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About FallenAngel127
- Birthday 10/31/1993
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I need to get of my computer...
Wal-Mart lackey until I finish high school
FallenAngel127's Achievements

New Member (1/6)
"Hope he'll be okay" Jinx said simply as they left. But she had faith in Louis that he wouldn't be ripped to shreads. He was tough, and the girl looked small and weak. Jinx sighed glancing to the others assembled outside which reminded her vaugley of a hospital waiting room. Everyone anxious to hear about the patient. Or in this case, the new comer. So she dug her ipod out of her pocket and shoved it in her ears cranking up the music to drown out the excietment and impatientness in her own mind. That and the irritating thought that all she did today was wait. But she had to calm down, they'd be out soon enough, it couldn't take too long right? Right? RIGHT?!?! OOC: Hows that Phoneix? Long enough now?!?!
Jinx jumped off her bed the second the noise came. It had a way of putting her on edge, but she was ready to battle. She could ehar the sounds of people running up to the sound, but all she did was put her ear to the door. "I'm Kai Salems, and yes I'm like you." Jinx blinked in suprise and waited for her to enter the common room. The second the door closed behind her Jinx opened her own door and sauntered into the common appraising the small child, her dog and her...dragon?! "Uh..." She glanced to Damo with a questioning look. He shrugged. Jinx turned back to the girl. "I'm Jinx." She said with a hopefully not to suspicious wave. The girl, Kai, looked at her with wide stunning violet eyes. She seemed frightened, timid almost. Like she had been through a lot. Her eyes moved from her to her dog. The thing was massive with jet black fur that shimmered even in the dim light. He had an intellegence and age about him the Jinx couldn't place, and didn't really like. So she lableded him a possiable threat before she looked to the dragon. This one had intelligent eyes that also had a glint of mischeif, so she sort of like this one. But labled it a threat none the less. Jinx sat next to Damo watching her. "M-my name is Kai Salems." She said looking Jinx in the eyes. Jinx nodded. "Good to meet you Kai." She said with a smile that looked friendly but was really laced with suspicion. Jinx decided this girl could be dangerous so put herself on high alret, glancing at Louis and Damo waiting for them or Kai to make the next move.
Jinx tapped her chin. "Impressive...but I've seen better." She smirked. "Well you probably know I'm Jinx, I do fire." She snapped so a spark flew from her fingers. "Pretty self explanitory. Well welcome to the team, or rewelcome, whatever floats your boat." She said with another kind smirk at Reiku before turning and opening a red door. She just assumed it was hers because, well, fire was red. She opened the door with the black handle and closed it behind her. She smiled.The room was painted with red and orage flames climbing up the sides of the black walls. "Wow...it looks like hell. Go figure." She tossed her stuff onto the black bed that had spiraling wrought iron bed posts and a smoky black veil that fell around it like a mosquito net. "Oh, very cool." She noted feeling the filmy stuff between her fingers. The carpet was gold and shimmery like parts of the flames and accents. You would think it was gotchic looking, but the golds and reds and silvers and oranges just evened it out enough to look homey. Well, to Jinx it was homey. She strolled casually over to the desk fingering the pens all put togther in one fancy pen holder. This was her kind of room. She unpacked her things holding her whip in her hands. It felt good. She cracked it open feeling the smooth handle. Her eyes sparkled as she wondered if she still had it. She whirled around snapping the whip infront of her. It cracked against the desk slashing through the wood in a perfectly straight line. She still had it. She snapped it back and wravled it together again putting it back in her bag and tucking that under her bed. She flopped down starting at the ceiling which was painted with spiraling flaming comets against a black sky. It was all pretty cool. Maybe this mission wouldn't be so bad. Hopefully this mission wouldn't be so bad.
(I'm picking up from the ealier nayomi post, it ends up in the airport) Jinx felt her skin cool a bit and mentally winced. She was getting worse at controlling that, there was a time her emotions could be positively lethal, she had learned to stop that, but it was coming back. It was a problem most fire wielders faced, emotions tended to get the best of them despite themselves. It took years not to let out a fiery inferno at every frustrating moment. Her first year she nearly burned her room down in a fit of aggravation. She wasn't sure why she was so upset, maybe because Damo had chosen a moment to be serious and decided to share it with her, but it was blown when he opened his mouth. She felt the heat then jumped seeing that her plastic armrest looked like play dough. She sighed slowly draining the heat from her skin until it was back to what was her normal. 104.6 She learned she could will herself into a temperature when she was little and did it all the time just to get out of school. It scared the nurse so bad when the little screen read 117.9, she ran Jinx to the hospital. The doctors couldn't explain in for the life of them, so as they freaked out around her she'd just smile and kick her legs before asking for the millionth time when she could have her lollipop. Jinx decided it was safe to dig out her notebook again and a pencil. When she reached in her hand brushed the broken pencil. Her hand closed around the shards as she pulled it out examining it. No use wasting it. She dug out a smiley band-aid and held the pencil together wrapping the band aid around it securing the pieces together. She couldn't help but smile, a band aid could fix anything. But not for long. She yanked out her notebook flipping through older entries and poems. Looking in the mirror Here's what I see A sad little girl staring back at me She acts so tough And so grown up But that's not who she really is And it's not who she wants to be I know this because that little girl is Me She flipped to a clean page a doodled everything she felt like drawing. A cloud, the view from her window, those weird bags of peanuts which never came with enough nuts to satisfy any hunger. She doodled the seal on her collar bone and a wilted rose. She did idle tasks that kept her mind off things so well. She even pretended like she was going on a vacation to Rome with a real family. She?d imagine her twerp of a little brother kicking the back of her seat and asking when they?d get there. She?d imagine complaining to her mom who was trying to convince her they would have fun and it?d be a good way to take her mind of her work. It would be a good place to get inspired she?d continue as Jinx would just shake her head irritated she even agreed to this stupid family reunion. Her dad would be getting mad with the little brother who was almost 12 and the middle sister who was rolling her eyes and painting her nails and refusing to help calm the little boy down. And Jinx would be wondering if things could get any worse but couldn?t help but enjoy the sheer novelty of it. She smiled, wondering what it would be like?to have a real family. Thats when they landed and the next thing she knew they were in the crowded airport "So, Rome is pretty big, where do we start?" Duke asked. Jinx glanced around. "There's the million dollar question." She said scarcastically trying to wrap her mind around just how big the place must be and where they could and should start.
Jinx smiled slightly as the new kid, Sin, started to idolize JB by getting thisclose to his face. But J.B was a good person to idolize if you thought about it, no real 'physical' power but a kick ass mental power which he could use as a physical power. Plus he would never have any problems with a grocery list! She sighed as the previous freak out seemed to wash away enough for her to get a grip and save the few pencils she brought along. But after she calmed down she glanced to where Damo was sitting a few seats over with a lap top poised on his knees. He looked scared, and nervous. Jinx blinked. This worried her because A) she liked Damo, their personalities just sort of worked B) he was happy most the time. C) it takes a lot to shake him. She leaned against her seat so she caught sight of the screen. It was about the cult they were dealing with. Why would that freak out Damo so much? answer: it wouldn't. She pulled out a blank piece of paper scribbling a message on it then balling it up and tossing it across the isle so it hit him on the head. He blinked then turned. She smirked turning out the window as he uncrumpled the paper. [I]You look like shit.[/I] Jinx could see he smiled a bit. Jinx sugar coated nothing, if she thought you looked like shit, she damn well said it. There was no fliter between her brain and her mouth. He scribbled a reply tossing it to her. She cauhgt it before it could make contact with her skull. [I]I try[/I] She stiffled a laugh writting a reply and tossing it to him. [I]What happened?[/I] He blinked at the page for a second before writing a reply. [I]What do you mean?[/I] She scrathced a reply. [I]I mean, you look like shit from where I am sitting, wtf happened?[/I] She tossed it at him turning up her iPod and looking out the window as she waited for a response. She wondered what had happened. She didn't remember boobey trapping anything. Or threating him at all before getting on the plane. She shook the thoughts from her head and just watched as the clouds sped by refusing to let herself think. Just for a little while.
Jinx ripped off a piece of jerky chewing on it happily. She didn't have any of Nayomi's sicko pizza so she was pretty grateful to eat at all. Jinx leaned over her seat her warm brown almost red eyes flitted over the screen as she skimmed the passage. "Sounds like we're dealing with some serious Wacko's." She commented pulling her hat further back so she could brush her bangs out of her eyes in a futile attempt to see the screen better. After getting bored staring at that screen she leaned back in her own seat. Her eyes fitted to the new member of their "family" and she couldn't help but notice that...he was just a kid. Even younger than Damo. But age didn't matter she supposed, as long as he could do his job and pick up on the order of things. And by Order she meant not to screw with Nayomi, because that would be one dumbass move, and not to tick off Jinx, because she was big believer in revenge. Especially in her street racing days when her tires would be slashed by competition so in return she'd melt their cars down to a puddle. But she had more control now, over both her emotions and the seal, so she hadn't melted anybody in a long time. She glanced to Duke then to Louis. She noticed that he had grown up the second Luis joined the team, but then again he had this whole thing going on that made joking seem like an immature thing to do. He sounded too much like Nayomi lately. But she liked his sense of style, and he was a good ally to have, even if his 'don't give a shit' attitude sometimes meant he couldn't take part in good natured fun. Or in the antics and trouble Jinx had a thing for stirring up. He and Nayomi just needed to lighten up, have some fun. Being leader didn't mean being a stick in the mud, or maybe it did. Maybe it was on the resume right under 'previous job experience.' She'll never know. She turned her attention back to the new kid who seemed to be a bit more reserved and as she had noted earlier a bit disgusted by Nayomi's pizza. (join the club kid) Jinx thought drumming her fingers on the arm rest with a bored expression. Hopefully he wouldn't be a fuddy duddy, maybe he'd by a fun new addition to the team. They could use another fun member to J.B, Damo, and her own happy club. Jinx decided not to access the kid that was already under the microscope instead she pulled out a notebook and a pencil. She flipped to an old song adding more to it before flipping to a new page and started a new song and another little sketch. She was actually pretty artistic, and she could sing like no one's business. What had Axel said to her? "Definite siren, I'm still waiting for you to lead all the guys off a cliff." she smirked thinking of her brother like member of the racing team she used to be on. This happiness was immediately killed by a sharp stab of pain and remorse which she wiped off her face quickly and stomped down to the back of her mind which was becoming a very dark and twisted place each day she shoved her past back there. Jinx was sure one day it would all come crashing down and what and who she really was would be exposed for all to see. The thought scared her, she had done some things that were...horrid to say the least, and no way would she be accepted. She'd be on her own again, with her lies as the only thing that let her sleep at night. She looked down and noticed she had been sketching while lost in thought. A girl was slumped over on the ground clutching a knife that was driven into her chest by her own hand. Jinx blinked staring at the image of the dying girl. She touched her hair tracing her image...it was Jinx. She grabbed her eraser rubbing it out so hard the paper wore thin. No. She'd never break. Not ever. The pencil snapped in her hand so she swore stuffing it away and jamming her ear buds into her ears. Jinx stared out the window isolating herself from the world with a wall of screaming and pained lyrics.
"We can carve that in your gravestone." Jinx said waggling a finger in the air for extra empathsis while slapping a smirking Nayomi a high five. Jinx couldn't help but smile at her team and her surget family. It was a deffinate Kodak moment if she ever saw one, in fact they had plenty of Kodak moments throughout their time together. Hell yeah the witches had Kodak moments! "Now get up before all the blood rushes to your already swollen head." Jinx said to JB with her smirk back on her face and the Kodak moment no where to be seen. Almost everyone was here now, it was all up to Duke to hurry up so they could get going. This meant more waiting. And Jinx really truly hates waiting. Really. Truly. Hates waiting. So with these spare minutes she had to do somthing to keep her occupied so she snapped on and snapped off the candle on the table. Snap on. Snap off. After about the sixth time she was starting to get bored and antsy, so she pulled out her deck of cards then smirked remembering a few magic tricks she turned to Damo. "Pick a card." She splayed it fan like and he chose on in the middle. "Memorize it." He nodded handing it back before she turned to JB "Same for you, but the memorizing part should be easy." She smirked as he chose a card and almost imediatley handed it back. She shuffled the deck then threw it across the room. All the cards settled face down except the ace of diamonds and the queen of hearts. "Are those your cards?" She smiled triumphantly as they nodded very slightly impressed at her mediocre magic skillz. She began to collect the cards for another go, this should keep them busy.
Jinx stared at the pizza with an overdone disgusted look. She poked it. "I've seen some pretty hedious combinations in my life...just look at Damo, a combination of two human beings that turned out to be...well him, but this is even worse. Sorry Damo but your being knocked down a peg on the hedious combination charts." She flicked a piece of hamburger at him before kicking up her feet onto the table again. But she kept her iPod tucked away for fear Damo would make her chase it around the room as a revenge for her 'hedious combinations' crack' so instead she flicked tiny sparks into the air. She watched the sparkles like a fireworks display even making some bigger and changing the color by upping and lowering the heat. This would keep her occupied for a while, but once that was gone it'd be murder. Jinx always sucked at waiting, back when she was little she used to sneak into theme parks and those lines for the really big really gnarly rollercoasters were always killer. One time she got so antsy and excited she accidently burned the man infront of her's hair right off. Yep, clean off. She dissapered before the ambulences came, but felt bad so sent dasies to his hospital room. She almost laughed at the memory of his horrified expressions when he reached up to his scalding scalp and began running in terrified circles. Jinx turned back to her sparkley display, the tame part of Jinx's fire weilding. Fire weilding was pretty versatile, she could do some serious damage, or show up at your kids birthday party and do tricks for only twenty bucks an hour! But that would be mortifying and give Damo a reason to ridicule her for the rest of her life. So she was content with using it in a lethal way.
Jinx smirked heated the floor below him, not enough to set it on fire,again, but hot enough where he'd notice, and maybe his shoes would stick to the floor. If he plays with fire, he'd get burned. That was the way it worked. Lucky for him she wasn't intending on burning him...too badly that is. So she started heating the couch flipping though her songs and looking nonchalant as the lyrics to some random band blasted in her ears. She waited for him to stand up heating the floor around where his shoes were, this would be funny. But revenge aside she was glad to help, she knew he appreciated her listening powress, most everyone did. But with listening came observancy, and she had observed that he was holding somthing back, but she wasn't into needling. Not after all her therapy sessions after which she felt like a carcass being picked apart by a hungry vulture trying to find a deeper meaning that wasn't there. Plus he was a guy, they didn't spill their guts like scared little girls. They had a macho thing to maintain. Like animals. Lions had to prove dominance, wolves had to prove dominance, everything was about dominance. In this case it was Nayomi who had the domince as everyone fought for second place, and quite frankly Jinx was fine with that. Nayomi had a stern thing going that Jinx could never maintain. She was just too...non-serious for that. She would explode if she couldn't torment and mock all the members of the team. Specifically Damo, because he mocked and tormented back. It was a never ending battle, one time it was so bad she had to convince Nayomi to open doors for her for fear of getting doused with some horrifying goo like she had done to him as a very satisfying revenge plot. All and all she liked Damo, and if he didn't want to reveal somthing, well that was fine with her. She cranked up her music and the heat holding back her scheming smirk as she waited for her trap to spring on poor unsuspecting Damo. Who was soooo going down.
Jinx was bobbing to the beat when Damo plopped down next to her, and she could tell he was troubled. But was he willing to talk about it? Jinx wasn't one to do the talking, she sucked at conveying emotions except anger and arrogance. But! She was good at listening. Yes, Jinx almighty tough as nails Jinx was a good listener, and she liked to listen. It was part of the reason back home everyone ran to her to talk or to hang out with, when you talked to Jinx you talked with her, not at her. And she was one of the only street girls that wore shorts that extended beyond the thigh and had an I.Q that was greater than her shoe size. "Alright." Jinx said yanking the earpieces out of her ears with one swift tug on the dangling cord. She paused the song and crossed her legs sitting on the edge of the couch she pretended to push invisible glasses up her nose and flip open a note book. She licked the tip of an imaginary pen and stared him down like she saw her numerous shirks do many a time before. "Vat seems to be ze problem?" She said keeping a straight face. "Because you look awful zhitty and un heppy." She stiffled a laugh keeping her pretend pen hovering in the air. "did ze sim training kick your ass? Do you have a boo boo you vould like me to kiss?" she mocked with a sly smirk.
Ok, thanks! I just wanted to be positive it was ok and be a little more clear on the rules in this rpg to make it more enjoyable for all those involved.
I've noticed a lot of g'ming (god modding) going on. As is people are controlling other people's characters. (Making them talk, preform actions, be in certain places, ect.) Is it okay to do that? In other rpg's I've been in it was pretty strict about it so I wanted to make sure if I could do it before I auctually did, or if its only allowed for the creator. The last thing I want to do is break some unwritten law.
Jinx turned away from Nayomi as she walked out of the room. She was so serious all the time. Jinx grabbed her shampoo squirting it into her hands. Hers was nonscented, the scents drove her crazy. So did pastel colors, wishy washy people, rap music, and solving problems with words when fists require less effort. She finished up washing the blood away happy to find the burns were gone. She looked down at the intricate seal on her collar bone toward her left with a sigh. It brought back a wave of painful memories which she was quick to stomp down. She exited wrapping a towel around herself before heading into her room. She walked in closing the door behind her and snapping on all the candles that gave the room a happy comforting glow. They cast a warm light on all the posters she had plastered all over and her disorganized mess of a desk. She pulled on a black t'shirt with a ton of random doodle like designs all across the front. She grabbed one of her hats spinning it onto her head sideways and pulling a black and red tie on. She stuck a piece of cinnamon gum into her mouth popping a bubble. She had the typical 'the kid your parents warned you about' image. What had one of her shrinks said? she was "Hiding the pain behind a mask of rebellion?" she had a good laugh at that in the streets for a while. Pulling on jeans and fingerless gloves she started to pack. She had a whip that she loved to use so she packed that and a few daggers along with some clothes she figured she might need. Her eyes flitted over her space resting on her deck of cards. She snatched it, she was big on gambling before she discovered street racing and street fighting. Since then she barley touched a pack of cards, learning she could make more money beating the snot outta people with her fists and behind a wheel. Yep she was your typical drop out, but she learned a hell of a lot more out on the street than in a class room. Whatever, thinking about all that made her pissed off so she ignored it. slipping on her converse she shoulered her bag and stuck her wallet and another pack of gum in her pockets. Beating Amelia had given her a taste of what she could do with the seal techniques, it was good to know she could fall back on those, so she was fairly certain she could face whatever was coming her way with this 'high priority' mission. Plus they all had each others back, but Jinx would be damned if she asked for help from anybody. She was just that kind of person. She had learned to be independant from her lessons on life after school was no longer an option. She kicked open the door jamming her ipod in her pocket just before shutting the door behind her. She strolled into the living room plopping down on the couch and kicking her feet onto the table. Back in school she did that to her desks and it drove her teachers up the wall, espically when they asked her to stop and she would just pop a bubble in their face with a 'make me' smirk. That often got her in detention until she had to drop out becuase she landed a kid in the hospital becuase with third degree burns. But he wouldn't get outta her face and comprehend the 'not interested' signal so he had it coming. She espically hated that. They looked at her and saw a pretty face, not the kick your ass girl. She was always underestimated, but not by her team, which made her all the more greatful and all the more certain they could take this challange head on and full force.
Monster, but not the new coffe kind, I was awake all night with one o' those bad boys. I just like regular monster to get some sort of caffeine into my system to kick start my day, afternoon, and night life. I could go without water. But not monster, I drink so much, it must flow through my veins. I really have to kick it though, before I become dependant on it. To late!
Jinx smirked her signature smirk. "Well, looks like another one didn't bite the dust. Good for you, I was afraid I'd have to creamate someone." Her eyes flashed as she turned back to JB's fight. She had the utmost confidence in him, she was pretty sure he could get out of there without being torched. And if the situation proved otherwise she'd smother the girl with her own fire then burn the body to a smouldering crisp, becuase nothing irritated her more than a fire jockey wanna be. Or a girl who could play with fire and not have to hack up toxcins in exchange. Speaking of which, she doubled over in another episode finishing off the last of the junk. She gasped for air once it was over before she stood back up and pretended like she hadn't just nearly choked. The others were mostly used to it by now, it happened evrytime she used blood flames, or any other angel technique. In fact there was a point when she was trying new techniques so much she had such a violent coughing fit that she had to stay in her room and just cough and rest before she passed out becuase of lack of blood in her system. But the fits passed and now she would be fine, the burns were mostly all healed now, and the cuts would stop bleeding eventually. Looks like they would all make it out of here. That was the first bit of good news all day.