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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. *beginning to stir but not wake* Veemon; the stone the stone no light stone don't...........daemon don't. Ooc: giving it alittle twist heh.
  2. *is still uncounsise but visions are going through his mind of the important upcoming battle.* Veemon fiently: no no no
  3. OoC; uh well isn't there a light stone ok hold on got an idea Ic: *the data then goes back to the rightful owner the right next to the light stone is the ic stone and the light stone dissapears.* Ooc: 3 down 4 to go
  4. *is on the ground when the shadow stone rolls to blackagumon and the light stone stays next to veemon but data comes out of it and circles Kuzahamon*
  5. Ultridramon: double blade! *slashes at angewoamon who also dissapears in data* ultridramon breathing heavily; Rosemon I have 3 stones.........earth.....shadow......and light stone must hurry I haerd metalgreymon call for reinforcments. ultridramon: also found the rest of renamons.............*passes out*
  6. *Gets up very injured* Ultridramon: Time to pay meta force *shoots at metalgreymon looking at the cat fight but soon he is dead*
  7. *Ultridramon makes it to a cave.* ultridramon: Hope evey one is ok! *once he get's inside he sees's not only the stone of darkness but the stone of light.* *But then a metalgreymon and angewoman under Daemon's speell attack* Ultridramon: just bring it *Ultridramon quickly grabs the stones but is stabbed byt angewoamon's arrow and metalgreymon* Ultridramon; ( with three stones in possesion) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *made an ear spliting scream heard out for miles* Others: What was that????????
  8. *Ultridramon flies off at a blinding speed towards the direction of the shadow stone* Hltridramon: Must hurry.
  9. Ultridramon: So Armegeddanmon before you go I'll give you a present. META FORCE *fires out a blast out of his arm cannon that blinds Armeggedanmon long enough for him to be attacked badly.*
  10. AeroVeedramon: I'll grab the stone.AEROVEEDRAMON DIGIVOLVE TO............... Ultridramon: ULTRIDRAMON *takes out his 2 blades*
  11. AeroVeedramon: And i have no tamer to being with. *lands one the island/wherever they are.*
  12. *Aeroveedramon began landing* AeroVeedramon: Zeedmillennium!
  13. Aeroveedramon: Ok but you might have to explain the evil danger to the others. *gets ready to fly while koromon and the stone are once again in his hands and Renamon, palemon, and Gabrielle are on his back* Aeroveedramon: ok keep all body parts inside the digimon at all times. And we have more guests on AeroVeedramon airlines. Gabrielle and palmon now lets fly. *jumps up and there off again*
  14. [i]Gotenks and Vaxalmer are flying above a city when the noticed something was wrong.[/i] Gotenks: Oh now i rember we forgot your saber. Lets go grab it.
  15. *Looks at the person with the palmon* AeroVeedramon:Hello, who are you?
  16. AeroVedramon: well that was shocking yet easy. [i] But then the stone falls and hits theground[/i] AeroVeedramon: Uh-oh the stone it's gone. Koromon: Wait a minute there it is but someone's by it. Aeroveedramon: Well hang on were going for a landing.
  17. *Is in the air when* Aeroveedramon: Uh is there supposed to be an Airdramon coming with us. *points at an Airdramon coming at them full speed*
  18. Aeroveedramon: Maybe I can hold him in my arms while flying and Renamon can hold the stone.
  19. name: Gotenks Name of Dragon: Vaxalmer Color of armor: Gold magic: Lighting strike (tons of lighting bolts fire at you.) Weapon of choice: Curved saber. level.1
  20. Well were I live it's on around 9:00.
  21. Veemon:I have enough energy to make it. *digivolves to Exveemon the Aeroveedramon* AeroVeedramon: anybody who can't fly can catch a ride with me.
  22. The new He-man looks great i can't wait to watch more.
  23. Never really thought about killing myself. I just perfer dieing of age.
  24. Has anyboady seen this on Fox kids this morning I thought it was great. But one problem King (forgot his name) was a bit odd looking and Rick sounded cool. "Gooday mate, you must be Kirby you should be going this way."
  25. Veemon: Not that dumb becasue i found the stone. *is quite* Veemon: So were next.
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