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Everything posted by Kurosaki_Hollow

  1. Its Getting Bad Ratings....i think its great its just that people keep trippin' and they need to stop.
  2. Its Being Remixed In a Whole NEW way!
  3. Right Now V WWE SmackDown Vs. RAW 2009 (PS2,PS3,PSP) Current Wrestler-DANTE From Devil May Cry Capcom Vs. SNK (PsOne) Kensei-Sacred Fist (PsOne) Tekken 3 (PsOne) and 5 (PS2) The Sims 2 (PS2,PC) Dance Dance Revolution X (PS2,PC) Grand Theft Auto III (Play As GOKU) Vice City (Play As Undertaker). (PC) And Sim City 4.
  4. its a show that possibly will not have any more episodes.......i rather watch all the other shows in between this one.
  5. its obvious that its back with a new season.
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