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Everything posted by Godot

  1. I was just talking with someone the other day and I started to talk about how Code Geass is just like Death Note and how the main characters are similar when i started to think who would win if Light Yagami and Lelouch Lamperouge fought each other. There both crazy, smart, fit, and have to ability to make people do what they want (mainly killing them). They would fight each other face to face but rather it would be the situation that was in Death Note with L and Light trying to find each other out. I think that light would win, all he needs is a name and a picture of a person to kill them, and he can make them do whatever he wants before they die, while Lelouch has to be face to face with the person that he manipulates. Plus Lights laugh beats Lelouch's Laugh's no questions asked.
  2. Hi, Im new to this site but I would like to get everyones opinions on what anime they think was the most provoking and controversial. So far the anime I think is on the top of the list is Elfen Lied. The way they did things was very convaluded, I understood what theme they were trying to make a little but still...
  3. Si vis pacem, para bellum...
  4. I have an R4 for the NDS, for those of you who dont know an R4 is a DS cartridge with a mini SD attachment that allows you to download multiple games onto it to play. One of the features available on the R4 is moonshell which allows you to play videos on your NDS, full length videos (which i use for anime). I can have 10+ hours of videos on my DS, with decent quality as well. I was wondering if you think Nintendo should invest in videos for the DS. The PSP already has official video products and i think its time that nintendo jump in.
  5. Godot


    Vash made the red jacket famous, many great animes take on from his style. Take Alucard from hellsing, Edward Elric from FMA, mugen from champloo...
  6. Hello, I heard about this website from the otaku podcast's on iTunes and decided to join. I have many interests, one of them being Phoenix Wright. As you can tell by my name my favorite character in Phoenix Wright is Godot, and since the Phoenix Wright Story has officially been made into a manga i thought it appropiate for this site. I love watching all types of anime, ranging from death note to school rumble im always ready to expand my horizons with different types of anime. At my highschool I am on the mock trial team, my great ambition is to someday become a lawyer(or some job in the criminal justice department). Anyone who wants to fight me in the Bleach DS games just give me your code and wait for destruction. I hope that I can meet all of you here and become a respected member of this site. And Remember: "Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than Hell itself...that is coffee"
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