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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. I get out the 18th of june after SOL testing (god i still have to tke those damn things) and then freedom untill september 4 yahoo i get to sleep in instead of getting up 5:00 in the morning. Oh yeah interims are tomorrow if I don't pass my dads gonna but me on a silver plater and it says grounded untill report card comes in june 28!!
  2. I don't know maybe I'll go try it out my sister got the star wars board game where you make your own battles, and somehow out of 5 fights I only won 1??!!! It's freaking me out
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]Well, Ewoks are pretty annoying. But if there was any other planet the death star could have destroyed, it should have been Naboo. DEATH TO THE GUNGANS! DEATH TO JAR-JAR!!! sorry about that *looks up* I had to tell someone.... :) [/B][/QUOTE] HEY DON'T DISS THE GUNGANS *takes lightsaber* :mad: :flaming: j/k :)but Jar-Jars cool in my opinion and without the gungans the battle droids whould still be in the city in stead of being diverted by the gungans so that there was less to kill in the palace in episode 1.
  4. As Jark Jark and Zachary are walking they see a sith and a jedi they haven't begun fighting but the sith has his lightsaber out but Zachary also notices Xanos a fellow student Jark Jark while taking out blaster: oh Zach uh whatsa we gonna do? Zachary: Go around and head for the Naboo city you should be safe there. As Jark Jark cuts around Zachary takes his lightsaber that has two ends and walks nar the neginning fight so I see siths have come to Naboo gets in position signalling his fellow Gungain to run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oh yeah could i have the little tool that allows me to breath underwater when i go to gungain city.
  5. [I]As the ship comes out of light spped nd into the atmosphere of Naboo Zachary senes danger but still has no clue what it is then finally they land the ship[/I] Zachary and Jark Jark walk out of the ship on a port on the outskirts of the main city. Zachary: Well lets head into town. Jark Jark: Okayyy They begin the long walk
  6. As he runs to ship deciding to leave the sith behind Zacary starts to think after he jumps in the ship while Jark Jark starts the ship and they leave the planet [I]why would sith be here[/I] Zachary: Jark set the ship to lightspeed we must hurry to Naboo Jark Jark :confused: ok then All of a sudden they see a millon little start and galaxies flash before them as there ship goes in lightspeed towards Naboo
  7. GotenksSSJ343


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kitell [/i] [B]I think Doctor Octopus shoud be the vallin in the second move. The second Green Goblin(Harry Osborn) shoud be in the third move. They shoud also fit someone small like The Vulture in one of the two like moves. [/B][/QUOTE] HEY!!! what about venom he's the main reason of spiderman really going bad
  8. [I]Continues to run with Jark Jark untill they get to the port[/I] Jark Jark: Wesa there yet? Zachary: Yes we are my good friend. The robots walk up to them Robot1: Your ship is ready. Zachary pays the money for repairs Zachary: Well should go visit on Tatoonie (sp) or head to Naboo Jark Jark: Wesa should head to naboo Zachary: ok but you know how the naboo's don't trust you with me or the gungains don't trust me with you even though I'm not from Naboo. As they boarded their ship the X Falcon (which is kinda like the mellinum (sp) falcon only smaller) as hooded figure faces in front of them. Zachary whispering to Jark Jark: Go on the ship get your blaster ready incase this one has the force within him but a great evil as well. Jark Jark nods as he runs. The hooded figure points at him and says ???: Jedi He takes his light saber at the same time so does zach while Jark Jark runs to the ship.
  9. Zach is by the matienece dock while the melineum (sp) faclcon flies and goes in the sewer where he senes a presence in th force As he's walking down hears somthing and runs toward it then after awhile he see's hooded figures and jumps back and somthing taps his back as his he turns around with his lightsaber on he see's his compainion Jark Jark Binks a gungan Jark Jark: whysa you here? Zachary: quiet your wanting us dead don't ya *buts away his saber* Jark Jark: sorry They walk out to there ship as the robot says Robot1: ok your ship will be down by tomorrow Robot2: and it will be 4000 Republican credits Zachary: ok Has he and Jark Jark head to the city for food they bump into a dug Dug: d nago ghaty (whats the idea!!) Jark Jark: sorry Dug grabs him Zachary:hot fghj kh (please get off him.) Dug: gaddddd (noo) Zachary: puts his hand out as the dug flies off by the force. Jark Jark starts running as zach follows him to the nd of th town.
  10. Name: Zachary Skywalker Age:20 Race: Human ,jedi Weapon: Double sided light saber thats green and one blue lightsaber Height: 5"4" Bio: Was trained by his father Luke (this is no spoiler this is just for the RPG) and is pretty well at using the force Description:Where's black glove and robes like obiwan Personality:Calm tries to negotiate, but sometimes knows when there's no chance at peace and must fight
  11. I also have sisters two of them are 1-3 and the last two are 8 and 9 but I feel safe when I think I here gunshots it turns out to be firecrackers (IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!!!) or my neighbors druming/band. I feel safe though cuz we have about 6 cops living in our neighbor hood although there was some wacko killer/raper in our area who got arrested and swore revenge so I think Americas in trouble BUT WE MUST BE STRONG
  12. same here because i like scooby and I like the show so do what you want but I'm seeing the movie
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]Sorry man but someone is already Link [/B][/QUOTE] Can't you be the younger verson if not Name: skull kid Weapon:sword, (and finds master sword later in the story if thats ok) magic: no age: ???
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]Link is fourteen years old and evil has once come across the land. Gannondorf has come accross Majoras Mask and he is the most powerful thing in all of Hyrule. But Link has found a way with the help of the Happy Mask Sales man to stop him. But first Link must collect the 8 stones of power so that they can sperate Gannondorf and Majoras Mask because if they can't then He will stay invincible and wipe out all of Hyrule. And all during this tiem Link must deal with puberty and being a Teenager. Sign up (You may be Goron,Zora,Human, or Deku. You may be Zelda or Link. In fact it's encouraged. You may NOT be Gannondorf. You may be a bad guy.) Name: Happy, the happy mask sales man Weapons: Many different masks Magic: Yes. Race: Human Age: 34 We will start when we get enough people. [/B][/QUOTE] Name:Young Link Weapons: Orcania,Hookshot, Fire arrows with bow,Deku sheild,and sword Magic: no Age: 12
  15. Big Show in the NWO :nervous: :nervous: *gasps* where was i
  16. Yeah i watch it but i prefer SNL and i forgot if this was on SNL or not but the cops we' aressting the dough boy but when they shot him he said that tickles so you'lll never **** kill me who-ooh then the cop came from the sideand slamed him into an oven but there was alot of cursing in the that part
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]Freddy prince jr. is playing fred right???? I think thats real stupid couldnt they get someone who looks a little bit like him???? [/B][/QUOTE] yeah i mean the guys hair looks grey but daffneys fine scoobys ok i guess but shaggy and velma need help lots of it
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jrcjrc [/i] [B]:rolleyes: Who hear likes R&B music? Does anybody hear like Jennifer Lopez and Destinys Childs music. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah J-lo rules and survivor from Destinys child is ok and if outkast is r&b im not exactly sure i think it is,anyway I also like outkast
  19. First of all the guy nuts crazy and an idoit and the french are smart i konw that even though their militia's weak dosen't mean they can out vote him and with the UN (United Nations) theres probably little chance of war
  20. um I'd have to say the jackal for agent under fire i couldn't get her in that darn acid or i think it was lava
  21. i already sold all my cards except a magikarp i left it on my stand for someone anyone to steal it
  22. i'm seeing it today so let's see the power of spidey
  23. yeah i can't wait but does any one know when its coming out
  24. hey don't don't diss the SPONGE SPONGEBOB RULES and all the kids at school think jerry springers great and thats one of the reasons i have a small band of friends because I hate those "reality shows" like those but south park and malcom in the middle (if it is one) is pretty funny
  25. well i really can't wait that if i had the chance i'd sleep infront of the movie theater untill May 16 even though I already read the whole story from the book
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