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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. He's not cheap dude:rolleyes::rolleyes: well ok he's kinda cheap I like the other legendaries and i am a Magmar fan kinda.
  2. Today in two minutes I'm gonna get a Machamp
  3. On friday go to Union cave and it should be there and after you catch it every friday more lapras come and Spikey good team :) :babble:
  4. I made a typo nomber 1 is non-evolved (stupid Computer and squashed you got 1 and 2 right.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyaman [/i] [B]Sorry for the long delay. Had Log-In troubles. 1 : How many magmaite (sp?) are needed to create magnaton? 2 : Name the first of Ash's pokemon to leave him. 3 : True Or False : Pokemon made Toliet Paper or Japan? 4 : Name the episodes that Bulbasaur almost evolved in. So easy. [/B][/QUOTE] 1.three 2.butterfree 3.????Don't false 4.Secret garden
  6. Uh swinubs Ice and Ground not water and i only said water not ice and ground
  7. Electric beats water :D :cool: :ball:
  8. Pokèmon Gotta catch èm all!! POK[SIZE=3]è[/SIZE] MON
  9. That's a bretty good combo but you sould add the [COLOR=red]FIRE[/COLOR]
  10. I'll say this once and I'll say it again he'll be home by tonight
  11. I know it's really late but TMB or Jak and dexter and nay here the phrase "take turns "
  12. You should have your right of what to play and if parents don't want there kids playing those games untill there older so be it
  13. Hi all Altron Gundam is a part of some new boards these boards are great and some of our otaku members are already registered Shyguy and dragonballZ guy are the only ones I know so far but I hope you al end up coming. Heres the site [url]http://www.bzforum.f2s.com/[/url]
  14. [COLOR=purple]arbok is kinda cool[/COLOR]But.................................[COLOR=red]FIRE IS THE GREATEST[/COLOR]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B]Being the Matrix fan that I am...I saw it last night :D I'm gonna quote Neo and Morpheus for a minute.. "Tell me Neo, do you believe in fate?" [I]"No"[/I] "Why not?" [I]"Well because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life."[/I] What Neo said, sums up my feelings I dont believe in fate. I believe in destiny, but not fate. Which is quite the paradox i know, but no I don't believe in fate. [/B][/QUOTE] i agree with DBZChikaGohan I'd believe in destiny not what the gods above make what happen to you
  16. 1.Yes 2. Swear a lot and steal I guess 3. yes any family member except my dad dosen't want me to for him
  17. Or you were wearing goggles and sunglassses
  18. Both thoughts would be embarassing my G/F would dump me probably if my parents kissed infront of her and my Dad would talking to me all like a werid rapper if he saw me kissing my girlfriend i think both are bad
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