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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. Any of the games i own.. Super Mario Sunshine SSBM ( You already are getting that so..) Mario Party 4 Star Wars: The Clone Wars..... (my favortie game why? a certain green guy is in it during multiplayer.) Sonic adventure 2 Battle (Another good multiplayer game. 1 player modes great also.) WrestleMainaX8 ( ok...) Tony hawk Pro Skater 3 ( #4's much better I just need to buy it to try it out.)
  2. Well I was doing community service at homeless shelter for my chruch project. There were alot of kids. And that whole day iplyaed tag and stuff with them and when I left that after they all smiled and waved goodbye....touching moment.......those long 3 years ago.
  3. YAY! now to get the left/right arms and legs + Gaia dragonchamp So i can fuse my Gaia the fiercenight with curse of dragon and boom! Gaia The Dragon Champion. that then leaves with something amount of commons and rares left to get.
  4. crud..... well good news is I have polymerization already. And have any info on the structure decks I heard Japan is sending YGO structure decks of Yugi ,Joey, Kaiba, and Pegasus and it's supposedly having way better cards than starter decks and in Pegasus deck You'll probably get toon world with one or maybe 2 tons I haven't found complete proof it's coming to US all I know is that it's in Japan right now.
  5. After eating 3 more meals I have 8 cards left. i'm not giving up untill I have The shield.
  6. Only long game I have have for GBA is castlVania and as soon as I get Yu-Gi-Oh Internal Duelest Soul (which is discontinued might I add.) I'll be playing it for a long time.
  7. Name of character: Kyle Species: Shyguy Bio: After being born his parents died and because of their death Kyle decides to be less of a Shyguy and is trying to be more of a hero and help stop Bowsie. Description: Green outfit 2 weapons: Bow and arrow, Fireball attack.
  8. I have only been here for a year and i don't recall being mean to a newbie.....and I was treated fine except for one incident which i win't go into at the moment. 4 people voted for NEWBIES SHOULD BURN! I'm curious.
  9. I saw this one couple days ago. *Kaiba's going to the castle when.* Thug 1: Well look it's Seto Kaiba your coming with me. *Kaiba beats the living heck out of him after an elbow to the gut and does an armlock manuever* Kaiba: No your coming with me. And I also notice that the Thug with pointed hair... his hair looks pretty much like Tristan's
  10. *walks in with an evil look* good thing I won the lottery after I got voted off now who to vote.....hmm
  11. So how many shines have you people gotten????? I only have 85 just one more blue coin and I have 86
  12. Only..........10 left to get man I'm gonna have to run like hell tommorrow eating all the darn Mickey D's food. 3 double burgers and 4 packs of 5 chicken mMnuggets and after 13 happy minutes of swearing to a CD got it to work........ and if I survive with out hurling throught tomorrow i'm selling all my extra's to Ebay.
  13. I hate all of them especially the stealing ones that's how i lost my exodia card (no not the whole set just the head.) I still duel complete strangers though.
  14. Happy New Year too ALL! Weird as it was that my girlfriend came over 30 seconds before the ball dropped.
  15. Although I'll miss Rare a bunch I'll play my other Gamecube games with pride :/ I also heard a final fantasy game will be made for GC it reads from my gaming mag GameNow. That Nintendo will be having the game Final Fantasy Crystal Cronicle slated to Japan this Spring and the USA will be announced later. The game will have Fantasy style enviroments such as dungeons,swords and magic attack bursts,and it also revals the return of Mog. Maybe this is why Nintendo won't be missing Rareware much.
  16. Some more people from Fire Emblem, and DK Jr. even thought Rare's spliting with Nintendo........uh how about some of Link's forms from Majora's Mask.
  17. There is no green Yoshi unless you let a fruit Yoshi's juice run out then you get green Yoshi for a couple seconds before he dissapears, or an easter egg in the game but i haven't found one yet. and I think it's 20 shines for noki bay and 10 or 20 shines for pinna park.
  18. Uh you push Y button and look into the sun while your in the ray of light then you will be transported to Noki Bay a new area of episodes to beat.
  19. Usually my friends and I make bets to see who can convince some person the most that Yu-gi-oh/cards is nothing realated to pokemon. I also use Hypershadows method works everytime :devil:
  20. [i] Zach notices something is wrong because when he was walking down the hallway all the poeple and things stopped.[/i] Zach: it looks like someone casted a time spell. Well I can thank them later after Flitwicks. [i] Zach hustles and finally gets to class and sits down and pretends time is starting again. Even thought it isn't he quickly grabs his things. [/i]
  21. David: we need your help the D-reaper is back. Zhuqoiamon: you mean the Chaos! Impossible we destroyed it years ago you must be lieing. Zach: How can we being lieing about that *points a D-reaper thats creeping in through small cracks in the wall. Veemon: Great way to enter uninvited. Zhuqoiamon: impossible the Chaos is back.
  22. [i] It's been a long day so Zach heads back to his dormintory.[/i] Zach: Cursed Transfiguration class i didn't know transforming was so painful well only 2 more classes untill I'm done for the day. [i] and Zach sat there in deep thought[/i] Zach: Well better get going. Professor Flitwick dosen't like tardy students.
  23. Smackdown was AWESOME!! but unless im stupid the crowd was a bit quiet for some of the matches. * heres crickets chriping * ok ok i get it.
  24. Millenium Dagger Description: its a green dagger with the eye symbol on the blade. and it has a flute built in the handle. Effect: can summon any monster to life (real life like imagine a man-eater bug next to you right now!)
  25. *Begins running past vil digimon untill he got to the hallway.* WarUltridramon: Guys we have friends who want to play but they want to play for keeps say our DATA!!!
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