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Everything posted by Godot

  1. This picture is so powerful that it needs its own page Click Down below
  2. The title is pretty self explainatory I was wondering how many people on the otakuboards has Bleach the Blade of Fate. I want to gather information so that i could possible make a tournament of some sort. This will be my first time organizing such a thing but I think that I can pull it off. So let me know if you are interested (post your friend code and best character). Hollow Ichigo will defeat all of you.
  3. I really like Welcome to the NHK as well, both subbed and dubbed were of good voice acting. The anime addresed a lot of real life issues affecting the modern populus today. Just like for Alucard this anime actually made me go out more after giving me a good scare about my own life and how I live it. Im not completly anti-social (atleast not as much as in NHK) I have a job that requires social skills and I try to get out and do new things. But I am an otaku and do on occasion lock myself in my room to have an anime marathon thats so long my venacular actually adheres the word desu after every sentence in my head, but I digress. It did have an good ending that left me with a feeling of satisfaction. The whole golge thing was priceless. (Also I cant get the Pururin song out of my head, its so addicting)
  4. [quote name='Alucard'][IMG]http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/7836/playedkojima2eh3.jpg[/IMG] :D[/QUOTE] you all saw this coming, "surprise butsecks!"
  5. [quote name='Alucard']Anti-animal rights activists launch thier own ad campain.[/QUOTE] This caption is made of pure win
  6. Hollow Kenpachi...and you thought you were screwed before (so badass its pretty much self explainatory as to why he would beat your character) [IMG]http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/will7788/Zaraki_Kenpachi___Hollow_mask_by-1.jpg[/IMG]
  7. Kaminas pure epic manlyness forces you to accept defeat and be a follower of him after he says [B]"Dont believe in yourself, believe in me who believes in you!"[/B] [IMG]http://www.dailywhatever.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/kamina.jpg[/IMG]
  8. [quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] But this can. [img]http://bloodknight.net/OVAScreens/OVA%20II/Alucard054.jpg[/img] Nice doggie... [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://auanime.files.wordpress.com/2006/09/ova1_24.JPG[/IMG] Radical catholic priest with endless bayonets purifys and destroys doggie :animesmil Father Anderson ftw...[B][U]AMEN!!![/U][/B]
  9. Everyone I come to you with a more seriously toned thread. What Im asking you is, what do you think is the right set of morals to have. Do morals Exist, or are they merely just products of a particular culture. Take your stance, I want to know if you are coming from a secular perspective or from a religious one. Is what we define as morals something that we as humans would have determined if there was no God because sticking to those morals would lead to the best possible outcomes for us as individuals and as a people. Are our views just claims that come from our bias. Or is it that things such as Humans rights transcend bias's. Take this scenario that I borrowed from a book. In this society, classes base their grades on which students sit closest to the front, the front desks get an A, the middle desks get a B, etc (you understand what im saying here). Is that right? Im using that example in the case that it comes from a culture. Do you think that its wrong, I mean isnt what your bases for right and wrong just based on what your culture taught you. Or does this issue transcend simple cultural biases. I want to know your thoughts, keep it civil though. I dont want to see any argumentive fallicies in this thread. If I do ill point them out and explain why they are wrong (everyone else feel free to do the same if you know what im talking about). Lets have a fun philosophical debate.
  10. I wanted to bring everyones imagination out with this thread, what anime characters would you want to see fight it to the death. They can be in the same series or from different ones. To continue on this matter, please feel free to to express who you think would win in your versus scenario. For me I think that an epic fight would one between Alucard and vampire hunter D. [URL="http://www.altvampyres.net/vhd/gaallo10.jpg"][U]Picture[/U][/URL][COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][INDENT]Hey Godot, when a picture is that big just use a link okay? Thanks! ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. The answer is [U][B]NO[/B][/U], it is futile to try to get everyone to eat bugs because meat just taste so good. I just cant eat bugs, they taste horrible and are repulsive to look at. For those who eat bugs, more power to ya' but bugs just aint for me. Also,....[U][B]WOULD YOU EAT THIS!?!?!?!?![/B][/U] [IMG]http://www.worldofstock.com/slides/NIN1366.jpg[/IMG]
  12. [quote name='Vicky']Pizza la revolution![/QUOTE] [IMG]http://www.deranged-minds.com/image/site/pizza-hut.png[/IMG] No kiddin... ...SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION!!!(Pizza Hut does) [IMG]http://anime.osiristeam.net/images/others/lelouch2.jpg[/IMG]
  13. [quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi']*is resisting a violent urge to break into the song by Haddaway*[/QUOTE] What is love Baby don't hurt me Don't hurt me no more Baby don't hurt me Don't hurt me no more What is love Yeah Oh I don't know why you're not fair I give you my love but you don't care So what is right and what is wrong gimme a sign (chorus x2) uoh oh... Oh I don't know what can I do what else can I say it's up to you I know we're one just me and you I can't go on (chorus x2) uoh oh.. What is love What is love What is love Baby don't hurt me Don't hurt me no more Don't hurt me Don't hurt me I want no other No other love This is your life our time When we are together I need you forever Is it love (chorus x2) uoh oh.. (chorus x2) Baby don't hurt me Don't hurt me no more Baby don't hurt me Don't hurt me no more Baby don't hurt me Don't hurt me no more Baby don't hurt me Don't hurt me no more what is love?!... that is what love is (sorry *I* couldnt resist)
  14. This is a question that I wanted to ask all of you here on the OtakuBoards, do you believe in ghost. What are your theories for the seemingly undeterminable haunts that occur across the world. For me I believe that a good part of these reports are false or rather, hysteria leading people to make rash conclusions. But i do believe that some are true. Do you think that ghost are really souls that have been sent to hell and that there lingering as spirits in this world is one form of hell. This is something that everyone can contribute their opinions into, dont be afraid.
  15. Hey everyone, its your smoothest and coolest attorney here ready to talk about cosplay. I just rechieved the first installment of my cosplay costume for Ichigo in bankai form. [IMG]http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/wood_bankai_sm_540.jpg[/IMG] Eventually i'll get the full costume and go to some sort of anime event wearing it. What I want to know from all of you is your opinion on cosplay. I personally feel that a person should look like the character they are cosplaying otherwise you end up with something like this [IMG]http://jon.aslund.org/blog-content/uppcon_07_cosplay_deathnote_ryuk_misa_apple.jpg[/IMG] But, there are cosplayers that have great costumes [IMG]http://images.cosplay.com/photos/51/512548.jpg[/IMG] I wont be embarrased when I cosplay at anime events, thats partly because of the fact that I look enough like Ichigo to be able to cosplay him effectively ( but I will need to get orange hair...). O yeah, thought I would like to strengthen my argument with this [IMG]http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/6621/1160343895fvt1lm0.jpg[/IMG] Its not because he's black, its because...well im sure you understand.
  16. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Apparently so and since I've no desire to re-type up my response last time to making it legal... copy and paste! My opinion hasn't changed in less than a year. lol I?ve no interest in supporting the legalization of Marijuana. And my reasons are as follows: [LIST] [*]Exposure, like second had smoke from cigarettes I want nothing to do with it or the cancer causing effects it can have. Just as I don?t want to be high either. [/LIST] The other reasons fall under how I?ve seen it affect those around me who do smoke it: [LIST] [*]Loss of interest in doing things with friends. [*]Loss of interest in studying for school. [*]Loss of interest in going to work on time. [*]Loss of interest in doing things with their kids. [*]Getting in trouble with the law for selling. [*]Getting in trouble with the law for having it in their possession. [*]Getting in trouble and fired from work for testing positive at a random drug screen. [*]Dumping friends because they won?t ?smoke? with them. [*]Dropping out of school because they quit studying and were failing. [/LIST] There are others but that sort of thing is what I?ve seen in each and every friend I?ve had who got into this stuff. So why would I want to legalize something that has done nothing but mess up the people I know who use it?[/QUOTE] Quoted for truth
  17. Godot

    DS recs?

    [quote name='Shinmaru']All the Phoenix Wright games. If you don't have a problem with doing a ton of reading, then get them right away. Great stories, great characters and great writing.[/QUOTE] I second that motion!
  18. Im on a quest for the best cant get them on url so its a attach file
  19. i say leave her, if you had no real building relationship up until that point, then its no surprise to me that she would do that, sounded like she was just having fun with others without any regard to the other persons feelings. look for a girl that is ready for a serious relationship
  20. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]But Nader's an American tradition!! I mean, didn't he run Independent against Lincoln? :p[/FONT][/QUOTE] I saw what you did there
  21. [quote name='Dagger']I'm not too fond of Light, but I think he could definitely take Zero in a brain-fight. He's also a lot crazier, although I don't know if that counts as a benefit or a disadvantage. :animeswea ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] benifit, his crazy laugh makes me smile with glee
  22. [quote name='Morpheus']No I would not leave, because I can see where he's coming from and I respect his opinion. I could vehemently disagree with what he is saying, but I'd see no reason to not go if the man was my friend and I enjoyed hearing him speak. You're really going to have to come up with something better than "This guy he is friends with said something I don't like." My first question to someone that said some of the things that Wright has said would be "Could you explain these quotes to me?", not completely shun the man for having opinions.[/QUOTE] im not completely condemning wright, i acknowledge that he has done a lot for his community and thats good, but that doesnt transcend what he says. so your saying you would go to a church that aggresively infuses politics and religion, so your saying you would attend a church for 20 years like that? just because you see where their coming from. I see where wright is coming from, im not questioning that the african-american race (and probrably wright) had hardships, but to go to a church for 20 years with that radical retoric like that just because you see where he is coming from and you respect his opinion doesnt make sense, when you say you enjoy what you hear him say do you mean your amused by his radical and anti-american opinions? That is not means to attend a church for 20 years, in fact it makes the person who attended that church very suspect (im not saying that you believe in those views at all, im just saying).
  23. [quote name='Morpheus']Disassociating yourself from an individual just because you don't have the same political opinions or that person makes statements that you don't agree with is rather childish.[/QUOTE] saying "I think the republicans are right and thats my view", is quite a bit different than saying "GOD DAMN AMERICA!, ITS IN THE BIBLE...!", i agree that it would be childish to disassociate yourself from someone because of certain opinions like "i think government should be reduced and that we should have the individual do more", however when people say things like GOD DAMN AMERICA! ITS IN THE BIBLE! its different what would you do if you went to a church like that? would you stay even after hearing retoric like that? please tell me if you answer is that you would leave, well why? i think your answer will explain why so many people are concerned over obama's association with wright [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden'][I] Please don't hate me for expressing my views [/I] Sorry I can't delete very much at a time with this cheap tv computer. But this portion came from Godot. Its sort've sad when you feel that way, havingto be afraid of being belittled for your views. And specifically to the personwho called my first post a "stupidly low blow". I may have choosen the easy way out in my initial comment. But you ^&*% sure better belive its how the white working class feels. That being said, that brings up another good point about the particular democratic candiates....WHO I ask you WHOhas had anything good to say about the middle class? I'm going to go with....John Mcain? Only candidate to acknowledge anyone other than just the upper and lower classes.[/QUOTE] sry your right, but i was more afraid of being kicked from this site and alienated from others than my views being hated on (because this is one of the few places i can talk about anime, my school doesnt have very many anime fans:animecry:) , but let me clarify.......... I LOVE MAH VIEWS, I DARE YA TAH ARGA ME! I AINT AFRAID!
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