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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. WarUltridramon: Lets go. *they all jump throught and the chance of both worlds surviving lies on their shoulders. And in a couple Seconds there in the real world.* WarUltridrmon: hey guys we have to hurry because not only are the humans gonna help him if we attack but he could just use them as bargaining chips to put are guards down so stayed up and ready. ooC: MUHAHAH MINES LAMER.....anyway.
  2. *grabs some important stuff and heads out* mom: Where are you going? Zach: somewhere be back soon. *walks out na is back at the park when* David; hey ....... CRASH!!! *a digimon known as Raremon exploded out of the portal.* Raremon: humans Zach: uh-oh!
  3. Zach: we'll steping throught the door is not gonna take us there because... *points at the hole in the ground.* Veemon: looks like a digimon did this. Zach: it might have been ine that was fighting the d-reaper....cool! David: Come on lets get packing. Zach: Okay okay. But lets meet back in an hour. *runs back to his house and starts packing.*
  4. Zach: come on we need to get moving. Chris: we need to wait for Kairi. Zach: Ugh alright. Chris: Don't worry we'll save them. veemon: Gzach that spirit who we 'killed' is back again. Zach: the water one. Veemon: yep Zach: Oh great.
  5. Ion: Oh please. Travis: Oh sorry about that heheh lost control. Ion: Anyway we must wait untill she arrives. Travis: Ok. So that your Naboo N-1 because it looks great. ion: Thank you.
  6. Maha Vailo Good effect thanks to my equip cards, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, red eyes black dragon, summoned skull, Hungry Burger, and Flame swordsmen (correction?)
  7. *walks up to a guy* Man: Over there.*points at a room* *Travis is walking in when on his comlink Yoda explained he would be joining up with somebody* *Travis makes it to the room andwalks in and tosses his lightsabers on the table.* Travis: So..........anybody else joining us.
  8. *Travis made it to the hanger and was out in space when he saw a ship past by and almost rammed him* Travis: woah that was fricken close.... *over his radio Mace was calling* ace: Travis the attacks are on the move again there ship is on it's way to Kamino. travis: got it. *he jammed the lightspeed gear and changed course to Kamino* Travis: Lets roll! *after a long hour he makes it towards Kamino he gets another message but this time it's Yoda.* Yoda: Have special hanger you have. Travis: Were? yoda: Number 465 hurry you must. Travis: ok *Travis lands in the docking bay hange and jumps out* Travis: ok time to find these guys!
  9. *Benjo goes to the mall and gets some milk and cake. Before he leaves he blows up the parking lot after getting everybody out first. When he got back he ate the cake.* Benjo: Got milk *gurgle gurgle gurgle* Benjo: ahhhh. *he sees candy bing chased by bee's and wonders.* Benjo: Why is Candy being chased by bee's.
  10. Travis: So whats up Mace: Well theres a call from a man in Tattonie saying he saw some of the separestists robot troopers attack a Huttenese HQ I want you to check it out. Travis: Yes sir. Mace: May the force be with you. *Travis left the temple and was on his way back to his hanger.* travis: better be careful on the way back I know the bounty hunters want some to kill and what better than a jedi. *Travis stopped his sarcasm and continued on.*
  11. zach: oh you mean that sparkly stuff over by that house with the gate. *points over there* Could it be the portal portal. Veemon: you never showed me. Zach: It was after school. Veemon: Oh....well can you show us. Zach: Sure but it probably isn't it. *walks tothe small house with a steel gate door Zach kicks the door open and there about to step inside.*
  12. *the continue flying and in a matter of minutes they get to jijimon's place.* Veemon: I'm tired *falls on his back tired and falls asleep* Zach: So what are we gonna do.
  13. *Right then and there Travis had the slightest urge to just but his hand up and make them fly into a wall but that wasn't a jedi way so he forgot about and continued * Travis: Whatever.... *He continued untill he made it to the temple.* Travis: God why do i keep having bad thoughts from the force about that bounty hunter. *he was halfway there when he knew something was wrong.*
  14. *Travis is circling the planet Coruscant looking for separest action.* Travis: It's all clear up here. ??? over the radio: Very well Travis you may come back to the hanger. Travis: OK *as travis and his Snow speeder X1 go through the atmosphere he wonders what this war has begun and he has a feeling soemone almost wantd this to happen. But finally he has made it his new home and landed in his hanger.* Travis: Better head to the Jedi temple. *begins his walk. Awhile down the road he see's some people with guns in a corner. Travis: Bounty Hunters. *he begins running to check to see if they were trying to kill someone if they were he might not make it in time.*
  15. well the worse this guy can do is steal more cards thats why i got a mini safe to tell you all the truth he can't fight that well and he's about my age but he does have a nice left hook.
  16. Can't say much but I'd never do it untill I'm 100% I'll have all those same cards back to me without hassle.
  17. I got my left and right arm of forrbidden stolen and all i have is the left leg. *sigh* well off to get more booster packs. The good news is i found the guy who did it the bad news is he always denies it when he's infront of someone and then brags about how i can't do **** about when now ones around him so after I found out he sold them for $$$$$$ I walked up to him while he was alone one day and I let him brag me and the I.........well fill in your own pleasent thought of what you would like to do to some person who stole something from you.
  18. *Exveeemon who on his back are Zach and Guilmon get ready to go.* Zach: Hurry up Chris golly whats taking him so long. Chris: coming *[b]everyone[/b] gets on exveemon's back and they fly off.8 Exveemon: now after 2 hours I'll need to rest because of al th weight I'm carrying. Others: ok but lets hurry.
  19. Zach: Nice effects. But foaming from the mouth thats just to scary. Veemon: I don't think she's faking. Zach: oh well
  20. to watch each others back if someone on our team is secretly plotting to destroy us which would never happen. *sweatdrops* Franky: oh well... *Rabid secretly listens from outide. But only heard plotting destroy* benjo interrupting: Someones here. *kicks door open which shows Rabids head peeking from the side of the door.* Benjo: Being a saiyan has it's advantages.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark_Apocalyps [/i] [B]Ok.... Evil..... Very evil..... People! Read the question good! bit hard: what pokemon can you catch on route 2, in the morning. harder: On wich level can those pkmn be? hardest: how many % change have u got to catch them? [/B][/QUOTE] bit hard:Rattata, Ledyba(silver only),pidgy harder; lv. 1 or 2 Hardest: 50%
  22. I stoped at a red blet and I did it so I could learn to defend myself but i really haven't had to use it.
  23. Veemon: I meant someone else *pointing atthe tree next to thetree that guilmon fell out of.* David: oh Veemon: V-punch *punches the tree so it shakes.* Zach: veemon you could hurt somebody.
  24. WarUltridramon: you mean like this. *sends a blast that would blow up a whole city but the area around piximon's is desert. And the wind after the blast blows by and moces everyone a few inches away.* WarUltridramon: lets go already... OmegaUnidemon: Yeah.. Piximon: okay okay time to open the portal!
  25. *screams out loud because he knows the spirit can hear him* Zach: if you hurt them your gonna pay dearly don't attack what you can't kill! Exveemon: Lets get going Zach we'll get david and we'll get bliss. Zach: Ok come on Chris and guilmo we need to get moving.
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