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Everything posted by Alexa

  1. Alexa

    Riders RP Sign Up

    If there's more space, here goes. Name: Cara What Animal your Riding: Dragon Animal's Type: Water, abbilities of fire. Animal's Name: Mist Descriptions: Cara: Sweet and polite, she's very protective towards Mist. She has long jet black hair, green eyes and wears a black jumpsuit and a pendant. She's an orphan, but her Stepfather is a millionare. She's 18. Mist: Bright blue eyes, peach coat and spikes along her tail and back. She's very mature and equally protective towards Cara.
  2. I like dogs, I've got one named Sunstorm, he's a Golden retreiver pup. Baba::tasty: D*S: Don't you know better than posting [I]dog[/I] pctures where Baba is lurking? Now I have to lock him up in the closet until he forgets about those cute doggies. *He has a short memory span...* Baba: :excited:
  3. [QUOTE]Err..no. I don't have that much free time...all the frre time I have I spend here anyway.[/QUOTE] You're very devoted to these boards then, devoted indeed. :blush: Baba likes devotion. Baba: *Shakes cup, begging people for cash and making monkey sounds*
  4. Have you got a small created pet, that's made up? I have. Name: Baba Appearence: When I picture him he's a blue monkey wearing a crimson waistcoat and a cup-shaped hat. He's ussualy seen eating dogs, easpecialy those tiny fluffy ones. Baba is eccentric and very biased. He's unpredictable. Baba::smooch:
  5. 1. Psyduck 2. Arcanine:D I knew that woull've set others off trach, hee hee! 3. Pikachu... Advanced Suicine. The 'Unown' I guess your'e a Pokémon master :ball: !
  6. Alexa


    Lol, at least the fish are immortal...Baba's not evil, just...biased. Fish::wigout: Baba: :angel: In the name of all flying primates, this :hippy: is the most freakiest smiley of 'em all. Baba: :flasher: [COLOR=royalblue]Baba isn't real. :( he's just another member of my eccentric imagination....[/COLOR]
  7. Alexa


    Are you [I]sure[/I] that your fish aren't floating on top of their tank??:raspberry BTW, I have a flying monkey named Baba. *Baba flies past chewing on an old lady's chiawhuawa (sp?)* Did I mention Baba is fond of eating dogs? He's evil... :devil: Baba: :smooch:
  8. 1. No idea 2. Alakazam 3. Umbreon Can I do some?? 1 -3 hairs -Water Type -1st Stage 2 -Legendary -Fire Type -Dog 3 -Famous -1st Stage 3-Electric Type Do you need :help: with these easy ones??? ADVANCED -Unown -Rare -Water Type
  9. Alexa


    Oh! I've got some fish and frogs in my garden pond. My fave is this tiny frog that you could put on a stone and it stays put and croaks. I named it Froggie. I've adopted a Dolphin named Sparky, but it lives in the Dolphin and Whale reserve. My mom has a cat named Lazy. It only does 3 things. 1. Empty his bladder 2. Eats 3. Sleeps:sleep: Maye its because he's around 9.
  10. Alexa


    If Anime Girl read this.... I know this kid who had a Hamster. The Hamster seaked in the night. The kid placed it in a microwave and turned up hot....:flaming: The Hamster was blown up to smitherines. :eek: He must've been drunkish. After all, he's only 5...
  11. Alexa

    Ash's hat?

    Pokémon was once such a hit...There always is only 1 spot in fame... Anyways, The Ash hat thingie is freaky. Next, you'll se Jesse and Misty Lures.:excited: I also think that just because someone likes Pokémon, they shouldn't get beaten up for it. I'm a Digi Fan but I don't get put down because of that. Those people at Majora's Mask 's school are bullies. I'll..... Sagal: Sic 'em Dragoryf! Dragoryf: Draaago! *Uses draogn Rage* Bully: Aaah!:crying: Sagal: :devil: Dragoryf: :angel: BTW, Dragoryf is my Fic Pokémon. Stay away.
  12. I like Clair, the one in Blackthorn Gym. (White hair, Dragons 'n' all.) I also like Lance, yup, the Dragons again. He's the Champion. I think that Dragon Pokémon are.... :ball: The Best!:ball:
  13. :love: I love my cute wittle hamster. Her name is Hunny, she's golden with tiny fangs. (She attacks my cats:devil: ) That Hamsterpaulter is pure evil.....
  14. Alexa


    What pet(s) have you got? I've got 2 super cats, Star and Socks. 1 Hamster named Hunny. A puppy, (golden retreiver) named Sunstorm. I used to have a grass snake named Shiva but he died of indigestion (Lesse, I think he did...):(
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