The symbols tattooed onto her arms rise up and form what looks like a spell circle. This circle is her shield. [/i] [b]Appearance: [/b] Gwen’s clothing tends to look very out of place on her. She has beautiful skin, stunning eyes, and hair that could look just right if it were cared for. Yet her clothes hold none of that feminine beauty. Her clothing tends to be made of thick durable materials, sometimes water (or blood) proof. She likes wearing clothes that contain a large number of pockets. She also seems to like belts, sometimes wearing two or three around her hips to carry a variety of weapons or to add more pockets. She often wears sneakers or boots, most of which look to be rather old. She also has a fondness for a variety of gloves. Mostly she wears fingerless gloves that cover her palm. If it’s time to go out and stake vampires, she tend to wear gloves that have fingers. It helps keep splinters from improved stakes out of her hands and into the freak. Another thing that seems to throw off her feminine charms happens to be a series of black tattoos that climb up her arm, spelling words in lost languages. [b]Biography:[/b] Gwen didn’t need a father to be happy. She had her mother and her little sister. That’s all that mattered to her. She’d pick on her sister, as all older sisters do, but she never really meant it. Sibling rivalry was a continuing thing in the house, but it was always light hearted. Gwen’s family was never religious. However, Gwen had an interest in other languages. After taking Latin in High School, she ended up memorizing a bunch of the bible in Latin. Not because it was homework, but because it interested her. Some of the lines just seemed to catch her interest. She tried studying other languages, older languages. Her dream was to go to college long enough to become a translator for artifacts. She wanted to decipher the sorts of things that archeologists dug up. To her, it was exciting. She had everything planned out… her whole future… But then… [b]Imbuing: [/b] One day, when Gwen was about 15, she went outside to go fetch her sister for dinner. Her younger sister, Delaney, was standing out in the yard. Her jump rope seemed to have been long abandoned in the grass. And Delaney was just standing there, staring out across the yard. A quick glance showed that Delaney was merely staring at their next door neighbor. The man had lived next to them for a few years now, so it seemed strange that Delaney would be staring at him like he was… a monster or something. Worried, Gwen shook her sister. She spoke to her sister, told her that staring wasn’t polite. Delaney didn’t stir. So she shook her sister a little harder, told her to snap out of it. Still, nothing. That was when Gwen began to panic. She called her sister’s name, but her sister didn’t even blink. The look on her younger sister’s face was of pure terror… it looked like she’d never come back again. This worried Gwen to the point of tears. Would they have to take Delaney to a hospital? What happened? That was when [I]it[/I] happened. Gwen just [I]saw[/I]. She saw her sister’s back as Delaney was hunched over something… another human, it seemed. It was dark, fuzzy, and hard to really see. But that was when the vision of Delaney lifted her head and stood, rather clumsily. Delaney turned and her eyes were red, blood dripping from her mouth… Gwen didn’t remember screaming. When she snapped out of it, her mother was already standing over her. She told them nothing. It was nothing, right? She really needed to lay off of the horror movies. Yeah, that was it. It was just an overactive imagination caused by too many cheesy horror movies. Delaney was fine after that. She didn’t seem to remember staring or Gwen coming out and shaking her. Even so, Gwen was relieved. Delaney was her usual lively self. It was six months before her vision came true. Gwen waved goodbye to her friends as they dropped her off at the house. It was dark outside, but she hadn’t missed her curfew just yet. She was still feeling good from that great movie her and her friends had just left. She couldn’t wait to tell her mother all about it! She set her bag down at the door. The lights were on. So was the TV, in fact. Though it was a little quiet, nothing seemed out of place. Gwen found them in the kitchen. Delaney was hunched over their own mother, draining her of blood. Gwen didn’t know what to do, so she just froze in her terror. That was when Delaney stood and turned… and then lunged. Gwen ducked out of the way quickly, racing into the next room. Delaney caught up to her quickly in the dining room, slamming her back into the table with a force that no child her age should have. The table splintered underneath the impact, imbedding splinters into the majority of Gwen’s arms and back. Delaney went to deliver another attack, another lunge. Taking the ample warning, Gwen rolled over the splinters despite the pain it caused. Delaney’s attack missed and she lodged herself onto one of the large pieces of the table. The force of her racing forward was enough to imbed the chunk of wood into her chest. For a moment, panic entered her eyes. Then it was gone as her entire body went limp. This left Gwen to stare at her sister, impaled on the wood from their own dining room table. Crying, but not from the pain, Gwen inched over to the now truly dead child and touched her with caution. It was almost as though she half expected it to jump back to life. What happened? Instantly a vision like the one six months ago seemed to flood her mind. Their next door neighbor, invited in for dinner. Delaney speaking with him happily… and then… his fangs sunk into her neck. He didn’t look like their neighbor anymore. He was a monster! A freak! A vampire! And he turned Delaney into one of them, a monster like him. But… why? “It’s too bad.” The voice startled Gwen out of her thoughts. It was the voice of the man who had done all this, the man to blame. Her neighbor, the vampire, stood in front of her. “If only she had taken the change better. Poor thing just couldn’t take it, she went wild.” “W-why?” It was all Gwen could choke out in her grief and in her terror. “Why? Because she would have made a great daughter, that’s why. Imagine this: a young girl witnesses the murder of her family and races over to the next door neighbor’s house for safety. Then, after calling the police, the generous neighbor offers to take care of the poor child. The child, unable to truly cope, passed away a year later. But no one will forget the kindness of the man that took her in. No one.” “You… you were going to… just kill her anyway?” “Of course. They’d notice if she never aged. She’d just be a quick way to raise my status in this pathetic little city.” And that was it. Without thinking, Gwen grabbed a hunk of wood from the destroyed table and lunged. Of course, the vampire was quicker. He grabbed her hand and held on to her… hard. With a flick of his wrist came a sickening ‘snap’ and Gwen cried out in pain as her arm broke. But the vampire cried out in an equal amount of pain, dropping her hand. His hand smoked, obviously burnt. Gwen used her chance to flee. She ducked back behind the couch in her living room, hoping with all her being just to not be seen. She pressed her hand from her unbroken arm to her mouth, trying to block all sound. She could hear him walking slowly through the room, approaching her hiding spot… And then walking right past. How could he not have seen her? He had looked over in her direction! He was screwing with her, he had to be! She dropped her hand from her mouth, some of the immediate terror subsiding. He spun around, suddenly sensing her, and moved towards her. There was nothing she could do, she knew it. So she did the one thing that she knew how to do, the one thing that was truly her. She practiced her Latin. “Sed et si ambulavero in valle mortis non timebo malum.” She wasn’t religious, never had been, but know it just seemed like such an appropriate thing to say. The phrase echoed through her mind. She closed her eyes, waiting for death. It never came. But when she opened her eyes, everything was so blurry. She was tired, exhausted. Is this what death felt like? Gwen woke up in a hospital. Beside her was a police officer, waiting patiently for her to awake. “Miss May, I’d like to ask you a few questions about what happened in you house yesterday evening.” Lying came so easily to her. She came home from the movie just in time to watch their neighbor throw her sister into the table. The impact impaled her on the damaged table. He tried to kill her, too, chased her through the house. She tripped him from behind the couch. He fell pretty hard. She hadn’t realized that he had something in his hands, honest. It was like running with scissors, it was an accident. He just sort of killed himself. It was only self defense. Gwen inherited the house. She tried to go back to normal. She really did. But she just kept seeing them, the monsters. She couldn’t ignore them. They killed her sister! She decided that she would just have to take them out, no matter what the cost. So she took up martial arts, then sword fighting. She went to shooting ranges and practiced with guns. She quit school and was rarely at home. She spent hours at home studying lost languages, understanding them. She wrote and rewrote the passage so many times that it couldn’t be wrong. Then she took the passage to a tattoo parlor and had them permanently embed the words into her arms. It was her oath to herself. She would never forget what these freaks did to Delaney. She would find them all and kill them, one by one, until the day she died. When she joined the Hunters she took the name ‘seer’ because the first sign of her powers was the vision of her sister’s turning. Sometimes she tells people to call her ‘Seer’ when she doesn’t want them to know her name. She has since made duplicates of the picture of her sister that used to sit on her dresser. She carries a wallet size of the photo with her wherever she goes. [b]Extra:[/b] I like having song playlists for my characters. Here's the one for Gwen. I'll change it when I find more songs for her. -Savior by Skillet. -Get Out Alive by Three Days Grace. -Earth Invasion by Skillet. -Sleeper by Sevendust.
  6. Here are a few of my favorite LolCats: [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/camocat.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/lol-cats.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/funny-pictures-bird-cat-cage.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/Catz-guitarhero.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/solo_wookie_lolcat.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/lolcat.jpg[/IMG] And probably THE GREATEST Lolcat of all time... (For those who actually get the joke) [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/schrodinger_s-lolcat.jpg[/IMG] For those who don't get the joke... please read the following: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger's_Cat Then come back to the lolcat.
  7. [B][U]Name: [/U][/B] Delaney May (Not knowing her real last name, she made up her own.) She’s also been known to call herself ‘Elodie’, ‘May’, and ‘Elsie’. [B][U]Gender:[/U][/B] Female [B][U]Race:[/U][/B] Terran [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] She appears to be really young, around 8. However she is actually 13. [B][U]Appearance: [/U][/B]Delaney looks closer to a doll than a human. Her skin is an almost porcelain shade of pale white. Her lashes are a deep black that make her vivid blue eyes stand out against the milky tones of her skin. Her hair is a golden color of blonde that reaches in large curls down to her shoulders. She’s ill-fed and as a result she’s a rather petite girl. Her sweet eyes and her thin body give her the appearance of a child much younger than her actual age. Her growth has been delayed by ill heath and malnutrition. [B][U]Personality: [/U][/B] Delaney has the same amazing ability that most children do… the ability to manipulate, pretend, and overreact. As a result it’s hard to say if she even has one set personality. She likes to play ‘sweet’ and ‘innocent’, though that’s probably more of an act than anything. Sometimes she’s quiet and lost in observation. Other times she’s loud and won’t listen to a thing you say. She’s largely unpredictable and often surprising. Like most children she’s easily persuaded by sweets, food, and toys. [B][U]Abilities:[/U][/B] Delaney’s main ability is that she is a manipulative little thief. She’s quick with her hands and with her brain. She uses her youthful appearance to deflect blame away from her when someone’s wallet comes up missing. Her small and lightweight body allows her to be rather stealthy. Her footsteps are generally too quiet for anyone else to hear, especially when she is barefoot. She’s also able to squeeze into places that other people couldn’t even dream of fitting past. Small holes in fences, cracks in between buildings, and ventilation systems are no problem for her to squirm her way through. Delaney is observant and smart, making her able to think quickly on her feet. [B][U] Weapon(s): [/U][/B] Delaney normally doesn’t use weapons. She uses her mind, her stealth, and her ability to run real fast. However is she needs to use weapons she prefers small ones that won’t weigh her down. She likes small knives and daggers the best. She’s never held a gun, but she’s not squeamish around them. Despite her age, she has nothing against hurting other people to defend herself. [B][U] Bio:[/U][/B] Delaney doesn’t remember much before the streets. She remembers, vaguely, two adults. She figures that they were her parents, but doesn’t think much of it. The two adults fought, very loudly, over money. Bills were being tossed around as were the horrible vulgar words… “We can’t afford this! We can’t afford any of this!” “No! It’s HER! We can’t afford HER!” The next thing she remembers was being dropped off in a street somewhere far away… And she’s been living on the streets ever since. At first she did what most people do: she begged, she dug through the garbage, and she tucked herself away in boxes. When she realized that she was getting nowhere, she changed. She started picking people’s pockets. If they turned or noticed that it was lost, she’d hold it up with sparkling innocent eyes and say ‘Miss, you dropped this.’ And simply hand the wallet back. It worked. So she tried harder. She stole more often. She wove stories to tell to people with questions. And soon enough, she became a rather manipulative little thief. But one day she saw something that astounded her beyond belief… A space ship! It landed in the port nearby where she was thieving. The urge to investigate was so tremendous that she couldn’t hold it back. Soon enough she found herself as a stowaway on a ship bound for ‘Blue Heaven’. For a few days, she was in awe. After that she decided that she’d stay here for now.
  8. [CENTER][IMG]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h167/Desbreko_Fanclub/VBO/gaelavatar1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/arthur.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [color=purple]"It's okay, Arthur... I'm fine." [/color]Gael said, catching her breath and slowly calming herself down. She pressed a hand to her forehead. Her head hurt now, badly. It must be the stress. She gave a light laugh that wasn't really a laugh. [color=purple] "It's been quite some time since I've reacted like that to anything. Forgive me."[/color] [B]"Forgive you? For what? Being upset? Of course you would be. They just left us here..." [/B] There was a 'thud' from beside them as Zahir hit the ground. Just like that, Gael seemed recovered. She was gone from Arthur's side and now instead by Zahir's. She gently checked the back of his head to make sure he hadn't hit it hard when he fell. It wasn't bleeding, but he'd probably still have a headache when he woke up. And that probably wouldn't be long since most people recover quickly from a fainting spell after laying down, since it returned blood flow to the brain. [b]"Is he all right?" [/b] Arthur asked, kneeling down beside Gael as she briefly examined him. [color=purple] "Well, I'm not a doctor." [/color] Gael said with a light bit of humor that fell rather flat. [color=purple] "But he looks to be all right. Though I wish we had explored a little more. It would be nice if I knew where to get him some water for when he wakes up." [/color] Arthur stood and looked back at the others that had explored the area. [b] "Hey, does anyone know where we can get him some water?" [/b]
  9. I'm fine with staying with everyone else. ^_^ Arthur and I could have 'just missed' the shuttle.
  10. [align=center][IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/arthur.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/gaelavatar.jpg[/IMG][/align] The walk back to the boarding craft was quiet. There was nothing much to talk about. Unless, of course, they wanted to start panicking and shooting off random theories as to why everyone had vanished. That wasn’t really Gael’s style. Unproven theories wouldn’t help anyone. She often glanced back over her shoulders, trying to see if anyone else was following. Not out of fear of an attacked, but out of hope that the other passengers would return. Although she tried to hide her uneasiness with a simple grace, she was probably failing. There was just a horrible feeling in the silence that seemed to drape over her as they were heading back to the shuttle. [I]It’s just a little quake, don’t worry. It’ll be over shortly…[/I] Gael had to focus real hard to not bite her lip. Why was she thinking of this now? [I]What about my daughter? Don’t worry, she’s safe.[/I] It was that same feeling of dread… was that it? That same feeling of death… [I] I won’t leave without her! Miss, please, come back![/I] Her steps stopped, she stood still for a moment. She glanced back over her shoulder. Where were the others that had boarded with them? What about the workers? [I] She’s coming around! [/I] [b]“Something wrong?”[/b] Arthur’s voice brought her back to the present. She smiled, faintly. [color=purple] “No, it’s fine. I was just wondering… when the others will be returning.[/color] [b] “If they’re returning.” [/b] [color=purple] “Don’t talk like that.” [/color] Gael scolded, frowning suddenly. [color=purple] “Even if they don’t make it back to the shuttle in time… then the people on the Von Braun will send a search party.” [/color] Even though she spoke with such confidence in the matter, she was still glancing, checking for survivors… people returning. [I] I’m sorry but they… didn’t make it. [/I] Gael started walking again. They needed to get back to the shuttle before it left without them.
  11. Name: Delaney May Age: 7 Gender: Female Side: Hells Salvation Human Appearance: Delaney’s mother used to call her ‘Doll’. The reason for that is very obvious. Delaney has a smooth pale face with wide baby blue eyes. Her hair is a perfect shade of gold that usually hangs in large full curls around her face. Her body is small for her age, giving her a fragile and young appearance. She looks like a little porcelain doll. Altered Appearance: Delaney’s appearance does not change much when she uses her powers. Also, due to the fact that she is young and inexperienced, she sometimes uses her powers on accident. Her transformation becomes more obvious depending on the strength behind her powers. Her eyes turn from their doll blue to a rather bright shade of crimson red as white demon wings sprout from her back. The more strength she uses, the larger the wings become. [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/delaney.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Delaney is a very quiet girl. She doesn’t like to look people in the eye. Delaney is also rather jumpy. If people sneak up on her, she tends to use her powers out of surprise and instinctual self defense. She doesn’t trust many people until they prove that they are trustworthy. After she has accepted you as a ‘friend’, she sticks close. If strangers appear and a friend is around, she’ll cling to her friend in fear of the strangers. She doesn’t seem like she’s the type to fight. However, she totally changes when the Hands of God appear. Suddenly the sweet frightened young girl becomes loud and angry. She’ll very often shout what appears to be her favorite phrase: ‘This world belongs to humans!’. Snippet: Delaney was frightened. She could tell by looking up into her mother’s eyes that she was frightened as well. Her mother’s hands clung tightly to Delaney’s shoulders, even as they both shook in their fear. “Don’t let them take you.” The older woman whispered, desperate. “Always remember, this world belongs to us. This world belongs to the humans. Never forget that, okay? And don’t let them take you away!” The feeling of her mother’s grasp lingered as the cabinet doors closed, leaving Delaney in darkness under the kitchen sink. The noises were so loud, so terrible, that Delaney threw her hands over her ears to block them out. It didn’t work. Her mother was screaming something… Delaney couldn’t make out what she was saying. It sounded like bad words that she wasn’t supposed to repeat. Her small white hand pressed against the cabinet door. What was going on? She wanted to see where her mom was… Her mom was coming back, right? The gentle hand pressed against the cabinet door, creaking it open just a sliver. Her pale blue eye peered out the opening. That was when the heavy corpse slammed back into the cabinet, slamming it shut again despite her efforts. It was too late. Delaney had already seen… the corpse that was holding her tight under the kitchen sink was that of her own mother. She could feel hot droplets of blood on her cheek… But they were quickly washed away by the tears. Why? Why? Delaney screamed. There was the sickening sound of the body being dragged across the tile floor… and then the cabinet door opened. Towering over her was a large man with great white feathered wings… covered in blood. Her mother’s blood. Delaney screamed again. “Shhh… it’s okay.” He said lightly, smiling. He extended his hand gently, palm outstretched. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you out of here.” [I]Don’t let them take you away.[/I] “NO!” Delaney screamed at the angelic warrior, pressing herself into the back of the cabinet, back behind one of the pipes. “It’s okay. Your mother was a bad person. She put you in danger a lot, bringing those strange men home.” Delaney shook her head. It wasn’t like that. Her mother loved her! “She stole from a lot of people.” She threw her hands over her ears. It wasn’t true! “She did a lot of irresponsible things. How often did she get sick, sweetheart? How often did she come home unable to walk, throwing up? How often did you see her with a needle, giving herself a shot? How often was she sick?” Delaney had had enough! No one should talk about her mom like that! So what if she wasn’t the best? So what if she was sick all the time? She was her mother! She had loved her! She wasn’t like daddy… she would never have just left Delaney all alone… Delaney charged out of the cabinet as fast as possible, past the winged man. She turned back to him once she was a whole room away, screaming at him through the open archway. “This world belongs to humans! Go home, murderer!” The angel was shocked, his eyes wide in his surprise. When Delaney turned, she ran into another figure. “You’re right.” The new person, a woman, said softly. “This world does belong to the humans. He has no right to be here. He had no right, doing what he did.” And Delaney looked up into the demon’s eyes. The woman smiled, taking Delaney into her arms with a strange gentleness. “He need to leave… and all the people that are with him need to leave, too. Don’t they, doll?” Delaney nodded, silent. “Will you help us make them leave?” The angel screamed, horrified. “No! She’s a pure soul! You can’t have her!” The angel charged, readying his attack. With a few words, the demon raised a spell of defense. The swirling red circle of some forgotten language blocked the winged creature’s attack. “She’s better off dying now, pure, than being corrupted by hell spawn like you!” But it was too late. Delaney nodded in agreement with demon. “I want to make them leave.” She said, quiet, but sure. The angel screamed in agony at the loss of purity. And Delaney turned to him with her new red eyes. -Notes- -Delaney does not like being called ‘sweetheart’ or ‘angel’. Her favorite nickname is ‘doll’. She’s also been called ‘Laney’, ‘blue eyes’, and ‘kid’.
  12. [align=center][IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/arthur.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/gaelavatar.jpg[/IMG][/align] [color=purple]“It’s quiet.”[/color] Gael’s voice was light and content sounding. Not at all the worried tone of voice people normally had when a place like this seemed abandoned. Her smile didn’t falter, either. She brushed a bit of hair out of her face and behind her ear as her violet eyes scanned over the area. [color=purple]“Fitting, isn’t it? Space is supposed to be quiet. Serene.”[/color] She took a few steps forward, on the downwards slope that they were facing. The view to her was nice. Just as fitting as the silence, in her opinion. The moon was barren. It had a cold feel to it. With no life, it was also quiet. [color=purple]“Do you think that this place is mostly automated? It would surely explain the lack of people.”[/color] She glanced back at him over her shoulder. [color=purple]“What do you think?”[/color] It was then that Arthur noticed a broken pair of glasses lying on the ground. He slowly knelt down and picked it up. [b]"Why would they have us visit an abandoned station?"[/b] [color=purple]"Maybe we should try and find the others," [/color]Gael replied cautiously, [color=purple]"Something seems off about this place."[/color] [b]"I'm glad we're in agreement. I've felt that way ever since I set foot on the Von Braun."[/b] [color=purple]"Oh? I thought the Von Braun was rather nice. Though, of course, I didn't get to see much of it." [/color] Gael shrugged. This place made her feel slightly uneasy. Even the people that they had boarded with seemed to be gone now. How could they have gone missing so quickly? That wasn't right. [color=purple]"This is unsettling." [/color]She murmered, her voice quiet as if she was speaking more to herself. [color=purple]"I feel as though maybe I should have brought my swords..."[/color] [b]"Swords?"[/b] Arthur asked, picking up on what she had said despite her lowered voice. [color=purple]"Oh? Oh, they're nothing." [/color]She said quickly, giving a light laugh.[color=purple]"Just a couple of dancing swords. I had such a hard time getting security to let me bring them on board!"[/color] [b]"I would think so... Don't they count as weapons?"[/b] [color=purple]"Oh no, not at all. Dancing swords are blunt so the dancer isn't injured if they drop them. They aren't much use as weapons, I just feel better when I have them close by."[/color] There was an uncomfortable silence. The two continued to survey the empty space surrounding them, although Arthur was clearly fixated on the conversation. It seemed strange to him that anyone would be allowed to carry blades on board the craft, even dull ones. This, and the mysterious disappearances on board were leading him to believe that security was not as tight as he was once led to believe. [color=purple]"Have you noticed that the people who boarded with us seem to be... gone?"[/color] It was just then that the lights within the outpost began to flicker. [b]"Perhaps we should get back to the boarding craft."[/b] Gael turned rather quickly so that she was facing back towards him. She was smiling again, though she was clearly still uneasy. [color=purple]"That sounds like a grand idea." [/color]She took one last look over the very vacant area. [color=purple]"Before we vanish as well."[/color]
  13. Name: Mari Tate Age: 20 Gender: Female Side: The Hands of God Human Appearance: Mari does not look like any angelic savior. Her chin lengthed brown hair is ratted into clumps of waves. It looks like she went swimming and hasn't brushed or washed her hair since. Her vividly green eyes are rimmed with dark circles from a lack of sleep or proper eating. Her skin is a sickly and deprived shade of pale. She looks as though she hasn't been properly taken care of in years. [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/Movies.jpg[/IMG] Altered Appearance: Upon activating her powers, Mari changes into something almost completely different. Her eyes shift from their usual green to a bright blazing blue. A ghost of a small girl seems to take shape over Mari's usual form. The young girl is transparent and looks almost as if she is in black and while. She has long straight black hair with well cut bangs and the same vivid blue eyes that Mari has in this form. This young girl sports a pair of large, but still transparent, black wings. When Mari talks in this form, both of them speak. The child in her own young and innocent sounding voice and Mari in her dull and deep tones. [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/marla-1.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Mari's personality does not match what people tend to think of people of God. She does not preach about the good or the kind. She does not smile sweetly. Rather, Mari is a very dull person. Her lips are almost always in a deep frown, her eyes intense. She never seems to be looking at you... only through you. It's as though she sees your deepest sins. She is rather unpredictable. At one moment she could be giving you a helping hand so you can get up off the ground. The next minute she could be the one pushing you back down. She holds loyalty only to her own beliefs. If she sees someone as a traitor to the cause then she sees nothing wrong with being rid of them. At the same time, Mari believes herself to be righteous. She says that she will harm no innocents, no one who is good. She only harms those that have wronged, those who are tainted. Snippet: Mari sat in the pale white room, leaning her head onto her knees in the silence. Something was going on outside, she just wasn't sure as to what. It had been two days since the nurses had come by. She had gone those two days without food or medication. It was begining to take a toll on her well-being. Mari had been in this asylum for two years now. To this day, she didn't understand why. Why would no one else believe her? How was this case different from the one before? When Mari was only 17, she was attacked by her mother's own boyfriend. The man was a rapist, a sinner. The man got what he deserved. In self defense, Mari stabbed the man to death with a kitchen knife. And they sent her to therapy. Her mom was never the same after that. Mari wasn't even allowed to cut her own food. All the knives were locked up. Mari didn't understand why she wasn't trusted. The man was a sinner. His fate was death. She had done the world a favor, getting rid of him. She was a hero, a hand of God! It was rightful justice! Needless to say, when Mari's mother turned up stabbed to death, Mari was blamed. No matter how many times Mari insisted that demons had killed her mother, no one believed her. Mari was locked away in this asylum with only the ghost of a murdered child to talk to. But now everyone in the asylum seemed to have gone... or maybe they were just going to slowly kill her off now. That was when the noises reached her ears. They were the noises of a fierce battle... The noises were coming from the outside of the thin slit of a window that hovered near the cieling of her cell. Only a moment after the noises started, something crashed through the wall of her room. It was a horrid battle to her eyes. A winged messenger of God was being attacked by a demonoid creature. All this while that she had been sealed away from the outside world... And she had missed so much. Without thinking, Mari lunged at the demonic creature with all of her weight. She caught the creature off-guard and managed to knock him from the hole in her wall, only to fall with him. Mari hadn't realized how far off the ground they had put her. She had never seen so many stories racing by before. In that moment, she was sure that she would die... But then a gentle warmth seemed to surround her... and the sweet voice of the young girl she knew so well spoke to her... in latin. [i]Cecidit! Cecidit! Babylon magna et facta est habitatio daemoniorum et custodia omnis spiritus inmundi et custodia omnis volucris inmundae.[/i] And then the world went blank. Notes: (Because Mari is strange and needs a bit more of an explanation.) -Mari believes that she is possesed by the ghost of a murdered child named Marla. She has been 'possesed' by this ghost since she was falsley accused of her mother's murder. -Mari has been mistreated since she was attacked at the age of 17. She believes that the world is full of trash. -Mari does not believe that serving as a hand of God will get her into heaven. She knows that she has murdered and believes that there is no choice for her but Hell. She believes that if she must go to Hell, she is taking as many other sinners with her as possible. -Mari's 'power' form is a personification of the girl she believes she is possesed by. -Mari has forgotten how to act around other people thanks to her years of isolation.
  14. [CENTER][IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/gaelavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]Gael was a little annoyed, but she kept it to herself. She had been ?chosen? as one of the first to see the port. Although she was flattered, she felt rather rushed. The man who had retrieved her had hardly given her time to change her clothes into something more suitable. She didn?t want to go anywhere in her performance outfit, after all. Her current choice of clothing was a bit more modest than that. Her outfit was a light chiffon sari that had a range of color from purple to an ocean blue. The design was all in the gradient of the color, so the cloth didn?t have any intricate pattern to it. Nice and simple. She sat in the back of the shuttle as it took off, waiting patiently for their arrival. She sat with her ankles crossed slightly, her hands resting one over another in her lap. She wasn?t expecting the jostle of the shuttle, after the smooth sailing of the Von Braun, so the shake threw her off a little at first. She managed the sudden stop more gracefully. As the airlock was released, many people quickly split into groups and headed into the area. Gael stood slowly and waited patiently for others to filter out before she too left the shuttle and stepped foot on the ?dock?. [/COLOR]
  15. [CENTER][IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/gaelavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]The last song in her performance ended. Somehow everything had seem to have gone quicker than she had expected. The ride had been so smooth that she had the suspicion that they were merely drifting through space. Yet they all got to the dock so quickly that it couldn?t possibly be so. Upon the ship?s final approach to port, people began to filter out. A lot of people were eager to see the docking point. Gael thought of it as a bit of a shame. She felt like she had just gotten onto the ship not to long ago. She wasn?t sure if she wanted to leave it so quickly. She had sparing breaks between her dances, but she hadn?t done much with them. Now that she was done, she came to the realization that her water bottle was long past empty. She drifted off of the dance floor and towards the bar to remedy this little problem. She didn?t want to leave the ship without hydrating herself some. It would be terrible to spend her first day on the Von Braun in the medical bay because of something as silly as a little dehydration. She leaned onto the bar as opposed to sitting in a bar stool. She figured there?d be no reason to sit if she wasn?t going hang out. And she didn?t feel like hanging out in the bar. ?Just a water, please.? She said simply with her lightweight voice, smiling even as the bartender gave her a funny look. Why was it that everyone on the ship seemed to be against alcohol? The poor bartender had never seen such a dry party in his life. Soda water, cola, now water? He got her the clear bottle of boring liquid even as he wondered why no one would just have a drink. ?Thank you.? She said sweetly. She sounded like she knew the bartender by the way she spoke. She really didn?t, she just talked with everyone like that. It was an odd mix of a casual voice with overly polite words. Not something you hear everyday. She swept her bottle off of the bar and turned, leaning back on the bar instead. She wasn?t going to rush out to the space station like everyone else. She?s just let the crowd pass through first. Then she?d follow behind. With a twist she cracked open her bottled water and took a brief sip. She wanted to gulp down several sips at this point, but that was a bad idea. Not only would it be rude, it would also be bad for her health. So she steadily drank small sips from the bottle, waiting for a bit of the fuss to die down before heading to the ?passenger tunnel? and onto the outpost. [/COLOR]
  16. [CENTER][IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/gaelavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]Gael glanced up at the clock as a kind of an after thought. Somehow, she had thought there would have been more to the launch. She was shocked when the clock noted that the ship had left by now and the party should be truly starting. She lifted herself up from the bed and pulled aside the curtain over her window. Honestly, she wasn’t sure why there were windows. They made the place more homey, but they weren’t real. Outside of her window was a simulated sky. Not the deep space she was expecting. It was almost disappointing. Despite the fact that she could tell or see if they were even really in space at all, she knew by her clock that it was time for her performance. Later in the voyage she was to have a few scheduled performances on a stage, but this wasn’t one of them. Since a launch party was more about mingling and excitement, she was to perform out on the floor, without a stage. After all, who’d want to sit in a theatre on a historic event like this? Very often she’d perform without a stage at parties. That was part of the fun of what she did. It was extremely flexible. She gave herself one last check in the mirror. A flash of her smile assured her that she didn’t get any lipstick on her teeth. Jingling filled the air as she performed a quick spin to check the security of her garments. Even her headdress stayed in place. She had never had a piece of jewelry fly off before, but she always made sure. Resting on her beside table was a map of the ship. She had previously marked the location that she was to be dancing in. They had placed her in a high-traffic area, one that she had almost given an objection to. The bar. Her objection was simply that being in a bar would make her look more like a stripper and less like a performer. She had insisted on an announcement to remind the guests of some etiquette before she performed. They didn’t want to change her location because if they put her in the actual casino area, people would be distracted from the slots. If they put her in the bar, on the other hand, more people would settle and buy drinks. They were still a business, after all. She could do more classy on stage performances later. She made sure she remembered her route correctly before heading out of her room. She brought nothing with her since anything she brought would only crowd her dancing area. Props were out of the question in a big group. Especially a big group with alcoholic beverages. Last thing she wanted was to veil spin into a customer’s face. She didn’t want to bring the map, either. Then she would look and feel far too much like a stumbling lost tourist. That would never do. Her feet made no noise as she walked down the hall, thanks to her lack of real shoes. However, she was not silent by any means. Even though her mastery of isolating certain areas and muscles allowed her to look more like she was gliding than walking, it did not completely eliminate the natural residual movement that walking caused. The belt of coins on her hips bounced softly with each gliding step, releasing a gentle wind chime sound. She found the bar with only a little trouble. Upon entry, she was a little more comfortable. The usual bars were dark and almost claustrophobic. She should have known better then to expect that here, but she hadn’t frequented casinos even in her performances. Although gaudy, it was still a relief that this bar was a large open space with a high ceiling full of lights. That meant that there was more room to dance, it was easier to see, and people watching could spread out and mingle better. There was so much room, in fact, that her music wouldn’t override the main bar’s music by any means. People could dance to their own music on the other side of the bar if they so choose. She liked that. She didn’t feel that her performing should get in the way of anyone else having a good time in their own way. She stuck to the side of the bar, but didn’t cling to the wall. She wasn’t shy. Some people glanced her way as she walked, but most continued with their excited chatter without even noticing the chiming of her coin belt. There was a separate speaker in the area she was performing. It was just loud enough for the overall immediate area to hear. This way, it didn’t interfere with any of the other live performances that graced the large launch party. Once she was in place, the announcement that she had requested took place. It was recorded in the same welcoming voice as the holograms on the rest of the ship. [I]“Ladies and Gentleman, if I could have your attention please. Before the live performances begin we would like to set a few ground rules. Please do not touch the performers during the shows. Also, the on floor performers do not take tips personally. If you wish to tip any of the performers, please entrust your tip to one of our staff members.” [/I] Gael donned her smile as she rested herself into the main dance posture. Tail bone down, rib cage lifted, shoulders back, soft knees and neck. She didn’t need to think about it anymore. Her arms lifted to the sides without her shoulders moving with them. Her hands were in a basic position. Her palms were down, wrist dropped, fingers lifted, and her middle finger was slightly dropped towards her thumb. She held the graceful pose until the music began. The music was mostly a darbuka drum beating out the rhythm of the dance. There was more room to travel than Gael had been expecting and she was going to make full use of that fact. The rhythm started slow with Gael performing some simple hip drops in time with the beat. The ringing sounds of the coins striking each other fell in time with the music, practically becoming part of the music. With each change in the music, Gael’s dance changed. At the peak of the speed in the song her performance became peppered with shimmies and graceful dervish spins. Each spin flared her lightweight skirt dramatically. It was a wonder that she didn’t get dizzy. Despite the flair, this was a rather basic performance. The moves came easily to her, flowing through her body without her even having to think about it. When she planned her dances she tried to keep in mind that she’d be dancing on and off throughout the night. She could pick up the pace towards the peak of the night, then tone it back down and fade it out toward the end. She was in no rush. [/COLOR]
  17. [center][IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f385/Arichan16/gaelavatar.jpg[/IMG][/center] [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Gael only wondered briefly if perhaps she had brought too much stuff. Of course, it was only a momentary wondering. After all, most of this was for her performances. The two oddly shaped suitcases laying delicately across her bed were her custom-made brass toned dancing swords. She loved those swords dearly. Another ever odder shaped bag held her violin. Okay, so that wasn?t for performances. She just couldn?t let herself get sloppy during her ?vacation?. All of the other bags looked the same. And there were a lot of them. For a minute it looked like it would take hours to find the outfit she wanted for her first performance. After all, the party would start shortly after the ship launched. She needed to be ready before the take off. Otherwise the jostling of the ship could very well cause her to poke out an eye while putting on her eyeliner. Gael thought ahead. She always thought ahead. She would pre-plan even the smallest of details. Including, but not limited to, the fact that she had color-coded all of her identical luggage with easy to spot tags. With a long glance across the room, she found the suitcase that she was looking for. All of her suitcases were long instead of deep. It was because she didn?t like folding most of her clothes, so she bought luggage where she could lay everything flat. She unzipped the long suitcase that was laying at the foot of her bed to reveal a layer of shimmering gold coins. Not real gold, of course. That would be far too heavy. The coins were actually light weight imitations strung together by links to create a belt that would hook around her waist when she was finished with everything else. A lot of people were under the assumption that a belly dancer?s outfit consisted merely of a fancy bra and a skirt or harem pants. Sometimes things like that made Gael want to laugh. All of her outfits had at least four separate parts before counting in the jewelry. This outfit had a light gauzy deep purple skirt that was made out of four separate panels. Each panel was trimmed with shimmering beads and golden bells. She also had a pair of skin tight dancing pants that she wore under the skirt because of it?s transparent nature. The pants themselves were skin toned. However, the pants were embellished with fancy bead work that swirled down the side of her legs with a golden shimmer. The top to the outfit was bra like in appearance, but much fancier. The dark purple was again the main color of the fabric. Gold coins hung in loops from the bottom of the bra while the bra itself was decorated only in beads and embroidery. Skin tight and skin toned arm warmers to match the pants covered the bare skin from her wrist to her elbow. On her upper arms there were gold cuffs that held two panels of lightweight fabric to match her skirt. She attached the gold coin belt over her skirt. On her feet were the barely-there dancing shoes she always wore with a little extra. They called them ?sole-less sandals? because it was simply a piece of jewelry to give the illusion of shoes. A simple gold chain of bells hung from her ankle to her big toe. She finished the jewelry with a headdress called a tika. A tika drapes down the middle of a woman?s head and rests in the middle of her forehead just above her nose. This tika actually covered the green gem that already rested in her forehead there. Gael found herself ready for her first performance before most of the other guests would be arriving. After applying the finishing touches on her stage make-up, Gael began to unpack the props she needed and the rest of her clothes. Since she wasn?t using the swords at the party tonight, she tucked their cases under the bed without opening them. Most of her clothes hung up in the closet, leaving her dresser oddly empty. She used it instead to hold her jewelry, coin belts, and props. Her performance props were varied far beyond her balancing swords. She had several three yard long lengths of shimmering silk. These lengths of fabric were trimmed in various embellishments. Golden beads, bells, and coins being among them. These lengths of fabric were her veils. A similar prop rested below them. They were large fans with fabric stretched over them. The fabric continued past the fans to create a flowing ?tail?. These were her veil fans. In the drawer underneath all the veils was a different sort of prop. A tray. A well balanced tray. Rolling awkwardly around in the drawer beside it was a series of candles in varying sizes. It had taken years for her to learn how to balance the candles. It had taken even longer for her to learn how to balance her swords. She sat back on her bed once she was done. She had a little bit more time to waste. Waiting for the sounds of the ship to start up, Gael let herself relax. Her right hand drifted over to her left ring finger, twisting the gold wedding band that rested there. It was a random habit of hers. She only really did it when she spaced out and began to think. She tried to avoid moments like this in public. It would do nothing for her image. And she tried so hard to maintain that image?[/FONT] [/COLOR]
  18. [B]Passenger/Crew Member Name: [/B] Gael Nact [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Identification:[/B] [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26580&stc=1&d=1210910015[/IMG] [B]Occupation & Background: [/B] Gael is very well rounded in the arts. She does many jobs, most of them in entertaining. Some of her skills include belly dancing, playing the violin, ball room dancing, and she is also talented in swordplay of varying sorts. Her current occupation is entertainment in the belly dancing field, which is why she?s on the ship. She is part of one of the many shows and forms of entertainment on the ship. She looks the part of her ethnic show with glossy black wavy hair and golden tan skin. Her eyes are rimmed in exotic kohl eyeliner that shows off the almost unrealistic shade of violet her eyes are. She?s often wearing elegant and elaborate outfits with an enormous amount of jewelry that would look out of place on anyone else. Her styles are taken from many different cultures, most of them exotic in nature. She seems to always be dressed for the stage even when she?s not on it. Her shoes are typically all the same no matter what she?s wearing. They are strange shoes typically only worn by dancers. They are as close to bare feet as one can get while still wearing shoes. They are flesh toned and mostly soles intended on protecting the foot without the binding discomfort of actual shoes. Gael spent most of her childhood training in the arts, which was her passion. During her elementary school years she took up the violin. During high school she took up varying sword play techniques and ball room dancing. Shortly after high school she got interested in belly dancing and seriously studied it for many years. She considers it an honor to be able to entertain on the ship and plans on enjoying her stay. Due to her years of dance training, Gael walks with a graceful elegance and amazing posture. She always seems to be enjoying herself and is hardly ever caught frowning. A green jewel in her forehead symbolizes that she is married, as does the gold band on her finger. However, her husband does not seem to be present on the ship. Examples of clothing styles: [url]https://www.sareeonline.com/proj/gallery/fullview.aspx?scode=umk847[/url] [url]http://www.shira.net/cg/photos/dina.JPG[/url] [url]http://schools.4j.lane.edu/yujingakuen/images-culture/kimono.jpg[/url] And the shoes: [url]http://www.romsport.com/Images/RSS-1.jpg[/url]
  19. [u][b]Your Suerhero name:[/b][/u] Kiss ?n Tell [b][u]Your secret identity:[/u][/b] Kaitlyn N Tesla [b][u]Your powers:[/u][/b] Well, I have the ability to telepathically connect with another person, after I?ve kissed them. After the kiss I can control the connection so it can either be one or two ways and I can cut it off whenever I feel like it. However, after I cut it off, I have to kiss the person again to reconnect. [u][b]Your background: [/u][/b] I suppose I don?t really have much of one. Not one you?d put in a comic book, anyway. I?m a new college student, going for a degree in psychology. I figured it?d be a laugh, me being a psychologist, that is. Other than that, I?ve had your average everyday life? aside from the whole telepathic thing. [u][b]Why you think Aquaman sucks: [/u][/b] Isn?t it obvious? He talks to fish! Pretty lame. I mean, I eat fish! What threat is a fish? I mean, all I have to do stand on the land and his powers are pointless! [u][b]Your Archnemesis: [/u][/b] My ex-boyfriend. No, seriously! After I read his mind and found out that he was a sneaky little good for nothing cheating bastard? well, I told the girls he was sleeping around with and then we all kind of ganged up on him and told him off? then we posted it on the walls at school. He hasn?t been able to get a girl since and he?s never forgiven me for it. Every time I see him it looks like he?s plotting something. But I had already cut off my connection with him, so I can never be sure as to what? [u][b]Your Personality:[/u][/b] I?ll be honest, I?m not always nice. I have times where I can show absolutely no mercy. Most of the times, though, I?m pretty easy to get along with. I can hold an intelligent conversation if I want to, but not many guys like it when I talk smart so I won?t unless someone else starts it. I suppose I?ve gotten a pretty bad reputation at school. See, I?m looking for a new boy or girl friend and I just can?t seem to find one who tells the truth. And by ?looking? I mean making out with people and reading their mind to see if I like them or not. It?s what I do. I like the idea of showing up all those stupid boy-scout super heroes. I mean, why be nice? If you want to take something down, you have to take it down completely and with no mercy. You have to destroy it so it will never come back to haunt you, right? How often do these villains break out of jail? Seriously! Just kill them already and get it over with! Why does being a good guy mean that you can?t kill bad guys? It?s ridiculous. But now I?m just getting off-topic, huh? Oh, you want a picture of me, huh? Well how about this, hun. I?ll show you mine if you show me yours. * wink * (I?ll draw a picture of her when I get the chance. Are we supposed to have superhero like costumes or something a little? cooler?)
  20. [B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Gael Nact [B][U]Age: [/U][/B] 25 [B][U]Race:[/U][/B] Human [B][U]Home World:[/U][/B] Sangita. Though the world itself does not really matter, for Gael?s life was mostly spent in the companion school that resides on the planet. The school was called Aamin, a name meaning ?grace?. The school itself houses many cultures and this is visible through the décor. Most of the school takes out of heavy Indian ?harem? décor. It is full of bright vivid color, light weight fabric, stacks of pillows, and a large variety of candles. Another heavy portion of the school resembles something straight out of Japan. A decently sized ?zen? garden occupies the majority of the outdoor space. There is a room specifically for the practice of the traditional tea ceremony. Skills like martial arts, fan dancing, calligraphy, and Japanese instruments are just as heavily taught here as the usual companion techniques. [B][U]Physical Description:[/U][/B] In a certain light, Gael has an almost unnatural beauty about her. Her skin is a bright shade of golden tan, rather than a usual brown or orange hue. She is usually very delicately made up in a thin amount of make-up that gives her a shimmer to her lips and varying tints to the lids of her eyes. Her hair is a glossy shade of black, but there seems to be other colors underneath the hair. It?s like they were ?washed? in instead of fully dying her hair, so they are only really visible in certain lights. Her hair has undertones of deep blues and shining purples and flows in soft well tamed waves to her shoulders. Her body is the kind of body you would expect a companion to have. She obviously takes good care of herself. She has a feminine strength to her arms and legs with a great amount of grace and flexibility. What stands out the most, however, are her eyes. It?s hard to tell if she wears colored contacts or if there was just some odd glitch in her genetics, but for a human her eyes are an odd color. They are purple. Not just a flat base of purple, either. It?s a purple in varying shades, like ?hazel? eyes with a color shift. Gael wears a large variety of clothing, all of it extravagant and probably expensive. Okay, more than probably. In fact, it is most certainly not cheap in anyway shape or form. Most of Gael?s clothing is a fantasy like flowing wardrobe heavily based on ethnic garb with modern flair. Things like Sari and Kimono find their way in her wardrobe in varying forms. She also wears costume similar to that of a belly dancer. She is known to wear a few ?casual? clothes that take the shape of something whimsical yet modern. These things include corseted tops, flaring sleeves, an flowing ?dancer? like skirts. Gael is typically barefoot unless she is going outside or into a place where her feet require cover. She enjoys gold toned jewelry and wears large earrings, tika (a Hindu article of jewelry that hangs from the hair to the middle of a woman?s brow.), and heavy bracelets seem to be her favorite forms of jewelry. [B][U]Traits, Tricks, and other behind the sleek maneuvers: [/U][/B] Gael has all of the typical companion training. She, however, also knows a lot more than that. She has great skill in a few musical instruments, her favorite being the violin. However, that is in no way ?useful?, neither is it really a ?trick? or a ?maneuver?, it?s just a fairly average ?trait?. Gael?s real ?trick? lies in the art of distraction, manipulation, and spinning swords. While the ?distraction? and the ?manipulation? are fairly obvious to understand, the spinning of swords is not something you normally hear about. Gael has a pair of carefully balance and delicately decorated ?dancing swords?. Typically used in belly dancing, ?dancing swords? are blunt and specially balanced versions of scimitars. The dancer balances these swords on their head while continuing to dance, which is why they are usually blunt. Gael?s, however, are specially made. They are not blunt like most swords and are perfectly capable of use in combat. Also, Gael?s swords have a special ring on the hilt. The ring is level with the hand guard and is on the blunt side of the sword. It is completely flat on the inside and is only really big enough for one finger to loosely fit. It?s Gael?s firm belief that the usual method of using the decorative swords is not sword dancing, it is merely dancing with a sword on your head. Therefore, she practiced with the special swords in her own ?dance? style that can also be used as a technique in an actual fight. She can spin both swords and the same time, using only one finger in each of the loops. It?s a fighting style easily disguised as a performance. It would probably be suitable to also note a few of Gael?s other miscellaneous talents: singing, belly dancing, fan dancing, ballroom dancing, piano, a small amount of martial arts, as well as the ability to speak a variety of different languages in varying levels of fluency. [B][U]How you came to be a part of Saklaus:[/U][/B] Gael had just left the hospital after receiving her mandatory yearly medical examination. On her way back to her shuttle, she noticed a bit of trouble brewing over by a ship in the same port. A rather pushy sort of guard was trying to get a look into the boxes being loaded into the shuttle. It seemed like something that could quickly start an argument of a rather violent sort since the crew member of the ship seemed to not like the idea of being ?inspected? in such a way. Of course the assumption when someone refuses to show the contents of a box would be that the box contains illegal items. That was not really Gael?s business, nor did she care. She really just didn?t like the guard?s attitude and figured that as it was none of her business, so it was also none of his. (Completely flawed logic, of course, seeing as it would be a guard?s business if it did contain illegal items. However, this was and is not the point. The point is that Gael merely obtained a dislike for the guard.) She went to her shuttle and removed a box of her own. It was a lengthy but thin box and did not seem overly heavy seeing as she handled it with ease. She drifted over to the conflict, stepping between the guard and the crewmember. The conversation that followed was mostly between the guard and Gael. During the length of the conversation, Gael somehow managed to not only get the guard to believe that the boxes contained her own personal items, but also that she was ?moving in? to this shuttle starting today. If that wasn?t enough, she also managed to get him to carry her bags into the shuttle, place them amongst the other items, and apologize for the trouble he may have caused. He watched until they left, however, so Gael remained on the ship until it took off. After they had successfully taken off without trouble, Gael turned to the man an introduced herself. She then apologized for being a ?stowaway? by barging in on his ship like this and produced a roll of cash from the inside of one of her kimono?s sleeves. She said that she hoped it would cover the inconvenience of her stay. Later she proposed that she stay and help contribute to the Saklaus, both with her skills and with a consistent monetary gain in the form of ?rent?. (Working on character art for Gael as well as a conceptual of her custom swords. I'll post links whenever I finish them.)
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