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Star Trek Voyager>Paramount>Titanic>Disaster Films>The Perfect Storm>Thunderstorm That wasn't too hard. Hurray for fun times! Spellcaster>Basic Law
If you time yourself right you will always lunge forward for maximum damage when trying to hit someone.-Halo You'll always fall with arms flailing and body horizontal, whether it's from 300 feet or just from the back of a destroyed vehicle. -Halo Don't listen to anyone try to tell you that something good is about to happen. Irony is a way of life. -Way too many game plots If the fight is too much for you, just turn down the difficulty level. -Oblivion, probably a bunch of others If you ever wake up somewhere strange with no memory of who you are, you will be a hero and extremely influenial to a major world event.-Lots of games If you make a very witty comment right before hitting or shooting at something, you're sure to hit and they're sure to die. -Lots and lots and lots of stuff Your enemies' battle strategies are always repetative and progressively stronger the more you hurt them. -Zelda
I hate most natural adrenaline causers. I could never skydive, I hate rollercoasters, ect. My fight or flight instict always kicks in really powerfully whenever I'm in a situation like that, and my nerves get so bunched up just thinking about it. Ugh. Horror movies are more of my thing. I like to be [U]scared[/U] not just shocked at the level of blood (I really hate movies like Texas Chainsaw Masacre and Saw 4,) Especially zombie movies. I'm incredibly afraid of zombies. Hwne I was in grade school I used to have horrible zombie-infested nightmares that would wake me up with the shakes. So otherwise the only time I use adrenaline is when I'm working and not feeling lazy. If I start to breath quickly and focus on my body I can cause small amounts of adrenaline to be released, which is good enough for me.
[COLOR="dimgray"]Vidie popped into the place just as Lust and Wrath were on their way out. A soft grin on his voice, he slowly said, "[/COLOR]What'd I miss?[COLOR="dimgray"]" his watery voice bubbling through the room.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"]Each of the other six creatures disgusted him. Pride, of course, thought himself the leader still, walked like the others were merely pawns. Vidie grinned further, the thoughts of the box going through his head. "[/COLOR]You guys get any leads for that thing yet?[COLOR="dimgray"]" The power would be his, and the 'master' would finally know this world belonged to Envy.[/COLOR]
[U]Freeze[/U] The night was cold. She hugged the frozen razor tightly to herself, a silent shiver coercing throughout her. Her fingers were already numb; now was the time. Slowly, so slowly, she drew a red line up her arm, staring down at it widened and broke. She was completely alone at last. The night was cold.
I skipped 8th grade, and all my high school drama always seemed to happen to my friends, so I was pretty safe from that. It was the at home drama and other semi-related to my house dramas that caused problems.
... Sorry, I still don't get it. A reality show? What? Like... the drama of the game or something? I'm so comfused... :animestun
Cultural Cuisine Preferences?
Decay replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in General Discussion
Yeah, I really like mexican food, being so close to the border. My mom was taught a whole bunch of recipes by some crazy old woman who lived as a chef in central mexico, so I got chimichangas and tamales and home-made salsa and -- *drools* Also I really hate how when I do try to go into an 'authentic' mexican restaurant up to where I moved to they don't ask about red or green chile. I feel compulsed to tell them my preference, even though I'm pretty sure they don't even use chili to make the food. Arg, I miss sopapillas so much. Also I'vel always liked japanese food, but I haven't been experienced to it much. My sister's babysitter back on some air force base was japanese, started to teach my sister the language and always seemed to be stocked with a few foriegn delicacies. I liked everything I tried, except for this werid corn-flavored bar thing that I couldn't stand. -
I realized my description for Mikel was rather short so here's a picture I think fits nicely. [URL="http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/bonnie_anna92/anime/boys/l_1c2127db0189e4e5e0db7f5308c05c5a.jpg"]Mikel![/URL]
What do you mean by reality LARPG's? Like real ones? Amtgard is a big one here in the Western US. I've been to tournaments with hundreds of other people, been to giant events at various settings, and and seen travelers from many different places. It's a sword and magic-based fighting game that's mostly popular in the southwest US, but is gaining populatiry in some european countries, Japan, and is moving its way around the country. I personally love it, though I haven't had a chance to play in a while, because of the thrill and exercise. Back in New Mexico people had seen us fight and thought it was some kind of gang war or something, seeing the padded swords as baseball bats :animesmil.
I've been playing the Nights game for the Wii lately. It's really chidlish, but it passes the time. Also I went to a friend's house to play Guitar Hero for the first time. After about four hours I can get an average of 75% on the difficult level for most songs. I must be a Guitar Hero prodigy or something. Also I went to the mall a week ago and totally busted my moves at DDR: Supernova. As always I rock, getting an A at difficult two out of three times and then falling off the board in a rush and hurting my ankle. That's why I usually don't try to beat Mugen. My X-Box360 decided to go on strike or something, won't play anything. I sent it back to the company, and by the time I get it back I'm definately going to get X-Box live so I can make a good use of Halo 3. Without X-Box live it's pretty much the most useless game I have.
[quote]Beneath the robes, there was nothing.[/quote] This makes me think of nudity... :animeswea [quote]We danced together quietly. Music unheeded.[/quote] I like this one. Something about it is really sad and nostalgic. Here's a few more throws from me! [B]The night was colder than ever.[/B] [B]He fell, finally, a broken man.[/B] [B]If only the flames would die...[/B]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Decay replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
Here's the most latest picture of me, as of yesterday night. [URL="http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh260/gnome_4ever/me/100_3047-1.jpg"]Wowza![/URL] And yes, my eyebrows really are schmexy. -
Gerard Butler. Most awesomely amazing person alive. He can sing, act, has amazing abs, and is the pinacle of all humans. If I wasn't straight I'd be in love with him. That's why it's called a mancrush!
I'm going to take on the persona of a sin! Hurray! Name: Envy, but goes by Vidie Age: Looks to be fresh out of school Personality: Cruel but joking. Vidie loves to torment people, show them what they can't have. His mocking attitude commonly states the obvious. He enjoys stating the flaws in other people and suggesting the alternative, whispering taunts at them. His life is a game, and he has so much fun just moving around pieces, stirring up trouble. He's practically a sadist delighting in the pain of loss and need from his hands. Appearance: Vidie is a very pale young man of seemingly mixed decents. His skin is far too white to be normal, almost the color of a body found at sea. He typically wears long sea-green robes when alone, but in public he tends for just dark-colored street clothes. His fingers are strangely enlonged and bluish, twirling around each other almost like they were boneless. His cruel laugh bubbles out from his pale blue lips, adding to the strange appearance of his wet-looking sunken face. His eyes, a brilliant shining green, stare out everywhere with a malicious intent. Bio: Over the history of the world Vidie has been freed only three times. Each embodiment brought destruction and death to the world, but each tiem the chosen one found a way to contain him. His Lord and Creator, known as Loki to him, each time used Vidie to help open a gate to the world, but each time Vidie was defeated before the gate could be awakened. Vidie, finally glad to be free again, is trying to regain the power and ultimate supremecy he and the others once held over the world, no matter what happens to anyone around him. This time he has no intention of letting Lokiuse him again, unlike some of his other siblings. This world will be his toy again. In time... Weapon: The necklace of envy, a band created from seashells and unholy magic. Magic: Vidie's stare can create envy in people who previously had no reason. Depending on each person's will power eventually the envy will consume them. Once consumed Vidie will use his necklace to collect their essence, strengthening himself but killing the envy's host. To open the gate Vidie has to give up a great portion of his power to activate his side of the Seven. Also he has the power to 'slide' from place to place, kind of like teleportation but more slick and less distanced. Sin: Envy, obviously. What do you guys think?
I think the real challnge is to make the six words speak more than they do. So far most of the entries have been pretty straight forward, with little to no back story. Well, I might as well try. Here it goes! [B]The mirror broke when he fell.[/B] I don't think I got it here... Too literal. [B]I heard you. It just hurts.[/B] This is better, but leaves too much up to the imagination. [B]But inside, she wasn't kissing him.[/B] I like this one. Nowhere as good as Hemingway's, but not bad.
Right now I'm reading and watching Death Note. The reading is much further along ([spoiler]Light's father has already died[/spoiler]) but I'm content watching the drama repeated through the anime.
It's not online. That's why it was specifically named a massively single player online game. Once you hit the space phase you can indeed fly to planets that other people may have seen, but it will be your universe. All the content will be accessed from a main database made up from everything every user has ever created specifically to fit your gaming needs based on how agressively you play and how you built your creatures. It's amazing. But either way you will never actually be reacting with any other player, just with their creations and the AI associated with how they played them. The free creature demo is pretty cool. It doesn't have all the parts, but for like 10 dollars you can buy the whole creation system in most electronic goods stores. The really cool thing is that anything you create can be then uploaded in the real game when it comes out. Yeah. I've done my research.
I think bugs logically should be replaced as a food source. For one, people generally don't like how they look so if we put them up a notch in our few chain there'll be less of them. For two if they really are such a good, easy source of protien and energy it'll be senseless not to use them The only problem to this whole chain is human society. Most of us were raised thinking bugs were gross, so naturally we'll be less than enthusiatic about a smart decision. Also even if we wanted to break the pattern we'd still indirectly teach our children that bugs were gross, and stubborn people (not naming any specific groups here [SIZE="1"]though I'm tempted to[/SIZE]) would still not be able to wrap their mind around a good idea. We'd be too set in our old ways, such as thinking red meat means delicious and bugs are gross. It's useless to fight it, just like every other set cultural identity that we can't rid the world of no matter how hard we try. Personally I ate a spider when I was 2, but I don't remember it. I always wanted to try chocolate-covered ants, and I never found eating bugs too big of a deal, it's just a part of the food chain. I've never been in a situation where bugs were an option, though, otherwise sure. If bugs are cheaper than cows that I'll definately order a plate of crickets before a steak. Over time, the economy will increase and all sorts of overlooked positive effects will overcome the costly and outdated old ways.
Oi. I strongly disagree with anything that limits brain use. This includes: Humanity, Drugs, Politics, Homo Sapiens, Television, commercials, people, alchohal, and of course the human population.And for some unknown reason my usual impeccable spelling is declining. Well, now that I got that out of my system I just was wanting to say that I don't believe anything that is bad for you should be legal. We could totally start a new good society like in that one movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger where he gets frozen. And then be much better off. Drugs like that just put personal limits on society and skip over time. I hate that. Our lives are finite, yet so many waste precious time trying to get that high for really no good reason. I hate even sleeping because it represents wasting time. Either way we're stuck as a species. We could keep letting people be 'free' until they destroy themselves, or start putting on major lifestyle restrictions that change the whole world for the better. I would hate both realties, because there is no way for a human to be free and safe. We're just to destructive, too dumb. Drugs are nothign more than an escape from our pitiful existance. Arg.
I couldn't figure out where to put this, as it encompasses many different elements, so here it landed! Well, I'm stuck. Next year I plan on going to an anime convention. In COSTUME!!! Just cuz I'm going with friends and so on and so forth. Anyhow, instead of just using my own rather limited experience with various costume ideas, I thought I'd try to tap the nexus source! So I'm going to post a link that will take you to a whole bunch of photos of me that I managed to track down. I'd appreciate really any comment from "Wow, you'd make a great -----!" to "You're ugly. Seriously. Good luck trying to pair up that mug with an anime character!" or just "Hey, why not try -----? I think it'll work." Here ya go. Don't be tramautized. :animesmil [URL="http://s258.photobucket.com/albums/hh260/gnome_4ever/me/"]It's not that horrifying![/URL] Anyway, I can aquire resources, grow out my hair, cut my hair, color my hair to anything, assemble various pieces of costumes, ect. I have nearly a year, so nothing's too farfetched at this point. I'll even start reading manga series I haven't read just to see if I like a character suggested. So Go CRAZY!!! I'm up for anything. Also this will only be the second time I've ever shown my face online (Darn you, myspace!) so I guess that makes it a pretty special occasion. Just so ya know. In case there happens to be a random pop quiz on the subject in the near future. Just in case. (Be warned!) Thanks in advance and I appreciate any and all comments.
I agree with you lot on [spoiler]L's horrible tragic death[/spoiler] from Death Note. I read that one yesterday, and haven't had the heart to continue on. It's just... not right. [Spoiler]Why should Light's plans come to fruition? What has L done to deserve this? All he was was an amazing detective who took the wrong case, and for that he has to die.[/spoiler] It's horrible! I'll eventually pick the rest back up. Eventually. Until then I'll just fume.
He heard it. Crystal clear, unmistakable. The violin's sad song wafted in through his shop's doors as the large man bursted in. [I]Where's that coming from? I only heard that in my dreams...[/I] Mikel started off with the normal tabble. [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"Hi! How can I-[/COLOR]" The man's fist felt like granite as Mikel fell to the ground. He felt a soft warm trickle as blood ran from his nose, dotting his shirt. Eyes wide Mikel backed away as the man gain stepped forward, thick chin clenched and eyes dark. Mikel rolled back and scampered toward the door. Again he fell as the heavy boot pounded into his side, the soft violin still drifting around. Mikel coughed and groaned. The familiar bell above the door rang again, the time a woman entering. Her soft complection seemed angelic to Mikel from the light flooding behind her. Laden in her hands like a baby was a thick piece of metal, with a flash of brown near the bottom. Mkel dawned in realization as he rolled to the side and she screamed out, her face filling with rage. The loud boom from the sawed shotgun seemed to shatter Mikel's eardrums, and he saw the large man turn. The man's leg, now shredded from the blast, bleed fervously as he mearly grunted. Mikel jumped up and ran toward the door, pushing past the woman with ease. He felt the man's heavy hand grab at his shirt, but come short. Mikel left the story quickly and turned. The little girl stood right there, innocently playing the violin. Her dark hat covered most of her face, other than the thin grin, full of malous. [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"You..." [/COLOR]Mikel said. Again she smiled up at him, the violin continuing. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Hello Mister. Want to play with me?"[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As he drove the beat-up ford out of town, the clouds slowly began to blot out the sun. A fire truck speed past behind him, surely on its way to the blaze of his shop. He felt his truck buck as he sped along, the next town only a few miles away. [I]Come on, baby...[/I] The smoking engine finally quick out right on the edge of the town. Mikel sighed, walking the rest of the way into town. He had to stop her, end this... this [I]Wrath[/I]. The cafe was the first inviting building he saw. At least he could get something to drink before he planeed his next move. He entered slowly and sat down. As other people trickled in, seeming to randomly congregate. After listening to them for a while, he felt it. Something was going on. Mikel stood up and joined the group, sitting silently. In a pause he murmured, [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"I... I think I know one of 'em. Wrath... she destroyed everything I had."[/COLOR]
Name: Urik Ontill Age: 20 Sex: Male Weapon: Regular semi-auto service rifle, attachable single-shot grenade launcher, several flash and smoke grenades, and frag ammo for the launcher. Soldier/Psionic: Soldier. Urik joined the army young, forging documents and lying about his age. He was quickly advanced into a squad, a frontline warrior, expected to die. Even as bullets whizzed by, as friends and brothers fell, as the very ground shook he fought on. When the battle finally subsided his face was red with blood: the blood of all around him. Each battle, whether a hard-earned victory or a grueling loss, he was just moved to a new squandrant, a new set of people to know and to watch die. That's how the war began for him, and that's how he knows it will end. Brief Physical Description: Urik's dirty blonde hair always wildly jumps off of his skull in wafting drafts. He has almost sickly green eyes, like a stagant ocean caught in a storm. His smooth cheeks from the now regular shaving make him look more his age, and obviously younger than the regular vet. A slight smile always plays on his face like the macabre interest of the insane. His skinny build, which used to be downright boney but now slightly less peckish from his war labors, usually hangs limp, beaten, until he feels the smooth hilt of his gun back again, where the war-torn rigidity returns. Brief Personality Description: Urik's almost carefree attitude startles most. Between battles he frequently just skygazes or draws. He always seems to be somewhere else, somewhere better, at least when the enemy doesn't loom. During wartime, he almost transforms into a serious machine, built for no reason other than following orders. Reason for Enlisting: Like most others his age, he felt the need to do something but the helplessness of youth. His only plan was to escape into the war, and that's just what he did. One distinguishing feature about your character: He carries a small pocketwatch without a chain at all times. One way in which war has changed/will change your character: The war has added a new sterness to his life, changing his old ways into two almost seperate states-of-mind.
Sorry about that; I guess I phrased it wrong. I meant to put I like them because they get me interested in history like nothing else can, so thus teaches me that history isn't so bad. Also I like how facts are mixed in and pointing out mistakes I research, so it's better than nothing.