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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. [i] Zach saw something up ahead[/i] Zach: I wish I knew what it was but anyway whatever it is must be letting me in. [i] After his ship enters waterver the thing Zach took a walk down the hallyway only to be attack by some kind of hedgehog.[/i] Zach: Who the heck are you? ??: I'm Nirto the hedgehog made from the... Zach: CHAOS EMERALDS ! Nirto: Correct. Ok no more time for talk t's time to die. [i] And at a spilit second Zach was knocked to the ground by a homing attack from Nitro[/i] Nitro: Weakling!
  2. OoC: Uh i used a rocket pod from the blown up metal harbor on prison island. IC: [i] Zach is in the pod still wonder if it works.[/i] Zach: Wonder if this thing stil lworks. [i] And then all of a sudden the pod blasts off into space.[/i] Zach: Now I wonder what space is like?
  3. I play Super smash, Sonic, and WMx8 Waiting for Mario, Freestyle, and Meteroid.
  4. [i]as he charges to Zeedmiluummon he gets only one good hit withg his saber before being knocked back really far[/i] Ultridramon: Come on we need to find a way to shake this guy. Omegamon: Yeah but how [i] Just then Ultridramon remembered what Piximon said together they can defeat all [/i] Ultridramon: We need to combine ALL our powers Omegamon: But Renamon shes..... Ultridramon: Yeah but don't forget her spirits cn make us stronger. Omegamon: Ok lets do this.
  5. I got 289 (going to blockbuster to rent pikmin save get the trophy delete return pikimin and wait) yesterday and will have 290 next week also rumor is here besides mario and samus there are 3 other secret trophies. But the rumor hasen't been confirmed as true.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]Lol G/s/b, I doubt little bishoff could put HBK threw a car window!lol [/B][/QUOTE] He probably got the island boys to do it. Cause he's to busy trying to be enertained!:drunk:
  7. GotenksSSJ343


    I liked that 360 between the legs slam dunk and if you watched after there actually 2 games. Schratn you never know what might happen in a few weeks or months.
  8. I could help in gaming because thats what usally do play video games and sticking my face in the moniter on my nice computer.
  9. Zeedmillummon: Come on weaklings just bring it. Ultridramon: Meta force [i] As the attack fires Ultridramon runs right behind it with sword ready to slash.[/i]
  10. Those were awesome execpt ooh soft was a bit odd???
  11. Also another WWEx8 thing that was missing besides alot of wrestlers (hardcore holly, X-Pac,Rey mysterio Jr.) Thers no six man tag, backstage matches, Three hell in the cell cages and you could'nt jump from a ladder inside the ring to the outside or vice versa. CAW was bad with not enough moves or entrance music. Also the fighting music sounds like something I heard on an elevater. The only thing keeps me on this game is multiplayer and battle for the belts.
  12. Before i start i'd like to say if you get all 180 emblems ( beating all missions chao races and chao karate, and boss time attack for hero dark and all) you unlock something cool but im not spoiling it. 1) Mystic melody is only needed on the third mission where you find the missing chao you play them by a shrine and something appears or happens. 2). Biolizard is the ultimate life form created by Gerald robotinik (eggmans grandfather). It was made for destruction of the earth when they (or should i say the military G.U.N) shot down her grandaughter Maria. In Shadows mind he thought Maria died hating Earth but she wanted him to help them because she knew somehow what her grandfather was doing. Finally depending on if you beat the race/battle on dark side (as Shadow) or on Hero Side (as Sonic) you get diffrent endings but im not telling you but if your desperate to know (i beat the game already) PM me. Also I've got helpful hints on the biolizard. (hard as heck your darn right) First hit: Ok at the beginning you watch out for his head biting you or his tail hitting you. When he stops to regenerate or gain energy grind the rail that has the little lights flying threw it then homing atttack the life support system. (Glowing red thing also while grinding you can barely hearing the lyrics to this battle song yes someones singing) Second: this may be harder because this biolizard goes faster and he may fire the enrgy balls now if the ball goes low jump if the ball goes high somersault or do it the risky way jump from one end to the other as it fires then while it recharges grind and attack the life support system. Third hit: Finish this your halfway done now mister lizard gets smart he attacks fast and fires those balls fast, and after you dodge them (look above to find out how) for the last time grind and attack. Hit four: This ones tricky. first he either trys to bite you really fast or shoot those blasts super FAST! Dodge them the he yells like a baby but this isn't a diaper change after it yeall tons of eegs apear. Now first thought is how do i get up there. answer homing attack the eggs and when you homing attack an egg high enough land on the life system and it will damage him. How? well after yo homing attack you still have you orange shield. (you play as shadow for this boss) Fifth hit: All i can say is good luck because you have to dodge super fast blast and do the egg jump again but this time the eggs fire at you. Sixth hit: Your almost home but you'll need alot of luck (and rings) ok this time biolizards not to happy right now and he'll show his angry with super snoci fast blasts dodge them at will (have 4 or more rings to make it out alive). After that you start floating odd he changed the gravity but now you have to float past those eggs, (DO NOTY TOUCH THEM YOU WILL LOSE YOUR RINGS AND POSSIBALY LOSE THE BATTLE) after that and you get close to the life suport system homing attack and you killed him saved the ark from crashing into earth. Or have you. Like I said PM me if you want to know the ending of the hero or dark story the beginnging and ending orf the secret story and what hapens after you beat the biolizard. After most of you finish biolizard i'll tell the next part of the trouble
  13. Angle was a good face for awhile then it got old but i hope he beats the crap out of Brock !
  14. Y2J good your confusing me? he almost busted flair open with that chair!
  15. Ooc: ok im coming back from the dead with omegamons help lets just use a warp portal and beat up the true evil like another myotismon resserection ic: [i]Omegamon begins glowing and becomes a rookie then mega to bring back Ultridranon[/i] Ultidramon:Thanks i owe you one. Omegamon: no pro...... [i] Then a black portal sucks them up and all of there friends except for renamon who was dead and this is known to nobody yet[/i] ???mon welcome to my lair you punnie digimon and you welcome to your last place alive.
  16. Beniot will pay for cheating!! Espicalliy when after the match RVD for about a minute telling the ref hehad his feet on the ropes but as annoying as some refs are he(the ref) shook his head and slide out. Well i have 6 people who coukd've done the HBK inncident. 1. Big Show. 2.Goldberg!? 3. Stone Cold 4. The UNamericans 5. Jericho. 6. (don't flame me people im just predicting but I still think he rules.) Sting?! Also Eric Bischoff thought HHH did it!?! So for that HHH told him to F off. Another thing has anybody seen or heard from Kane or Scott Hall lately, I havent seen them on RAW.
  17. I go back in September. And i miss the school food. I MISS SCHOOL!! [i] 1 hour later[/i] Nurse: Paging Dr. Freeman the school loving boy is now in ER.
  18. Ooc: No need to yell about it, his full name is Dr. Ivo Eggman Robotnik I believe. So everybody stop yelling! Back on topic now. IC: [i] Zach turns on the controls and the rocket launches in space as he gets closer he sees a base of some sort.[/i] Zach: what is that!? [i] As Zach pod gets closer and closer he begins to get more curious and then he ejects his seat and quickly starts climbing up the walls and busts open a door with dynamite.[/i] Zach: I sence the chaos emeralds but there fused with something. I must hurry. [i]Zach begins running down a hallway trying to get to whtever is making his emrald sences go off.[/i]
  19. Ultridramon: ok mr dark tamer whoes behind this darkness. ???: grins you'll ne live to know . [i] At a blink of an eye he is stabbed from a dark digimon from behind him. when ultridramon turns around all he sees is a dark shadow. Ultdramon: omegamon get out of now. Omegamon: But... ultridramon:Just go! ???: ???mon destroy this filth I must go to the master. ???mon: *nods* Ultridramon: I may not know who you are but you won't live to tell anybody.META FORCE [i] Aims his cannon at himself and the huge blast destroys the rest of his dissapearing data and the unkown digimon or did it after the smoked clear the evil digimon was still standing but Ultridramon was gone as his remaining arm was reconfigured.[/i] ??mon i will................. [i] the dark digimon was also now dieing because omegamon stab him with the same sword.[/i] ???mon: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *??mon was reconfigured and his data dissapeared*
  20. [i] Since no one noticed he was there he jumped up and glided away.[/i] Zach: Wonder where Knuckles could be? [i] Then he saw in the ocean pieces of metal from metal harbor when prison island was blown up.[/i] Zach: What the...........is that a rocket pod. [i] As he dropped to the ground he got in the floating pod in the ocean.[/i] Zach: Wonder if this thing still works.
  21. [i] Zach is gliding in the air above the city and sees what he heard looked like the airplane called the tornado. Begins falling don to the city and lands infront of the airplane.[/i] Zach: Your Miles Prowler arn't you because if you are can you tell me where to find Knuckles. I'm Zachary I used to be in Echidona the tribe with Knuckles. Tails: actually I'm Tails and i don't know were Knuckles is. Zach: Oh I know but do you know were he last was after the colony ark almost crashed into earth. Tails: Why do you need to meet him so badly. Zach: It's about the chaos emeralds there being used to create something. [i] then looks at Rouge's Emerald[/i] . Zach: *to himself* I wonder if thats the cursed emerald
  22. [i] omegamon helps Ultridramon up [/i] ultridramon: Lets combine attacks. Omegamon: ok. [i] After combineing there attacks Daemon and Satamon begin to disapear then there data is reconfigured.[/i] Ultridramon and Omegamon: *dedigivolve*
  23. NAME: Zach the Echdina (sp?) Good Animal: echdnia Apperance: Like Knuckles but orange. Personality: Very nice would willling to be friends with helping people. Bio: Unkown. Abilities: All of Knuckles but has a more faster and more powerful glide.
  24. *starts running towards Daemon* Ultridramon: Come on! lets get this over with!*takes out his blasters. Ultridramon:Ready Daemon:Come out my friend. Human:Yes daemon my partener. Ultridramon: what you have a tamer Human: Enough talk digi modify BlackWargreymon terradestroyer activate. Daemon: Terra Destroyer. [i] The attack hits Ultridramon knocking him out easly.[/i] Ultridramon: Someone get the number one that truck.
  25. Ultridramon: Double Sword Slash [i] Slashes with a lightsaber and knight sword.[/i] Daemon: ARGGGGGHH [i] Daemon smacks Ultridramon in the head. Then satamon comes along.[/i] Ultridramon: Uh- oh double the trouble. *Blocks daemon's attack* Ultridramon: I'll take on Daemon. Omegamon: Ok I've got Satamon. [i] They both start running towards their opponents.[/i]
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