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Everything posted by FallenAngel127

  1. Thats a sigh of relief. I may just start watching it again then.
  2. I'd like to come to Pokemons deffence, because i liked the concept, it's a good idea, but in all the years it's been on, Ash has gotten no where dang it, and he hasn't aged even a little. But i like it, its cute and has plenty of fighting between those adorable little monsters. And i watched it for a while, until they trashed poor Misty. But what ever. One piece (the dubbed version) has picked the most obnoxious, in your face, ringing in your ears voice actor for luffey. It drives me nuts, like to the point of punching the tv then throwing it out the window. And WHY THE HECK IS HE ALWAYS YELLING!!! AND ADDING EXCLAMATION POINTS!!! Its annoying. Bo bo booo bo bo booo Bo bo Bobo bo. Did i add enough bo's? I never got it, I flicked it on, stared, then flicked it off. It is the worse pile o crap that had ever come out of anime and is B-A-D And while i'm up on my rant soap box I'd like to say that there is one thing about Naruto that drives me crazy. BELIVEVE IT! No, Dattebayo. Not Believe it. Man.
  3. Shikamaru and Temari from Naruto would be cute. Or Naruto and Sasuke, that'll most likely never happen, but I can dream right? Then Roy and Riza or Winry and Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist. There is so much love in this post! ^-^
  4. Itachi, Sasuke, Neji (if i could get him off his 'destiny' soap box), Shikamaru...Just about the entire male gennin class XD Cept choji. Sorry Choji.
  5. Gah! I was crying when I read the Kakashi gaiden and... SPOILERS********* (i can't do the black block thing so this must do for now!)**** [spoiler]Obito Uchiha died. But it is speculated that Obito is auctually Tobi (has anyone noticed the fact obito and Tobi have almost the same letters? Amongst other things), but that is as debatable as the whole Naruto is the fourths son thing.[/spoiler] ***************************** My mom was freaked out wondering why I was crying about some "comic book" [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Fix'd for you (゚ 3゚) - Iki[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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