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Everything posted by katal1st

  1. Currently Listening To: Coheed and Cambria Discography Dream Theater Discography MAXIMUM THE HOROMONE YUI If ya'll are into hard ballad rock, give Dream Theater a try. These guys can really wail! They remind me of Boston, only heavier and more talented.
  2. I love Rock Band. Finally gives a music nerd like me the chance to rock out and maybe learn a little something about instruments. If anyone wants to hook it up, gamertag is k4t4l1st on XBL. Currently Playing: Drums - Medium Guitar - Hard Bass - Hard Vocals - Medium
  3. --The 100-Hour Club-- Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy Tactics Chrono Trigger Ogre Battle Gran Turismo IV Stepmania / DDR Rock Band EVE Online World of Warcraft Yeah, I know I have no life. But hey, most of these hours were put in when I was still in high school. I guess that sorta makes up for it ><
  4. Currently Playing: PC - EVE Online: Cal Hydar; Maple Story; Homeworld 2; Galactic Civilizations TOA Beta Xbox 360 - Rock Band and Guitar Hero III
  5. Tops: 1. [B]Rurouni Kenshin Series / Samurai X OVA's[/B] - Do I even need to explain? Well written, great action sequences, a love story that evolves over time (especially through the OVA's), and a nostalgic precursor to current action animes. 2. [B]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/B] - Once again, for obvious reasons. Back before anime was anime, you had titles like this. Brilliant story that could keep you thinking for days, gripping action, and once again, it set the tone for the animes of today. In-depth characters who you could watch evolve as the story pressed on. 3. [B]Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho[/B] - I honestly couldn't find anything bad about this anime. This is slowly winning my heart in the best anime category. Every time I watch this movie, I learn a little more about a character or I pick up on something I missed before. In my eyes, those are the best types of anime: ones you can enjoy every time and learn from every time.
  6. I would say my favorite pairing would be from Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho (Beyond the Clouds, the Promised Land) - Hiroki Fujisawa and Sayuri Sawatari. The way the story plays on both characters past and intertwines their futures really captured my attention.
  7. KANON TV2: [spoiler]I would have to rank Makoto's death in Kanon TV2 as the most emotional I have ever become over an anime. It was well written and well drawn. Had me in tears, and that ain't easy @_@[/spoiler]
  8. Hey guys, first post ^_^ Currently finishing up watching Clannad, Moyashimon, Heroic Age, Gintamma, and Ergo Proxy. As for manga, currently reading Vagabond. Brilliant series in my humble opinion.
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