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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. That show is very funny I just recently watched the last 2 epis there great and funny except fort a few skits.
  2. ??mon in his mind: XVM: I'll try *they dedigivolve * Exveemon: warp digivolve to............ Ultridramon!
  3. well first you cant have two people play together in path of a champ but in multiplayer highlight the comp name and tap up or down with the control stick to make it 2P 3P 4P or evn 1P. But as far as the moves and backstage fighting goes I enjoy x8 and hope x9 is better. Note: TLC and Hell in the Cell keep me from calling this game boring.
  4. you raise them and use them to race or fight untill the evolve into good or evil chao then they go to the good or evil chao garden but thats about it.
  5. *is staring at the big screen of stitch and when is commanded to leave just keeps staring* Must watch Stitch must watch Stitch the Austin powers and Master of Disguise MibII and the matrix II Note: don't forget Spy Kids II coming out early august.
  6. *Dedigivolves* Veemon: what do we do now. Apocomon:Don't know how about....... [i] A Mammothmon comes in and attacks veemon and Apocomon[/i] Veemon: Veemon digivolve to....Exveemon Exveemon: want to dance ok lets dance, Apocomon lets DNA digivolve.
  7. Stitch: Don't forget cute and fluffly *laughs* *Everyone stares* *cough cough cough Goldmemeber, MIBII,MatrixII, and Country Bears Cough*
  8. [i] Exveemon is fling towards the closing portal when Piximon tosses his staff in to hole it open.[/i] Piximon: Go without me. Exveemon: Ok But I'll be back I promise. [i] Exveemon goes through the portal and lands on the ground by Apocomon and guilmon.[/i] Exveemon: Am I in the real world?
  9. [i] that afternoon[/i] Zach: Well it looks like it's gonna rain soon. Michael: Well should the water and grass Pokemon go out and have fun. Zach: No I sence it it's going to be a very strong one. Michael: Are you sure? Zach: Oh yeah I'm sure. [i] the quietly Zach said.[/i] Zach: I'm sure a Mewtwo is at the work of the storm. only it's power could make up a storm this powerful for me to sence.
  10. OOC: Uh theres a mixup I'm in a cave doing training from piximon everybody just wanted to clear that up. It says me doing that around page 11 IC: [i] Veemon continues to walk in the cave[/i] Veemon: I wonder why Piximon sent me in here? [i] Then he sees a flashback in the cave of him as a little veemon [/i] DemiDevimon: You could never digivolve if your data depened on it. Veemon: Yeah I could. DemiDevimon: Then prove it because I can. *digivoles to devidramon* Veemon: *digivolves but still can* I can't. [i] The actuall Veemon watched then knowing the only reason he couldn't digivolve was because i wasn't ready but later when I was I was to sad that I hid it from others who would help.[/i] Veemon when Devidramon left laughing said to his younger self:Hey don't give you have to keep trying. Young veemon: Really! *begins glowing* Veemon: Really *also glows* [i] And at the same time they digivolved.[/i] Young Veemon and older Veemon: VEEMON DIGIVOLE TO......................EXVEEMON. Young exveemon: Yay I did it I did *walks off in a mysterious fog* Exveemon: Yeah I digivolved too. Now lets get going. [i] Exveemon then flew out out of the cave.[/i]
  11. [i] After 2 days of hard training[/i] Piximon: Come on one more then you can eat lunch. Veemon: 1999......2000 [i] Veemon falls back and then is able to eat lunch[/i] Piximon: We must finish training quickly I sence the dark lord may be coming. You must join together with your friends for then togther with your combined powers you may all be able to digivolve to a form more power then mega or so the legend says. Veemon: Well what if I'm not ready but I know I cando it. Piximon; I shall come with you to help you and your friends. But first you must complete your last seesion of training. By going through the cave and finding you way back. Veemon: Let's go [i] Begins walking to the cave.[/i]
  12. [i] Veemon laying in the woods is mumbling to himself[/i] Veemon: Why did they help me I'm just a weakling. [i] Gets up and starts walking sees the others but keeps walking untill he gets to a run-down city[/i] Veemon: Well whats this ???MON: Hello Veemon: Who is it. Piximon: Me Piximon Veemon: The great Piximon I thought you died. Piximon: Yes, but I was sent back to primary village. Veemon: Oh, could you trian me? Piximon: Sure but it will be hard and painful sometimes. Veemon: Don't worry I'll be ready
  13. *hails minime* All hail minime!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm definately seeing this movie no matter what if I get beaten up I'm going, if I get sick I'm going because i must see minime.
  14. Two that drives me mad is in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle during biolizard after the 3 hit he gets so cheap firing the balls a top speed and then i have to homing all the way to the top which I useally mess up becasue one of those eggs hit me. Also those tentacle monsters are a pain especially in the Crazy Gaget level for Hero side. Another one is Wrestlemania 8x When I'm going for a belt (except for tag team title) in the triple threat matchs i make one false move and both the computers go after me it's also the same thing in Fatal 4 Way. But the ladder/ TLC matches ARRRGGGGHH they pisss me off bad.
  15. [i] Veemon once again woke up from a dream about some virus digimon telling him he would never be able to digivolve.When he left he heard voices........his friends he looked to his left and he saw them coming to what looked liked a recent battle then........ ................[/i] Devidramon: *after hitting Veemon and sails in the air and lands in front of everybody* Im Back!! Veemon: You!! Devidramon : Don't you remeber it's DemiDevimon. Veemon: Yeah now I remeber your the one. Devidramon: Yep and you still look as weak as I saw you. Veemon: I'll make you eat those words. Vee-headbutt [i] Veemon sails into Devidramon but Devidramon counter knocking him back.[/i] Renamon: Let us help. Veemon: No I can do this my....... [i] Devidramon smacked him so hard he flew about 30 yards back as his data almost looked like dissapearing.[/i] Devidramon: Well goodbye weakling. [i] Devidramon fires a huge blast of dark energy towards where veemons knocked out.[/i]
  16. [i] Starts running in the forest alone and is now being chased by a devidramon[/i] Veemon: BAD DAY ! [i] Then trips over a rock and starts sliding down a dirt hill while Devidramon lost track of him when he fell of the cliff and landed on the ground infront of Apocomon and Renamon. [/i] Apocomon: You ok. Veemon: Yeah but that Devimons gonna pay dearly. [i] then Veemon passes out[/i]
  17. [b] 4:00 in Mystic City[/b] Zach: Well little bro want to fight this trainer. Michael: Yeah! Trainer: OK! [i] The trainer tosses out his first pokemon a dotrio. And Michael uses his Feraligater.[/i] Michael: Spout use Hyro Pump Spout: Ferali! [i] Spout sends out a powerfull blast of water almost knocking Dotrio out of the ring.[/i] Trainer: Dotrio Tri beam. [i] Dotrio fired a beam of ice fire and electricity at Spout. Spout was able to dodge the fire and ice blast but the electric one hit him down and he was knocked out.[/i] Michael: Return Spout go Biggs. [i] Spout goes in his ball and Biggs ,an Electrode, comes out.[/i] Micheal: Biggs tunder. Electrode: *glows yellow and fires electric energy at Dotrio.* Dotio in pain: TRIOOOOOOOOOOOOO [i] Passes out [/i] Trainer: NO! Dotrio return. Go Quilava. [i] Quilava comes out and quickly uses Flame Wheel [/i] Michael: Elctrode Explosion. {i] Electrode while charging all his energy rolled by Quilava dodging the attack then blowing up knocking him and Quilava out. Both trianers called back their pokemon then Michael sent out Kadabra and the trainer sen out sadly Arbok and as soon as Arbok cam out it used poisen sting when Kadabra finished it off with Psybeam[/i] Ref: Winner Michael! Michael: YAY!!!! Zach: Good job little bro I think your ready but when the time is right you can be the gym leader. Trainer after calling back Arbok: Good match. Michael: Yeah you too. [i] Then Michael hugged his Kadabra[/i] Kadabra haply: KADABRA [i] And held his spoon high in the air.[/i]
  18. Well my mother saw the book MIB2 at the book store and said if I was going to see the movie I had to read the book why it's always diffrent from the movie. But anyway I'm halfway through and it's very good.
  19. Oh now why didn't I think of that. *smackshimself*
  20. Don't worry c_l they'll show up somewhere.
  21. I got one it's called Star Wars Young Jedi Knights Series there's Six so far I believe you can get it at Borders or another book store. It's after Episode VI And (spoiler about book) Han Solo and Leia have twins Jaina (girl) and Jacen (boy) But thats all iIm saying, and it's pretty good so far. I could say more but I don't like spoiling.
  22. Well you never know untill there's proof.
  23. Shadow? maybe it's a shadowmon??? Well Gallantmon finally agrees that i am his tamer and he'll tell my mom that he's a real digimon from the show i watch sadly....... *hears his mom screaming* Uh-oh better get gallantmon before my mom passes out *swipes a downgrade card so gallantmon dedigivolves to guilmon and runs for him*
  24. I don't really mind saying the pledge since I follow god (in my religion (sp) in all with the ten commandments and the 1st commandment. "I'm your only god you shall never have any strange Gods before me". That one just made me think why they took under God out of the pledge it's only one verse to say and it's not going to kill you. But some people (and I agree with some of this) say that it's ok to say that you omit the line because it's freedom of speech. But I also think if it wasn't for god (or evolution if not god but I doubt that.) we wouldn't be alive.
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