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Everything posted by Alexa

  1. [SIZE=1]Here is the thread in which I will post all my banners in. I think I've created about 6 threads for banners so far in the last 2 months O.o please tell me what you think of them! This is a Pitaten banner--[/SIZE]
  2. Alexa


    *Hands Sara a pillow and a blanket* Sleep Sara, sleep. X_X how did you do that? That ish so cool!
  3. [size=1]Isnt it. Now [i]back[/i] to the thread, something similar happened to my friend, it was an allergic reaction.[/size]
  4. [size=1]My parents divorced when I was 10, it was very difficult. I lived and was raised in California, and my parents' divorce resulted me, my mom and brother to live in Texas. I actually had counselling, as I was so distressed, my grades were falling and I was pissed with everyone. That lasted around 8-9 months affter the divorce. After that, I settled in and made friends, and was back to my bubbly self.[/size]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Ever heard of a doctor?[/b][/quote] [size=1]I think Majin Buu already made that suggestion.[/size]
  6. [size=1]I don't know, maybe you have a loss of red blood cells or something, so the plasma in your blood is more visable. Maybe youre dialated or something. That's not abnormal though. I'm not sure about the patches.[/size]
  7. [size=1]Squeeee! Those are cute ^^ make them smaller and crop away the empty spaces, and the pic will look even better. Good job Kitty ^__^[/size]
  8. [size=1]I can relate to you. When my cousin died, who was my age and was like the sister I never had, I felt like you did. Whatever anyone siad or did, didn't affect me. I felt devoid of all emotion. Now its been 2 years, I feel better. I guess time heals all wounds.[/size]
  9. Alexa

    new stuff

    [size=1]Looks good so far! The six-pack looks wrong though :/ the hair, eyes and face look good, but the pants look weird.[/size]
  10. [size=1]My biggest regret I can think of was my fight with my friend, (the one that got pregnant) I called her a prostitute and many other horrible things, and at the time I was so darn mad with her I didnt care, but after a while, I felt like the biggest idiot on earth. I still do, though she has forgiven me.[/size]
  11. [SIZE=1]This banner is very simple, and the pixelated effect (due to saving in JPEG format in paint) looks quite nice and aincient looking. What do you think?[/SIZE]
  12. [size=1]The font works well with the picture, but if you blur the text on a seperate layer (as not to disturb the pic part). Very good ^_^[/size]
  13. [size=1]This seems like a two person thread ^_^ I like the first couple of stanzas, but the others seem slightly similar to the first @_@?[/size]
  14. [size=1]Youre new so you prolly dont know--no intro posts allowed, when you post a thread, maybe write "by the way, I'm new" or something. ^_^ enjoy your stay at the OBs. *sounds like a flight attendant*[/size]
  15. [size=1]Yugi: I told him not to eat the fluff he dug out from his bellybutton..[/size[
  16. [SIZE=1]I was looking at all my old posts, and had realised how much I have changed since I started at these boards. I mainly posted in the Digimon/Pokémon forums, whilst now I post in the Otaku Lounge and Art and Design forums. Also, my posts were stupid and childish, and my thread ideas embarass me now, when back then I thought they were fantastic. How much have you changed since you joined the Otaku boards? *just so you know, I did join before dec 01, in July 01. There were some long time failure in the boards in August, and I didn't bother to join until December* This is really intersting to think about, especially if you are a long term member.[/SIZE]
  17. [size=1]I'm zoned out when I stay up till 3 am to finsih a book I'm reading @_@ (When I'm reading a good book, I only put it down when I'm done, even if its a school night O.
  18. [SIZE=1]I usually do smaller banners, but here's a bigger Chii one....rate it *cough*10outof10*cough*[/SIZE]
  19. [size=1]Okie, age [i]so[/i] does not matter Vicky! And Yuka, the eyes are drawn alright, but the coloring is messy. I say the coloring needs work.[/size]
  20. [size=1]I don't suck up to anyone here either, but some people are [i]so[/i] ungrateful. Mods and admins are what keep these boards going. Those who deserve to be banned are and topics that deserve to be locked are. Okay, I admit some mods are strict, maybe they get their little heads inflated with their authority here, but without them, the OBs would be ending up prolly like these boards. [url]http://hhhq.hyperboards.com/[/url] (I am not advertising sites, this is an example). About the newbie/oldies relations, that's just crap. I admit, people get respected more if they were here longer. A living expample that it doesnt matter, is a while back, when Raiha, a peep who was here for ages, posted a thread about leaving or something. It got locked, as it wouldhave depite if it was started by someone who posted here 3 times, or 3000. Everyone started off as a newbie, but grew into something more. Even if people think that a [b]particular[/b] mod is too strict, talk to them by pm or something, and youre bound to get feedback or whatever.[/size] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles[/i] [B] Another thing that should be pointed out, is that I think you underestimate the intelligence of teens. I've said this on a few occasions to people. The only difference between young people and adults is awareness of the world. Teens and young adults are just as knowledgeable in technology, sex, and balancing responsibility as many adults. You shouldn't underestimate the power of younger people and think that their concepts of maturity are somehow different from yours. The fact that you post on a message board aimed at gaming and anime--and have made friends here--proves that these people are capable of being your equal.[/quote][/b] [size=1]That is so true, people should never be underestimated because of theri status. Pffffft. I've been rambling too long.[/size]
  21. Alexa

    Two things

    [size=1]I don't really like the first one--its to fuzzy and un-clear. The second one is the best! *stares* I adore that background. If about 30 pixels were cut off, that would make it look better. Very good job ^^[/size]
  22. Why do you show them your work If you know they'll laugh at you?
  23. [size=1]Just open your picture, select a new layer, draw and color over the lines of your original drawing, switch layers, rub out the layer with the original pic, and then youre done. ^^ that's how I do it anyway.[/size]
  24. [size=1]Very gooood! I like it very much ^^ Its clean and sharp, and the pic is cool. 9/10[/size]
  25. [size=1]If it weren't for the moderators here, this board would be so full of spam, it'd be closed in a week. These moderators and admins have kept this board going for 4 or more years, at high quality. [b]And they do it fairly. There is the ocaisoinal strict mod.[/b]. You should be admiring them, not complaining. Though you can express your opinion, I have nothing against that.[/size]
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