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Jaxx managed to get himself up resting his head on one arm and slowly stumbled over to rest against a tree. Jaxx: Who are you and where am I? Gohan says i can get stronger here. How? I must be strong. the short blue man moved over to Jaxx with no effort at all. It was as if the planets gravity had no effect on him. Kai: Relax, that was quite a fall you had there. Jaxx: That B*****D Gohan didnt warn me about the gravity here. Could you gimme a hand up? Kai: just relax a moment. Kai placed his hands gently on Jaxx when suddenly Jaxx flew up into the air at speed. Jaxx: ARRRGGGGHHHHHH Kai: sorry, here. Kai flew up after Jaxx and again placed his hands on him. Jaxx slowly lowered back to the ground. Jaxx: What was that all about? Kai: I have just upped your power enough so you can train successfully here. Jaxx: You raised my power? You can do tha.... Jaxx looked at his arm and noticed that the grazes and bruses that the fall to the planet had given him had all gone. Jaxx: I'm healed? Kai: Well that was quite a fall you had. You're lucky you didnt seriously hurt yourself. You saiyans are are sturdy race of people, I can tell you! Jaxx: Saiyan !!?? you must be mistaken!
Telepathically: Jaxx - Gohan, you lousy little Son on a B**** Gohan - Sorry, it had to be done! Jaxx - Yeah, well, where do i go now? Gohan - Look around, there should be a long road there Jaxx - Yeah, I see it, should i follow it? Gohan - Yeah, follow it north as far as you can. Jaxx - You got it. Jaxx began along the trail and after what seemed like days he reached the end literally. Looking along the trail, Jaxx could see four beefy looking guys seeminly guarding something. Jaxx - Hey, erm..Men, can I pass? Beefy guy 1 - NO Beefy guy 2 - This is private land Beefy guy 3 - Yeah, If we cant train, neither can you or anyone! Jaxx - Really? All three guys - YEAH! Beefy guy 1 - And if you dont like it, take it out with us and our leader. The guys move aside revealing a HUGE muscle-bound man about 8 feet tall. Beefy guy 1 - So, what'll it be? Jaxx - Well, you leave me no choice Jaxx turns around as the four guys looked at him, laughing to themselves. Jaxx then swings around, letting his rage get the better of him Jaxx - SHUT UP! Jaxx lets out a huge punch at the nearest of the guys knocking him to the floor. The other two smaller men advance on Jaxx. Using his psychic power, Jaxx sends them flying. Suddenly from nowhere, the biggest of the men slammed his fists into Jaxx's back forcing him into the floor and to crack it. Jaxx, using as much power as he could afford to, tried desperatly to dispose of this guy. Nothing seemed to work though. Jaxx - GOHAN, WHY DIDNT YOU MENTION THESE GUYS TO ME EARLIER? Gohan - They havn't been there before, you doing ok Jaxx - I kinda need a little help...Actually, alot of help would be nice. Gohan - I would but..your in the afterlife, it wont be easy. You could try total psychic fusion with me, its dangerous but for a while, you'll have my power and these guys will be no problem. Jaxx - I'm willing to try anything. NOW!
Jaxx - *Why wont this guy get out of my head* For Gods sake Gohan, I'd rather like to prove that i can get more powerful on my own! Gohan - You're not getting me, YOU WONT UNLESS YOU LISTEN! Come back to me now, i'll give you all the details. Jaxx - *Man, I hate this guy* Sure, i'll be right there Gohan - I CAN hear your thoughts you know! After about an hour of flying, Jaxx met up with Gohan. Gohan - Finally you're here Jaxx - Hey calm it, i aint as powerful and fast as you remember (!) Gohan - OK, well I suppose you wanna hear how you can become more powerful? Jaxx - Yeah, why else would I show up here? Gohan - OK, well theres a catch, you may not like it. Jaxx - Just tell me straight Gohan - Well, You have to DIE! Jaxx - WHOA, HANG ON A SECOND, DIE, AS IN ME...DEAD?! Gohan - Yeah, Well I did, It was purely accidental but hey, check me out now. You wanna be like me right? *He'll never do it* Jaxx - OK, how do we start?
Gohan - I must admit Jaxx, you have progressed quickly. However, destroying that mountain top was simply a beginers task. I, using an orb of Ki smaller that that which you hold, am able to destroy entire planets and stars. This, you will never do, in such a way as I am able. Jaxx's face sank Gohan - Do not be discouraged though. the power you have is higher that any human on THIS planet. In other sectors of the galaxy though, more powerful beings dwell. The Saiyans are just the tip of the iceberg. Jaxx - So, I will never be as powerful as you are? Gohan - Unfortunatly no but you can train and refine your abilities to use them more effectivly. Jaxx tried to hide his disappointment as he levitated himself much easier now and flew off into the distance to train alone, Desperate to prove Gohan wrong. Jaxx then recieved a telepathic message from Gohan. *Do not be disheartened, your power will rise as I have said before. Use whatever little power you can gain wisely. if you should misuse it, i shall not hesitate to stop you. Good luck my f....* Jaxx uses his telepathy to break Gohans link Jaxx - How dare he not believe in my power although Jaxx knew in his heart that Gohan was right, he would not accept it. He trained constantly destroying ever larger material though never the size of a planet or star as Gohan could. Jaxx - One day I WILL beat Gohan, I WILL. YOU HEAR ME, I WILL! Gohan scoffed at Jaxx Gohan - Fool, how powerful does he really think he can become. Does he realise that the human form has limits!
Shoushi Kirono stands alone in a field covered with wild yellow and blue flowers. Using a technique he learnt as a child, he envelops himself in a sort of force field. When doing this, he is able to simulate Different Gravity conditions. He begins by changing the gravity to 3 X normal. Shoushi - I must be strong, 3 X will never be enough He re-adjusts to 10 X and has major difficulties in moving. Shoushi - COME ON, COME ON, YOU CAN DO IT! With that self assurance, he begins running as well as he could around the inside of his force filed. After about 5 hours, he was able to move with ease and no longer felt like he was getting anywhere with his training and upped the gravity to 15 X. Like the first time at 10 X , this was difficult but Shoushi stuck with it and finished that day training at 15 X gravity Shoushi - Not a bad days work. Now for a rest, tomorrow will bring many hardships I sense Shoushi's old power level 3500 Shoushi's new power level 7000
Gohan - Ok, now to begin with, i'd like to see how powerful you already are. You can start by blowing up these rocks from smallest to largest. Jaxx looks at the pile or rocks that Gohan had Laid out. Jaxx - Ok, sure doesnt look too hard. Focusing a small ammount of power at the small rock, Jaxx obliterated it. All that were left was a few pebbles. Gohan - Good, now try the next. Jaxx once again focused his power, a larger ammount this time as the rock was about the size of a football. Just as easily, Jaxx destroyed the rock. The third rock was much larger than the others, about the size of a large articulated lorry. Jaxx - Uh, Gohan? I really dont think i can do this. Gohan - Nonsense, just try. Jaxx - OK Jaxx began to focus much of his power at this rock and to his surprise, only a fraction of what he had thought to use was actually needed. The rock was easily destroyed and Gohan looked on with a slight grin. Jaxx - Whats up Gohan, Something funny? Gohan - No, its just...Last night, i didnt want to tell you then but i could feel how your energies had risen. It seems like all that 'flying' paid off. Jaxx - How come? Gohan - Well you see, It seems that, like saiyans, the longer you train and the closer you come to total power drain, the more your power rises when you rest and heal. Because you hadnt tried floating yourself before, you exhausted yourself mentally and sinse your power lies in your mind...well, you get the idea. Jaxx - COOL! i cant wait to be as powerful as a super saiyan. Gohan - It will come in due time. Now, just to prove my point about your power, Destroy that mountain top. Gohan points to a nearby mountain. Jaxx - Are you crazy, I cant.....Oh well, wont hurt to try Jaxx focuses once again. Just as we saw when he fought the mercenaries, his eyes became black as he tapped into his deepest power. The mountain top began to vibrate. It began to crack and crumble. Gohan just looked on seemingly not surprised by what Jaxx was doing. The mountain top, suddenly, without warning, imploded onto its self and then exploding without a trace. Jaxx - *Out of breath* WHOA, I DID THAT?! *Breathes heavily* Gohan - You see what your capable of! Now I can finally teach you the true powers of a saiyan. In good time, you too can pick up a few saiyan attacks!
Just as Jaxxes power was getting too exhausted to keep looking for Gohan, he spots a small fire on the horizon. So, Straining the last few ounces of psychic power he could muster for today, Jaxx picked up speed and was soon resting near Gohans camp. Jaxx - I guess i'll go on foot from here, if i use my powers, I'll be too weak to train for a few days. Jaxx sets off following a cliff edge around a ravine and a few hours later meets up with Gohan. Jaxx- So Gohan, this is where you train? I love what you've ......*jaxx looks round at the rocky rubble*.....Neglected to do with the place. Got anywhere I can rest, i'm bummed. We can start training tomorrow. Jaxx sets down for the night and lets his powers regenerate. Jaxx was so intent on training with Gohan that he hadnt realised how much his powers had grown in strength. He would find out soon though when his training begins.
Jaxx links telepathically with Gohan jaxx- Hey Gohan, mind if I come train with you. All that 'Final flash' stuff you did was pretty cool, rekon you could teach me that? Gohan - I'll try, it shouldnt be too much of a problem. Your power level is over 1000 yeah? Otherwise the training wont work. Jaxx - Sure it is, and thanx. I'm on my way to find you now. *Jaxx thinks - It shouldnt be too much trouble to find him after all i DO have all these psychic abilities. I wonder how Gohan flies? I can float things with my mind. Lets test that. Jaxx focuses his telekinetic energies at himself and attempts to make HIMSELF float! Slowly, centimeter by centimeter, Jaxx begings to float. Jaxx - HAHA, I'm coming Gohan Jaxx re-focuses his energy behind him slightly and begins to move towards Ash mountain.
Jaxx - "Hold them off me a minute guys, I think I can....YES, I sense the energy of the portal that these mercenaries are coming through. I am going to try and close it." Jaxx shuts his eyes and outstetches his arms. A blue aura surrounds him shimmering gently. Jaxx - "It's no good, its too powerful to close, looks like we're stuck fighting these armoured morons! oh well" Jaxx closes his eyes once more and mumbles a few words to himself. Upon opening his eyes again, both his eye balls turn black as tar. Jaxx - "I shall look upon my enemies, I shall look upon them and the dark place shall have thier souls" Suddenly. A small swirling vortex opens in the ground in front of Jaxx. Jaxx - "If you can get them all in there they'll be sent back to thier own place. It wont stop them returning through their main portal but it could buy us some time" Jaxx - "mmmmaaaaAAARRRGGGHHHHH, get away from me!" Jaxx uses his telekinetic power to hurl about 15 mercenaries into his vortex
Feel free to start
Name: Jaxx Age: 15 Weapons: Mace, Half a sword (snapped blade, legendary kinda thing) Skill(s): Telekinetic, telepathic and pyrokinetic (loads of psychic type stuff) Team: The Knights Of Byzantium (on the list or not, i aint bothered) Jaxx - *Enters by forcing the solid steel doors on this great hall violently apart and hurling them into a few mercinaries* "hey guys, is this , like, a private party or can anyone join?" Before awaiting a reply from anyone, Jaxx lets out a blood curdling power-up sort of scream and 3 mercinaries surrounding him explode from the inside out. Jaxx- "Bad case of heartburn? hah" "Destiny Sword" *Jaxx draws his half-sword from its belt holster* *He proceeds to slash at the other 4 mercenaries running at him, in the blink of an eye, Jaxx is on the opposite end of the room with Mercenary-corpses surrounding him* "PYRO-MIND" the corpses levitate off of the ground before bursting into flames and burning out to nothing Jaxx - "Lets get this party started. Anyone else wanna try me?" as this is said, any mercenary that isnt fighting turns thier weapons onto Jaxx and fire hundreds of shots at him Jaxx - "Dont they know when to quit!" *tilting his head slightly, he slows the bullets down to almost a stop and turns them onto his attackers, Unfortunatly, all the mercenaries avoid these shots* Jaxx - "That never happend before. Who ARE these guys?!"
Name: Shoushi Kirono Age: 16 Power level: 3700 Bio: A fighter from Earth. Although, when compared to other warriors on his home planet, his power level seems low, he is actually a skilled tactition able to adapt to most situations in a short time. It is this very ability that allowed him to dispose of the fighter known as Gabe - By using his "saturn rings" move, he was able to trap Gabe in the blast of a dying star. - he then decided to seek the training techniques of the great Saiyan race who are known throughout the galaxy for being warriors. He asked permission of king vegeta to stay on his planet and train in the army traiing camps. He could but only under one condition.... that he helps out the planet in war when ever it needs help. And it needs help NOW. Appearence: Generally human facial features, dark hair Brown/Black. Hair short and spiked. Owns an orange fighting uniform much like that of the soon to be gteatest saiyan of all time - Goku. He has a metallic, unmarked bracelet on each wrist through which he is able to channel his Ki energy.