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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. [i]After eating breakfest Zach began thinking maybe he should stop bein gym leader after he found a group of trainers strong enough to beat him besides Sonic who as from the first town of your pokemon journey. Zach was from the second town. But he was tired of being not that he didn't like anyone he likedhis fmily and the happy and skilled trianers alot it was just that he wanted to go on his journey to find a pokemon he believed he could catch, Articuno the ledgendary bird. He knew it was a legend but he believed that with the other pokemon he heard a rumor about being created was Mewtwo would be a less hard opponent. Sadly though except his brother who he thought was almost ready to be the gym leader was not ready untill he evolved his Gloom and it's not easy to find a leaf stone so otherwise no one in Mystic City had the skills to become the gym leader so Zach waited for his brother to come back from Blossom Town. Untill then he'd battle aganst all chalengers.[/i]
  2. Yeah now Gallantmons stop fighting after I saved his behind against blackwargreymon. By swiping a Wargreymon card and using Terra Force.
  3. That movie was great the Lexus (if thats the cars name) was sweet I hope in the future they have those to drive that'll be sweet.
  4. Have a great marrige and life with Mr. Macaiodh. Congrats!!!! :) :)
  5. Ok tha was to much hatered for me the movie was very nice for me I came out happy so you people who just say loads of I hate this sucky movie junk I don't care what you say I liked the movie and I like the Scooby Doo show and etc. Anyway back on topic. The movie was great. Uh can't spoil it for some people who haven't seen it but everyone did very well except that part where .................wait I'm about to spoil it *zips mouth shut and stays that way.*
  6. Uh I don't know maybe we should wait for someone to answer. Oh yeah another guess is Asuramon????? I give up.
  7. God the darn Biolizard's getting me ticked of how can I get past those big blasts of energy.
  8. YAY!!! Veemon: YAY!!!!!! All digimon: YAY!!!!!!!! Veemon: I beat up Jedimon. Jedimon: No you didn't. Veemon: Yes I did Jedimon: No! Veemon:Yes! *sighs and continues reading his book "So you can't stop your Digimon from arguing."*
  9. Yeah compromising is always the better alternative just that [i]some[/i] people around the world have to figure it out the hard way or just go to war lose alot of people when you can just make a simple non bloody killing deal/compromise except in WW2.
  10. [i] Later that morinng Zach was challenged by another trainer.[/i] Zach: So who are you? ???: I'm Sonic from Blossom Town. Zach: Ok what kind of battle should we do. Sonic: One pokèmon's fine with me. Ref: Then it's offical a one on one battle between the gym leader Zach and the challenger Sonic. Lets begin. Zach: Go Quilava![i]tosses out a ball and Quilava comes out[/i] Sonic: Go Knuckles [i] Another ball is thrown and a Scyther comes out. Sonic: Knuckles Sword Dance [i]Knucles uses Sword Dance and his Attack goes up. After that Quilava uses ember and Syther then uses thrash as quilava gets tosse out.[/i] Zach: Quilava !! Are you ok!? Quilava*is knocked out* Ref : The winner is sonic. Sonic: YAY [i] Then he notices Quilava[/i] is he gonna be ok? Zach: Don't worry oh here it's a mystic badge now any pokèmon up to level 39 will obey you it's also the badge to get you onto the pokèmon league.[i] Gives sonic the badge and picks up Quilava as he slowly gives him revive and super poitions.[/i] Zach: Don't worry you'll be ok just get some rest [i]and puts Quilava in the 7 bed for each of his 7 pokemon. quilava stays quiet becasue next door warturtle is snoozing away[/i] Zach: Well time for breakfest.
  11. Hey DO NOT DISS THE TAMERS THEY RULE AND ALWAYS WILL oh yeah theres no such word as awesomer you could say better but back on topic. Well after beating Devimon when he's about to be deleted half his body just freezes there and stays. Then I push a button and he dies completely and I got to see Calumon again! YAY! Then finally my team digivolved to champions.
  12. [b] The Attack[/b] [i] Later that day he got shoot and when he turned around from where the bullet cam after deflectin it a person flew up and away so Zach continued towards the jedi temple with a question in his mind who was that? When he got there he looked up files on the bullet[/i] Zach: So it was an assasin well now to find out who he is. [i] Starts typing when it comes up empty info about who's bullet that was.[/i] Zach: Well it looks like it will take awhile for me to find this assasin of mine. [i] So Zach walked off to the temple meanwhile on the other end of the city[/i] ???: I tried shooting the jedi but I missed. ???: Don't worry we'll get him we'll get them all! :evil: Muhahahahahahah!
  13. It's stupid to shoot someone for the heck of it actually it's not stupid it's insanity.
  14. Uh- oh hey everybody I got this from an articile read the bold [b]Teen exodus body-slams ratings By John Dempsey NEW YORK (Variety) - The Rock has gone to the movies, Stone Cold Steve Austin is on ice and huge numbers of teenage boys have turned away from World Wrestling Entertainment's (WWE) signature primetime shows "Raw Is War" and "Smackdown." The Nielsen numbers have body-slammed Vince McMahon, chairman of WWE, and his wife Linda, the CEO. For the first 5-1/2 months of the year, "Smackdown," has lost 35% of its 12-to-17-year-old males compared with the same period in 2001. The show, UPN's two-hour bellwether Thursday at 8, has also seen its household ratings fall by 10%. For "Raw Is War," which airs on TNN Mondays from 8 to 10, the desertion rate in males 12-17 is 19% year to year. The decline in households is 6%. "With the Rock making like Arnold Schwarzenegger on the big screen, the WWE doesn't have the big-draw, marquee wrestler to keep the kids enthralled," said Garnett Losak, VP and director of programming for Petry Media, which represents TV-station clients in their programming decisions. While the Rock's career is soaring (Universal's "Scorpion King" has grossed more than $90 million in U.S. theaters), Steve Austin, another star wrestler, walked out after a disagreement with the WWE and then got into hot water with the San Antonio cops for allegedly beating up his wife Debra, who's also his manager. Another problem for the WWE is that the attention span of teenage boys keeps getting shorter and shorter. "You've got extreme sports like the X Games drawing young men, reality shows like 'American Idol' and 'Dog Eat Dog' cropping up all over the place and a whole array of video games," said David Carter, a principal in the Los Angeles-based Sports Business Group. Bill Carroll, VP and director of programming for Katz Television, another TV-station rep firm, said UPN's dropoff is attributable, at least in part, to tougher competition on Thursday from CBS's "Survivor" and "CSI," both big hits that have attracted some of the "Smackdown" viewers. Overall, "The declines by the WWE don't appear to be any more drastic than the declines we're seeing across all sports," Carroll said, adding that he uses the word "sport" advisedly since all of the matches follow a preordained script devised by a cadre of writers on the WWE payroll. But David Carter is still convinced that "the McMahons are going to have to develop new talent and manufacture new personalities" -- which is precisely what the WWE is doing, according to the federation's exec VP and chief marketing officer Julie Hoffman. She cites the casting under way for the third cycle of 13 episodes of the MTV primetime series "Tough Enough," which puts wrestling candidates through "Survivor"-type challenges, with the winner landing a contract with the WWE. The WWE has two other outlets for the incubation of new talent, both weekly hours on TNN: "WWE Velocity" Saturday at 10 p.m., leading into "WWE Confidential" at 11. Hoffman said the WWE's goal is to make "Raw" and "Smackdown" into two distinct programs, each drawing on its own stable of wrestlers, with very little cross-pollination between the two. The cross-pollination will occur with the monthly pay-per-view events, featuring grudge matches between the stars of "Raw" and the stars of "Smackdown." A well-promoted PPV wrestling extravaganza will typically gross between $10 million and $20 million, according to statistics published by SET Pay Per View. But if "Raw" and "Smackdown" continue to experience Nielsen erosion, Carroll said Vince McMahon will go all out to get the viewers back. "McMahon is a master at adapting to changing circumstances," Carroll said. "He's not only a showman, but one of the savviest marketers in the business." [/b] Stone Cold beat up his wife and now he got ran over it's going crazy in the WWE unless this is all a piece of trash.
  15. Oh yeah I love that part what about the one we're that woman that worked for the news company with some guy planned for her to be mugged and when adam beat up th guy silly at the end she mouths "sorry" that was funny.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B] LOL! yes it does! LOL! I know some people that rap... think that they are good at it, recorded them into a tape. sold it to everyone im my class without even listening to it first, and made comeplete idiots out of themselves! no, really, it was terrible. didn't really even have a beat to it. [/B][/QUOTE] Really Oh my god LOL!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I feel sorry for them in a nice try do better next time way but that's funny.
  17. Uh beats me ??? I guess i'm the only one that was noticing.
  18. to and fro though me and opposites uh harpymon?
  19. Wars is bad no matter what the cause because in war people die and especially when you launch bombs and just start shooting battles in cities because you can't decide who lives or who dies it just kills everything in its path. Now I see why we went in WW2 we hate Hitler. But Vietnam was just a waste of time and we lost alot of men out there and now were at of one of those wars today were we have to stop somebody from killing more innocent people which I think is right to blame some countries for attacking us. But right now people thinking lets blow up Bin Laden and his friends plus his country. those people who think getting revenge by blowing up all the countries that attacked us are not thinking right to me beacuse the action of one leads some people into hateing the race of all the people just because of that one or couple person/people.
  20. Digimon: Veemon Attack: vee head-butt Digivolution: Exveemon- AeroVeedramon- Ultridramon (fic) Exveemon attacks: Exvee laser AeroVeedramon: V-wing blade Ultridramon: Double sword slash, meta force, double blasters , lightsaber slash
  21. It's not eww it's yummmmmmmmmmmmm. :) :tasty::tasty::tasty: Also I'd like to have a sink that soda comes out and I'd also like to own a McDonalds if I had that much money.:tasty: :tasty: :tasty:
  22. Yeah Lance (the guy who was working for brotherhood but people acted weird around him because he's white) killed some butt I mean he practically ripped out all the bodyparts out of those guys who called him a sissy and he flattened a head of one of them. Even though it's harder to squish someones head that fast in real life.
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