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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. I saw two of the three new pokemon on my magazine GameNow. One was looking like a bird with a skull head and another looked lik a ledyba with adjustments and additude.
  2. 2 more days I can't take it anymore I'm gonna blow up if I don't get some real 9 hours of sleep. Friday we got to go home early because of some sewage backup in our school from what alot of poeple are saying we may not have school monday so then tht leads to summer. *dances*
  3. Name: Zach Mcloud Age: 23 Race: Human Class: Jedi Weopans; Green duel lightsaber Gold double ended lightsaber Ships: Gold Falcon ( like the millennium falcon but with some adjustments) and a speeder (kept in ship) Bio: At a young age Zach Mclouds parents were killed by remaining sith he promised he would meet them some how again and was trained by Michael Mukato untill ready for his trial. After he tested him four days later he was killed by bounty hunters it turned out they where following them the whole time as villagers as the trined on a humid yet windy planet. Now Zach is training to becaome a pilot but still is hoping to be a great Jedi Master. Personalitiy: helps others in need is vey calm and powerful with the force.
  4. *panics * There's to many It's all to confusing. HELP ME UNDERSTAND ALL THIS INFO OR I'M GONNA BLOW! Veemon: *smacks his head with his golf club* Thanks I needed that Veemon *picks the club up again* *eyes drop open* No more no more I get it! Darkmoon I think your first one is uh Myotismon also.
  5. [i]3 years after Takato and the tamers save the real world from the D-reaper 4 dark tamers come to the digital world with there digimon BlackWargreymon (this ones pure evil people not the dead S2 one) Metalmeramon, SkullMamothmon,Millenniummon, ChaosPiedmon, (just like piedmon just diffrent attacks) DarkGargomon, and Blackomnimon (fic digimon) destroy most of the digital world and make it ther own. Back in the real world a boy name Zach Matsuko is walking whne he see's a portal.............a digital one he remembered well the Digimon that destroyed the D-reaper so he was atonished to find a portal to the digital world he quickly ran home grabed some thing s and came back to the portal when he got there a digivice and a shadow was there when the shadow came into the light it was a Guilmon and it claimed to be his partner. So the Guilmon told him about the tamers and they went through the portal to the digimon world. When they got there it was destruction and dry land a little Veemon and a digimon called Jedimon (fic) came up to them and wanted to join them to beat the tamers. so they set of on a new journey. Ok this is what you need to fill out. Name: Zach Matsuko Age: 12 (optional) Digivce info:D-arc and it's Crystal Digimon: Guilmon, veemon, and Jedimon (you may have up to 3 ) Digimon info: Veemon>Exveemon>AreoVeedramon>Ultridramon Guilmon>Growlmon>Wargrowlmon>Gallantmon Padawanmon>YoungJedimon>Jedimon>WarJedimon (Attakcs may be posted if wanted) Bio: Zach Matsuko was born in Tokyo and loved digimon at a young age when he got older and saw that digimon were real he kept wishing he had one untill know. Personallity: Nice and likes to have new friends and is sometimes sensitve and explodes his anger. 1. You may battle other digimon that are evil. 2. Your digimon may come back as an egg then a baby if it's data is not asorbed. 3.Calumon may be a digimon fighting on your team. 4. No cheapness like destroying all the dark tamers digimo in one hit take some damage give some back. 5. You may fight other tamers. Well thats it untill we have some poeple who want to play.
  6. Thphylosion(sp?)=Flare Togetic=zach mewtwo=Ness Growlithe=Roy Suicune=Marth Squirtle= Sting And as soon as squirtle and growlithe evolve i'm done pokèmon crystal.
  7. Anybody heard about the new Tony haek Pro skater 4 i got one pick thats coming for the gamecube version and after looking at it and reading about the game when it comes out, I said to myself GET THAT GAME [url]http://www.game-revolution.com/previews/screens/xbox/thps_4/thps_4_gc1b.jpg[/url]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]Yeah, we already discussed the AOTC novel. It would have been nice if all the scenes in the book had been in the movie. I found the book very descriptive and a very good read. I thought that the scenes in the book were a lot better thought put and better portrayed in the book then in the movie. In gereral I thought the book was way better than the movie. What did you like about it? [/B][/QUOTE] I still haven't been able to buy it yet. But has anyone heard of the Jedi Aprentice series? I think it's good so far.
  9. Anakin: No problem [i] They continue walking and searching [/i] Anakin: So I'll really be a Jedi if i pass the trials. Obi-wan: Yes but they won't be easy my padawan. Anakin: I know but I'll be ready. [i]Stops walking[/i] Anakin: But wonders me is who is trying to kill Padme? Obi-wan: Don't worry well find out eventually well find out.
  10. OoC: Uh ok that was odd? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i] When the sun rises everybodys up and a bit worried [/i] Anakin: So master shall we be going. Obi-wan: Let's go. [i]An hour later Obi-wan and Anakin are still searching but unkown to them a few thousand steps ahead Sandpeople (Tusken Raiders) are marching there way as the do so they howl a battle cry[/i] Obi-wan: Someones head of us. Anakin: Sand people they liked to shoot people down in podraces I wonder what there doing out here. Obi-wan: Either way we must stay alert.
  11. Ooc: Sorry im late had exams to study for. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anakin: Yes, Tatoonie it is but we should take public transport to stay unoticed. Obi-Wan: Alright lets get going. [i] Everyone in a fast pace begin getting ready and when they're ready to go.......[/i] Anakin: Wait a minute wasn't R2 with us [i] looks around [/i] I thought he was with us?
  12. Actually i like the Lakers *runs to a bomb shelter and hides* only because Shaq's on the team thats all .
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Padme Amidala [/i] [B] Yeah, yeah, I know I'm double posting.... By the way, you CAN be Anakin, I never told anyone that they couldn't....Just make sure you don't get shy with the "love dialogue" cuz I want it GRAPHIC! And good...not some quick crap like, "wow you have twins." and Anakin leaves...that's lame....We NEED an Anakin for the story anyway!:box: [/B][/QUOTE] Uh, okay?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]Padme dont u have Anakin, id rather u have him then the other guy, no offence [/B][/QUOTE] Hey!!:mad: :mad: Fine then !! Name: Zach Mcloud Age: 23 Speicies: Human jedi: Yes Weapon: Green duel lightsaber, blue reagular lightsaber, and gold double ended lighsaber. Ship: X Mcloud 2345 Description: Like millennium falcon only smaller. Also a sppeder Bio: Born on tatooine and trianed by Mace Windu after being taken by a bounty hunter and escaping Zach is very powerful of the force and is a great Jedi knight. Description (of myself): Blue eyes gold hair and brown jedi robes. P.S: I'm to tired to complain about you not wanting me to be anakin scrachen9 so I'll just forget it. Veemon: WHAT YOU CAN"T LET THAT CHEAPSKATE....... Shush you!! Veemon: :flaming:
  15. Name: Anakin Skywalker Age: 18 or 19 ( I think) Weapons: Blue lightsaber. Species: Human Bio: Following Obi-Wan through the clone wars after his apprentice Anakins very powerful with the force believeing he is the chosen one.
  16. This will be great. Also I agree that the N64 version stunk so I can't wait to get it after I get wrestlemania 18.
  17. I think that they are worth it. Sure there cheap at times but still you need it to complete the game. Also if a guy came with 6 mewtwos and I lost, like a good sport I congrat him and try harder next time. The only pokemon that are cheaters are celiba and mew because you have to use gameshark to get them unless you enter a contest. Also knowing that the legendaries are hard to catch but there nice rosters to your team for when you face the elite (or if you'd rather train all pokemon thats your descision). My point is that legendary pokèmon are not cheap there either worth it or not worth it, it depends on the trainer perspective.
  18. jigglypuff does NOT suck because if you used B down attack at the right time it's almost an auto KO.
  19. Ooc: Ok if I read everything correctly then. ---------------------------------------------------------- Zach: So how should we be able to fight the droids. I mean we are keepers of the peace not soldiers. Mace: We'll need an army. Zach: From where? [i] There's a quick moment of silence then.[/i] Zach: Well I must go grab my speeder if you need help....[i] tosses a comlink to Mace[/i]........call me I answer and come back. [i] Then Zach begins walking to the spot where he let his speeder drop.[/i]
  20. oOc: if this post is wrong ban me from here. I will deserve it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [i] Walks up to the man.[/i] Zach: Are you a sith? [i] The man dosen't answer. Then sees Lauren,Ginco, and Lalaith.[/i] Zach: Why won't you answer? [i]He still dosen't answer.[/i] [i] Zach unown if Lauren,Lalaith, and Ginco are ok says telepathicaly[/i] Zach Telepathically: Everyone ok?
  21. Ooc:lets get started ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]As his speeder kicks up some dust Zach goes to the dock where he sees jedi and their padawans.[/i] Zach: What Hapened Yoda: Ginco and Lauren are prisoners they are. [i]Zach jumps on his speeder and starts his engines.[/i] Zach: I'll be back [i]Zach also senses the Dark Side so he sets off to follow the ship and once he gets there jumps on and watches his speeder hit the ground as he climbs in[/i] Zach: Lauren........Ginco! Man: Well well more jedi.
  22. Name:Zach Mclould Age:23 Good jedi Height:5"6" Description;Blue eyes, blond hair and brown jedi robes. Lightsabers: A blue double ended one, and a green duel lightsaber. Master:None (I am a master) Bio: after becoming a padawan to Adul Ziban he has learned much from the Force and completing the trials has become a Jedi master but is still in search for a padawan.
  23. When i lost all my napstor music i was mad so now i've got WINMX 3.1 it's great *still is waiting for outkast to finish downloading*
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