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Everything posted by Godot
[quote name='Morpheus']No. No. A million times NO. I have many conservative friends, does that make me conservative in the slightest? Of course not I Have a feeling that I won't see Jeremiah Wright on the ballot in November. Nor will I see Michele Obama. I will see Barack Obama. The vote is for him. Basing it on who he associates with is completely pointless. Unless there is some proof that he really is a simple minded idiot that takes all of the opinions of his friends I see no point in even considering that he might hear wrights sermons and all of a sudden believe everything he hears.[/QUOTE] im saying that it makes him very suspect. Also are you saying that it doesnt matter who obama, or anyone for that matter associates with. O yeah my best friend is a crazy terrorist (im not talking about wright completely) we are awfully chummy, but I love america. Doesnt something seem wrong to you there?. Hey some of my friends has different opinions to, i have my share of liberal friends its fun debating them. But that is completely different from someone who says and I quote "God Damn America, its in the bible...". why do you think opra left the church ill tell you why its because wright crossed the boundries of [U]difference in opinion but we can still be friends, to- God damn america its in the bible,etc-[/U] having a friend that has disagreements with you (even the disagreements between conservative and liberal) is far different that having a friend that says God damn america blah blah blah. im glad to be in a country where we can have opinions and arguments, those who made this country had plenty of arguments and disagreements but they still loved this country and would disassociate themselfs from someone who said god damn america. thats the difference.
[quote name='Morpheus']You mean he knows this guy that has strong opinions, and somehow that reflects on [I]him[/I]? Anyone basing their vote on anything Reverend Wright has said must not be able to actually think for themselves, because that is what they would be assuming about obama.[/QUOTE] well considering the fact that he went to that church for 20 years I would have to say it is very suspect. But lets say that he doesnt have reverend wrights opinions and went to that church for 20 years oblivious to those comments...well I would call that a series lack of character judgement so then i start to think do i want someone with such poor judgement (and such poor bowling skills :animesmil)to be our president making huge descisions. Now I know that your friends dont completely tell a person who you are but dont you think it tells you a little bit, look at obama's wife and her view, dont you see those kind of ideas and those of wrights coming together a little bit?(atleast its very suspect), dont get me wrong im not saying obama hates America and that he is a marxist but he has made some bad choices and is very suspect, im sure obama has the nomination and that he hasnt heard that last of these issues And heres another thing about obama for those who still think he didnt know about his pastors radical and anti-american views, obama disinvited wright from his campaign WHY!?!?! ill tell you why its because obama knew that wright had those radical views and that A LOT of people wouldnt agree with that. But the truth will come out eventually it cost obama when the wright controversy boiled over... were not basing our vote completely on what wright said, but it is a factor. I would call it stupid to ignore this, we are talking about next president of the united states and i want to know everything about him, should we just choose to ignore? 20 years guys, he was his spiritual menter, friend, baptised his children, married him to his wife. dont tell me obama doesnt know him, dont tell me im dumb for being concerned about this and how it relates to obama p.s. please dont hate me for giving my views, i know politics can cause a lot of division, we still love anime and manga in the end right? also i dont like all three Candidates so there political rant done for now
ABEL recognized what the boy who came with the girl was doing. [I]So he's a reader...[/I] thought ABEL. It was quick. Faster than what the human eyes could keep up with ABEL appeared directly infront of Kaelthrin. Then, with ease, lifted Kaelthrin up by the neck with his right hand. Stareing him in the eye ABEL asked "tell me boy!(ABEL nearly spat the word) what does this girl have to do with you?". ABEL was disgruntled to say the least, wherever ABEL slept EDEN would form around him, even as he spoke to the two an envirnment was forming. EDEN was a holy sanctuary to ABEL. Those who enter must be pure enough, if they did not pass ABEL's standards he would kill them on the spot. The only question now was will they?
Funtime Thread of Humor and Mirth (and Junk.)
Godot replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in General Discussion
im not sure if you would all find this funny but it provided me with mirth one time its about a fish in real life that sings [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z9eg009BaU[/url] -
[quote name='Matt']Uh, sorry trentlondon, but you were [I]way[/I] off of the mark in regards of God being the antagonist in Evangelion. Plain and simply, all of the Christian and Judaism terms and imagery was used because the Japanese thought it would be cool. You have to take into consideration the fact that only 1% of Japan is Christian - to the other 99%, those terms are interesting, unique, and alien. So, Evangelion is not anti-God or anti-Christian. It is just what it is - a very complex, confusing, and very debatable piece of story telling. Heck, Evangelion is one of the best things to happen to Christianity, what with it actually getting people to read the Bible to back up their theories.[/QUOTE] hit it right on the head there for the most part, i'm finding that a lot of anime and manga like to use christian terms, settings, and ideas for their plot and character designs. Im not sure if the people who make these animes/manga's are christians but look at Hellsing, trinity blood, trigun, samurai champloo, the list goes on. All these manga and anime's are chock full of christian allusions (and in the case of samurai champloo christian history) and are generally popular, now can anyone tell me how many of the people who make these animes/mangas are christian?
Hey everyone, im sure that a good majority of you otaku out there have seen Death Note, if you have watched (or read) it all then you should have heard of Wammy's House. Wammy's House is the orphanage that take in genius children and train to become a successor of L. Little is known about the inner workings of Wammy's House. Who can say how much drama went on there. The pressures of becoming L's Successor, Rivalrys such as Mello v. Near, and possible mystery's given to test the children. My idea (which is open for discussion) would take place 40 years after Near has become L. It is nearing time for him to pick a new successor and the race to become the new L is on a higher level that Mello v. Near. There are about a dozen bright prospects competing to become L. Wackyness and drama will ensue. Some ideas for character design will include things such as: Your hobby/obsession (take Mello and his Chocolate for instance), your personality will determine your way of handling cases (Mello is more action oriented when handling a case while Near needs other people to give him support because of his trouble with being social). And to add on, in the shinigami realm tales of Ryuk's Expenditures have aroused the interest of many shinigami. After much Coercion the shinigami king give those shinigami an extra notebook, which will of course be brought into the human world to bring entertainment to them. This is on a scale even bigger than Kira and more deadlier as well. Well this is the idea im thinking about, let me know if you would be interest or if you have anymore ideas to throw in -Godot
Then came ABEL, they had stumbled into his hiding place, he was unexpectedly awakened. Angry, he began to attack the two, taking out his knife he threw it at Madeline ,seeing as she seemed the the easiest to take down, and yelled [B][U]"you have entered my sanctuary!"[/U][/B]
[B]Name:[/B] Seaman (really Aquaman in disguise) [B]Secret identity:[/B] Aquaman [B]Known identity:[/B] not much known, he is conspiciously new, he is known as Seaman [B]Powers: [/B]The ability to talk to fish and make them do his bidding, super swimming speed, strength, heat vision (its a lie to get people to not think that he is Aquaman), he has all the abilities that Aquaman had. [B]Background:[/B] Not much is known about Seaman except for the fact that he is relatively new in the super hero world. He is really the prince of Atlantis, Aquaman. But as the years went by anti-Aquaman stigma began to spread and Aquaman slowly faded from existence, that was until Seaman showed up. He whole reason for being is to restore his name, and get revenge against the man who created this new super hero team that bad mouthed Aquaman. [B]Why Aquaman Sucks:[/B] His fake story is that he hated Aquaman after he played Aquaman the video game, he claims that the horrible experience damaged his eyes and gave him the ability of heat vision (but its just a lie) [B]Nemesis:[/B] The leader of the superfriends team who badmouthed him (but his cover nemesis is StingRay Man). [B]Personality:[/B] He is the desperate but lovable fool at times, he has his moments, but most of the time (because he is Aquaman) he is trying to make himself look good and get more powers (because Aquamans powers suck). He is a foolish arrogant man.
The saddest 3 deaths are of [spoiler]L, Light, and Nina[/spoiler] from FMA [spoiler]L had to die of an heart attack,[/spoiler] and reall sad way of dieing seeing as how he was fighting against kira. And not only that but if you saw the directors cut of Death Note [spoiler]Light practically dances on L's grave. [/spoiler]Sad. [spoiler]Light, [/spoiler]the saddest part about his death is the fact that it was caused by[spoiler] Matsuda,[/spoiler] seriously..one of the smartest characters of anime/manga done in by one of the stupidest. Sad/lol. Here is the scene im talking about, ryuk is just standing there thinking, [I]Lights really lost it[/I] A word of Caution this link is a spoiler [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcvIxTVafkM&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcvIxTVafkM&feature=related[/URL] [spoiler]Nina, [/spoiler]i'm surprised that the FMA people didnt mention [spoiler]Nina when they were talking about Hughes. She was betrayed by her father, transmuted into a chimaira by her father (the bastard), and finally she was destroyed by Scar by being deconstructed. [/spoiler]Dont tell me you didnt feel sad when Ed cried in the rain at the end. super sad. These three are the saddest deaths in my opinion.[COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="1"][INDENT]I added spoiler tags for you Godot. When discussing something that can spoil it for someone who has yet to see it, always use spoiler tags. Instructions as to how one can use them can be found here: [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=55649"][U]Anime Central Guidelines[/U][/URL]. ~Indi[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
ABEL took out his knife, giving those eyes a deathly glare
It was twilight again, ABEL noticed the sun fading away to the night as he followed the two conspicious men. [B]-[I]*humph*[/I]-[/B], ABEL thought[B],-[I]their nothing more than scouts....But they still pose a threat towards my objective...disposable. [/B] [/I] Just then, the two men stopped at a run down house[B],-[I]so this is where they are hiding[/I]-[/B],They pulled out what appeared to be a pistol and and a stun baton,[B]-[I]time to take action[/I][/B] ABEL jumped down on the man with the gun, shots were fired but they were taken from a man who had just been caught off guard, in other words they missed. Skewering the man with his arm ABEL retracted his hand from the mans chest as he crushed his heart, all within six breaths. The second nameless foe, angered and terrified of what had just occured, struck ABEL on the shoulder. [B]-[I]They really are foolish...[/I]-[/B],brushing the blow aside ABEL punched a crushing blow to the mans stomach causing him to double back and drop his stun baton, he could tell it hurt. Grabbing the him by the neck ABEL pushed him against the old brick wall. [U]"Do you have involvement in Project EDEN/Nature?". [/U] The unnamed agent looked at him with condesending eyes, silent. [B]-[I]looks like i'll have to use different methods to extract information[/I]-,[/B] ABEL took the stun baton off the cold ground below, The agents eyes became wide, [U]"What?!, what are you doing?!, get your hands off me you God damned monster!"[/U]. Using little effort ABEL slowly drove the weapon up his stomach, the man groaned in agony. [U]"Are you associated with with those who made me?" [/U]ABEL repeated ...still no answer,[B]-[I]looks like he's set to keep me in the dark...[/I]-[/B], ABEL placed his right hand on the agents neck, the man convulsed as strobes of light went off against the darkness of night. Limp and burnt, ABEL tossed the man to the side of the alley. The air became static with the remenants of electricity. ABEL then turned his eyes at the run down house once again, only to find another pair was watching him him as well..
Panic. ABEL watched the discourse on the streets as the police scrambled to make sense of the situation. Four public officials killed in the course of two weeks, all linked together by one thread, their involvement in Project Nature and Project EDEN. He realized that these actions would make it harder to move around in the city, but he needed data on himself. Fortunatly his fifth target yielded some useful information, there were others like himself. Or rather, others begetted by the government as experiments...he could use them to get what he wanted. But time was short, the other bit of information the man gave him was that the government was taking action on finding those like himself, it was only a matter of time before they captured them. ABEL jumped down from the building in which he had played the observer. [I]Now[/I], he thought [I], is the time to take action[/I]. As he began to walk to down the littered city street he wondered how he could contact those [B]others[/B], "but" he silently said to himself "if their truly part of Project Nature/EDEN,..then our paths will eventually intertwine". (this is my first rp so im not quite sure how to start out, if someone wants to get me involved with their own post I have no objections, in fact it would be welcomed!, ill try to improve)
On school nights its usually around 1:00 same with weekends, but thats because I get anime episodes onto my DS and watch them at night (which I dont have time for because I do my homework!), which means with my schedule i have about 5-6 hours of sleep a night, but lately I've found it to be taxing, sleep deprivation is taking a effect but i usually take a small nap when I get back home from school, but sleep deprivation still prevails...I need to change my schedule, or drink more coffee...
[quote name='Matt']My caffeine intake is non existent due to coffee tasting like crud. :whoops:[/QUOTE] Coffee for some is an acquired taste, when I first had it I thought it tasted horrible, but now I cant live without the stuff
Discuss When things go horribly wrong...[PG-13, L, V] Backstage
Godot replied to Odin M Yggdrasi's topic in Theater
[quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi']Due to the RP Creator being relatively inactive at the moment, I'll start this for now. If need be later, the moderators can close this one and have it replaced with one started by the RP creator. [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58873]Signup Thread[/url] Well, I know what the basic premise of my plans for this RP will be with Odin and Martel. You guys had better stay on your toes, if I get into my old-style game expect anything to come at you. It's been a while since I have played the dark side though, so I'm probably a tad rusty.[/QUOTE] ah so you'll play the role of the enemy, for my character I was planning on making him a person that has his own goals, that doesnt require him to coincide with the Hero group or the enemy, however i do leave my character up to join one side but it depends on who convinces him better, to give you a hint he wants to understand more about humans physically and nature wise. He is a character that doesnt know a whole lot about himself -
I was wondering whether or not you guys would want to make a backstage thread to discuss how we would each interact with each other, and how the in depth plot and pace of the story would be.
Whats a caffeine fix ???
[I]Name:[/I] ABEL [I]Age:[/I] undetermined [I]Looks:[/I] Only photo to be taken of subject code named ABEL, provided by witness [IMG]http://p-images.veoh.com/image.out?imageId=media-v621999x8YfQ4hj1183336645.jpg[/IMG] [I]Personality:[/I] It has been confirmed by the witness that ABEL has killed. The body of victim was found to be mutilated by the subject known as ABEL, the most notable action of the mutilation was the skull which had been split in half. The reason for ABEL's leave is unknown at the moment, further investigation is needed. [I]Bio:[/I] [B]A[/B]rtificial [B]B[/B]io growth [B]E[/B]volution [B]L[/B]ine or ABEL is the fruit of the experiment known as "Project EDEN" Has become a target of the US Army (More information as to ABEL's origins shall be provided during the story, if you want to give your own twist to his story pm me) [I]Ability:[/I] Witness has confirmed unhuman strength from ABEL, further investigation as to his abilities is needed. (Just to relieve the fears of the author, ABEL is not invincible. He has his weaknesses) [U]He is not your friend...[/U]
[B]Name:[/B] Jonathan Sinclair [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Weapon:[/B] Two Combat Knife's, two Pistol's [B]Psionic:[/B] Telekinesis (but it has a catch, after he is done using it he has to bleed an ounce of blood, so he generally uses it after he is injured by the enemy as a last resort because of its price). [B]Physical Description:[/B] Height 6''1, straight black hair, distinct blue/yellow eyes, as fit as any man thats gone through boot camp, long surgical fingers, and lightly tanned. [B]Personality:[/B] Jonathan Sinclair is a scholar at heart, young and already jaded he joined the army at the age of 21 simply because it peaked his interest (its in reason for enlistment). He is very much of a "to the point" kind of guy but whenever he starts to talk about his insights and research he becomes very enthusiastic, so much so that it appears he is a different person ( and when he is like that you dont want to be his research subject). The belief in which he applies much of his life upon is that the ends justify the means, that being said he doesnt have to many disagreements with the military. One trait in which his scholarly heart can be held accounted for is his inability to resist a mystery, simply put he will virtually do anything for knowledge. Jonathan Sinclair has but only one pet peeve, whenever anyone calls him "Johnny" for short he will always argue and insist that you call him by his full name. [B]Reason for enlisting:[/B] He wants to learn and do research on humans and their nature, he planned on serving the army for two years (as that is all he thought his research on war and its affect on humans would take) but after those two years he came to realize that there was much more work to be done. [B]War reflection:[/B] Humans are a hopelessly loathsome and predictable lot. [B]Notable feature:[/B] His right eye is yellow, and his left is blue
Anime My Mama Always Told Me Stupid is as Stupid Does...
Godot replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in Otaku Central
This guy is wrong. Anime, exspecially teenage+ genre's offer a place to vent out a lot of the stresses that we have to deal with that western cartoons and shows just dont touch. we need more anime in the west... -
Anime The Battle Between Manga and Anime (Anime Side)
Godot replied to Nomurah!'s topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]This is a big turn off to me as well. Unless the story is engaging or the artwork really pretty, manga just isn't where it's at in my opinion. I do enjoy it, but I can honestly say I haven't even read any this year since I only follow a select few series. Now as for anime, most of the time I prefer it, especially for action sequences. Action is just all that much sweeter if it's you know... in motion. So for stuff like Bleach or Naruto, manga is a turn off since I'd rather see those moves in motion instead of on a flat piece of paper. Stories like say Fruits Basket can go either way since the lack of action makes it more appealing for both formats. Overall, considering that I watch far more anime than I ever read manga, I'd have to go with the statement that most of the time I prefer anime. And yes it depends on the series, naturally. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I agree, take Death Note for instance. Death Note is not a action based manga but more of a psycological supernatural thriller, and I think that the manga has much more of an impact. The last volume captures lights emotions in a way anime can't. I just feel the intensity more with something like Death Note. But for a story like Bleach I would prefer the anime because action+sounds=win (not that the manga is bad). But besides what I just said i would like to give my dumb reply: [B]Whoa, Mann:[/B] Hey Godot [B]Godot:[/B] What? [B]Whoa, Mann:[/B] what do you like better anime or manga? [B]Godot:[/B] /headexplode [B]Whoa, Mann:[/B] ... -
[quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']Sadly I'm going to have to discontinue this. It's come to my attention I'm going to be leaving for a deployment soon, though I don't have a date for sure. I'd hate to see my vision cut short by that. Thanks for everyone who view'd and everyone who showed interest. At least this will give me sometime to morph my vision into something a little more.....popular I guess.[/QUOTE] good luck:animesmil
Anime Anime Out of Context (image heavy)
Godot replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in Otaku Central
im not sure if this counts but i wanted to show it -
Name: Avis Race: Ashlands Elemental boost: Speed and Charm Job: Assassin Character Description: Hei from Darker than Black Biography: His mother dying after childbirth, and his father nowhere to be found the the ruthless guild of assassins known as The Nighthawks took Avis in. Being that the death of his mother after childbirth was a good omen(in their eyes) foretelling the birth of a master assassin they raised him in their ways. Trained by assassins Avis grew to be emotionless, cold, ruthless and when pressed to much sadistic. It was'nt until He turned 18 that he snapped and killed one of his trainers. Becoming a target of the guild that took him in he was forced to flee. He became a wanderer donning a mask to conceal his identity, he took on many assassination jobs until until word of his ruthlessness and ability echoed endlessly in the underworld. Encounters with his former guild have been few for reasons unknown to him, but he wastes no time becoming stronger in preparation for his next encounter. The First priority Avis has is to kill all who are in the Nighthawks, but secondly Avis searches for passion, something to live his life for that will make him feel alive(this part of the reason why he takes on so many jobs, in hope that one of them will reveal an answer to his question). He wields two short swords, and has a particular fondness for using combustible wire bombs on his opponents in combination with his fire spells. If he had one weakness it would be his slight arrogance(which in part accounts for his being to sure in himself). At the age of 20 Avis's story begins with him arriving at the location his newest contracter specified for debriefing on a job... Side note: This is what he looks like with his mask, he is around 6ft and physically fit.
[quote name='Ikillion'][COLOR=#6d527f][SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]You forget that Lelouch can't fight his way out of a paper bag to save his life. Although how could Light win? He usually never reveals his true name and I doubt that light would be able to outwit him to cough it up. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] He was able to outwit L with Rem who got L's name, and im sure light could have other strategies as well.