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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. Zach: Hey look are friend from earlier *see's the spirit about to attack.* *uses pendant to catch it* Chris: Yes another one. Zach: This looks easy enough if i use the right card. *digivolution activate* Veemon: DIGIVOLVE TO............ *digivolves* Exveemon: EXVEEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. OoC:*dosen't even bother saying about th last 6 posts* IC: *is on the net chating when he gets the message when his digimon comes from out of the closet* Zach: Whoah thats weird a message about us Veemon. *repeats the message. Veemon: and I smell digimon. Zach: Anyway off to Synjouku park. *they get going*
  3. *after hearing the announcement * Benjo: Actually no not exactly.....uh actually lets claer this up after the competetition. Frankie: Okay *shounded shocked.* *they walk into the kitchen and the boat making contest begins.* Benjo: I pray he didn't take my idea badly. *begins sweating*
  4. Monday 10:00! Darn teachers Veemon: Math test again. Yup but i can make it hopfully....
  5. Zach: ok *follows on Exveemon while he's still eating fish sticks.* Chris: Where did you get those from. Zach and Exveemon: the spirit. Chris: WHAT! YOU FOUND A SPIRIT WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM. Zach: We asked him to give us the fish sticks. Chris: AND! Exveemon: We killed him. *eats a fish stick* Chris: whew! Zach: Where are we going anyway?
  6. * walks in to Frankies room* Benjo: i've been thinking Franky: Thats new. Benjo: What if you and me watch each others back untill the final elimination. franky: Are you saying.....*stops* Benjo: If you say not nominte to eliminate each other no. But if it's to make sure we stay alive in this thing at asll costs then....yep I thought it was stupid at first but then I still think it's stupid but what do you think?
  7. Ultridramon: That's not the best idea besides the fact......... *Darkwargreymon gets hit and now begins attacking Hybinmon.* Hybinmon: Come on *Hybinmon keeps it up and looks like she has the advantage when RoyalAngemon gets and continues and Hybinmon comes back to the side lines.* Ultridramon: Your good. Hybinmon: I know hehe.
  8. OoC: Ahh but i wanted to have a lame one kill post *ends sarcasm* okay IC: *Royalangemon has been fighting DarkWargreymon for 5 minutes and none of them showing signs or fatigue.* Hybinmon: wow there really at this. Ultridramon: and they look like bombs waiting to explode. Hybinmon:uh-huh *They continue to watch from the sidelines as the battle continues.*
  9. Uh don't you laready have this in the recrutment why are you posting it here. Shouldn't you be starting the RPG here......*ends his little speech and walks off.
  10. OoC: Sorry I'm in mental therapy. From attacking some kid who stole my...well im not gonna get into that, *it's been an hour past the floor incident.* Benjo: Feel much better now *flies around the motel.*
  11. What to do. *is awke and standing at the doorway.* Veemon: *Yawns * is it time yet? Nope.
  12. *falls anime style* well im going back to bed bye *falls aleep* Veemon: me to *falls asleep*
  13. On the 5th here to and now its *bites throught a dounut. 9:30 am on the 5th. *begins playing monster dueling with Veemon. I play Blue eyes white dragon HA Veemon::shifty: I play Exodia I win. Best out of 7 Veemon:fine :fart: :fart: :blowingup :hippy: :shifty: :box: :alcohol: :lecture: :help: :modrod: :beer: :stupid: Smilies are here ^_^
  14. *The 3 biomerged digimon were still flying when they saw somthing up ahead.* Ultridramon: Could that be them. Hybinmon: I don't know lets check it out. *the fly fast as the object became clearer and clearer and it was...* OoC: someone continue that i need to eat....*drools at his donut.*
  15. I really don't believe in magic but those who do that fine with me.
  16. It was da ba-bomb but the story needed it's tunning up a bit better but Mario was great anyway. And Luigi was cool too, and wasn't Daisies mother Peach or she isn't even in the storyline whatsoever. Yoshi also looked cool!
  17. It's 7:15 in Va here very early to catch it after staying up all night playing hocky.
  18. Stupid me.......... Ok let's just blow up Suddein go into double war that way afterwords we can be the almighty fighters once again. *stops sarcasm* But don't forget all the people who will help us on the way and the innocent people also in Iraq.*stops more sarcasm and gets some candy to stay up* But seriously we probably have to go to war because of his nukes and his bogus Election and he's the only one vote for so it's Yes= (live) VS. No=)die of course) for Suddien.
  19. Benjo: AHHHHHHHHH! *gets enraged and becaomes a super saiyan where his hair becomes gold and pointy and he gets an golden shieled that surrounds him* Benjo: Ok I better go upstairs before I accidently hurtsomething or someone. *And before he goes out of the room out of anger he blows up his rats dying corpse but there's a huge burnt mark one the ground.* others: OKAY! he's not happy!
  20. Ooc; You people confuse me because I have no common sence. Veemon: Veemon: digivolve to... Exveemon: EXVEEMON! ???: Stop *something comes out of Shellmon* ???: i' a spirit I'll be your friend just don't kill me. Zach: ok just give me tarter sauce. Spirit: Sure *gives him fish sticks to go with it.* Zach: bye Spirit. spirit Bye? ahhhhhhhhh *is killed by exveemon's vee laser.* Zach: ready to find the others. *is eating Fish sticks* Exveemon: Sure! *they fly off*
  21. What a Conicidence we had this same debate in Civics well I think we should wait because. A. Iraq hasn't launched anything yet. But they still are dangerous. B. We have alot of troops still in Afaganistan note these wars are gonna cost a bundle and I mean more that 9,999,999,999x you get my drift. C.We have those gunns that can blow missles in mid air except the problems of the chemicals getting into the ocean/US. D. Every other problem in the US. E.Tomorrows Election day so Vote
  22. Yay I already made a PM this will be great. Veemon: Don't forget me!!! Uh yeah don't forget Veemon.:bluesweat Uh what time will it be because it's past midnight...and...I'm getting ....sleepy...*yawn* *falls alseep* :modrod: Like this smilie alot. HEHE
  23. *They were sepding down the digital world desert when the sawa Gabumon up ahead when they caught up to him... he was an old Gabumon* Gabumon: Yes i saw the human and their digimon they looked lost but they couldn't see me because I thought they were one of Judgementmons henchmen so I hid. RoyalAngemon: Did you... Gabumon: That way. *He pointed at foot prints going to the left of them.* RoyalAngemon: Uh thank you. *And they flew off once again* Gabumon: Good luck young ones. Ultridramon: What a nice digimon.
  24. Well first of all im happy to say I've never been stalked yet but I'm sorry to say that I'm not surprised people are getting stalked and are in fear with the weird world we live in. I think that GOD (sorry if your not a god beliver but anyway) told Brads mom to look out her window at that moment and she saved your butts. Not that I don't think the old 2 by 4 Mitch plan wouldn't work lol. :lol:
  25. Benjamin Butler _______ can't say mine for obvious reasons which I don't have time to mention. Benjamin: In hebrew it means Right hand side of GOD (well thats what I've read) and plus my great grandfather on down has had it so I'm stuck with it. Butler: Don't know why that's there just got that middle name but I'm here to serve just ring a bell.
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