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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343
*Zach was in his transformation (correction?) class with Professor Magonald (sp?) whe he also heard the screams.* Magonald: Stay here all of you and review chapter 8 Zach your in charge untill I get back. Zach: yes ma'am! *She hurried off. As the class split up with some of Gryfindor and some of Hufflepuff moved in diffrent parts of the class and began reading..untill Zach saw a snake also slithering in the class.* Zach: I think I just found out what those screams were about...and it dosen't look good. *quickly as hard as he could he put everything in class he learned and other stuff too, to work and in secondes he became a snake.... but then couldn't hold the form and was back at his normal state..* Zach: lets see what spell was it.
Name:Zach Mcloud age: 16 Bio: He was a nice guy had a job....Had friends almost had a Girlfriend too. Untill the dreaded day Zed attacked now he's a bit stubborned and thick headed but is still a team player. He'll usually like to be lonely most of the time but if he's needed he is ready for action. He is also fighting for his whole family he lost in the attack. Hopfully he'll find some way to restore them. Power: Blue
*He's at the port and ready to go but Travis still feelssorry for Ion. But he still must complete his mission* Travis: lets get going.. *His ship begins to rise and he's out of there and in minutes he lft Courscant.* Travis; Time to head home. *And his ship blasts off to tatoonie.* Travis: time for another nap.....hehe!
Zach: Digi modofy hyper wings activate Veemon fly around him so we confuse him up and down. Veemon: got it.. *he begins flying around like crazy* Veemon: Hope he tires out soon i'm getting dizzy. Boogymon: red Ruby! *fires attack*
Zach: just wait untill we get word back from David untill then everything relies on him and the light spirit. Venna: whatever. Chris: you think David's gonna come back ok? Zach: sure whats the worst that could happen...*something coming up ahead in a flash of lighting.* Veemon: call me crazy but we might of found the lighting spirit. Zach: I think were out of pendants so what do we do?
Sign Up Harry Potter: Return to Hogwarts(Second try...)
GotenksSSJ343 replied to Muse's topic in Theater
Name: Zachary Mcloud age: 14 Year of Hogwarts: 4 House: Gryffindor Looks: he has brown hair blue eyes and a black robe. Personality: He's an all around nice guy who you can count on. At times he can b stubborn bu he always knows when to be serious. He also knows when there's a mystery he's the one of the first people to figure it out. wand: black Phoenix hair. 7 inches Quitich(sp?) psiton: Chaser! pet: Owl named Gotenks -
*Zach jumps throught with veemon folowing.* Zach: wwhooo-weeeee!!! *then zach falls into the digital world and see's David....and Veemon and then Raremon gets up.*
*Travis lands hops out and runs to the concil and meets up with Ion.* Travis: So what happended Ion: dead... Travis: Oh I'm sorry we should have done something. Ion: No the separists would've killed us as well. Travis: One qusetion what if those same bounty hunters we saw were the one's who killed....? Ion: Please don't say it. Travis: Sorry....so you gonna take a day or 2 to rest. ion: maybe but i must be going see you around young one. Travis: see. *Then ion walked off and slowly dissapear.* Travis: Hope we meet up soon. *Travis then checks in with the concil.* Mace Windu: You have a new mission on the Tatoonie one there was a recent battle go check for survivors on our side. If there any troopers left call us and we'll send in the ships to pick them up. Travis: yes.. Mace: may the force be with you. *Travis buts on his hood and heds to the port again*
Guilmon: Right here. *exveemon lands* Zach: got an idea......*throws the pendant and the water spirit comes out. Spirit: Thanks i'll do anything... Zach: attack the dark spirit by teaming up with light. Spirit: ok *then the water spirit engages battle to help light defeat dark. Exveemon: Opp this works and grins.....oh yeah one more thing *sends a tiny fire ball at impmon and Venna who weren't paying attention.* exveemon: bada-boom..........* Zach: well that made my feet better.
Name: Gotenks Partners Name: N/A E-mail: [email]GotenksSSJ343@aol.com[/email] Personalitiy: He's a nice guy but don't mess withh is temper let alone anger. He'll try anything to win even risk his life. He likes having friends and having patrners is the best that way he dosen;t have to do all the work by himself. Reason: Well the amazing race is a great show. So the Otaku one will probably be awesome because some of us might get to be in it. also it gives me something to do when I'm not posting in other RPG's. Luxury item: Rope.
UUHHHH never saw it but a master ball! Ultra ball.....something
WarUltridramon: MUHAHAHA Tim to cause havoc. *shoots a missle at judgementmons castle and the front door/draw bridge gets blown away.* WarUltriramon: oops... *the others look at him very weirdly*
RPG Unofficial OtakuBoards Survivor: The Freakshow!
GotenksSSJ343 replied to Sandy's topic in Theater
Benjo: Maybe i can blast them to the other *goes off.* Franky in link mode: 3..........2...........1....0 Benjo: AHHHHHH!!!!!! *is running back battered and bruised.* Benjo: the pain it burns possesed by monkeys elephants.....night night *passes out* Franky: Now can we do this right. Benjo: ok... -
Zach: hot hot hot hot hey. Impmon: :evil: it wasn't me.... Exveemon: Come on no bruning feet on the airplane. Venna: Sorry. *inside spirit pendant* Spirit: i'll be good just let me out. Zach: so? Chris: so what? Zach: So should we let mister crybaby out. *points at spirit pendant.* Zach: Appears to be sorry and wants to help us.....
Zach: Digi-modify hyper wing activate. *Veemon: grew some wings* Zach: digimodify speed activate power activate. *Veemon takes flight and charges at a fast speed* * The others finaly come* Zach: Come join the party. *they look at the raremon* Growlmon: Pyro Sphere! *sends a flmae as Veemon does a V-punch to keep him busy.*
( It's a speical one........ thats why it's X1 sorry about the docking bay mishap :sweatdrop: ) IC: Travis over comlink: Thanks...... Ion: No problem. young one. Travis so were heading back to the temple. Ion: Correct. Travis: Well even in hyperspace that will take a tiny while. So I'm taking...a...little...*yawns*...nap. Ion:........We may be there sooner than you think.
*They finally get to the real world* Warultridramon: whoah looks like this palce has been wasted.... *looks at surroundings* omegaUnidemon: you can say that again.
Finally my playing has payed off..............500,000 macthes and just to let you all know after a few coupl thousand matches it says stuff like you completed...such such amount of macthes stop...take a break or go outside and such
Travis: okay... *gets in the Snow Speeder X1. and the engines also ready.* Travis: Lets get going. *Begins lifting off and after he's out of the atmosphere a laser flies past him inches from hitting the ship he picks his comlink/radio* Travis: Uh Ion I think our "friends" think were followig them so should I fight back or just try to get around them because there blocking the exit.
I love it when my attention span kicks in. Or I would've voted for yoda to be voted to stay in than NeoC.....
oh Pidgy {lvl 1and/or 2] 50% Ledyba { lv 3} 50% Rattata { lv .2/3] 50%
how is it illegal if every store near where i live has it for a fricken 12$ bucks. And i've already gotten it in english and wupped up on about 12 people already. So how much **** could i be in already................I also just use hi good cards and say i got it in a booster pack and put it in my new deck im currently working on.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ya)\/(I-YuGI [/i] [B]"Actually, YuGiOh is highly looked down upon in many places, whereas everyone loves Magic the Gathering I myself have had Princess of Tsurugi, Sword of Dark Destruction, Remove Trap, Reverse Trap, De-Spell, and the almighty Suijin stolen from me and sold." ---------------------------- ROFL DE-SPELL?? who the heck would do that LOL despell is worth like 1$ lol!! [/B][/QUOTE] i wouldn't sell it for that a bit more besides the fact that it gets rid of certain annoying cards *cough cough* Grave keepers servant*cough cough*
Travis: whe is this female jedi coming. Ion: soon,soon......... Travis: we better.............8sees something or someone running by with a gun with 2 other ones. Travis: Could those be the bounty hunters. Ion: Not the main ones were trying to find probably but they could be allies of them. Travis: Ok *acts all normal sarcastically* But there still bounty hunters key words bounty=human human hunters!....can we do something.
Veemon: Digivolve to..... EXVEEMON:EXVEEMON!!!!!!!!! Zach: digi modify wargreymon activate. Exveemon: Terra force. Spirit: ARGHHH!!!! Zach: lets try this a 3rd time spirit pendant go. *throws the pendant and it catches the spirit then exveemon. holds it. Zach: we got the spirit. Exveemon: pikachu! Zach: What are doing. Exveemon: remember that t.V show from the real world...was it pookeeemoters Zach: uh yeah i think????? OoC: for that lame pokemon run off there ....*sweatdrop*