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Everything posted by Alexa

  1. [SIZE=1]I'm not planning to use this banner in my sig, but I was bored. Ratings? (Heh, my art sucks, but at least I can make banners *pokes Dark DeatH*) BTW, this banner features Sora, from the PS2 game, Kingdom Hearts.[/SIZE]
  2. Alexa


    Heh, thanks. Banners are my speciality ^_^
  3. Alexa


    Dark Death, I never posted any CG art, I ish too lazy X_X you mustve mistaken me for someone else. Example of my crap art in attachment.
  4. Alexa


    [size=1]Just so you know Yuka, I'm the worst artist on these boards -_- so please don't think I'm insulting or something, I am no one to complain.[/size]
  5. Alexa


    [size=1]Hmmm, its too dark O_
  6. [size=1]First impressions are important, they determine what people will think of you for a long time. Especially if its applying for something ^^[/size]
  7. [size=1]The effects are good, but like Mei said, the text is too small and very hard to read. I barely noticed the black text with the dates.[/size]
  8. Maybe the we from weblog was cut off, because the blog is not about 'we' but I ^^;
  9. [size=1]*Sigh* youre talent makes me feel worse about the lack of mine *wails* but a really good job, specially pages 1, 3 and 8 ^^[/size]
  10. [size=1]Heh, I like that[/size]:p[size=1]I especially like the drawing of the guy in orange *pokes AJeh*[/size]
  11. [size=1]Why do you keep Writing Like This? Its a bit annoying @_@ I watch Dexter's Lab, and I'm 14. Heh, age doesn't matter ^^size]
  12. [size=1]Cool! I could never do one of those text pics.[/size]
  13. [size=1]I really like the image, it works well with the color scheme. ^^ the font suits the banner also. Good job.[/size]
  14. [SIZE=1]Pfffft. I forgot the girl's name, but at least its related to my Belldandy avatar. ^^[/SIZE]
  15. [size=1]1) Vert good ^^ 8/10 2) *Cough* you just found a pic and wrote your name on it! ^__^;[/size]
  16. [size=1]Okay. Uh, [b]name the breed of the cat with no tail.[/b][/size]
  17. [size=1]Okay, there was a similar thread quite a long time ago, and it got closed because of no permisson. Anyway, I wass just offering my opinion. See my sentence was started with [b]I think[/b]?[/size]
  18. [size=1]Meany? I assume you mean many. Okie....poster paint, gloss paint, radiator paintt and watercolor paint.[/size]
  19. [size=1]OOC: Whoa. I am lost here @_@ IC: Chiruri walked along the empty street. A few cars roared by, sending a muddy spray across, drenching her. The rain pattered rythmetically, as her shoes slapped the wet ground. "Go....find it...." her pendant hissed. "Find what?" Chiruri said irritably. She hated it when her pendant ordered her around. She had to bear with it, because without the pendant, she was stripped of her powers. "Find...my missing peice..." Chiruri ripped the pendant off, and shoved it in her pocket. "I dont know, shh...someone is coming." sure enough, a person passed, obviously in a hurry. The person bumped into her. "HEY! Watch it, idiot." Chiruri said scathingly, at the person. --- [OOC]anyone can enter themselves here X_X, I have no idea who the person is.[/size]
  20. [size=1]Monster making? Interesting....next time write in your post what you are showing. Keeps readers out of the dark.[/size] :) [SIZE=1]EDIT: Hey! I just realised that you put up that link to increase the size of your monster. [/SIZE] :therock:
  21. [size=1]I know I screwed the proportions, I'm a crap artist, and I can't draw >.< anyway, thanks for the comments.[/size]
  22. [size=1]I'm emotional and silent. I cry easily, and keep to myself mostly. My brother creates enough noise and crap for the both of us. *Sigh* this forum isn't what it used to be.[/size]
  23. I have no idea what to name the group thing, about dark wind, is that the name or something?
  24. [SIZE=1]I don't think I've ever posted my pencil art here, apart from some Digimon I drew a while back. Anywho, its my RPG chara, Chiruri, somewhat older.[COLOR=red]The quality of the image sucks, but the picture is relatively clear.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  25. [size=1]The face is a little too wide, and eyes too small, for an anime chara. Apart from that, its a good picture. I like the hair ^_^[/size]
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