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About PhoenixFire

  • Birthday 01/01/1992

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  1. "Heel you two." Kai commanded. Rekhat and Quereen were already finished through so simply stoped thinking of fun names to call this little oddity. Thats when another boy stepped onto the scene. "Uh did I miss somthing?" He asked. Rekhat turned nonchalantly with a sigh. "There are more?" Quereen shook his head. "Maybe they're living in a primitive pack again. Like I said before, one step backwards Rekhat." Kai sighed Glancing from the angry one to the calm one. "My name is Kai." She said quietly before turning to the angry one again. "I apologize for their actions. But I cannot control their opinions or thoughts. Those are part of their free will. I promise I will keep them quiet." She had a slight pleading note in her eyes. She didn't want to be kicked out onto the street again because of Rekhat's and Quereen's dislike of humans or oddities. She turned back to the new comer who was looking confused. "Like I said before, my name is Kai. I'm going to be staying with your...group, for a while. I'll help your...cause in anyway I can." She smiled slightly to both of them. She turned to both the demons loyally at her side. She pointed to the black wolf. "This is Rekhat." She explained then pointed to the dragon. "This is Quereen." she looked up again. "They won't hurt you or anyone elese without my command, so you are all safe." She paused turning to the angry one. "I'll do my best to keep them under control." She said to them both but more to him. "who are you two?"
  2. Kai rose and Rakhat and Quereen followed her as she left the room and into the hall. It felt good to be out in more open air again, she was starting to get antsy sitting there and being inspected like that. She walked down the hall to where the people she met earlier were sitting. She felt the stares and could tell it annoyed Rekhat like nothing elese could. "Take a picture, it lasts longer." He growled. Quereen snickered his red eyes flitting over the group as apprasing as his demon companion on Kai's left. She stood erect unsure if she was supposed to smile or shake hands, so she just stood straight under their microscopes trying to appear friendly and less of a hostile invander. Which must look like she was from where they were sitting. She cleared her throat. "I'm going to be staying with you for a while. I'll try to help in anyway possible." Her light airy voice said nervously as she messed with the bottom of her shirt uncertainly. She was always nervous around new people, well, she was susually always quiet and nervous. Years of being followed and near death expierences did that to a girl. Suddenly Rekhat tensed. [I]Follow me.[/I] he said taking the lead. Kai blinked then offered a look of apology to the group before hurrying after him. [I]I knew somthing was wrong, but the dilluded scent had me thrown. Quereen! Why did you not alert me? I was sure I had sensed demonic energy, but I assumed he was just a touch demon. Not a full flegded halfbreed![/I] Kai hurried to keep up with the demon wolf before he froze in a hall staring down a boy about Kai's age. "Are you the child of the demon I think you might be the child of?" Rekhat ordered. Kai winced. He had a way with being forward that she really didn't apperciate, and judging by the look on his face, he didn't appreciate it either.
  3. Kai digested this fingering the paper. [I]Pets?!?[/I] spat Rekhat. [I]Don't get your tail in a knot, he knows damn well we could rip him to shreads, he must be reffering to the fact that Kai seems to think we auctually like her.[/I] Kai mentally rolled her eyes. *now you've done it* she thought looking down at the paper before the door opened so suddenly Kai jumped, but Rekhat didn't even flinch. [I]human with a stick[/I]He muttered. Quereen snickered. [I]They always use sticks of some sort, once it was clubs, then swords, then guns, looks like they went back to square one and stuck with a simple stick[/I] Quereen noted making Rekhat seemingly smirk. They often liked cutting humans down, they did it so much Kai was almost immune to it. "You can stay with me I have a Cot in my room so you can sleep in my bed and I'll take the cot. That is of course if Louis allow's you to stay." Louis stared for a second. "You bring up a valid concern, and if Kai will be staying with us, I'm certain we can make arrangements for her. However, we were covering one final bit of business. If you would be so kind, we will be ready very soon." The blind boy sighed before turning and exiting. The door closed behind him and Kai turned back to Louis. Rekhat glanced at the door casually then at Kai. "Go on. Tell him, you already told everything elese." He said rolling his eyes. Quereen rolled his eyes too. "should have stopped her Rekhat. Her mouth has landed us in enough trouble already." Kai mentally winced. "Drop it Quereen." She ordered firmly. Quereen rolled his eyes against settling back down and closing his mouth. Her eyes lingered on the dragon for a second before turning back to the task at hand. "My grandmother was not crazy, there were people chasing her. Who they are and what they want are hazy, all I know is that they've been trying to kill me to break the contract before I can choose the next person to pass it down to. What they intended to do with Quereen and Rekhat can only be described as horrifying..." Her voice filtered off and her eyes looked foggy for a second before snapping back. "They aim to create...a new world order. They want to eradicate all the 'imperfect' humans and the only way to do that is to get both Quereen and Rekhat into Blood soul state. A state of pure energy that requires an immense amout of souls to even achieve...how they plan to achieve it is obviously no problem, which makes them all the more dangerous. And I'm not giving these two up without a fight!" She said the last words louder and with more power and passion than she meant to add. She imediatley recoiled then looked at the ground before up at him. "They may be monsters, and you may not believe me when I say it, but they are my family. And I care about them..." She looked away for the last time. She didn't care if she was crazy, or if the relationship was one sided. She would always care about the two demons, reguardless of the warnings.
  4. "On guard." Kai comanded. Rekhat and Quereen stood dutifully as Kai crossed her legs. How he could speak directly to her frightened her, but she refused to be scared. She had two powerful demons not even in their most powerful form, and she was confident in their abilities to take down this person who knew too much about them. She turned to Quereen nodding. Quereen dipped his head looking right into Louis, no, right through him. time seemed to stop until Quereen looked back at Kai. [I]Clear intentions. Mortal cuirosity.[/I] Kai sighed. She could trust them then. she didn't know if that was what she wanted to hear...But she might as well tell them. "Rekhat and Quereen..." She began with a pause. "We met long ago when I was younger-" "Twelve" Chimed Quereen verbally. "Yes, my grandmother had a contract with them and she had gone crazy, she was convinced people were coming after her, so before she killed herself she asked me to take care of Quereen and Rekhat before 'they' took them and used them for the wrong reasons." she paused again. She hadn't told anyone the next part of the story so she skipped it turning to the contract question. "I provide a place for them to stay, and souls for them to live off of. In return I recieve companionship, loyalty, and service. I was born a host so I host I have become." Her pure bell like voice seemed to get stronger with everyword. "I was...scared, of the people, so when Quereen found your group...I had to follow. I thought maybe you would be able to help me, I can help you in exchange of course, but I have no where to go..." Her voice trailed off. She then looked back at Louis. "They won't hurt anyone unless I will them to. You're all safe." Rekhat glanced at Kai, irritated she had told this mortal so much. So he looked up at the mortal with cold unfeeling eyes. "Of course, that doesn't mean we have to enjoy your presence. Watch your back human." Quereen snickered. "He means it, which is the frightening thing." Kai relaxed a little, her pendant began to pulse with light so she quickly grabbed it and forced the light down. No way was she explaining that. Not ever again. "So..." She glanced at the floor. "Will you help us?"
  5. "Okay..." Kai unhooked her death grip on her knees standing so her kneelength blackish purple skirt swished. Rekhat grumbled with disapproval and Quereen just swished his tail around standing. I don't like this one Rekhat growled nudging Kai. For once I agree. If he attacks...? Then you shall attack right back Rekhat answered for Kai. Kai nodded ever so slightly before walking through the threshold into a strange room. Being so far away from her window she shivered. She hated being in rooms. She felt like she couldn't breathe. If anything happens we will not need a door. We will make one.Rekhat said. Or I'll burn him into cinders. Quereen said with a grin in his voice. Kai acessed the room. It smelled old, ancient even and it was covered in books and maps and an assortment of texts. She barley payed attention, just finding anything that could be used as a weapon, or an exit. He gestured to a chair so Kai gingerly sat down still on high alert. Dutifully both Rekhat and Quereen sat next to her on either side of the chair. They both looked like they wanted to lunge forward and rip the guy apart, the only thing holding them back was Kai's command. It was part of the contract. Kai finally looked right in his eyes. Hers were suprisingly forceful now, stronger. Having both the demons out at once gave her a confidence boost like no other. "Why did you want to speak with me?" Her voice only wavered a little, but it rang stronger than before. She could handle one powerful human, but not four. Rekhat growled menacingly at him so Kai put a hand on his head to calm him down just a little. Just enough not to lunge. "He won't hurt you." She said to his gaze and heard Quereens throaty laugh. "He's just upset." She explained pulling her hand back and folding it neatly with her other hand as she awaited an explination for this impromptu meeting. OOC: Nice post FallenAngel ^-^
  6. Kai nodded timidly following carefully behind the older boy. She didn't like going into a closed room, not at all. But Rekhat was ambling along side her on full alret, ready to rip anyone in half who dared to get to close to Kai. She followed Damo and Louis into a homey common room, but she couldn't hide her unease. She stroked Rekhat's fur uneasily as the room opened up before her. There was a couch that they all sat on, so she automatically chose a chair across the room. She hugged her knees to her chest glancing away with her violet eyes. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. If she wasn't accepted they might try to tear her to bits. Her thin frame was racked with a shiver and her porcelain skin seemed to become paler. Rekhat sat beside her on the ground. He kept his head high inspecting the newcomers with keen eyes. He liked new people as much as Kai, but now that they were here they would lose the pursuers. And he'd rather be uncomfortable than ambushed. [I]I don't like this Kai. I'm comng out[/I] Kai winced as she let Quereen's spirit out of her mind. The pendant glowed red again as the spirit energy fueled by souls took a solid physical form of a Rekhat sized jet black dragon. Quereen shook his black head, his slitted silver eyes flitting over the scene and resting on astonished faces. Kai couls almost see Quereen's smirk. [I]Don't do anything stupid Quereen[/I] Rekhat warned glancing to him then back to the two seemingly human boys. They weren't like Kai, they had strange energies of their own. It was embeded in their soul. One of them seemed to have a mgical energy, the other seemed to have someother type of energy. [I]I want you to stay on guard Kai.[/I] He said appraising the oldest of the group. He had old magic in him, and no doubt recognized Rekhat for what he was. A demon. But that didn't matter, it would have to be revealed eventually. He glanced to a terrified Kai with a sigh. And he might have to do the talking.
  7. "STOP HER! DON'T LET HER GET AWAY!" Kai Glanced frantically behind her as Rekhat pounded ahead. His black silky mane sparkled as he remained in his smaller first state. "Rekhat! We have to find somewhere to go! Where did you see the energy." Rekhat stayed intent thinking carefully. [I]This wayI believe. Use Quereen's eyes[/I] His growling inhuman voice echoed in Kai's skull as she ran. She had always been timid so the second the man reached out to grab her she freaked and summoned Rekhat by mistake. Better than summoing Quereen though, a dog jumping out of the shadows is a little strange, but a small dragon? She would have been really sunk. Now here she was following a group of kids older than herself who had energy unlike humans. Maybe they were like her, maybe, just maybe, they could help her. But she knew better than to get her hopes up. Kai closed her eyes focousing before her eyes flew open and this time they were red like Rekhat's became in second state. She blinked as huge sparks of intensified energy called to her from inside a hotel buidling that couldn't be more than a block away. [I]Kai! Focous, I'm going into second state, when I do jump on my back. I'll run you inside. Do you have enough energy?[/I] Kai's hand closed around the smooth clear stone inlaid in etched silver that dangled from a shimmering chain around her neck. It glowed brightly upon her touch. "Yes, I gathered some earlier. I should have enough for many transformations." She bit her lip as her eyes faded back to her original color. [I]Ready?[/I] Kai nodded as she released the stone. Rekhat hundhed and twisted as he grew, his fangs transformed and sharpened into deadly white daggers. His nails became longer and longer tearing at the cement his eyes faded to angry crimsion that reminded Kai of blood. Kai cried out in pain as the pendant glowed red before dulling from the brillant white to a dull glowing white. Kai staggered but Rekhat was faster darting under her and catching her small frame under his bulk. [I]Don't fall. If you die you take us with you.[/I] He reminded her. He had convinved her that he didn't care about her, just that her body stayed in tip top condition, but he did care about her. He was the only family she had, and she was the first thing that cared about him. He may be a demon, but he had a heart. Well he shared a heart now, he and the shadow dragon Quereen shared Kai's body and spirit energy which she had an adeptness for collecting. Kai clutched Rekhat's fur as he charged forward tearing and eating at the street with his long claws. He leapt to the rooftops to saty out of human sight, thats when he saw the building. He focoused on a window that lead into a hallway. He charged forward breaking the glass. Kai sheilded her eyes as he landed in the hall. He shook as bits of glass rained down onto the floor. His keen eyes scanned the area as the sound would eventually attract a crowd. He morphed back into first state leaving Kai standing in a hallway as te sound of people coming to see what the rucus was reached her ears. "Get ready Rekhat." She said Feeling a pushing in the back of her mind as Quereen fought to get out. [I]I want to see! How come Rekhat always gets to come out?[/I] "Because Rekhat isn't a dragon. Now be silent, I hear footsteps, and first impressions are everything" OOC: I hope this is a good introduction to Kai :D
  8. Kai Salems Age: 18 Ability: Demon host ?What?s a pretty little thing like you doing out on the streets?? Kai shivered backing away from the older boy who had a cigarette poking out of his thin mouth. ?Oh you shouldn?t be out in the cold, let me warm you up.? Kai shook her head hurriedly as he came closer to her. She could smell his rancid breath laced thickly with alcohol, she could see the grease in his dark brown hair catching the filtered moon light that lit the alleyway enough for her to see there was no escape. She was trapped, and she was scared. He smiled evily advancing on her. Her small frame shook like a leaf as she backed into a course brick wall. He had her now, he was bigger, stronger, and she was small and scared. The boy grabbed her arm roughly yanking her into him. ?A beautiful girl like you needs a guy like me. No need for all that pretty to go to waste.? His grip tightened making her yelp in pain. She shoved him away from her. He stumbled back in surprise then his face set in determination. He stepped forward. ?Do not touch me.? Kai said firmly standing her ground. The boy laughed. ?Don?t play tough, now come with me.? He reached out to her but before he could get closer a huge wolf like monster leapt from the shadows snarling in front of Kai protectively. Its hulking muscular body towered over the street boy who stared with terror into the monsters big crimson eyes. ?No one will touch me. NOT EVER!? She screamed. The beast lurched forward ripping the kid apart. Kai watched as blood spilled all over the alley splattering the walls like grotesque art. The second the demon finished it returned to Kai dutifully sitting next to her. Kai grabbed his obsidian black fur clinging to it for support. ?Good boy Rekaht.? She said simply looking at the carnage then resting on his gun which was in three pieces. She wondered if the blood would have been hers which only made her hold onto Rekaht tighter. ?Good boy.? Apperances: Kai: [url]http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii111/yukigeri123/BlackHairPurpleEyes.jpg[/url] Rekhat: [url]http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg140/zabuza_chick/BlackDog.jpg[/url] Quereen: [url]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q302/Ludane/anime%20pics/232503a0a6gtmg50.jpg[/url] OOC: I read bits and pieces of the thread so I have a good idea of where I can jump in, if that?s okay. Thanks!
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