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Everything posted by Alexa

  1. [color=coral]http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/dstars/blog.html if no link comes up just copy+paste...I had a blog called Midori but I deleted it accidently >.< I tried to use my newfound CCS skills to make this layout, though it looks like trash. *Sobs* back to the old drawing board.[/color] [COLOR=teal]EDIT: *Copies an pastes link into address thingie* *Sees nothing* *screams* COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=coral]"To be loved is better than anything."[/COLOR] [COLOR=coral]"Knowledge is more powerful than any machine gun or bomb."[/COLOR] [COLOR=coral]How's that?[/COLOR] :confused:
  3. Uh, please tell me what you think. (its 3 chapters long and a prologue, I'm still working on it, and I'm flat out on ideas, any ideas would be appreciated. ------------ Prologue: Digimon 05 (My version) It was four years after the D-Reaper was destroyed by the 10 Digimon Tamers and nine Digimon. Things had been peaceful in both worlds ever since, Digimon returned to their world and children in their own.. The children receive strange pleading messages through their D-Powers from their Digimon? Remember, this is my own version of Season Five, not the official one. Chapter 1: Lopmon Calls Suzi brushed the magenta hair out of her eyes, and lay on her back staring at the ceiling. Lopmon? she mumbled, remembering her very own chockwit bunny. She heard a soft beeping noise but ignored it. The sound returned, more persistent and louder.. Finally, Suzi turned to where the sound was coming from--her drawers. She got up and made her way to the drawers, sound getting louder and faster. She opened the top drawer and her D-Power lay among some paper, the screen flashing white as the beeps were made. "Oh!" she gasped in awe. The D-power was taken with Lopmon when she returned home to the Digital world four years ago. She picked up the pink machine, and held it to her ears, as if to hear Lopmon, though all she heard was the soft bleeping sounds. suddenly, the sounds turned to voice and intensified. Suzi stared at the D-Power. Lopmon's face was on the screen. The image wasn't so clear but it definitely was her. "Lopmon! what is it?!" Suzi gasped. Lopmon clearly couldn't hear her. the Digimon continued in a faraway pained voice. Suzi...Suzi...help meeee...." the Digimon got cut off somehow, and the screen turned blank. "stupid piece of junk! Suzi exclaimed angrily, as she shook the Digivice, Lopmon, can you hear me?" the screen remained blank, all the buzzing and beeps gone. Suzi ran over to her brother's room and banged on the door. "Henry, let me in!" Suzi heard nothing, and pushed the door opened. Her brother was sitting numbly on his bed. "Henry?" she asked softly. her eyes widened as she saw the D-Power in her brother's hand. "henry. you got a message from Terriermon?" henry nodded. "How did you know?" Suzi smiled. "I got on too, isn't it obvious? I'm a tamer to-o!" she said in a sing song voice. "Leamme alone Suzi!" henry mumbled. Suzi sat on the end of his bed. "what did he say?" henry looked close to tears "He said, help me Henry, I need you. then something jumped at him, then the screen went blank. "Lopmon asked for my help, she wasn't attacked, but the image disappeared!" Henry nodded. "He was attacked though and I did nothing to help him, Suzi! nothing! Suzi patted his knee sympathetically ,"there was nothing you could do Henry, why don't we see the others, in case they had messages too?" Henry nodded listlessly, "I guess. I'll phone Takato and Rika.." Suzi grinned "And I'll visit the others on my bike." Suzi raced out of his room. Henry sadly picked up his cell phone and dialled Takato's number. After a few rings, Takato answered. "Takato?" Henry asked. "Hi Henry! What's the matter? You sound like your parent's have died." Henry cringed, glad that Takato couldn't see him.. "Henry? Did I say something wrong?" Takato said with a worried voice. "Its Terriermon! I found my D-Power on my desk when I entered my bedroom, and Terriermon appeared on the screen. Telling me he needs my help. I wasn't there for him." Henry sounded tearful again. "Like he'd be for me." He added as an after thought. Takato paused. "It must be a message from Terriermon, asking for you to come to the Digital world and help him Digivolve." Henry considered these words. "I guess, did you receive a message from Guilmon?" he asked. "No. Did anyone else?" "Suzi got one from Lopmon too." Henry replied. "I was going to phone Rika after you to ask.." "I'll ask Jeri, Kenta and Kazu." Takato said. "Bye, phone me if anything else turns up, okay?" Henry sighed softly. "Thanks, Takato. I will." Takato grinned to himself. "All in a day's work!" and hung up. Henry dialled Rika's number, and waited. Her grandmother answered. "Oh, hello Henry. Rika's out, she said something about helping Renamon in Shinjuku park., shall I send a message?" Henry gasped inwardly. "Um..no thanks. Bye/" The boy pocketed his phone and jumped off his bed. "Bye dad, I'm going to the park!" Henry yelled as he exited the house. Chapter 2: I'll come for you Suzi stopped by at Ai and Mako's house. She knocked on the door., and Ai answered. "Oh, hi Suzi, its only you." Suzi looked at the girl with a faint look of hurt in her eyes. Mako smiled. "She was hoping it was Impmon. We got a note from him.." Suzi sighed. "Just what I wanted to ask you. My brother and I got messages from our Digimon, we were hoping that if we found out from the others anything, we could put two and two together and figure out what's happening." Ai nodded. "Impmon spoke to us through our Digivice. He wanted us to be there and help him." "He looked so hurt and sad. After he talked, a Digimon that was really big picked him up, he shouted in pain and then the whole picture disappeared." Ai burst into tears, and Mako patted her shoulder awkwardly. "Don't worry Ai, we're going to the Digimon's home to rescue Impmon." Suzi stared at them. "How are you going to do that?" Mako shrugged. "We've got to try. We miss Impmon and he needs us. He said so." Suzi sighed. "Henry and his friends will know. Why don't you come with me, and we can ask him?" Ai smiled tearfully. "You mean it? Thanks, we'll come, right Mako?" the small boy nodded and smiled. "Anything to help Impmon." * * * * Henry ran across the streets, despite the funny looks passer byes where giving him.. He ran into the park, where the D-Ark had brought them home 4 years ago. "She's got to be here!" Henry thought. He circled around, but there was nothing. He decided to go to what used to be Guilmon's hideout. "HENRY!" a voice shouted. Rika? He thought. It was only Takato followed by Kenta, Kazu, Jeri, Ai, Mako and his sister Suzi. "Uh, what are you doing here?" Henry said, his eyes wide with disbelief. Kazu rolled his eyes. "I case you haven't noticed, Henry, we all have Digimon needing our help." Henry blushed. "Oh, sorry. You got messages too?". "Where's Rika?" Kazu said, changing the subject. "She went to look for Renamon." Henry answered. "I can't see her anywhere. Her grandmother said that she's here." Kazu nodded. "Ryo's not here either. We need all the help possible." Ai began to cry again. "How do we get to Impmon?! What about that man that helped you come home years ago?" "Yamaki." Takato whispered. "He left the country sometime after the D-Reaper was defeated. He's gone." Ai just continued crying. "I'm finding Impmon!" She shook her D-Power hard. The machine vibrated and the screen lighted up. "Oh?." She murmured. The light grew brighter. Ai and Mako both held the Digivice. "We wish that we could be with Impmon and help him". The D-Power glowed brighter, and the light swallowed the twins. "They're gone." Jeri whimpered. "All, of us apart form Takato had messages.. We should, uh wish for our Digimon." Takato looked a bit upset. "Where's Guilmon then?" as if in response, his Digivice materialised in front of him and glowed. "Takatomon?help?me?" The boy hugged the D-Power to him. "Guilmon, are you okay boy? Please be!" a tear slipped down his cheek, as he disappeared into the light. "H-he's gone!" Kazu gasped. "No more waiting. I there for you Gaurdramon! Please be okay!" "Me too, MarineAngemon. I'm coming for you." Kenta added. "Leomon, I won't lose you again!" Jeri said softly. "I'm coming too, Lopmon.. I can't just let you stay all hurt and sad." Suzi cried. Henry grasped his sister's hand. "I'll always be there for you, Terriermon.. In my own world and yours." The children's emotional words activated their D-Powers, and sent them to the Digital world. "Were going back." Henry said softly, as he shot through the link between the two worlds. Chapter 3: Relief Rika walked along the dusty plains. "Here again." She muttered out loud. She held out her Digivice ahead of her, like a compass. "No Data!" she said angrily, but she continued looking for something to help her find her Digimon. The red dust blew into her eyes, stinging them. She slipped her sunglasses on, shielding herself with on hand and holding her Digivice with the other, she disappeared in the scarlet sandstorm. **** Suzi jumped up and brushed the loose red grains off herself. "Everyone okay?" Takato called. A round of grunts answered him. Mako glanced at his sister. Impmon is our friend. He can't die, I'm going to kill that Digimon, or whatever hurt him. He fingered his Digivice. We're going to turn him into Beelzemon, and he'll be safe. **** Impmon weakly opened an emerald eye. "Ai..Mako.." he whispered. "I?can hear you." He wished he could send a telepathic message to his partners. "Where are you!" He said louder. He tried to see where he was, but darkness engulfed the confided space in which he lay, tied to the wall, battered. He remembered the smiling young faces of his partners, pondering if he'd ever see them again. "GET ME OUTTA HERE!" he shouted, to the approaching footsteps "Shut up, you sleaze bag." An angry voice thundered harshly. "NO ONE CALLS ME A SLEAZE BAG AN GETS AWAY WITH IT!" Impmon screamed angrily. "Whatever." The patrolling Digimon muttered, moving over to the other cages, leaving the fuming Digimon shackled to the wall. * * * Takato frowned in thought, "how do we get back home after this? There isn't the ark to help us again, it disappeared when we used it last" Kenta shrugged, "Fly up there? It might work. We can see home from down here." The children gazed up and saw the Earth hanging mid air among blue streaming lights." Jeri smiled, "that might work, why don't we split up? We can cover more space and find Rika and our Digimon easily." Henry looked at his sister. "You'll come with me Suzi" "I'll go with Kenta" Kazu offered. "I want to go with my brother!" Ai said, clutching Mako's sleeve. "That left Jeri and Takato. "We better go on now."" Henry said. The groups left in different directions. * * Rika peered through a hole in a giant rock where she thought she heard screams. "She placed her D-Power near the hole. It read nothing, but a small red dot blinked on the screen . "Is that Renamon?" she whispered, not daring to raise her hopes. Another red dot blinked on the screen, to the left of the first one. Soon, many more dots blinked all over the screen. "what's the matter!" she growled, shaking the D-Power, and trying to get a reading. She banged the Digivice against the wall with the hole, and among several sparks the thing went dead. "ARRGH!" She shouted, stuffing the Digivice in her pocket "who made these good for nothing things anyway." The girl focused into the hole, and saw a figure at the other end of the rock, which appeared to be some sort of hollow area. "Hey, who's there?" She said defiantly, though inside she really didn't want to know, but she asked just in case?. "Just stay away from me, will you?" a familiar voice mumbled. "I'm in enough pain and stuff as it is" It suddenly hit her. "Impmon! Is that you?" She called. "I'm Rika!" "R..Rika?" Impmon asked wearily. "Yeah! How did you get in there? Do you know where Renamon is? Are the other Digimon there? What happened, you sound as if you've been trampled by a herd of bulls!" The Digimon scowled in the darkness. "On question at a time kid. I don't know why I'm here, I don't know where Renamon or those other Digimon are, and I've been trampled, just not by bulls. Now I've answered you're stupid questions can you get me out of this stinkin' cage?" Rika frowned. "How do I get in?" she asked. "I don't know, kick the wall in or something!" Impmon said impatiently. Rika shrugged and kicked the wall with as much strength as she could muster. It cracked a little, so she continued slamming her feet against the crumbling rock. **** The graceful figure darted across the soft misty place. "Where are you Rika!" She whispered. "I know you're out there!" Renamon continued to race across the pastel clouds, until she saw a deep crack with a shining light at the bottom. "Rika?" She mumbled to herself. "It cant be, I can sense she's close by, alone! What if that thing attacks her like it did me?" The fox leapt in a neat arc, and hopped lightly to the bottom of the gaping hole. As she slipped deeper and deeper, in cold inching fear she realised the light wasn't exactly what she thought it was. **** Rika cleared the rocks with her hand, and squeezed into the narrow hole she'd created. Suddenly the Dark room illuminated with light. Rika saw Impmon, his tied to an iron bar with chains. "That'll be hard to cut off. She thought to herself as she glanced around the room. It led to another passageway, that was to dark. The girl saw cages and cages lined up with Digimon, all shackled in a similar way to Impmon. She didn't recognise any of them, but one. "Terriermon?" She walked over to the cage with the white Digimon inside, "What about me!" Impmon moaned. Rika pushed the case door open and tugged at the chain. It looked loose but was stuck firmly. She quickly went over to Impmon's cage and tried to pull it open, but it stuck. *****
  4. Blue Eyes White Dragon is my fave, the first eppie I saw of Yu-Gi-Oh was the one where Kaiba rips Yugi's grandpa's Blue Eyes. I loved that card ever since.
  5. I've only seen brown.
  6. Thanks Nataniamon, I love the way Kaimon turned out. The Draquamon waws awesome too. Thankies! ^_^
  7. What are your 3 strongest points, and 3 weakest points? *No need to put yourself down too much* My strongest points are.. *I'm loving, caring and loyal to my family and friends *I'm smart. *I'm a competitive person, sometimes that may be bad but most of the time it does me good. My weakest points are... *I sometimes lack ocnfidence *I've got a MEAN temper when I'm pushed so far *My feelings are hurt easily.
  8. Name: D*Star is Digimon Star, an old name I used on other boards. When I first came sometime in winter 00 methinks, I had used my own name, which I reliased was a mistake 'cause I was always told to keep my personal info distant on the internet, so I made up a username. Avatar: I used Palmon from Digimon because it was the only avatar that no one else had. As soon as I get to 500 posts, I will have my own cute Lopmon av. Sig: Life is short. Eat chocolate first. I love chocolate and life [I]is[/I] shorter than you think. :rolleyes: :D
  9. I drew Articuno and Umbreon by hand, and Pikachu part drawn by hand, part computer. Whaddya think?
  10. I drew Articuno and Umbreon by hand, and Pikachu part drawn by hand, part computer. Whaddya think?
  11. I was really pleased with the outcomes of the two versions of Draquamon by Cera and Nataniamon, so I'm aking another request (IF possible) please? Can someone draw my newest rookie, Kaimon, she looks like a brown Renamon without the fluff and gloves, but she has the head and arms of Anubimon, and has large wings. Anubimon is some Digimon related to Labramon methinks.
  12. Because water is my fave element and Dragons are my fave mythical/fairy-story creatures I decided to make my own original crest's element a mix between both, and cause I only created 1 Armor-of-Truth form, I came up with Aquadramon, wich is too plain so I swapped the prefix around with aqua and came up with Draquamon. (Looong ago in some dragon RPG, I had a dragon named Mist from the water element and her keeper was named Cara, methinks dragons are the best.)
  13. Cera--Aww! Just as I pictued Draquamon, I must've spelt her name wrongly (Is that a word? :p) but the seccond pic is plain kawaii, and hte crest was right. The first was really good too, but looked a little too feirce. ^_^.
  14. Um, I'll try to fraw either Cera or Ginny anime style, though I think I'm better at drawing Digimon rahter than people. Also, I'd like to make a request. Recently I've been drawing my fic armors for Terramon, and have drawn out Naramon, (eagle) Nymphmon (Leafy fairy girl) and Acuamon (Evil sharky seel lion)...and would like Drawuamon to be drawn out, she's a black dragon with orange eyes and 2 orange tipped tails, orange spikes down her back and fins on her head instead of ears, with two orange horns in the middle. The crest of Truth, (on her foot--where orange armor is please) in black looks like a circle with two cresent moons on either side. Does that make sense? :p
  15. Um, this is a fic I'm working on, called Alone. Its about an orphan girl named Aura, with her little sister Rira trying to figure out the past she forgot.:cross: ------------------- Chapter 1: My Choice. The 7 year old girl squealed as she took her baby sister from her ill mother's weak clasp. Aura gently shifted the squirming bundle in her arms. She moved the cloth to reaveal a pale face with large blue eyes and jet black curls framing its face. "Wow, my sister?" Aura's mother nodded and smieldwith pain. "Her name is Rira." The woman slumbed back in her bed. "Mama?" The small child urged, her purple eyes large with concern. Her mother placed her hand gently on her daughter's arm. "Take care of Rira, Aura, my child." she gave one more pained smile to her daughter and died. "Mama! Mama! Wake up!" the little girl cried. "Mama!" Her eyes brimmed with cold tears. "MAMA!" *** Aura kicked of her sheets. "That dream again." She mumbled, remembering the saddest time of her life, yet the happiest. The 13 year old brushed her blakc and pupele streaked hair behind her and glanced around her milky moonlight-bathed room, and her eyes rested on her little sister,only six years old, asleep in her bed. "Rira." She whispered. Knowing her siter only had her in life, Aura was over protective. Her mother died when Rira was born, and their father died in a car accident a year ago. Ever since, the girls had lived in an orphnage. Aura snuggled deeper in her pillows and tried to sleep, but the drowsy feeling wouldn't come. She slipped out of her bed, only dressed in a white shirt and black shorts. Though she nkew well that they weren't allowed out of bed at night. Aura felt guilty about leaving her little siter alone, but knew that she had to go out for a while, to think and deal with her emotions from seven years ago.
  16. I had a purplish Charmander when I traded it from Pokémon Blue to Pokémon Crystal. It looked weird but still cute. ^_^
  17. Friends are really important-make sure you don't abuse that. As loong as everyone's okay, thats good.
  18. Its a very structured story. Good work! :P
  19. A new Computer! *kicks PC* My other one is good, but me want new!
  20. Name: Aria Age: 14 Bio: Very quiet and smart, not clever--Smart. Long black hair and green eyes, wears a purple shirt over a marine blue jumpsuit. Digivice: Marine blue with silver stripes. Coral-looking. Digimon: REAL: Salamon FIC: Kikomon (Rookie for Ranamon.) :angel:
  21. Name: Aria Age: 18 Bio: Pretty, long black hair, brown eyes and wears a sky blue tunic over a deep blue Jumpsuit. Sex: Female Digimon: Renamon-Kyubimon-Taomon-Sakuyamon
  22. For me, its admitting my mistakes to my parents and babysitting for this kid thats two, he's insanely evil and his parents hire me 2 to 3 times a week. O.o
  23. I too am a flop at this kinf of stuff, but you should do what you [i]really[/i] think is right. If you really like this guy you should go ahead, before something heart-breaking happens. ;)
  24. Oopsie, I forgot to write in my chara's name. Her name is Akuria.
  25. [color=red]Cherry![/color]:tasty:
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