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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343
Yami: keep it up Gallantmon don't quit. Yugi: You either Valkryimon [i] Valkyrimon and Gallantmon nod as they contiue into battle.[/i] Yami: Star digivolve and help. Star: Starmon digivolve to....... SuperStarmon: SuperStarmon!!!! [i] Rajinmon then sent a blitz arm that was aiming at Yugi Yami and Valkyrimon at that moment pushed Yugi out of the way and the attack sent Yami flying back. With Valkryimon holding on to him.[/i] Gallantmon and SuperStarmnon: YAMI!!! [i] Yami began coughing up blood as he hit some trees and they caved in on him. And He could tell Valkryimon was dead because he could feel digidata flowing around him.[/i] Yami: That didn't work out well. I'm sorry Valkryimon but thank you for saving my life. [i] He said this in a quiet tone and he slowly closed his eyes as he became unconscious. As data of Valkryimon flew around the troops of all digimon fighitng Raijimon it healed and restored as much as possible the it dissapeared.[/i] Gallantmon: You......................Raijinmon your going to pay. [i] And the with all there anger and might Gallantmon and Superstarmon began striking Raijinmon each blow hurting him more than the next.[/i] Raijinmon: Why must you fight for these stupid useless humans. ------------ oOc: please no one do anything for Yami, Gallantmon, or Superstarmon for now.
[i] A robot came from behind and grabbed Yami[/i] Yami: Hey you..... [i] Yami grabbed the robots arms and threw it to the ground.[/i] Sonic: Nice job. Yami: Thanks .................. Wait I have an idea you guys keep the other robots busy while I do something with this one. When I'm done with it I'll help finish destroying the rest. Sonic: Ok but hurry!! Sanza: I'm just curious what are you planning to do? Yami: I'll tell you as soon as i'm done but you guys need to start attacking and I'll catch up with you all soon as I can. [i] Just then tons of robots began appearing. While sonic and the others began attacking Yami began taking apart the robot and was doing something to hits H-drive.[/i] Yami: Now if theis robot is programmed to come after us I bet I can get the coordinates to where it came from which will probably be where this Robotinik guy I hiding. [i] He quickly begins working on the dead robot when another robot came up.[/i] Yami; Argh not now. [i] He jumps and then homes in on the robot and destroyes it.[/i] Yami: Now to get back to work.
Yami: There found them theres a huge amount of energy and digivces in thatarea but i get the feeling david is there. Demiveemon: So nuffing fe caf dof. [i] Demiveemon was beginning to choke on the pancakes until Yami taped his tiny back and he swallowed.[/i] Demiveemon: OH THE PAIN. Yami: Ok should we go. Demiveemon: I guess we could spy again. Yami: Alright then. [i] They go through and end up infront of leigh and shaki and there digimon.[/i] Yami: Could have swore there were 3 digivice signals here. Leigh: David just left with BA. Yami: Oh so could someone inform me whats going on.......please......
Yeah and also they need more shopping cart stuff like race against your friend. Otherwise I like 2 better. *plays spiderman song*
Travis: Guilmon you ok. Guilmon: I'm okey-dokey. [i] Guilmon hit another Agumon with Pyro sphere and it dissappeared into digidust.[/i] Travis: Good only 2 left. Except one looks like it's growing quicker than my grandpa during Christmas eve dinner. Guilmon: That not good.
Yami: Well any sign of anyone. Exveemon: Nope. Yami: Well lets check my laptop to see but first we need to find a T.v. [i] They began searching for over an hour until they found a mini T.v and they went back to th real world.[/i]
Metal sonic, Cyber knuckles, Robot Robotnik, puppet tails, this is from Sonic R exluding ones hiachi named. Uh Chao Good chao, Omachao, dark chao, Rouge. That's all I can think of at the moment. * digs up sonic collection.*
[i] Yami contiued walking until he got to a house and he sat down by the fence with the emerald. He placed it in his bag while he took out some crackers.[/i] Yami: This is all the food I have left. [i] He slowly began munching and he began humming as well.He then quikcly got up and looked over on the other side of the fence and saw a pool.[/i] Yami: Nice pool. And I still wonder what this little stone is.
[i] A falsh of light was coming towards Yami it was a rock of some type.[/i] Yami: what the........ [i] When it hit the ground it made a hole in the hole was a rock almost an emerald it was a light purple and it was glowing a whole lot.[/i] Yami: I wonder what this could be. [i] He picks it up and holds it for awhle then he buts it in his left hands and begins walking hoping someone would help him figure out what the heck this stone.....emerald is.[/i] Yami: I wonder.................what the heck. [i] A red blur with another blur which he couldn't tell was went past him.[/i] Yami: God those people are fast. I wonder what there up to....oh well.
Yami: Well nothing can come good out of this. But Veemon armor. [i] Veemon quickly armored digivolve and the Yami hopped on and they made a run for it.[/i] Flamedramon: What about trying to fight it. yami: Go ahead but I'm gonna need your last will before you get shattered to digidust. But I wonder if Buccihemon can create a shield you can to. Falmedramon: Flame shield. [i] A wall of fire came around Darigann, Rokas,Velgmon, and there digimon.[/i] Yami: You know that won't hold long. Flamedramon: Yes. Yami: Then go to Exveemon. [i] They were still running until Veemon became Exveemon and they got away right before Velgmon broke the shield.[/i] Yami: **** that was close. What type of digivolution was that. Exveemon: I don't know but I get a feeling Leigh, Leon, or Zach know.
[i] Guilmons digivice glowed and went to Travis who was now his partner.[/i] Travis: Should we finish off the monsters. Guilmon: YEAH! [i] They quickly run out side.[/i] Guilmon: Pryo Sphere. [i] it right on target and the Agumon fell back.[/i] Travis: Nice one now lets take out the left one. Guilmon: Pyro Sphere. [i] It missed.[/i] Agumon: pepper breath! [i] It hit Guilmon hard he staggered and send another shot back to Agumon which got Agumon down on a knee.[/i] Guilmon: Someone get him for me. [i] He also falls on a knee for a minute he quickly gets back up.[/i]
Yami: Anybody got a plan. Yugi: No Valkyrimon: Not me. Gallantmon: Nope. [i] Yami looks down at the magician digimon and reptiles then the masters.[/i] Yami: i wonder if they have any ideas. [i] Yami and Yugi land with gallantmon and Valkyrimon and Yugi takes a quick rest from almost falling to his death. While star and some renforcements come which are all of the warriors and insects.[/i] Yami: Star your here. Thundermon: And he's not alone. Star: Yup. Yami: everyone we need to defeat Raijinmon together and I mean every master of every digimon type and until all of them come here we need to defend our world so lets do this already. Thundermon: Got it. Star and Gallantmon: alright! Yugi: Wait we still don't have a plan to keep this guy busy that long. Yami: True and we need one quick.
[i] Yami attemps a punch but David grabs his arm but then Yami does a high kick to the head.[/i] David: Lucky shot. Yami: Sure..... [i] David puches Yami in the gut but when he comes for a second hit Yami rools out of the way and does a quick punch to the back but David does a backward puch to Yami in the face.[/i] Yami: Crap.............. [i] Yami quickly rubs his cheek but then spears David to the ground and begins punching until David pushes him of and gives a nice uppercut.[/i] David: No more games your going down now.
Gallantmon: Shield of the Just!! [i] Gallantmon fires the attack at Raijinmon but part of it files back at him and gallantmon begans fallsing a bit until he reagins control of Grani.[/i] Yami: Don't give up! Valkyrimon: Lightning arrow. [i] Once again Raijinmon counters but does take damage.[/i] Gallantmon: How do we beat this. [i] From behind Valkyrimon motions to Gallantmon to keep Raijimon busy Gallantmon nods.[/i] Gallantmon shield of the JUST! [i] Gallantmon attacks and it's countered but whil it's being countered.[/i] Valkyrimon: Feral sword. [i] Raijinmon had no chance of of counter and howled in pain but he was still alive and he smacked valkyrimon as she began falling.[/i] Gallantmon; Valkyrimon! Yami: Yugi! [i] Gallantmon flew towards Valkyrimon Gallantmon grabbed both her and Yugi before they hit the ground. [/i] Yami: That was very close.
I also agree with the T.v statement otherwise nothing recently sickened me beyond belief.
Poliwhirl with kings rock to get politoad (sp) if you have Poliwrath it's to late to use it I think.
[i] Yami began seeing land hile he was still in homing jump.[/i] Yami: Almost...........................there! [i] He landed on the ground near the edeg of a pier.[/i] Yami: Wonder where i could be. [i] He began walking into the city and was looking for a sign of what to do next.[/i] Yami: now where to go. Hmmmm. [i] he began walking on a random rod when he saw cars he quickly jumped to the sidewalk and continued from there.[/i]
[i] After Yami and Veemon finished their pancakes they went to digiworld.[/i] Yami: Uh-oh I have a bad feeling again we better be careful. Veemon: Yup......well lets get going. Yami: Uh-huh Veemon: What? Yami: You seem to care less that we get blown to pieces. Veemon: What are the chances of that. Yami: Very very high. [i] One AGAIN they went to the same spot where they battled a whole bunch of times and took a rest[/i]
Yami: Gallantmon!!! [i] Gallantmon floats down Yami jumps on and they follow Ryouka and chase. Valkyrimon with yugi followed behind.[/i] Yugi: Why are we doing this. Yami: To save the world I guess. Yugi: Well getting killed whil doing it was notthe best thing on my agenda. Yami: Lets just make sure they every one of those Trinity Digimon are gone. Yugi: Good with me. [i] From behind a load of Champion and ultimate warriors are following.[/i] Yami: I wonder how the Insects and Warriors back at the outpost are doing you should try calling them. Yugi: Ok. Yami: And give them coordinates so they know where we our. [i] While Yugi used the radio to call up Keramon he and yami sped up to catch up with Ryouka[/i]
[i] Looks at the kid as his digivice began glowing slightly.[/i] Guilmon to himself: ( Could this be my tamer?) Guilmon: Hello Kid: Hello Kid: what are you. Guilmon: A digimon. Kid: Digimon? From where? Guilmon: Digiworld whats your name. [i] The kid hesitates.[/i] Kid: Travis...... Guilmon: Oh hello Travismon. Travis: Just Travis not Travismon. Guilmon: Ok Travismon.
[i] Yami was walking towards the end of Angel Island.[/i] Yami: Well lets get started. [i] He jumped and began gliding away from his home of Angel Island Yami waves good-bye from behind because he may never come back again.[/i] Yami: I'm loosing air so I better go into a homing jump. [i] Yami then locks on a random target gets into a ball and at a fast speed begins flying away. Not knowing when and where he will land.[/i] Yami: I wonder what it's like away from Angel Island.
*looks at his post*OOPS Never meant to say wrestlemania as a whole will suck just that match.......sorry for the mix-up......
most definately I agree.........and also I see brian and Shannon or Matt doing something the following shows to come. The nathan jones undertaker vs. A-train and big show at Wrestlemania is going to suck. God just put Nathan by himself in a macth vs. Big show or A-train for a decent singles. Or just keep the tag match......
I finally noticed but my friends Time Wizard is 1st edition like the rest of his deck. HMMMMMM.......nevermind. I wonder if they could make a Marick Deck.
OoC: Sorry about that i was just stating that you were probably the one who was going to kill him so we sort of kept him distracted but anyway. IC: Yami: Did we lose anybody? Star: A few rookies and champions and some Ultimates. We left the force protecting the insects back at the outpost. Yami: We are in trouble if Suijinmon gets any stronger. [i] Yami landed so he could take a rest.[/i] Yami: Valkyrimon keep a lookout of evryone of. [i] Yami sat for a minute.[/i] Yugi: Have any ideas. Yami: Nope you. Yugi: Known what so ever....... Yami: I wonder what that is. [i] He points at the house.[/i]