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Everything posted by Aerith8608

  1. That was sorta sad... but [spoiler]Vegeta will always be my main man so his deaths always make me the saddest. [/spoiler] I was never sad when [spoiler]Goku[/spoiler] died, though. It was always just like... wtfever. He'll be back in like two days.
  2. Neon Genesis Evangelion is amazing. The metaphysics of the last few episodes had me in complete awe. Honestly, it so multi-layed and filled with religious and mythical allusion, any lit major would pretty much cream themselves. And the themes of self and the other that is man... good god! It's just wonderful! Interconnectivity... it hit me hard, especially when in came to Asuka and Misoto's stories. It was like they were telling my life story.
  3. Shikamaru. Wooo boy. He's hot AND smart. I CAN'T LOSE! ::drools::
  4. [quote name='AshesofKamikaze']Hello, everyone! My name is Brian, and I'm from Valdosta, GA. I live in Columbus now. I was actually introduced to this site a couple of years ago by a classmate at seminary. Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you guys.[/QUOTE] Hello. :) I was actually born in Athens, Ga. :)
  5. Yeah... in the series Dragonballz whenever [spoiler]Vegeta[/spoiler] dies I bawl like a baby. :( I'm pretty much cursed when it comes to this subject, if I have a favorite character in an anime, he dies. >.< My poor, poor [spoiler]L.[/spoiler] :( And of course [Spoiler]Maes Hughes[/spoiler] from Full Metal. He was adorable and awesome... ::sighs::
  6. I think my all time favorite anime couple would have to be Vegeta and Bulma. Honestly, Bulma is beautiful and smart as hell and feisty... and Vegeta is... Vegeta. Hot as hell and also fiesty and... angsty and... rawr. They just make a really awesome couple. They argue a lot but... you can feel the love and sexual tension. I'm also a huge Yaoi fan so... recently, I've been loving to slash L and Raito together. There's only one thing I love more than a hot, smart man. And that's two hot, smart men... together. ::drool:: Along those lines, I love Haku and Zabuza, Naruto and Sasuke. :) I also have a soft spot for Shikamaru and Temari. She's one of the only women strong enough to keep his smart butt in line. :B
  7. I'm still not completely clear on why they've done this. Does any one know? I was under the impression that the main selling point of Adult Awim was the anime. :(
  8. I actually am a brand new member. :) You can call me Aerith or L- either is fine with me. I love to write and draw, and I have a passion for things that grow. Just last May, I graduated from the University of Virginia at the age of twenty-one, and I am currently getting ready to apply to graduate schools after taking a tumultous year off. In regards to anime, I'm currently obsessed with Deathnote, but I have a long history of love for many, many animes/mangas. Final Fantasy is my sweetest addiction. Looking forward to getting to know everyone here, Aerith.
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