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About Kaiboy

  • Birthday 03/03/1990

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  • Biography
    I am an Anime Otaku and just a nerd/geek in General. I love D&D, DDR, I chat on AIM/MSN, I love to blog and read peoples livejournals, I draw and love to sing in the shower and chill with my homies and I love to play Pokemon on old school gameboy.
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  1. [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"]I love PostSecret and have known about it for quite some time now---a few years as a matter of fact. I even own one of the books they published of it. I personally think it's really cool and a creative idea. Although I have never posted a secret on there myself (simply because I don't have any secrets) but maybe someday I will. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"]Keep in mind that many may have different time zones then you do, so it might be earlier for them than it is for you. For myself, I am a not a morning person in the least and seem to function best when it's late. I swear if you want me to think of something good as me anytime around 2:00AM. Because my weekends are pretty busy and I have school during the weekdays, night time is usually my only time to catch up on watching back-logged anime I need to watch, chat with friends online or even catch up with forums. So I generally stay up anywhere to around 2:30AM to 4:00+ AM sometimes even later. Not a healthy choice I suppose but my Anime Otaku lifestyle calls for it, so it's either don't watch anime or don't sleep, I pick don't sleep. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. Kaiboy


    [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"]I love Digimon! I remember back in the day my brother and I would sit on the couch and watch it and many times there would be marathons. I loved all the Digimon so much, I need to try and find some boxsets of the first and third season. Those ( in my opinon ) were the best. I was SO happy when I got to meet the voice actor who played Tai. Normally I don't watch dubs or know anything about the voice actors who play dubbed characters but Joshua was an exception. He's amazing. When I got to meet him I nearly fainted, no joke, everything was spinning and my legs felt like jelly. Wow I love my life sometimes. Digimon was one of the best series of all time and is a classic! P.S. Digimon in Japanese is really good. If anyone ever gets the chance WATCH IT IN JAPANESE![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"]I love Yugioh abridged the most personally ( think most do) But I do also love The Berserk Abridged and Yuyu Hakusho abridged. I'm not a huge Naruto fan so I tend not to watch it too much but another one I enjoy watching is the Death note abridged I feel they did a funny job with that one killing off popular anime characters instead of killing off bad guys. Haha. It's fun. I one day want to make one of my own but I have yet to get the equipment and because of my being a girl, I either need to get one of my guy friends to help me or I need to do a very girl themed anime or at least something with a lot of children. Maybe one day. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"]I love Shinichi and Ran from Detective Conan just because of their chemistry. Sae and Takeo from Mahou Tsukai Tai, they're both SOOO cute in the series and obviously really like each other but have SO much trouble admitting it to one another. I love Momo and Ryoma from Tennis no Ojisama. I know they don't get together in the series but....I am still a fan of this pairing. Setsuna and Sara from Angel Sancuary. I am probably going to get flamed for this because they're brother and sister but I feel they're really cute together and as long as they're not reproducing I think it's okay since they love each other. Shuichi and Eiri from Gravitation and Dee and Ryo from FAKE..do I really need to explain why? Ritsuka and Soubi from Loveless. CUTE! I know it's wrong for a 20 year old and a 12 year old to well...you know between the sheets...but....I think they're SO cute together, I can't help it. Raito and L because they'd be cute. I know that they hate each other and whatever but I can't help that I'm sucker for those two men together handcuffed or not. Ono and Tanaka from Genshiken because they're both into Cosplay they have compatible personalities and I think they're both cute together. I am not in my bedroom with my wall of manga right now so I am having trouble thinking of others......[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"]I probably will. I'm actually interested in watching Kujibiki Unbalance anyway to see if it's any good. I know a site where it's only $20. So it's not like even if it's bad it's a HUGE loss of money. And if nothing else, I love Genshiken so....I think it's all worth it. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"][U][B]Detective Conan[/B][/U] = First of all, If you're a detective nut like I am this series is great. Easy and hard cases from something as intense as a locked room murder to something as easy as a little slip in a drink. The series has been going for over 10 years now and is a lot of fun. The character development and chemistry over all though I think is what makes this series enjoyable. [B][U] Mahou Tsukai Tai (Magic Users Club) [/U][/B]= VERY fun series about, who would guess it, a high school Magic Users club. The characters are fun, they have a bit of pervyness to them but it's all in good fun and is NOT OVER DONE! The set-up is simple, easy to get used to, the art while not INCREDIBLY original, is fun and the series over all will forever be something that will always be on your happy list. [B][U]Genshiken[/U][/B] = This anime/manga made me VERY happy. First of all, most manga/anime that I have seen who try and portray the "Otaku lifestyle" fail miserably at it and make the characters hyper and the stereotype of what the "Anime Fan" is. Genshiken is clever, well written, has good characters and lets you not only relate but also if you think you're bad and are a "loser" many might change their minds after seeing this series. [B][U] Tennis no Ojisama (Prince of Tennis)[/U][/B] = Now before anyone says anything! I know many have a grudge against sports manga because they're boring and have nothing but sweaty men. But no, Tennis no Ojisama is different. It's entertaining, has good characters ( who realizes I have a thing for GOOD CHARACTERS????) and if you're into Shonanai/Yaoi and love to write fanfiction including such great, compatible pairings (such as myself) you will REALLY enjoy this series. I have many more favorites but it takes too long to type them up!!! So, here are some for now, I may come back and talk about more in the near future. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"]I don't HATE anime for the most part. I have ones I find boring or just can't get into like Corrector Yui for example. But for the most part it's not the series, it's the fans that turn me off to a series such as the acclaimed "Narutards". I have nothing against the series Naruto personally, but the fans ruin it for me a lot of the time..... [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"]Hmm....You make a good point. For myself honestly, it really depends on the series at hand. On the one hand, anime is amazing because you get to hear voices, see the characters move--sometimes you can even have a slightly different story or events, the art can be better even you even can have other story arcs. ( not all added on story arcs are good granted....) Manga on the other, in my experience, generally manga tends to have more character development. ( not all of course, I know MANY anime/manga such as Meitantei Konan where the anime has more character development) Also manga is better to see the art progress, you see the story unfold knowing that not EVERYTHING was pre-meditated--it's really great, especially if you're like myself and like comics/manga and are working on a manga of your own, you can get ideas for paneling, how to portray certain emotions and scenes with various angles and limited space. So for myself, although on a general level it REALLY depends, I guess I would have to say I prefer manga. You can get more for your buck generally--considering most seem to get their anime for around $100+ a boxset--unless you download or know good websites. And the manga has many things like stated above that in my opinion make manga just a little more rewarding. And if nothing else, they're portable! You can take them anywhere and you can read them anytime! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="1"]Hello everyone, I am Kaiboy! ( I'm a girl, heads up!) I am an Anime/Manga Otaku to say the least-yes, I know what it means. I enjoy art. music and many other things that are anime-related. Even my D&D times seem to be anime-related in some way or another. I enjoy DDR as a main source of exorcise although, because of my lack of a drivers license and need to feed my hobby I end up walk/riding my bike everywhere I go. Many of my friends over the last few years have grown away from the Anime fandom ( none of whom were ever as into it as myself ) and I am in desperate need for some new anime friends who I can share my thoughts and feelings with about various series/pairings/characters because so many of my friends are beginning to get tired of my continuous sharing of the current series I'm into. I just hope I've come to the right place!!! Feel free to contact me and I love making friends so....again, I am Kaiboy and I am happy to be here![/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
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