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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. Well again I found out something most of you will probably already have known about this but anyway the sniper/snipers left a car saying I am god and I heard a rumor that it also said I can decide life or death by the pull of a trigger. Now in my religous community that would be a very very bad insult whether this guy/girl has great skill or not. Because this guy is saying he is powerful because no has caught him/her. Now thats just nothing I can forgive him/her for saying that. And you can call me weak,or whatever all you want but I just don't like this guy/girl wether he's/she's the best serial sniper in the world or not. *notices he's losing it again.* For all you who respect him/her I don't mind that because your titled to your opinion but I just wouldn't be saying something like that if he shot a bullet my way one day.
  2. Oop's sorry about that..*feels stupid*
  3. Yup and don't foget the other 5/6 people, Or could it be more than one person.........*everyone stares*.....guess so. Just saw a news report and the guy who killed the 13 yr. old wether it be the same person who killed those 5 people or not. Left behind a clue I didn' have time to hear what it was but they still don't have suspects.
  4. Name: Roy Occupation: ??? Bio: Born in the land of Fire Emblem Roy was a prince and after his land was taken over and his fathers ill Roy sets off to do battle against...uh badguys...I hope I did this part right. Attacks: mutiple slashing. Specials Fire blade Counter Dancing blade Fire blade jump (b+ ^) Partener: Marth
  5. ooc: uh ok ithought i was gonna kamikaze Zeedy but since nefertamon tok care of that i think I'll go stand in a corner and stare at a wall. Ic: *five years later* *Zachary and Zchaosmon come out of a portal.* zchaosmon: So how was the digital world. Zachary: I'ts great but i perefer staying here with all my friends Zachoasmon: fine with me.
  6. I wouldn't call him talented if he shot me in the head but he does well since the police haven't been able to catch him. But i hope they do. Dying a teenager would not be fun.
  7. Well it happened couple days ago, but near the DC/Maryland area 1 or possibly 2 guys snipered 5 people and later today in Fredricksburg, VA (near me and my friends) a school shooting happened and the police found a wounded boy. So far no links or suspects. So anyone else hear about this. No I'm not trying to be a pessimist but it's been on the news alot.
  8. *Ultridramon begins speaking but to every ones surprise there are two voices speaking* Ultridramon: Zeedmlienniummon we will defeat you and the light and darkness will once again be balanced so spare yourself of pain and give up. Zeedmlennuimmon: never Ultridramon talking to himself: Zachary I have to do it! Ultridramon but it's a diffrent voice: Don't ! Ultridramon: I have to because I have the power to communicate with the stones so i caould think of a way for us to stop him. *everybody looks confused* Ultridramon other voice: ok Ultridramon: ok the second i do the move ill quickly de-digivolve so you can run for it then re-digivolve but first we need to charge up so we can do the Meta-kamikaze.
  9. Zachary: Biomerge activate! *the light and and earth stone glow* Veemon: Biomerge to..........! *digivolves* Ultridramon: ULTRIDRAMON!!!
  10. * the boy still looking down says* Boy: I can't find my digimon veemon aniother digimon said we are poarteners. Veemon: You mean me. *the boy looks up and the yells excitedly.* Boy: it's you it's you *stops we must hurry follow me!! Veemon: ok oh by the way whats you name. Boy: Zachary *follows him to a small shrine where the light stone is * Veemon: Oh my gosh the light stone but then a shadow comes out . ZeedMillieniummon: MUHAHA you think your taking the stone. Veemon: Yeah I'll fight for it even in my rookie form if I have to. Zachary: Veemon don't! Veemon: I have to. Zachary: Then lets do it together. *the both grab each others hand. then a huge light shoots up that can me seen from far away*
  11. * is still on the runaway car when* Veemon: Lets see if your charged uo mister stone you try again. *then notices thestone begins glowing* Veemon: Either I'm going a little crazy or I have the power to talk to the stones. So earth stone do you know where the light stone is? *then stones glows an arrow going into an alley. So Veemon jumps off and runs into an alley* Veemon: now where could it be? But Veemon heard a little boy crying in a corner with a d-arc next to him* Veemon: Whats wrong?
  12. Ooc: ZChaosmon is my magna form can't i stay magna as long as I have the stone. *aeroveedramon de-digicvolves to veemon* Veemon: I wonder how the stone lose power from daemon if i still have it? Veemon: any way I still need to find the light stone *meanwhile a car driving by fast down the road because the human inside saw all the digis which Veemon began thinking about.* Veemon: Ready set go! *veemon jumps on the high tailing car and is down the road in seconds* Veemon: Off to get the light stone.
  13. Ooc: Bit confused but lets get moving along IC: ZChaosmon: Chaos laser *Shoots milions of laser knocking out the enemy ZChoasmon: Double blade slash. *hits the enemy again with a stealthlike slash. Kredion: NO MINE IS!!!! ZChaosmon: What are they yelling about again. *begins floating calmly because of all the confusion and fights building up*
  14. ZChaosmon: I don't have a tamer I'm alone remember. MagnaAngelicmon: but we still have to find all the tamers. *Kicks some dirt* ZChaosmon: Ok lets get going.
  15. *MagnaAngelicmon and Zchaosmon finally get in town when they notice every stares but then a couple kids signal for them to follow* Kid1: Are you 2 digimon. ZChaosmon: Yeah are yo tamers. *a patamon and guilmon come out* Kid 2: Yeah how did you get here and why did you come here. Magnaangelicmon: To warn you about a great evil coming. ZChaosmon: And to your first question my power to change worlds thanks to my little stone. *takes out the earth stone to show*
  16. OoC : The portal I made to the human world IC: *the portal closes just as magnaangelicmon makes it inside and soone he and Zchaosmon are in the human world.* ZChaosmon: We must warn the tamers and get the light stone from this world as well! MagnaAngelicmon: How do you know it's here? dosen't Daemon have? ZChaosmon: My dream. Not anymore.
  17. ZChaosmon: Daemon you'll never get my stone! *aims his blade downward then a portal opens and Zchaosmon quickly grabs his sword as it's slowly closing then it's about to shut when he says.* ZChaosmon: see you guys in the human world. *he dissapears as the portal is about 10 8 feet from closing *completely.
  18. Zchasomon: Well then time to go lets see uh oh yeah *points his blade downward* ZChasomon: Lets hope this works.
  19. *Takes out blade* Zchaosmon: Great time for surpises! * Zchaosmon tries tellipathicaly to reach Kuzahamon* ZChaosmon tellipathically: Renamon help were near the electric shine follow the big explosion* *fires a huge laser in the air which explodes the gets in fighting stanc as Kirmeramon strikes.*
  20. *fires another laser destroying airdramon* Zchaosmon: well come on I need your help to stop Kimeramon. Magnaangelicmon: Ok
  21. Ooc; YEP ZChasomon: Chaso laser *hits Airdramon badly* Zchaosmon: anybody who has the electric power here's your stone.
  22. *was walking alot when he got to the shrine.* *when he got the electrical egg he sensed two digimon and flew off at top speed* *when he was getting near the group* ZChasomon: Guys we have more company Airdramon: GRRRR Kimeramon: GGR *kimeramon begins grasping his four arms*
  23. *stares * ZChasomon: i'm right here and before i go 1: in my dream with all the horrible images renamon that light was your data but the egg was taken away by daemon's power and it was probably the reason it was flying away. So probably the egg didn't have enough time to give back all your data. Now if you'll excuse me i'll be off to get the stones so i'll see you people whenever. *flies off at a fast speed and when he finds himself on another island fll of dark clouds and rain* ZChaosmon: Sp this must be the electric stone shrine. *flies straight down on the ground and begins walking for the stone*
  24. Veemon; come again? *is rubbing his head* Renamon; I CAN'T DEDIGIVOLVE! veemon; Oh well where did the light stone go maybe we can use it to de-digivolve you. gab; It flew away! Veemon: Grr *the earth stone glows and dissapers within veemon body as he becomes on with the stone* Veemon: VEEMON MAGNA DIGIVOLVE TO............. **digivolves** ZChaosmon: ZCHAOSMON!
  25. OoC: Ok just to make it clear i was knocked out untill around the post mwhere i was pinched ok IC: *veemon begins to get most of his power back Veemon what happened again and wheres' the shadow stone and light stone? *is in pain* Veemon: and who hit my head?
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