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Everything posted by Alexa

  1. [SIZE=1]Hee hee. What do you like most about a) your physical self, (like body or something) and also, your personality? I like my hair, its really long and coppery color, with blond streaks. I guess I think that my shoulder-to-cry-on attitude is nice, as I?m a good listener, and being a quiet person, I notice stuff a lot of people don?t, and often have good advice for people. Heck, I joined a hotline program, giving advice to teens. At 14, I?m like the youngest there. Yeesh?I?m the youngest in 9th grade.>.
  2. [size=1]*Squeals* since I moved to Fort Worth (TX) I havent seen my relatives back in England for like 2 years ¬.¬. Though I was raised here in the US of A, my background still lies in England. I'm going to visit all my relatives this summer, and stay with them there from June 'till August! Whee![/size]
  3. She did wear a condom, as she told me, but its only cheap plastic, that can tear, which evidently did. She found this prgrma for teen pregnancy, helping young mothers to be. She told me about this poem on a leaflet, it means a lot though. [I]10 minutes pleasure 9 months of pain 3 days of burden a lifetime of of your child[/i] though she won't have an abortion, she is 2 months pregnant and belly is showing a bit, and she's going to be off school for the rest of the time, bieng taught at home. I thing, teenage pregnancy is no joke. You are ridden with guilt whatever path you choose. Abortion or adoption :/ I feel so sorry for Kim..and those 10 mins were no pleasure for her.
  4. [size=1]I'd pick my daughter I guess, If I had one. I don't know O.o[/size]
  5. [SIZE=1]When you think about it, you're probably better off than a lot of people, in the sense of even tiny things like dinner or a pair of socks. Anyway, what is it that you love the most about your life? For me it would be my pets. My parents divorced when I was 4, so my mom is always working weekdays and is on meetings and buiness trips on weekends, so she's never home, and my brother is a pain, so I rely on my lovely cats and puppy for comfort. I even talk to them sometimes, and it even seems like they understand. O.o that may seem crazy, but I love my animals. [/SIZE]:love: [color=purple][size=1]Your post is fine, just take a little bit more time when typing it. Slow down and check your spelling. -A[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1]I'd describe myself as a Dove, quiet, gentle and don't like noise. Also, they like flying. (So do I, if i could.[/size]:(
  7. [SIZE=1]I guess that font was ugly >< anyway, how about this second one? Please rate.[/SIZE]
  8. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1]This banner is way to serious, its part of a poem I wrote ages ago, and I like the lines, though its really sad. Oh well...[/SIZE] [/COLOR]:drunk:
  9. [size=1][color=purple]Whee! Green, another of my favorite colors, red next! *steals Kwi and adds to cute-stuff-stolen-from-Sara collection*[/size][/color]:toothy:
  10. [SIZE=1][i]Reiko smiled as she watched Shin, poiting his new boot clad feet at Tima and Hana. Reiko always had thought Shin was a hopless ham, doing whatever he could, shamlessly gaining attention. She liked PE, much better than her previous period that day which included listning to a boring teacher drone on about boring stuff. Though Reiko was smart, and knew it, she prefered to channel her energy into cheerleading. She was doing a few knee bends and streches, her favorite exercising moves. Reiko rain a hand through her hair, and wiped the sweat off her forehead. Reiko despised sweat. She tried not to often, but with her training, it often did. Reiko called to Hana and Tima. She liked Tima, she was full of life and was funny. Hana was a little to quiet, but Reiko respected her, maybe because of her intelectual status. [/i] [b]Reiko:[/b] Hey! Hana, Tima! [b]Tima:[/b] Huh? [b]Reiko:[/b] What was Shin telling you? Anything different? [b]Tima:[/b][Tima laughed and nodded.] Of course, that jerk was flirting shamlessly, and turning Hana mute.[Hana shoved Tima playfully, and defended herself.] [b]Hana:[/b]He stinks! Almost as much as Tima. And I was NOT mute. He just startled me. [b]Tima:[/b] Whatever. [i]Reiko laughed good-naturedly at the two of them, as the three girls leaned on the folded up bleachers. Reiko noticed how Tima was affecting Hana, at this rate, Hana would become loud and outgoing, instead of a mousy dork.[/i] ***** [color=purple]Bleh, weak atempt at interacting with other charas. I'm rushing anyway ^_^[/color] [/size]
  11. [size=1][i]Mini Alexie came to te mountain, and searched for the cave, pressing her hands against boulders, trying to find some secret switch.[/i] ---Couple hours later--- [i]Mini Akexie finally was inside the cave, but it was dark. She peered out of her saphire eyes, trying to find where the hostages were. [/i] Mini Alexie: Where's the hostages? Its nearly tommorow. [i]Mini Alexie moaned as she searched frantically for the hostages. She heard soft voices, not to farr away.
  12. [size=1]Reiko glanced at the boy sitting a few seats from her. He looked like he was in pain. As she retreived the book she dropped, she paused to speak to him. Reiko: Are you okay? Raifus: Uh, um [blushes] yeah. Reiko: Okay... Reiko frowned at him, thining he was a bit weird. She mentally shrugged, and got on with listing to the teacher. Rei knew that she was always misjudging of people, and disdainful. Raifus looked down at his desk, trying to concentrate.[/size]
  13. [size=1][i]Mini Alexie heard a couple of plushies talking in hushed tones, and decided to listen. She hovered up into a tree.[/i] Plushie I: Some others and I have captured 5 plushies, alliance of the Queen. Mini Jirri: [shoves plushie] Whatever. Good. I expect more from you. Plushie I: Yes...yes. We are going now, these plushies are bieng held in a cave, at the foot of that mountain [points to a mountain in the horizon] Its very discreet, no one will find them there. We will put them under Mini Flash's control in the morning. Mini Jirri waved his hand tiredly. Mini Jirri: Tommorow, I want at least 100 plushies. [i]Mini Alexie listned, openmouthed. 100 of Miss Queen's plushies were going to be brainwashed to be slaves of Mini Flash. Mini Alexie flapped her wings experimentally, and set of to the mouintain the plushies were bieng held hostage.[/i][/size]
  14. [size=1]Thanks everyone. She was actually probably only half thinking when she did that Blanko. Her parent's just dviorced, and a lot of pressure is on her at the moment. Now, a baby on top of it is too much. The tests at the Doctor's surgery proved that she is a few weeks pregnant, nearly a month. Kim's really traumatized, and her parents are very firm about her giving birth to the baby and then giving it up for adoption. She's able to carry the baby inside, so there is no abortion involved. As I said before, her parents are Catholic, and very anti-abortion.[/size]
  15. Whee! I got in! ^_^ [size=1]Reiko giggled, while she was shoving her coat inside her locker. She grabbed her books, flung them in her bag and raced to her homeroom. She took definate care in her outfit for the day, a pale pink tank top, white jeans and tennis shoes with pink and purple laces. She had her cheerleading outfit stashed in her locker, ready for cheerleading practice after school.[/size]
  16. [size=1]The scariest thing happened, just yesterday. To the girl I've known most of my life. Oh, God. That friend..She doesn't mind if I put up her name here. Kimberly has been my best friend since I moved to Texas 10 years ago (I'm 14 years old now) We're like sisters to each other, Kim is always there for me. I want to help her really badly. Her parents just divorced recently, as you can see in previous posts, she is anyway pretty, and she tends to go for the 'wrong kind of guy'. She's so smart though. She always knew what she was doing, and teased me of bieng overprotective. She was totally dpressed, about her parent's splitup, and Kim was in ruins. I called her over to my house, to do some homework, but no one picked up the phone. I just thought that her parents and her were out, sorting out the dovorce and all. I went to bed about 11, and while I was like this, (-_-) She phoned. She was crying, and I was naturally shocked. I asked her what's wrong, and she told me she just discovered she was pregnant. My mouth practically dropped open, and I nearly fainted. She is only 14, for God's sake. She can't ruin her life, and to make stuff worse, she's Catholic. Meaning, her family and her parents won't even dare to allow an abortion. I know her mom and dad, they're strict about their faith. She's going to go along with the pregnancy, she thinks. Her parent's don't know yet, my mom took her to the docter's today to confirm it. I came home early from school, and I'm just wating for them to come back. I'm dead inside. My other half, my best friend is in such a horrible situation, and I'm helpless. Its this helplessness that kills me. Kim's im my prayers. Hopefully, with her parent's consent, she'll be able to get an abortion. I know abortions are immoral, and her parent's even more so. I tihnk the situation is, she's going to have the baby, and give it up for adoption. ....I've read about this before...its happening to my best friend.[/size]
  17. [size=1]I can ski! ^_^ On water and snow *and that fake plasticy thing*[/size]
  18. [SIZE=1]I have a picture of Mini Alexie!![/SIZE]
  19. [size=1] - Character Name: Reiko (Rei) Motomiya - Anime Stereotype: Popular cheerleader - Bio: Rei thinks the world of herself, she beleives that make up, boys and cheerleading is the only life for her. She adores attention, and as a cheerleader, she gets a lot. Rei is fun to be with, and really loud. - Powers: Telekenisis (lifting and moving stuff with ehr eyes) - Sworn Enemy: Dorks. She can't stand them >_
  20. [size=1]Okay, I didn't know. Sorry![/size]
  21. [SIZE=1]I just found this, a thread of mine, "Plain but pretty" had an attachment of my current banner, and look how many views.. I know its not as much as yours, DEM, but its pathetic for the short time that thread has been up.[/SIZE]
  22. [size=1] I don't know...If Harry is lying about his sister, then he is really sick in the head and deserves what he got from those who saw through him. If he was telling the truth, I don't really see why he should post it to people he obviously knows does not like him, such as in his thread "Should I quit my job??" he put in the poll, yes, no, and I don't care because this thread will be deleted anyway. Also, its really stupid the way people use threads where peeps ask for [b]moral[/b] support, they get all this religious arguments. Isn't it enough that the person is upset?[/size]
  23. [size=1]I do have some advice, show your mom, in your own way what she has to live for (and I'm sure its a lot), maybe she'll feel that the eed to commit suicide isn't needed. I'm not too good with this sort of stuff >
  24. [size=1]The guy had a hard childhood, his dad treating him the way he did. He wants to relive his chhildhood again, I guess, even though he's forty-something. So he can't excactly relive his childhood around adults, he spends time with kids. Personally, I don't think he's some pedophile. [/size]
  25. [size=1]Me too, I don't mind having 2 charas either. If there are no more with Mini-Flash... Name: Mini Jirri Alliance: Mini Flash Weapon: Stun gun Magic: Supersonic hearing, speed and eyesight Description: Mini Jirri looks like a little freak from hell, he has dark red hair, green eyes and wears a black ninja suit without the mask. Bio: Not much to know about this guy, he is very secretive and is a loner. He makes a great guard though. He thinks very highly of Mini FLash, therefore dedicating his life to the Mini Flash forces. [/size]
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