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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. i have not one not two not three but yes four PAIN IN THE BUTT SISTERS *cough* so my life stinks
  2. Well the movie wasn't that bad and I read all the books so really i'm just waiting for the next one
  3. Pretty good team but suicine needs a little more work BTW: your dad plays my parents don't even know how to pronounce video game systems:eek:
  4. Well I've got school off until wedsday and for the summer i got a job and i get 100 bucks a week so don't need to worry about my bike problem anymore
  5. Well im grounded for my grades after showing my parents and im not dead so no one has to look at my grave...yet I really didn't get in [I]that much trouble[/I] but all i can't do is everything except the internet *sigh* 7th grade is so freakin hard but 8th grade wants me dead next year
  6. I got luckly really just show her it * salutes him*
  7. Same thing with my mom asked where it was i lied and said all a's then my dad says WHY IS A PIECE OF PAPER IN THE FIRE PLACE? and they never had proof it was my report card so they forgot about it but don't do what I did i had to wait ti'll 2 am to do it:toothy: :D
  8. if you made him (or her) metal it could be metal mew but all I can think is mew3 or trimew (
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero-Sama [/i] [B]Who is suicune?It must be important because it has a movie named after it. [/B][/QUOTE] * freezes and falls backwards* someone answer that and get me a docter
  10. I like videogames, biking ,skateboarding , hanging out on the computer and my friends and gettin high gettin high gettin high lalalalalaalala
  11. I'm in 7th grade but I already wnat to be a skateboarder otherwise I'll play for the washington redskins
  12. Yep americans are only in johto champ eppis but pokemon the movie 4 with suicune and celiba should come sooner or later from what i heard.*a japaneese commercial about it*
  13. [url]http://www.pwcs.edu/pwc/schools/benton/BentonMainPage.html[/url][/URL] This all I could find I'm on the [URL=http://http://www.pwcs.edu/pwc/schools/benton/7thGrade.html]Trailblazers[/URL]
  14. Nice job you did what he desreved but i would've just hit him around a cuss at the same time but really I would get in trouble so what you did was a finer job then what i would've did!!
  15. god I'm still in 7th grade almost going to 8th in a about 4-5 months
  16. I like and the whole world by outkast and i'll never forget the day i heard linkin park
  17. My god what kinda world is this but yes on rare occasions
  18. Yay happy b-day hot head tis also 12 but i can live with my b-days the super bowl:)
  19. Well after 20 hours of playing on super smash brothers melee i got mewtwo as a fighter and i can say he rules against the other pokemon fighters i that game except jigglypuff
  20. Well now that my computer's busted for month I got to use my better one yay. But the bad news is my bike's gone my scooters gone my roller blades are gone and I think thats it oh wait* remebers he feels like commiting suicide with a grenade or somthing* my g/f's gone
  21. well lets see my worst day i missed the bus got detention and........* looks at whats left of his bike* the only thing that makes better are the boards I go to they always cheer me up
  22. *Sigh* Well it's Wed and it won't be a while untill we hear from Septh so I'll just sit back and watch the T.V *sigh*
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