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Everything posted by Decay

  1. As the commotion began to trickly through the large group of GUK soldiers almost all attention was turned toward Sindel. [I]Damn! She doesn't know about our coordination... Well, here it goes anyway.[/I] Taie flexed the muscles in his legs, feeling the reptilian density to the muscles spring up. The knife turned forward as he shot toward the inexperienced soldier, plunging into his back. Taie's free hand quickly threw the soldier's body down, the whole thing only quick enough to allow the soldier the slightest of whimpers. Only one of the others turned to see his comrade fall to Taie's invisible blade, the rest clumsily aiming their archaic weapons and the very few with silenced weapons trying to make a bead on Sindel. Taie again jumped forward, this time his other hand taking the place of the knife. The claws raked across the throat of the soldier in one quick motion as a bolt fried wildly around. Again only a few turned to see the commotion, but this time an alarm got out. "[B]They're all around us[/B]!" one screamed before Taie's tail whipped out and knocked him back several feet.
  2. Taie looked down toawrd where his hands should be and took a step back. The strange abilities of some of the other 'haffies' shocked him every time, and he shook his head. Again he looked forward at the group of GUK soldiers moving forward through the trees. The nearest one, just on the other side of the tree, breathed heavily and clutched the crossbow tight. His black armor and helmet gleamed, and the radio at his side cackled a bit. His wide eyes were barely visible behind the mask, a bluish color, looking around wildly. [I]Obviously never seen one of us before.[/I] He almost laughed, but caught himself before a noise was mutered. [I]I guess he never will.[/I] Taie quietly lowered himself to the floor, feeling the grass whisper playfully with the wind against his scaled cheek. His hand grabbed at the handle of the knife, and he waited for the signal that said the others were in position.
  3. Decay

    7 Sins

    This looks cool. [B]Name:[/B] Mikel Gomez [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Personality:[/B] Mikel has a dry sarcastic wit characterized by his fast tongue and cynical attitude. He's always making the situation seem worse and then joking about it, an odd combination that colors his world in unexpected ways. His self-steem is extremely low, and he most often makes 'jokes' about how much he hates aspects of his own life. [B]Appearance:[/B] Mikel wears his dark wavey hair short, letting his bed shape it more than anything else. Mikel's skin is a pale shade of brown, an odd color inherited from his proud Hispanic father and Germanic mother. He typically wears dark-colored, long-sleeved shirts, no matter the weather. He also find sandals much more comfortable than any other kind of shoe, so owns nothing but. [B]Bio:[/B] Mikel's grandparents moved out east from what they thought was the restricting southwest in Yuma, AZ. Their only child (and Mikel's father) joined the Air Force right after graduation. His first and longest stop, Germany, was where he ran into his wife. For two years they dated, before finally she became pregnant. He requested to go back to the States, and bought her ticket. By the time the paperwork went through, she was at the ratty end ofthe third trimester, probably shouldn't even have flown. She landed in her new country just a day before Mikel was born. The constant traveling began almost immediately. At the time his father had become a specialist to the workings of an F-16's engine, needed all over the place, and his new wife demanded she not be left behind as he traveled. Mikel's whole childhood was just one house after another, boxes not unloaded simply becase they'd have to be packed again soon. At 15 he just got sick of it all, and ran to live with his grandparents. His parents fought and pleaded with him, but finally succombed to his decision. He needed something constant. After high school, not being the perfect student he pushed himself through college, obtaining a business degree only a year later than he should have. He started a small antique shop shortly afterward and has been running it for the last 4 years. [B]Weapon:[/B] An ancient long switchblade dagger, carved intricately and past down from his father on his 21st birthday [B]Magic:[/B] He's beginning to discover an affinity for earth-related spells [B]Sin:[/B] He fights Wrath Sorry, I felt like having a long bio, telling as much as I could about his past really for no reason. :animeblus I guess I'm just a dork. I was going to make it simpler but it took on it's own life...
  4. [QUOTE]"There's just one other thing. He's going to want to believe I made him first." [/QUOTE] This is hilarious! (if you don't think about how really sexist it is) I like that famous joke that's apparently one of the best in the world. I'm sure a great number of you have heard it. Two men are out hunting when suddenly one falls over, clutching at his chest. The other man panics and calls 911. When the woman answers the man quickly says, "Oh my god, what do I do, I think my friend is dead!" The operator calmly replies, "Just calm down, sir, the first thing I need you to do is make sure he's dead." There's a moment of silence, and then a loud gunshot is heard. "Ok, I'm sure, now what?"
  5. I've seen the yu-gi-oh one and it's not bad, but if you don't mind adult humor Berserk: The Abridged is definately the best. The first episode is hard to find, and also the least funniest, but you don't even have to have any knowledge of Berserk the anime (people actually say that which ever you watch first will make the second seem less good) and it's great if you need to laugh for an hour.
  6. My first thread, by the way! Anyhow, I've been researching and finding eveything I an about Spore for as long as I can, which starte with the Gamer's Magazine for March 2003. It's been a long five years waiting, and finally the release date is September 5. The game is phenominal so far, a complete free world to grow in. I love the idea, the gameplay, the five stages, everything about it. I'm planning on investing in a laptop just for this game. What do you guys think of it?
  7. I find it quite humerous you paired me and Kizuna together. Our characters are just really different. Almost extremely so. Sounds fun so far. :toothy:
  8. I actually like puzzle games more than anything else. I loved Ico, played it several times. I wasn't a big fan of the ending though... Not the point. Anyway I like adventure games more, but I'll play fighting games. The best game of all time though is definately Darkstalkers. I loved the fighting style and characters. Between Mortal COmbat or Streetfighters I'll go with Streetfighters. I didn't like the tough combinations and complicated specials of Mortal Combat, where it takes expert knowledge just to play. In Streetfighters it was easier to start playing, and when you eventually learned the secret moves they weren't hard to remember again. As with fighting games Darkstalkers win, followed by Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I also like war reinactment games like Call of Duty. I just like how they characterize these famous events, because it teaches someone like me who hates history more about it than any class has. Whenever a game puts facts and uses real-life situations for a game, making it realistic as possible, I fall in love with the game. War reinactment shooters are the only ones I've seen though. @\/ Also I find it really enjoyable to point out thier mistakes.
  9. Taie looked up, a quick glance at the unanounced guest, before again looking toward Travis as he stood back up from Royce's fall. He lowered his head again as his tongue instictively flicked out for second. Taie grumbled out, his voice low and scratchy, [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"So what are we going to do about it? Your friends find the relay?"[/COLOR] His tail twitched slightly behind him as he spoke.
  10. Wow. I now instantaneously love these boards. I never thought I'd see a controversial topic. I guess I'm too used to to those safe boards I was always on when I was younger. Bloody safe boards! Anyway, I'm totally going to have a field day with this. [I]1. If you believe in God, why do you believe?[/I] I never believed in one god. I just couldn't wrap my mind around the idea that one being was an overlord to the rest of us, a king of an old world. As I grew older, though, I began to look into mythological stories, and study legends. The old religions like Asatru and Ancient Egyptian appealed to me, but still my heart wasn't in it. Then I started thinking about religion and really decided 'Why have organized religion?' All religion is is a way to represent your beliefs, almost like some kind of whacked out spiritial governmental faction. Can't you just believe something without labeling yourself? So today, I believe the 3 fates guide over our lives, the soul has its own material plane where the 'gods' or more powerful souls reside, reincarnation, that spirits take the shape of animals, and that miracles and magic can't happen on our plane. As you can see, it draws influences from Greek, Wiccan, Otherkin, Hindu, and several others not mentioned. I decided there's no need to explain. Why explain yourself to the eyes of another? [I]2. Why do you think others believe in God?[/I] I believe they have no other choice. Whenever I meet a religious person, my first question is "Who told you about your religion?" I always get the same answer: My parents did and I believed. Most never even looked into anything else, blindly following in their parents footsteps because it was the most comfortable thing to do. If I could remember more of the several Psychology classes I took and went all Freud on you, I'd chalk this up to being a person's way of connected with their parents, going an extra step to be who their parent's wanted them to be, conforming under Authority. We're taught to listen to those wiser than us all our lives, and the mass of people who follow this conventional menthod do nothing but. [I]3. The most popular conflict between faith and reason is usually on the evolution/creationism controversy. What?s your take on the issue? Can science be compatible with belief? Do you accept evolutionary theory?[/I] I also believe in guided evolution, simply because evolution's too much of a realistic influence, but the amount of forethought that seemed to have gone into it is also astounding. If the universe is endless, than the settings for life were bound to happen somewhere, but to this degree? [I]4. What do you think are the most compelling arguments to not believe in God? Or, what do you think are the greatest challenges to peoples? faith.[/I] I think how heavily the bible, the only rallying point for the Christian religion, has been edited, reworded, and redone is the greatest challange. All the missing books and controversial ideas were taken out in a huge editing session in the 400's (I think) to make the Bible make more sense. If the bible really was a testament of a grand god, why would it be changed so ferviously? Also, people blindly follow the bible without questioning its origins. The bible was literally written by various men. It comes from that man's perspective, and has been shaded with judgement from the writers. 20 people who have never met to each worked on a section of a book and then eventually had an editer clean it up. Whose to even say which part is actually from god and which from imagination? The biggest argument I hear is "Well, they've found proof that Mount Everest was underwater at one time, so that proves the whole entirety of the bible." That was a bit overdramatized but you get my point. Most religions have a flood stroy. It's actually eerie how many do. So the world flooded and someone integrated it into part of their book, which was later turned into a part of the whole book. Great. But that really doesn't actualize the bible in its entirety. Come on, people! [I]5. Do you think there is such thing as ?reasonable faith?? Or, do you think they are in conflict?[/I] As I said above, guided evolution seems to be the only reasonable faith I got. Everything else is just beliefs. [I]6. Lastly, if you believe in God. What evidence do you have in favor of your belief?[/I] I don't, and evidence isn't necessary. Believe what you will, live and let live, and quit fights and wars over stupid belief battles. It's your belief, you don't have to explain it to anyone. Simply believe in it. That was fun! :smirk:
  11. Ooh, good start! It really drew me in, made me curious, made me want to read more. It's really good, and I can't wait until you get into the juicy parts :animesmil.
  12. Try things like Children of Bodom like some other people are saying or definately look into Nile. I really love the beats and guitar, and they got wicked voices. Slipknot has a couple good songs that are [I]trying [/I]to be heavy, though it seems most people suddenly and unexpectly hate 'em.
  13. Decay

    Iron Man

    When I first heard about this I wasn't too excited, thinking it wouldn't be great. After reviews of its excellence started flooding in, however, I felt the anticipation grow. Tonight I went to see it. It was geat. Unfortunately for me, my 2 year old lacks the capacity to sit through movies so at least half the time I have to leave (I'm too nice of a guy to make my wife do it, even once). So I saw the first hour, but missed the end. And that means I'm going to have to wait for it to come out on DVD. WHY!?!?!!!
  14. Taie walked into the grassy clearing, the mangled corpses sprawled out around him. As the others spoke, he stared into the middle of the clearing the military troops had just minutes ago stood. Taie's careful footsteps brought him closer to the middle, his dark eyes searching the unkempt grass. With a sudden snap he jumped down into the center, his bad left hand struggling with his right in vane to assist with the task. Finally he yanked out a long antennae attached to small box, clumps of dirt falling every which way. Taie grimaced and quickly smashed the small box down, looking around the group. [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"We need to leave."[/COLOR]
  15. I'm just a pessimist who has no self-esteem and no hope for humanity. Part of me doesn't believe what I preach, so to speak, but I'd never admit that. :p
  16. Yeah, I wasn't sure whether or not to post in the one she started or the one you did, so I posted in the older one (hers) and integrated both main posts. Sorry if I screwed something up.
  17. Sitting down on a fallen tree trunk right outside of the camp, Taie hung his head and looked down as the whispy grass did the dance of the winds. The midday sun hung laily over the clearing, tents set up haphazardly behind him. The silence mixed with the idle tidings of the slowly moving crowd gave him an eerie impression of a broken movie show. He heard a male voice behind him, asking others to do one thing or another, and the sound of fleet footsteps. His eyes silently followed Madeline as she made her way out of the camp, scythe in hand. Her steady but quickened steps sent a shiver through the recesses of his mind. Taie stood up, tail flicking lazily, and felt his cool skin protest to the movement. This was going to be one of those days.
  18. Unused talent. That's all I am. I know that if I could dedicate myself to writing or drawing, I'd quickly become good at it, but as of now both skills are mediocre at best. I can write out my opinion or role-play like no tomorrow; I'm fully stocked on book ideas, drawing stetches, and art material. I just don't do anything with it, or what I do start I never finish. My biggest curse. I also have a fair-sized vocabulary and better grammar skills than most of the people I meet, I type with only my index fingers and still get around 68 words a minute, and I never can get motivated enough. Oh well, I'm destined to remain in a horrid realm of creative frustration until I explode and take out a city bus with nothing more than a paper clip and a scanner gun.
  19. I'm new to these boards, but I've role-played more than half my life already, so I thought I'd try to audition. Name:Taie Cale Age: 24 Personality: Quiet, deep in thought. A mystery. Appearance: Taie has mainly pale skin, his twisted glasses always lying crooked on his nose. His dark hair furls up in little spikes, gnarled and reaching like tree roots. Patchs of scaled skin blot his body, a prominent one stretching from his check down his neck, disappearing under the collar. A thick tail sways out behind him, scaled but with two small patchs of pale skin on it. His misshapen left hand is also completely scaled, fingers fused into two claws, the thumb shrivled and beginning to look claw-like. The fingernails of his right hand are also darkened, green pigmentation covering the fingertips. Weapon: A slightly curved dagger constantly lies woven in to a beltloop on his trousers, hanging down almost to his kneecap. Abilities: [I]Scale-[/I]His hands and feet help him find extra grooves when climbing, letting him scale what looks like a tricky surface with relative ease. Will not work on smooth surfaces like glass. [I]Balance-[/I]Taie's tail helps him regain his balance easily and thus will rarely, if ever, fall. [I]Spatial Sense-[/I]He just seems to know when something's behind him. Bio: Taie was very young when his parents went into hiding with him. They knew something was up, knew something big was coming, changing the world around them. His father owned a little house out in the forest, secluded, nice to be. He stocked it up with as much stuff as he could get and they tried to live there, leave the rest of the world behind. A few weeks before Taie turned 22 a raiding party from the government came knocking. They had found out about the cabin from some old records, but they weren't sure if his parents had been 'disposed' of yet. The family had tried to hide in the house, but a single flickering candle gave them off. The party stormed the house making short work of wrecking the place before finding his mother. The men laughed and catcalled, pushing her around as she shrieked and tears welled up in her eyes. Finally Taie's father stood up defiantly, wielding nothing more than the thin dagger. He lept at the men, killing a few before one raised his gun to Taie's mother's face. His dad froze, but Taie's mother jumped forward at the man, knocking him over. The gun flashed wildly, and his mother fell over. From his hiding spot Taie watched in horror as his mother slowly bled to death, and several more men wrangled his shouting father down. They put a bullet between his eyes and left Taie alone. Taie wondered away for months, living off what he could and moving as though in a trance. Finally he came across the settlement, and simply settled.
  20. I love tabletop games. I've played DnD 3.5, really apprehensive about 4 when I heard gnomes were gonna be gone as a PHB race (Why? .... WHY!?!?!), WoD, Vampire, Werewolf once, Deadlands, Shadowrun 2, 3 and hated 4 completely, AFMBE, and D20 Modern. Half of which I've also GMed, to varying levels of success. I Love role-playing, tabletop games most of all.
  21. Hello! I'm also new, so thus posted here! It looks fun so far... :animesmil @\/ Sorry took a bit for the e-mail to get in.
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