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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. Well if you talked it out with Dee then see might forgive you and tell kay that you ment no harm. And as far as Mr. Random guy let him go were only human we all like this guy ( but what he did was very ignorant and most likley a begging for a smack in the face) we make mistakes. But in the end I hope it will all turn out good for ya Darkness. :)
  2. Ultridramon: Well this is....[i]Great[/i]. RoyalAngemon: Don't worry we'll find somebody. Ultridramon: You must be psuchic look! *they see something on the ground they fly down to only see a gatomon* Ultridramon: Have you seen a Dougmon with a human anywhere. Gatomon: Nope sorry. But there's a Gabumon who lives a while up from here who saw saw a human. Ultridramon: Wanna go see if he knows anything. RoyalAngemon: it's our only lead to finding the others so... *They fly up and away towards Gabumons den.*
  3. Ultridramon: Uh what about Dougmon and Bliss and the others didn't noticmon say we need to find them. piximon: Oops forgot well now this is your new mission find the others get them to biomerge and and all of you come back here so we can figure out what to do next. RoyalAngemon: Ok lets go. *Then RoyalAngemon,Hybinmon, and Ultridramon fliy off in search of the others.* OoC: if i forgot anyone sorry just post up and I'll edit mine. heh just to tired to remember.
  4. RoyalAngemon: Worried their better than you Ultridramon. *looking at Ultridramon who lookes amazed and Ultridramon falls anime style* Ultridramon: Heheh what do you mean by that. Piximon: Anyway we must get to the real world fast. others: How! Piximon: By all of you biomerging except RoyalAngemon, Hybinmon, and Ultridramon. HURRY!
  5. Benjo: If it wasn't dark I would go get a fish or something besides sugar. Candy: Shush you! *the rat goes out and comes back with a huge fish* Benjo: Yay fish! Anybody got tarter sauce. Then we can feast! *cuts off a piece for the rat to eat and the rat begins muching* Benjo: Whats wrong Mr. Rat. *the rats passes out and begins crying and then after a minute it dies.* Benjo: WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yami: Whatever you do stay in after dark or you'll end up like Mr. Rat. Anyway lets eat. Candy who is PO'ed: NOT WITHOUT SUGAR *slaps Benjo off his chair* Benjo That...hurt badly *rubbing his noggan*
  6. Ultridramon: Cool Hybinmon: you can say that again. I feel great. [i] There power made a small dust storm around everyone[/i]
  7. Ultridramon: Royalangemon sorry for pushing but i was going to do a kamikaze so i could kill judgementmon and if you were there you would be destroyed with me and him. Royalangemon: oh Piximon: ok now we must find the rest of the partners in the real world but. Judgementmon locked the pathaway and....... *looks at Royalangelicmon and Ultridramon* Piximon: Anyway we must find a way.... any idea's.
  8. Zach: so ready to go back. Veemon: not just yet were gonna pay judgementmon alittle visit. Zach: ok BIOMERGE ACTIVATE Zach and Veemon: Biomerge to....... ULTRIDRAMON *ultridramon the powers up his digi-powers.* Zach inside Ultridramon don't you think we should head back. Ultridramon: Ok lets go *flies back towards piximon's when they get there* Ulrtridramon: Hi guys.
  9. *does some mubling and kenny comes back from the dead but trips out of the coffin to only die by landing in a pile of molten lava* I watch old south park epi's and new ones but i like the old one's with kenny better.
  10. Benjo walks to the dinner table and is eating potato chips he [i]secretly[/i] bought at the store quietly when he see's a rat* Benjo: Lookie a cute rat *Picks it up and the rat cuddles with him. Benjo: Want some potato chips? * Everyone stares at him while he feeds the rat potato chips.* Rabid: You are weird. Benjo: WHAT? I'm helping an innocent creature! *the rat hisses at Rabid with it's pointy teeth* *Rabid mumbles something that nobody can hear* Benjo: i'm going to bed. Candy: Without my dinner sit you. NOW! Benjo: Whatever? *gets a bit Po'ed and blows a hole through the wall with his ki blast* Mask: What was that for. Benjo: Nothing.....:angel:
  11. OOC: Ok? Zach: Digi-modify Speed activate Veemon: Vee-headbutt *knocks down shellmon but he squrts powerful blasts of water right back.* Zach: Digi-modify Power activate. *veemon does a speedy yet powerful vee-head butt to knock out shellmon*
  12. Zach: So whats up Exveemon: I pushed.. Zach: I know why you did that because you were deciding to to use your kamikaze attack again to destroy Judgementmon if it wasn't for piximon. But why did you fly off. *Exveemon digivolves* AeroVeedramon: Because he thinks i did it for no reason. Zach: why don't you tell him. AeroVeedramon: Didn't you hear him Zach:Yeah so... Aeroveedramon: Ugh!
  13. Ultridramon: GRR I can't take anymore. *flys off in a fast angry rage and is gone* Piximon: Oh no now we have to stay toghether Egnamon: We don't need him. *Piximon looked at him odly but then began thinking* *meanwhile in the air* Zach: Why did you fly off. Exveemon: I'll tell you later.
  14. *Ultridramon and Omegamon here piximon.* Ultridramon: well now that were in trouble for killing his buddies lets go. Omegamon: But the portals closed. Ultridramon: no it isn't i used a hologram to make it look closed through both worlds *steps through a thin piece of air and disspaers into the portal and so does Omegamon and they are once again in the digital world* Omegamon: How did you make the hologram. Ultridramon: I'll tell you more on that later.
  15. Well on UFO's question. Theres an endless univers of galaxy and such so we possibly can't be the only lanet with lifeforms. Yes I believe in afterlife and souls can't die. And with saying that there could be ghostly spirits wandering around Earth who can't find the portal to afterlife or wherever their assigned to go to.
  16. *Zach and veemon are walking down a street when* Veemon: What is that? *he is pointing at the shadow wich appears to be a Shellmon* zach: Another oponent because he seems ready for a fight. So get ready.
  17. Ultridramon: Now that there all safe... *sees Omegamon* Ultridramon: How did you..?? Nevermind well lets settle these guys *slashes greymon to pieces as Omegamon takes out MetalSeadramon* Ultridramon: one *** clown to go. *then as he turns around judgementmon's gone.* Ultridramon and Omegamon: where did he go off to?
  18. joy another RPG that makes 2 in a row. *muches some candy* Tamer: Zach Digimon: Veemon D-arc color: red-orange.
  19. S3 returns YAY! Tamer: Zach Digimon: Veemon Equipment: D-arc (platnium), Blue card (found it) Digivolutions/attacks: Veemon: Vee-head butt Exveemon: X-vee laser AeroVeedramon: V-wing blade, Magnium Crusher Ultridramon: Meta Force, Two blade slash, and uh Final Strike Bio: veemon was born in the digi world and brought up by Exveemon guru and has now made it to the real world and has gotten a tamer Zach.
  20. Veemon: Prepared for a fight to be killed in were not a 100% ready for this guy. Hold on let me check something. *stands still and loks like he's in great thought* Veemon: 3 minutes. Can anypody use tellapathic powers because whoever does needs to make sure the others are on their way now.The portals gonna close. *then metalseadramon and greymon show up and Zach gets out of the portal as the rest go in.* MangaAngelicmon: Ok lets go Veemon: The'll get us before the portal closes. MangaAngelicmon: But we still can fight them together. Veemon: No because then we would be weakened if Judgementmon comes you all must get ready don't worry about me. Zach: Ready Veemon: Biomerge activate Veemon biomerge to. Ultridramon: Ok boys lets dance. MangaAngelicmon: What are you doing. *Ultridramon knocks MangnaAngelicmon through the portal* Ultridramon: You guys go on and get ready I'll weaken the forces so when you get back it will be just you guys vs. Judgementmon who will also be weaker, Goodybye my friend. *and with that the portal shuts with a blast from his arm gun and Ultridramon turns around while MagnaAngelicmon tries to run back through the portal but now they are all saftly shut in the digital world* Metaseadramon: Stupid digimon. Greymon: heheh Judgementmon: you guys can go first. Ultridramon: Come on it my chance now to fight for the worlds. *then from inside of him Zach says* Zach: Our chance! Ultridramon: Ahhhhhhhh!!!!*starts charging enrgy up in his sword* time to die. *begins charging with his sword out and ready to slash Greymon first* Metalseadramon and Greymon: heheh *they also begin charging*
  21. OoC: got it. IC:*Athena and fladingomon jump through the portal as Ultridramon de-biomerges and Zach also goes through the portal* Veemon: I sense him. Judgementmon's coming back one of his men must of called hime we need to get everyone here FAST! MangaAngelicmon: How much time left? Veemon; about 5 minutes we need to hurry *digivolves to Exveemon. Exveemon: This is not a good day to be racing against time when half of us are not here right now.
  22. Zach: Digi modify power activate. Digi-modify speed activate. AeroVeedramon: Magnuim Crusher! *attacks skull meramon.* Skull Meramon: AH! *he retaliates* Zach; Biomerge activate! *de-digivolves to veemon* Veemon: Veemon bio-merge to!!!!!!! *digivolves as he fuses with Zach.* Ultridramon: ULTRIDRAMON!!!! Ultridramon : Ready loser. Skull meramon: GRR Ultridramon to himself: All we have to do is buy enought time for everyone to get through the portal. If they hurry up.
  23. Exveemon: digivolve to Aeroveedramon! *digivolves* Aeroveedramon: ARGHHHHHHH VEE-WING BLADE *slashes nijamon in mid air to destroy him and takes out something a d-arc that was Zach's * Aeroveedramon: see the light zach. *the lighjt binds zach and he he becomes good as something werid happens a 2ndZach much diffrent came out of the 1st zach.* aeroveedramon: One of you are good the other one is evil. Zach 2: muhaha see you later chumps *dissapears* Zach: Thanks bud no lets get this guy. *looking at Skull meramon. aeroVeedramon: Ready!
  24. Veemon: Alright lets go. *runs through fast as his legs take him.* *then everyone goes through and when they get there Zach is waiting* Zach: Hi old buddie time to die. Veemon: Wha? Egnamon: Remember he's enslaved by judgementmon. Veemon: Oh he's gonna pay for enslaving my tamer. *but then a skullmeramon and Ninjamon show up* veemon: VEEMON DIGIVOLVE TO.......EXVEEMON!! *digivolves* Exveemon: GRRR *begin charging Ninjamon* SkullMeramon: what a pathetic weakling. Ninjamon: Oh look he wants a fight I'll be back in a flash*ninjamon takes out his sword and also begins charging*
  25. Veemon: Well then i'll saw something you need an attitude adjustment people are dieing and such and saying on how much you work alone. If you did work alone and your almighty and powerful then you'd have the portal open at the point of a tinger. *dougmon and veemon both begin growling and you could see flames growing in there eyes * *they were about to charge each other when Egnamon was holding him back*
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