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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. Unless i've posted this follow LM's advice
  2. So he's conscious thats good but now they have to run tests well at least we know he's kinda ok keep those who are here posted I'll probably be on for a while so I'll stick around if there is a Sant Nick hope he and god are with us
  3. I'm going to miami this holiday week so I'm bringing my hope to get gamecube christmas is when your whith people who cae for who you are not what you get
  4. *starts praying safty to evey living thing on Earth our Home*:) God bless us all
  5. Ok Extreme to every living moment of the movie THIS MOVIE KICKS A**
  6. Actullay Trunks is stronger than Goten by a little
  7. At the last moment my parents change plans
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]That letter represents the fear and grief bred with ignorance consuming so many people, the world-over today. The attacks on America were not part of a religious war, as Osama Bin Laden would have you believe. The attack was one of anti-Americanism. Whoever wrote that letter should realize, that we're not dealing with a war between muslims and christians-we're dealing with an attack on a nation. Does anyone honestly think that this attack was centered at one specific religion? There could have been and probably were, muslims in that building. Over time, this ridiculous prejudice will vanish. To say that the Japanese were discriminated against during WWII, is an understatement. To say that people of Soviet lineage, were looked on with fear during the Cold War, is obviously true. The media has had a field day in misconstruing the real war at hand. They have made it seem like the world is at war with countless Bin Laden's. I say the most dangerous enemy in this "war" is the growing hysteria resulting from ignorance in our society. [/B][/QUOTE] that would be a good speach
  9. I finally saw lord of the rings yesterday and it was cool :) :)
  10. for those of you who are wishing for Nintendo items for christmas what are getting? i hope you get it
  11. I agree with hot head and also just because a few or more people of a diffrent nationallty are bad dosen't mean the whole entire nationality is bad thats stero typing also to add
  12. Nice drawing even though it's posessed
  13. Both versions of Jingle bells and i'm excited because two more days untill christmas
  14. I played that sport once thats how I got some broken arms
  15. He'll be fine Miracles happen sadly my brother didn't have a miracle when he had his really bad Asthma attack we couldn't get him to his medicine on time.And don't let this worry you lady M it happened when i was like 5 and times have changed! *Sits on his couch flooding a cup* :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:
  16. I'm stuck at home so i'll just play PS2 the day after tomorrow
  17. I finished Silver at 300:00 all pokemon caught and all of them above lv.80 my team with me though are at lv1000
  18. Oh now people tell me this:rolleyes:
  19. I've been only here for 4 weeks but this place rocks:)
  20. oh well then i'll just wait to get game shark
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