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Everything posted by Alexa

  1. I think you need permission before you start a thread like this, and it should be in the events forum. Ask first....BTW, there is already a something Idol going on. (Writing).
  2. You've had some rating to gove you an idea. Some improvments. -The quality of the pictures are horrible. >.
  3. [size=1] Evil Name: Chiruri Age: 14 Race: Wind summoner, sorceress Weapon: pendant (spell casting item) black staff (physical weapon, so magic in it) Army: Void Dragons Bio: Quiet and always looking like she's about to kill, Chiruri used to be a happy well adjusted teen. One day, whilst walking to school she found a pendant on the ground. It was shaped like an orb, and black. The spirit inside it (evil) possessed her, turning her evil. Description Before Evil: Chiruri?s hair was black, and she had dark green eyes. She often wore colourful sleeveless shirts, shorts and tennis shoes. She styled her long black hair lose, contrasting with her pale skin. Description after Evil: After she was possessed, her clothes turned into what looked like a black jumpsuit, cloak and boots. She wears her pendant around her neck, and carries her staff. She can sprout wings and fly at will. Rank: Um?you chose that ^^;[/size]
  4. [size=1]Oooh! I like the drawing, it has crisp clear lines. I think its good, if you color it it would look much better.[/size]
  5. Thanks ^^ the JPEG fuzzied the letters, It was very clear when I was creating it. Bitamps are much better. And Arkadyz, I like small banners, theyre neat and tidy :p
  6. I like the shading on the hair. In simpler words, oekaki is an applet which people can draw on. PM me if you want some oekaki sites. Heh, I like drawing on oekaki, though I'm crap.
  7. I created this banner with a motive of creating something different to my usual style, and voila. Its slightly pixelated, thanks to the all-crappy JPEG.
  8. Coolies. Like Sara said, the dark red suits the picture alot. ^^
  9. I've seen part of one of the DVDs. Koalla Su is just the cutest.
  10. I'm more open in real life, I sort of shrink away online, prolly because I cant see who I'm talking to, and that makes me feel weird. I'm the type who is opposite to those who come online to hdie from things in real life. I come online to have fun :p
  11. Which anime character are you most like? I'm most like Kisa Sohma, from Fruits Basket. A quiet outsider, with red hair. ^^;
  12. Typhoon Idol, by Utada/Usada Hikaru, or Rabi En Rose, from Di GI Charat.
  13. Water, because it can be calm and peacful, and violent whenever it pleases. Just like yours truly.
  14. Tis a fun idea ^^ I like the font that you used for your name.
  15. Alexa

    Meet Jacky.

    [color=darkblue][size=1]That is sooo cute! I really like the cat related animal ^^; It ish adoroble and well drawn ^_^[/size][/color]
  16. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=379282[/IMG] [COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]Scene at the drinking counsellor's office[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]Okie, I drew this ar Patamon's Pad oekaki board, with my mouse. It took approx 2hours O_O the layers killed me, but I think its good, for mouse drawn work. What do you think of it?[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  18. Alexa


    [size=1][color=darkblue]Thanks ^^ I just saw the picture somewhere, and the idea just came to me.[/size][/color]
  19. Alexa


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]This is a banner that I made with some pic, and played with some brushes I found. The colors are cool, and I'm pretty proud with this. Could you rate it out of 10 for me?[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]Okay, like the title said, a simple question about your mother. In an English Lit lesson yesterday at school, my class was given this questin, "What does your mother' mean to you apart from a maternal figure?" It was a spur-of-the-moment Mother's day related question. We had to write an essay, but I'm just asking you, what does your mom mean to you? (You don't have to write an essay ^^;) My mom is like my sister, though there is 20 years age gap between us, we get along well, and she is my friend as well as my mom. My mom is someone I can speak openly to about anything, and she always gives me the advice, comfort and reassuraces I need. To me, my mom is everything, including a 'father' as mine ditched us when I was 4. My mom is one special woman, and she means the world to me. ^_^ *huggles mommy* [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  21. Alexa


    Okay, so I'll wait until the announcment?
  22. About 2 years ago I thought of Yu-Gi-Oh as one of the worst animes, and I never really bothered to watch it, I just assumed it was crap, 'cause it isn't my usual taste of anime. When I actually did watch it, it turned out okay, and I've been watching ever since ^_^
  23. I'm sorry if this thread has been created before, but is there a way for me to change my name, on the account I'm using? So can I just change D*Star into something else? If that is possible (which I think it is, I've seen people change their names) how do I do it?
  24. [SIZE=3]Has anyone heard of an Anime called Tiny Fairy Sugar Snow? It's a really kawaii anime, and I was wondering if anyone knew of where I could watch it? I mean, does anyone know of videos or DVDs or TV schedules and channels of where I could watch TSFS? I've looked everywhere, and there is no info on where to watch it, though I know its an anime series.[/SIZE] :bluesweat:
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