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Everything posted by Alexa

  1. [size=1]Whoa..That must've took a lot of time. Good job ^_^[/size]
  2. [size=1]Where did you get the idea for what you wrote in that banner? Oo. Its really good. Stands out from the other banners, original as Kenji said. I give it 8/10[/size] ;)
  3. [size=1]I'm always involved in wierd situations ^^[/size]
  4. [size=1]Tommorow is better for the RPG, I broke my leg last week and I've been stuck at home/hospital ever since, no school, just spending time in my room bieng bored to heck. At least an RPG is moore interesting. ^^[/size]
  5. [size=1]How many more members before we start? So far... 4 with Miss Queen (Apart from Miss Queen) 2 with Mini Flash (apart from Mini Flash)[/size]
  6. [size=1]*Gasps* I hope she recovers, that must be really hard to deal with. *Hugs*[/size]
  7. [size=1]Don't worry, I'll stay with Mini Alexie ^^[/size]
  8. [size=1] Name: Mizaiu >>Proncounced Mee-zay-yoo
  9. [size=1]When you shove your hand in someone's face and tell them to talk to it?[/size]
  10. [size=1]You need a person character as well as the plushie? Or am I okay as a walking, talking, stalking plushie?[/size]
  11. [size=1]Aaahhh! Plushie RPG! Must...join.. Name: Mini-Alexie Alleigance: Miss Quen :angel: Weapon: Her tail and a little pen knife. Magic: Flight (Mini Alexie has wings.) Description: Little plushie girl with long coppery hair with lighter streaks, blue eyes and she wears pale blue tshirt and jeans, has white wings and a long fuzzy-ended tail Bio: Alexie is fun to be with, and she enjoys helping others. She's sweet and kind, but can be very evil when she wants to. Plushies can be weird so I'm sticking with Mini Alexie's wings and tail.[/size]
  12. [size=1]*Raises eybrow* I use Arcsoft Photostudio, It came with my scanner. I don't only use PSP7. Anyway, you're not bieng specific, what do you hate? Apart from the rainbowy theme. :/[/size]
  13. [SIZE=1]A friend of mine asked me to draw her a banner for her site. She wanted a title and I gave her one, Get a life. She took it seriously and named her site that. O.o anyway, I made it by swirling colors around with a spray can, and smudging it all together, and adding a shadow on the smudges. [/SIZE] [COLOR=red][SIZE=1][Edit] *Screams* Its pixelated! Gah, it could be worse, but I swear it looked much better on the program itself. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] :o
  14. [size=1]*Runs away with it* Its so cute! I can't even begin to try to color in with photoshop O__o;; Its so orange too...[/size]
  15. [size=1]Its good, apart from the mouth, I don't know...I just dont like it O.o apart from that, its good. 8/10[/size]
  16. [size=1]My name is Alexa Jennifer [surname]. I don't know what it means, and I bet it doesn't mean anything either.[/size]
  17. [size=1]Thanks! [i]me, copy?!?[/i] Heh, I like tiny banners, personally, little banners are better than big ones ^^ *Runs off to put banner inside siggy*[/size]
  18. Alexa


    [size=1] [b]Name-[/b]Carlen Irai [b]Age-[/b]18 [b]Description-[/b]At 5"7, Carlen fits in the crowd well, with light brown hair and stony blue eyes. She wears black jeans cut off at the knees, a white long t-shirt with a thin silver snake like belt around her slender waist. She ties her long hair in a low ponytaill with a black and silver badana. [b]Personality-[/b]Carlen is seldom seen with people, she is a loner. At the age of 4, her father died of lung cancer and her mother became depressed, an alcaholic and abused Carlen, which resulted in her bieng in a care home. She had no other family, and couldn't make friends. She grew up in and out of foster homes and care homes, and when she was legally old enough to look after herself, she became something of a nomad, never living in the same place for more than a week, always staying in a motel. She naturally was rich, her parents owned a lot of money, which was stored for her until she was 18, where she has the right to do whatever with it. No one ever takes notice of Carlen, she almost like an invisible bieng. She is brave and not afraid to kill, and also very distrusting of other humans. [/size]
  19. [SIZE=1]I was bored and made a banner. Don't tell me its plain! I know. Anywho, I was wondering if there were any flaws to it. Anything I need to change and make it less plain. I'm all strung out of ideas.[/SIZE]:rolleyes:
  20. [SIZE=1]Don't mind the title...>_____< Anywho, what's the stupidest ever fight you got into? I can remember when I was in 4th grade I got into a fight with my best friend because of a headlice check, and we started insulting each other, and then it turned into a slapping fight then time-out. [/SIZE]
  21. [color=coral]My perfect Pokémon is one I called Drayqua, who is a legendary Pokémon like Lugia, it has large silvery white wings, a similar body to Lugia's save for the back plates, a long fish-like tail and webbed feet and forefeet, a sleek head with two small wings on either side, and a purple jewel in its forehead, oh yeah, it has purple streaks down its wings. One of its attacks are Elemental Blast, I saw that one some Lugia card and fell i love with the name.
  22. [COLOR=coral]Have anyone of you made new years resoloutions? I used to think they were just excuses for extra work at school before, but I found out that they're really usefuul. Last year my target was to mkeep my room clean, and I tried my hardest to keep that, and now the habbit has sunk in my room is nearly always realtivly (sp >.
  23. [COLOR=coral]D*Star was my name when I worked for a Digimon site ages ago....like 2 years. It stands for Digimon Star, and I ekpt it when I signed up here because its a cool name and I still like Digimon.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=limegreen]Hee hee! I love Pokémon RPGs ^^ Name:Alexa Age: 14 Height: 5"6 Weight:100 Description/Personality: Reddish brown shoulder lenth hair, usually tied in a ponytail, blue eyes and usually wears a tiny tear drop shaped pendant. Kind and generous, Alexa is a good friend and listner. She is very stubborn and never changes her mind when she beleives in something, right or wrong. First Pokemon: Ciaher(Vulpix) Trainer: Starter. [/COLOR]
  25. [color=coral]Yeah...*recalles a dusty journal* but that was ages ago, back when I was a Pokémaniac O.o[/color]
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