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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. Baihumon: I have a plan remember when we tricked that one digimon while getting my orb. Zhuqiaomon: Yeah.............so. Baihumon: I say we try that again. Ebonwumon: It's worth a try. [i]They finally made it to Milenniumon's location.[/i] Milenniumon: Ready to die. Baihumon: I'm gonna make you eat those words. [i] Baihumon quickly tryed to attack Milenniumon when he doged it he knocked Baihumon to a wall when Zhuqiaomon tryed to attack from behind Milenniumon knocked Zhuqiaomon next to Baihumon.[/i] Milenniumon: Time to die. [i] Milenniumon sent an attack at a dazed Baihumon and Zhuqiaomon.[/i] Ebonwumon: Look out guys. Baihumon: Oh crap. [i] Zhuqiaomon and Baihumon barely got out of the way.[/i] Baihumon: New plan anybody cause this guy is a bit smarter than other digimon.
  2. MegaGargomon: How long is....this won't take long. David: Just hold Harpymon off long enough ok. MegaGargomon: ok [i] Megagargomon shoots missles at Harpymon who quickly dodges them.[/i] MegaGargomon: This isn't going well. Were's Linkin Park when you need it.
  3. Did you people see Raw when RVD and Kane faced Road Warriors for the Tag titles. NO it's not a spoiler but it was on a Raw last week I think. Oh a quick question anyone Know the artist and name of Spankys entrance song.
  4. Baihumon: Iron Claws [i] Baihumon begins attacking Diaboromon.[/i] Diaboromon: ARGH! Cable Crusher. [i] Baihumon quickly dodged and Zhuqiaomon attacked right after Baihumon went airborne and Diaboromon took the hit.[/i] Diaboromon: You shall pay. [i] Just then the Chaos Masters all attack Baihumon knocking him into a wall.[/i] Ebonwumon: Are you ok! Baihumon: Everything but my head.
  5. just one month and and 2 weeks we were normally getting out june 18 but the **** snow makeup days. Exams are also known as the perfect way to lose anger from something else and put that anger on the exam in my case. * pictures himself burning exam papers.* Countdown untill summer: 1 month 2 weeks 1 day approx. 20 hours approx. 45 minutes
  6. MegaGargomon: so how hard is he. Gallantmon: Ver hard. MegaGargomon:Oh MegaGargomon: Lets rock! MegaGargomon: Lets go. [i] They began sending misles at LK[/i]
  7. Yami: This place is freaking the **** out of me. Sonic: oh stop being a baby. Yami: whatever........-_- [i] they all contiued walking when Yami notcied something.[/i] Yami: We are being watched [i] He pointed at the camera and at the spilt second sonic punched it and it blew up[/i] Yami: Real nice.
  8. MegaGargomon/Travis: What the heck are they doing over there. MegaGargomon/ Terriermon: Oh well lets keep fighting. [i] The contiue to keep it busy with the rest of the digimon while David and the others go to what looks like a tree from MegaGargomon's vision[/i] MegaGargomon: Something must be helping this guy from the tree.
  9. Yami: I feel I have to destroy this one. Veemon digivolve. [i] Veemon digivolves to Aeroveedramon.[/i] Yami: Ok attack. [i] AeroVeedramon began glowing blue.[/i] AeroVeedramon: V-wing blade. [i] He shot a powerful attack which knocked back the already weakened MG[/i] Yami: Try the finishing attack. [i] Yami holds up his digivice it begins to glow[/i] we'll do this together. [i] he holds his arm up like he is about to puch AeroVeedramon does the same but his blade is out.[/i] Yami and aeroVeedramon: V-wing BLADE!! [i] AeroVeedramon began running while Yami stood there holding his fist then he threw it downward at the same moment only inches away AeroVeedramon sent the attack staright to MG's head.[/i]
  10. That should be really intersesting but what I want to see is the look on Erics face. heheheh
  11. Travis: **** that does not sound good. David: It isn't. Travis: So what level is this digimon. David: Probably the power past a mega. Travis: Great. So how will we defeat this thing. David: Hold on were not even fighting him yet first we need to find the keys then worry bout him but that dosen't mean he's not a threat. [i] Travis begins writing his will as they contiue walking.[/i]
  12. Veemon: veemon digivolve to Exveemon Exveemon: exveemon digivovle to AeroVeedramon. Aeroveedramon: V-wing blade. [i] mangnadramon dodged the attack easily[/i] Mangnadramon: That was pathetic. AeroVeedramon: hey look up. [i] Mangnadramon looked staright up to JW's attack.[/i] JW: Dark Master! [i] It hit right on target and Aeroveedramon jumped out of the way at the last second before Mangnadramon hit the ground but he quickly got back up.[/i] Yami: Alright nice move!
  13. oOc: Baihumon ---------------- [i] Everyone rushes inside the cave as Diaboramon rushes past them. almost seeing them.[/i] Diabormon: I wonder where those pathetic humans could be. Yami: That was........ [i] Veemon grabs his mouth as Diaboromon rushes away.[/i] Yami: a close one. So this cave must be it. David: Yes it is. Shaki: So who guards this data sphere. David: Hold on let me find out. [i] The digivice begins glowing but yami can't see the color.[/i] Yami: So who guards this one?
  14. I think Lesnar will win unless his injury is really that bad, then again I think deserves a chance to shine. Then again I could be speaking nonsense.
  15. Yeah that would be a good match but I'm looking foward to Goldberg Vs. The rock and Lesnar vs. Cena.
  16. Yami: what just happened cause that is freaking me out. David: I know one thing it's a sign. Yami: Maybe it flashes when it knows one of the other chambers containing thoses spheres is nearby. David: Possibly. Rokas: So where to to find the next chamber. Yami: I hope this next chamber is nearby but nothing is never nearby here. --------- ooC: sorry for the short post.
  17. Travis; So where to find the first key and keep it from the enemy long enough to blow the thing sky high. Keade: So wheres the first key at exactly. [i] Everyone looks at David[/i] Travis: Maybe there are more tablets of ancient writing that can tell us where to find the key. ------------------- OoC: sorry for the short post and mine is the d-power and it's red with blue buttons.
  18. [i] Yami looked at the little digital map.[/i] Sonic: So how will that helo us. Yami: Well I took coordinates from where those robots cam from I think it will lead us to robotinik. But it's only a prediction. Sonic: Oh.
  19. Toon Aligater because it's a toon ( I like toons) And because it looks cool with it's little axe.
  20. [i] While Yami is knocked out he has a flash back.[/i] [i] A young boy is at the hospital with his dad. When a doctor comes in. Doctor: Sir I'm sorry she's gone. Dad;................. The man goes to his son. Boy: Daddy is mommy ok. Dad: No son she's she's dead. Boy: But why daddy why. Dad: Because she had an accidnent. Boy: is she coming back. The dad begins getting tears in his eyes. Dad: No she isn't. The boy beings crying to. Boy: But daddy i'll miss her. Dad: I know but she will always will be with you in your heart. After a few years the Boy's father gets shot he is ok but can't walk anymore and is in a wheelchair. Dad: Remember son even though we are a broken family we must never give up for what we believe in or what we do to help others Boy: Ok dad well have to go to work. Dad: Bye Yami.[/i] [i] FLASH! [/i] Yami: I will never give up until Raijinmon and his little trinity family are destroyed I never will i will fight on for my mother. Once again I'm sorry Valkyrimon. [i] with his strengh he began pushing logs up and with the help of his stubborness he eventually got out.[/i] Yami: Oh god my leg is seriously broken. [i] He began limping towards the group but the he fell to the ground when he was to thirds of the way.[/i] Gallantmon: Yami your alive. SuperStarmon: He is alive. [i] They both pick up the battered bruised and bloody Yami and carry him over to the rst of the group.[/i] Yami: Note to self have gigantic shield when getting in the way of a digiomon's attack. [i] He looks around.[/i] Yami: Were's Raijinmon.
  21. Travis: Good thing I packed food and some cd's so we won't go in total disspare if we mess this up and the digital world is completly destroyed. [i] Everyone stares at him[/i] Travis: Ok, ok sorry. [i] They quickly put there digivices to the computer and tranport off to the digital world.[/i] --------------------- OOC: What type of digivices are we useing Takuya.
  22. Yami:Almost...............got it. [i] He puts away little digital map in his baggie.[/i] Yami: ok who wants to go down first. [i] Yami began Super Spin attacking randomn robots after awhile there were only a few left.[/i] Sonic: Were winning. Sanza: For now. Yami; yes don't get your hopes up. [i] A big boom shook up the area.[/i] Yami: I hate it when I'm right. [i] Out of shadows came one big humanoid robot followed by a few normal robots.[/i] Yami: I say take out easier ones first the take out big boy here last.
  23. Veemon: Digivolve to...Exveemon. Exveemon: i'll try to do this. Yami: you can do it. Exveemon: EXVEEMON digivolve to............ [i] Exveemon began glowing as he became......[/i] AeroVeedramon: Aeroveedramon. Yami: No mercy AeroVeedramon. AeroVeedramon: V-wing BLADE. [i] He sent a slahs into Devimon. He yelped in pain and knocked aeroVeedramon back[/i] Yami: He dosen't look happy if only I could spirit evolve like Leigh, and David. Then I could help..........
  24. Name:Tavis Age: 15 When you met Digimon: 2 years ago Personallity: Nice guy to know sometimes he likes to work alone. Is a bit stubborn. Background: Travis was born in the same negihborhood as most of the people who stopped the Equinox. a couple years later he met Terriermon who told him everything. At school he's a quiet one with a few good friends. He has gold hair blue eyes. A red Atari shirt and jeans. With some nike shoes. Digimon Rookie: Terriermon Champion: Gargomon Ultimate: Rapidmon Mega: n/a Biomerge: MegaGargomon
  25. Well if you guys didn't see the promo PIPER (forgot 1st 2 words for his name) is going to be on Smackdown next week.
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